960 resultados para Average chain length
Long-term measurements (i.e. months) of in situ pH have not previously been reported from the Arctic; this study shows fluctuations between pH 7.5 and 8.3 during the spring bloom 2012 in a coastal area of Disko Bay, West Greenland. The effect of acidification on phytoplankton from this area was studied at both the community and species level in experimental pH treatments within (pH 8.0, 7.7 and 7.4) and outside (pH 7.1) in situ pH. The growth rate of the phytoplankton community decreased during the experimental acidification from 0.50 ± 0.01/day (SD) at pH 8.0 to 0.22 ± 0.01/day at pH 7.1. Nevertheless, the response to acidification was species-specific and divided into 4 categories: I, least affected; II, affected only at pH 7.1; III, gradually affected and IV, highly affected. In addition, the colony size and chain length of selected species were affected by the acidification. Our findings show that coastal phytoplankton from Disko Bay is naturally exposed to pH fluctuations exceeding the experimental pH range used in most ocean acidification studies. We emphasize that studies on ocean acidification should include in situ pH before assumptions on the effect of acidification on marine organisms can be made.
Cell-to-cell signals of the Diffusible Signal Factor (DSF) family are cis-2-unsaturated fatty acids of differing chain length and branching pattern. DSF signalling has been described in diverse bacteria to include plant and human pathogens where it acts to regulate functions such as biofilm formation, antibiotic tolerance and the production of virulence factors. DSF family signals can also participate in interspecies signalling with other bacteria and interkingdom signaling such as with the yeast Candida albicans. Interference with DSF signalling may afford new opportunities for the control of bacterial disease. Such strategies will depend in part on detailed knowledge of the molecular mechanisms underlying the processes of signal synthesis, perception and turnover. Here, I review both recent progress in understanding DSF signalling at the molecular level and prospects for translating this knowledge into approaches for disease control.
The polar compound (NSO) fractions of seabed petroleums and sediment extracts from the Guaymas Basin hydrothermal system have been analyzed by gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The oils were collected from the interiors and exteriors of high temperature hydrothermal vents and represent hydrothermal pyrolysates that have migrated to the seafloor by hydrothermal fluid circulation. The downcore samples are representative of both thermally unaltered and thermally altered sediments. The survey has revealed the presence of oxygenated compounds correlated with samples exhibiting a high degree of thermal maturity. Several homologous series of related ketone isomers are enriched in the interiors of the hydrothermal vent samples or in hydrothermally-altered sequences of the downcore sediments (DSDP Holes 477 and 481A). The n-alkanones range in carbon number from C11 to C33 with a Cmax from 14 to 23, distributions that are similar to those of the n-alkanes. The alkan-2-ones are usually in highest concentrations, with lower amounts of 3-, 4-, 5-, 6-, 7- (and higher) alkanones, and they exhibit no carbon number preference (there is an odd carbon number preference of alkanones observed for downcore samples). The alkanones are enriched in the interiors of the hydrothermal vent spires or in downcore hydrothermally-altered sediments, indicating an origin at depth or in the hydrothermal fluids and not from an external biogenic deposition. Minor amounts of C13 and C18 isoprenoid ketones are also present. Simulation of the natural hydrothermal alternation process by laboratory hydrous pyrolysis techniques provided information regarding the mode of alkanone formation. Hydrous pyrolysis of n-C32H66 at 350°C for 72 h with water only or water with inorganic additives has been studied using a stainless steel reaction vessel. In each experiment oxygenated hydrocarbons, including alkanones, were formed from the n-alkane. The product distributions indicate a reaction pathway consisting of n-alkanes and a-olefins as primary cracking products with internal olefins and alkanones as secondary reaction products. Hydrous pyrolyses of Messel shale spiked with molecular probes have been performed under similar time and temperature constraints to produce alkanone distributions like those found in the hydrothermal vent petroleums.
