965 resultados para Axel Kuhn


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With the increasing availability of various 'omics data, high-quality orthology assignment is crucial for evolutionary and functional genomics studies. We here present the fourth version of the eggNOG database (available at http://eggnog.embl.de) that derives nonsupervised orthologous groups (NOGs) from complete genomes, and then applies a comprehensive characterization and analysis pipeline to the resulting gene families. Compared with the previous version, we have more than tripled the underlying species set to cover 3686 organisms, keeping track with genome project completions while prioritizing the inclusion of high-quality genomes to minimize error propagation from incomplete proteome sets. Major technological advances include (i) a robust and scalable procedure for the identification and inclusion of high-quality genomes, (ii) provision of orthologous groups for 107 different taxonomic levels compared with 41 in eggNOGv3, (iii) identification and annotation of particularly closely related orthologous groups, facilitating analysis of related gene families, (iv) improvements of the clustering and functional annotation approach, (v) adoption of a revised tree building procedure based on the multiple alignments generated during the process and (vi) implementation of quality control procedures throughout the entire pipeline. As in previous versions, eggNOGv4 provides multiple sequence alignments and maximum-likelihood trees, as well as broad functional annotation. Users can access the complete database of orthologous groups via a web interface, as well as through bulk download.


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Les Champignons Endomycorhiziens Arbusculaires (CEA) forment une symbiose racinaire avec environ 80% des espèces connues de plantes vasculaires. Ils occupent une position écologique très importante liée aux bénéfices qu'ils confèrent aux plantes. Des études moléculaires effectuées sur des gènes ribosomaux ont révélé un très grand polymorphisme, tant à l'intérieur des espèces qu'entre celles-ci. Ces champignons étant coenocytiques et multinucléés, l'organisation de cette variabilité génétique intraspécifique pourrait avoir différentes origines. Ce travail se propose d'examiner l'organisation et l'évolution de cette variabilité. Sur la base de fossiles, l'existence des CEA remonte à au moins 450 millions d'années. Cette symbiose peut donc être considérée comme ancienne. Les premières données moléculaires n'indiquant pas de reproduction sexuée, une hypothèse fut élaborée stipulant que les CEA seraient des asexués ancestraux. La première partie de cette thèse (chapitre 2) met en évidence l'existence de recombinaison dans différents CEA mais montre également que celle-ci est insuffisante pour purger les mutations accumulées. La reproduction étant essentiellement asexuée, on peut prédire que les nombreux noyaux ont probablement divergé génétiquement. En collaboration avec M. Hijri nous avons pu vérifier cette hypothèse (chapitre 2). Dans le chapitre 3 j'ai cherché à comprendre si le polymorphisme était également présent dans une population naturelle du CEA Glomus intraradices au niveau intraspécifique, ce qui n'avait encore jamais été examiné. En comparant les empreintes génétiques d'individus obtenus chacun à partir d'une spore mise en culture, j'ai clairement démontré que d'importantes différences génétiques existent entre ceux-ci. Un résultat similaire, portant sur des traits quantitatifs d'individus de la même population, a été trouvé par A. Koch. Les deux études en ensemble montre que le polymorphisme génétique dans cette population est suffisamment grand pour être important au niveau écologique. Dans le chapitre 4, j'ai cherché a examiner le polymorphisme des séquences du gène BiP au sein d'un individu. C'est la première étude qui examine la diversité génétique du génome de CEA avec un autre marqueur que l'ADN ribosomique. J'ai trouvé 31 types de séquences différentes du gène BiP issu d'un isolat de G. intraradices mis en culture à partir d'une seule spore. Cette variation n'était pas restreinte à des zones sélectivement neutres du BiP. Mes résultats montrent qu'il y a un grand nombre de variants non-fonctionnels, proportionnellement au faible nombre de copies attendues par noyau. Ceci va dans le sens d'une partition de l'information génétique entre les noyaux.<br/><br/>Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are root symbionts with about 80% of all known species of vascular land plants. AMF are ecologically important because of the benefits that they confer to plants. Molecular studies on AMF showed that rDNA sequences were highly variable between species and within species. Because AMF are coenocytic and multinucleate there are several possibilities how this intraspecific genetic variation could be organized. Therefore, the organization and evolution of this variation in AMF were investigated in the present work. Based on fossil records the AMF symbiosis has existed for 450 Million years and is therefore considered ancient. First molecular data indicated no evident sexual reproduction and gave rise to the hypothesis that AMF might be ancient asexuals. The first part of this thesis (Chapter 2) shows evidence for recombination in different AMF but also indicates that it has not been frequent enough to purge accumulated mutations. Given asexual reproduction, it has been predicted that the many nuclei in AMF should diverge leading to genetically different nuclei. This hypothesis has been confirmed by an experiment of M. Hijri and is also included in chapter 2 as the results were published together. In chapter 3 I then investigated whether intraspecific genetic variation also exists in a field population of the AMF Glomus intraradices. Comparing genetic fingerprints of individuals derived from single spores I could clearly show that large genetic differences exist. A similar result, based on quantitative genetic traits, was found for the same population by A. Koch. The two studies taken together show that the genetic variation observed in the population is high enough to be of ecological relevance. Lastly, in chapter 4, I investigated within individual genetic variation among BiP gene sequences. It is the first study that has analyzed genetic diversity in the AMF genome in a region of DNA other than rDNA. I found 31 sequence variants of the BiP gene in one G. intraradices isolate that originated from one spore. Genetic variation was not only restricted to selectively neutral parts of BiP. A high number of predicted non-functional variants compared to a likely low number of copies per nucleus indicated that functional genetic information might even be partitioned among nuclei. The results of this work contribute to our understanding of potential evolutionary strategies of ancient asexuals, they also suggest that genetic differences in a population might be ecologically relevant and they show that this variation even occurs in functional regions of the AMF genome.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as características químicas e a conservação do maracujá-amarelo embalado com filme de PVC durante o armazenamento refrigerado a 5 ºC. Atividade antioxidante (DPPH e TEAC), compostos fenólicos totais, β-caroteno e ácido ascórbico do suco do fruto foram os parâmetros químicos avaliados. As estimativas de perda de massa, enrugamento, cor e sintomas de patógenos foram utilizadas no estudo de conservação. As avaliações foram realizadas em intervalos de 10 dias, durante 40 dias. De acordo com os resultados, o teor de fenólicos totais aumentou durante o armazenamento, com variações entre 20,10 e 21,29 mg EAG 100 mL-1. O conteúdo de ácido ascórbico aumentou até o 20º dia de armazenamento (33,58 mg 100 mL-1), mas seguiu com decréscimos até o 40º dia (21,67 mg 100 mL-1). Independentemente do uso de PVC, o conteúdo de β-caroteno não variou durante o armazenamento. As atividades antioxidantes DPPH e TEAC do suco diminuíram durante o armazenamento. Não foram encontradas correlações positivas entre as atividades DPPH e TEAC e o teor de fenólicos totais, sugerindo que este último não contribui para a atividade antioxidante do suco do maracujá. O uso da embalagem de PVC não influenciou positivamente a atividade antioxidante e os teores de fenólicos totais e ácido ascórbico do suco do maracujá-amarelo durante seu armazenamento. A embalagem de PVC não inibiu sintomas de desenvolvimento de patógenos por até 30 dias de armazenamento, a 5 ºC, mas reduziu a perda de massa fresca e o enrugamento do fruto, proporcionando condições ótimas de comercialização por até 20 dias.