Synthesis of Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) by Pseudomonas mendocina, using different vegetable oils such as, coconut oil, groundnut oil, corn oil and olive oil, as the sole carbon source was investigated for the first time. The PHA yield obtained was compared with that obtained during the production of PHAs using sodium octanoate as the sole carbon source. The fermentation profiles at shaken flask and bioreactor levels revealed that vegetable oils supported the growth of Pseudomonas mendocina and PHA accumulation in this organism. Moreover, when vegetable oil (coconut oil) was used as the sole carbon source, fermentation profiles showed better growth and polymer production as compared to conditions when sodium octanoate was used as the carbon source. In addition, comparison of PHA accumulation at shaken flask and fermenter level confirmed the higher PHA yield at shaken flask level production. The highest cell mass found using sodium octanoate was 1.8 g/L, whereas cell mass as high as 5.1 g/L was observed when coconut oil was used as the feedstock at flask level production. Moreover, the maximum PHA yield of 60.5% dry cell weight (dcw) was achieved at shaken flask level using coconut oil as compared to the PHA yield of 35.1% dcw obtained using sodium octanoate as the sole carbon source. Characterisations of the chemical, physical, mechanical, surface and biocompatibility properties of the polymers produced have been carried out by performing different analyses as described in the second chapter of this study. Chemical analysis using GC and FTIR investigations showed medium chain length (MCL) PHA production in all conditions. GC-MS analysis revealed a unique terpolymer production, containing 3-hydroxyoctanoic acid, 3-hydroxydecanoic acid and 3-hydroxydodecanoic acid when coconut oil, groundnut oil, olive oil, and corn oil were used as the carbon source. Whereas production of the homopolymer containing 3-hydroxyoctanoic acid was observed when sodium octanoate was used as the carbon source. MCL-PHAs produced in this study using sodium octanoate, coconut oil, and olive oil exhibited melting transitions, indicating that each of the PHA was crystalline or semi-crystalline polymer. In contrast, the thermal properties of PHAs produced from groundnut and corn oils showed no melting transition, indicating that they were completely amorphous or semi-crystalline, which was also confirmed by the X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) results obtained in this study. Mechanical analysis of the polymers produced showed higher stiffness of the polymer produced from coconut oil than the polymer from sodium octanoate. Surface characterisation of the polymers using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) revealed a rough surface topography and surface contact angle measurement revealed their hydrophobic nature. Moreover, to investigate the potential applicability of the produced polymers as the scaffold materials for dental pulp regeneration, multipotent human Mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) were cultured onto the polymer films. Results indicated that these polymers are not cytotoxic towards the hMSCs and could support their attachment and proliferation. Highest cell growth was observed on the polymer samples produced from corn oil, followed by the polymer produced using coconut oil. In conclusion, this work established, for the first time, that vegetable oils are a good economical source of carbon for production of MCL-PHA copolymers effectively by Pseudomonas mendocina. Moreover, biocompatibility studies suggest that the produced polymers may have potential for dental tissue engineering application.
This paper investigates the traffic and financial performance of smaller UK regional airports between 2001 and 2014. Fourteen airports that typically serve less than 5 million passengers per annum were selected for the analysis. A period of strong growth in passenger demand was experienced from 2001 to 2007, driven largely by low cost carriers. The period from 2007 to 2014 was characterised by declining demand, resulting in significant losses for many of the airports. Airline strategies, such as the use of an increased unit fleet size and average sector length, may further limit future prospects for smaller UK regional airports in favour of larger ones with greater local demand. The relationship between traffic throughput and the generation of aeronautical revenues seems to vary at airports. There is generally a strong and significant relationship between traffic throughput and the generation of commercial revenues and total operating costs at airports serving 3–5 million passengers, but the situation for airports serving fewer than 3 million is less certain.
Cardiac tissue engineering (CTE) is currently a prime focus of research due to an enormous clinical need. In this work, a novel functional material, Poly(3-hydroxyoctanoate), P(3HO), a medium chain length polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA), produced using bacterial fermentation, was studied as a new potential material for CTE. Engineered constructs with improved mechanical properties, crucial for supporting the organ during new tissue regeneration, and enhanced surface topography, to allow efficient cell adhesion and proliferation, were fabricated. Our results showed that the mechanical properties of the final patches were close to that of cardiac muscle. Biocompatibility of the P(3HO) neat patches, assessed using Neonatal ventricular rat myocytes (NVRM), showed that the polymer was as good as collagen in terms of cell viability, proliferation and adhesion. Enhanced cell adhesion and proliferation properties were observed when porous and fibrous structures were incorporated to the patches. Also, no deleterious effect was observed on the adults cardiomyocytes’ contraction when cardiomyocytes were seeded on the P(3HO) patches. Hence, P(3HO) based multifunctional cardiac patches are promising constructs for efficient CTE. This work will provide a positive impact on the development of P(3HO) and other PHAs as a novel new family of biodegradable functional materials with huge potential in a range of different biomedical applications, particularly CTE, leading to further interest and exploitation of these materials.
Here we report recombinant expression and activity of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae type 2 diacylglycerol acyltransferase DGA1 functioning in parallel with the native Nannochloropsis salina genes. Expression of DGA1 shifted the chain length distribution of fatty acids produced and reflected an oleoyl-CoA substrate preference. Effect on the total FAME content was moderate and elevated by a maximum of 38%. Expression of the DGA1 transgene varied throughout the culture life cycle and evidence of growth dependent environmental silencing of the transgene was observed. This is to our knowledge the first example of silencing and subsequent resetting in a transgenic microalga. Results from this study add valuable insights into the efficacy of algal genetic engineering and use of these microorganisms as bio-platforms for chemical manufacture.
Here we report recombinant expression and activity of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae type 2 diacylglycerol acyltransferase DGA1 functioning in parallel with the native Nannochloropsis salina genes. Expression of DGA1 shifted the chain length distribution of fatty acids produced and reflected an oleoyl-CoA substrate preference. Effect on the total FAME content was moderate and elevated by a maximum of 38%. Expression of the DGA1 transgene varied throughout the culture life cycle and evidence of growth dependent environmental silencing of the transgene was observed. This is to our knowledge the first example of silencing and subsequent resetting in a transgenic microalga. Results from this study add valuable insights into the efficacy of algal genetic engineering and use of these microorganisms as bio-platforms for chemical manufacture.
With the development of information technology, the theory and methodology of complex network has been introduced to the language research, which transforms the system of language in a complex networks composed of nodes and edges for the quantitative analysis about the language structure. The development of dependency grammar provides theoretical support for the construction of a treebank corpus, making possible a statistic analysis of complex networks. This paper introduces the theory and methodology of the complex network and builds dependency syntactic networks based on the treebank of speeches from the EEE-4 oral test. According to the analysis of the overall characteristics of the networks, including the number of edges, the number of the nodes, the average degree, the average path length, the network centrality and the degree distribution, it aims to find in the networks potential difference and similarity between various grades of speaking performance. Through clustering analysis, this research intends to prove the network parameters’ discriminating feature and provide potential reference for scoring speaking performance.
Natural selection mediated by pollinators has influenced the evolution of floral diversity of the flowering plants (angiosperms). The scope of this thesis was to study: 1) phenotypic selection, 2) mating systems, and 3) floral shifts involved in plant speciation. Model plant species were Platanthera bifolia and P. chlorantha (Orchidaceae). These orchids are moth-pollinated, strictly co-sexual (bisexual flowers), and produce a spike that displays 10-20 white flowers. I explored the influence of characters on plant fitness by using multiple linear regressions. Pollen removal (male fitness) and fruit set (female fitness) increased with more flowers per plant in three P. bifolia populations. There was selection towards longer spurs in a dry year when average spur length was shorter than in normal-wet years. Female function was sensitive to drought, which enabled an application of the male function hypothesis of floral evolution (Bateman's principle). The results show that selection may vary between populations, years, and sex-functions. I examined inbreeding by estimating levels of geitonogamy (self-pollination between flowers of an individual) with an emasculation method in two P. bifolia populations. Geitonogamy did not vary with inflorescence size. Levels of geitonogamy was 20-40% in the smaller, but non-significant in the larger population. This may relate to lower number of possible mates and pollinator activity in the smaller population. Platanthera bifolia exhibits the ancestral character state of tongue-attachment of pollinia on the pollinator. Its close relative P. chlorantha attaches its pollinia onto the pollinator's eyes. To explore the mechanism of a floral shift, pollination efficiency and speed was compared between the two species. The results showed no differences in pollination efficiency, but P. chlorantha had faster pollen export and import. Efficiency of pollination in terms of speed may cause floral shifts, and thus speciation.
There have been changes in catches and biological characteristics of the Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus) in Lake Wamala (Uganda) since its introduction and establishment, but the factors which have contributed to these changes are not adequately understood. This study examined changes in catches and biological characteristics of Nile tilapia in relation to changes in temperature, rainfall and lake depth to provide an understanding of the role of changing climatic conditions. There was an increase in minimum, maximum and average temperature since 1980, but only minimum (0.021ºCyr-1) and average (0.018ºCyr-1) showed a significant trend (p < 0.05). Rainfall increased by 8.25 mmyr-1 since 1950 and accounted for 79.5% of the water input into the lake while evaporation accounted for 86.2% of the water loss from the lake. The lake depth was above 4 m during the years rainfall was above normal average of 1180 mm, except during the period 2011-2014. The contribution of Nile tilapia to total catch and CPUE changed with rainfall and lake depth up to 2000, after which they decreased despite increase in rainfall. There was a strong positive correlation between lake depth and average total length of Nile tilapia (r = 0.991, p < 0.001) and length at 50% maturity (r = 0.726, p < 0.001). The length-weight allometry between high and low lake depths was significantly different [t (6) = 3.225, p < 0.05], with Nile tilapia being heavier (for a given length) at high lake depth than at low lake depth. Fecundity of Nile tilapia was higher and egg diameter lower than what is reported in literature. Nile tilapia shifted from algal dominated diet during the wet season to include more insects during the dry season. The study showed that the catches and biological characteristics of Nile tilapia change with climate and hydrological factors and these need to be considered in management of the fisheries of Lake Wamala.