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Magical ideation and belief in the paranormal is considered to represent a trait-like character; people either believe in it or not. Yet, anecdotes indicate that exposure to an anomalous event can turn skeptics into believers. This transformation is likely to be accompanied by altered cognitive functioning such as impaired judgments of event likelihood. Here, we investigated whether the exposure to an anomalous event changes individuals' explicit traditional (religious) and non-traditional (e.g., paranormal) beliefs as well as cognitive biases that have previously been associated with non-traditional beliefs, e.g., repetition avoidance when producing random numbers in a mental dice task. In a classroom, 91 students saw a magic demonstration after their psychology lecture. Before the demonstration, half of the students were told that the performance was done respectively by a conjuror (magician group) or a psychic (psychic group). The instruction influenced participants' explanations of the anomalous event. Participants in the magician, as compared to the psychic group, were more likely to explain the event through conjuring abilities while the reverse was true for psychic abilities. Moreover, these explanations correlated positively with their prior traditional and non-traditional beliefs. Finally, we observed that the psychic group showed more repetition avoidance than the magician group, and this effect remained the same regardless of whether assessed before or after the magic demonstration. We conclude that pre-existing beliefs and contextual suggestions both influence people's interpretations of anomalous events and associated cognitive biases. Beliefs and associated cognitive biases are likely flexible well into adulthood and change with actual life events.


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El desarrollo de estrategias cognitivas durante la infancia no es un proceso lineal en el que éstas emergen de manera progresiva sin vaivenes ni retrocesos, sino que de acuerdo con numerosos estudios empíricos (Kuhn, 1995, 2002; Siegler, 1996, 2002) el proceso mediante el cual las estrategias cognitivas emergen y se van consolidando es muy irregular. Consistiría en una secuencia de progresiones y regresiones difícil de captar mediante metodologías estáticas como los diseños clásicos transversales y longitudinales. La perspectiva microgenética aporta una mirada dinámica al proceso de desarrollo y cambio cognitivo. Esta perspectiva utiliza una metodología de recogida de datos de manera intensiva y continuada que permite examinar el cambio mientras éste tiene lugar con el fin de proponer los mecanismos subyacentes al mismo. En el presente trabajo se discuten dos estudios de caso microgenéticos relativos al cambio en las estrategias de adquisición de conocimiento.