The work outlined in this dissertation will allow biochemists and cellular biologists to characterize polyubiquitin chains involved in their cellular environment by following a facile mass spectrometric based workflow. The characterization of polyubiquitin chains has been of interest since their discovery in 1984. The profound effects of ubiquitination on the movement and processing of cellular proteins depend exclusively on the structures of mono and polyubiquitin modifications anchored or unanchored on the protein within the cellular environment. However, structure-function studies have been hindered by the difficulty in identifying complex chain structures due to limited instrument capabilities of the past. Genetic mutations or reiterative immunoprecipitations have been used previously to characterize the polyubiquitin chains, but their tedium makes it difficult to study a broad ubiquitinome. Top-down and middle-out mass spectral based proteomic studies have been reported for polyubiquitin and have had success in characterizing parts of the chain, but no method to date has been successful at differentiating all theoretical ubiquitin chain isomers (ubiquitin chain lengths from dimer to tetramer alone have 1340 possible isomers). The workflow presented here can identify chain length, topology and linkages present using a chromatographic-time-scale compatible, LC-MS/MS based workflow. To accomplish this feat, the strategy had to exploit the most recent advances in top-down mass spectrometry. This included the most advanced electron transfer dissociation (ETD) activation and sensitivity for large masses from the orbitrap Fusion Lumos. The spectral interpretation had to be done manually with the aid of a graphical interface to assign mass shifts because of a lack of software capable to interpret fragmentation across isopeptide linkages. However, the method outlined can be applied to any mass spectral based system granted it results in extensive fragmentation across the polyubiquitin chain; making this method adaptable to future advances in the field.
Aiming at the evaluation of the impact of the ionic liquids (ILs) cation symmetry on their phase behaviour, in this work, novel mutual solubilities with water of the symmetric series of [C(n)C(n)im][NTf2] (with n=1-5) were determined and compared with their isomeric forms of the asymmetric [C(n)C(1)im][NTf2] group. While the solubility of isomeric ILs in water was found to be similar, the solubility of water in ILs follows the same trend up to a maximum cation alkyl side chain length. For n >= 4 in [C(n)C(n)im][NTf2] the solubility of water in the asymmetric ILs is slightly higher than that observed in the symmetric counterparts. The thermodynamic properties of solution and solvation derived from the experimental solubility data of ILs in water at infinite dilution, namely the Gibbs energy, enthalpy and entropy were used to evaluate the cation symmetry effect on the ILs solvation. It is shown that the solubility of ILs in water is entropically driven and highly influenced by the cation size. Accordingly, it was found that the ILs solubility in water of both symmetric and asymmetric series depends on their molecular volume. Based on these findings, a linear correlation between the logarithm of the solubility of ILs in water and their molar volume is here proposed for the [NTf2]-based ILs at a fixed temperature.
In order to evaluate the impact of the alkyl side chain length and symmetry of the cation on the thermophysical properties of water-saturated ionic liquids (ILs), densities and viscosities as a function of temperature were measured at atmospheric pressure and in the (298.15 to 363.15) K temperature range, for systems containing two series of bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide-based compounds: the symmetric [C n C n im][NTf2] (with n = 1-8 and 10) and asymmetric [C n C1im][NTf2] (with n = 2-5, 7, 9 and 11) ILs. For water-saturated ILs, the density decreases with the increase of the alkyl side chain length while the viscosity increases with the size of the aliphatic tails. The saturation water solubility in each IL was further estimated with a reasonable agreement based on the densities of water-saturated ILs, further confirming that for the ILs investigated the volumetric mixing properties of ILs and water follow a near ideal behaviour. The water-saturated symmetric ILs generally present lower densities and viscosities than their asymmetric counterparts. From the experimental data, the isobaric thermal expansion coefficient and energy barrier were also estimated. A close correlation between the difference in the energy barrier values between the water-saturated and pure ILs and the water content in each IL was found, supporting that the decrease in the viscosity of ILs in presence of water is directly related with the decrease of the energy barrier.