653 resultados para Avena byzantina


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FMVZ


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo principal analisar as mudanças nas formas de venda e consumo do açaí na Região Metropolitana de Belém (RMB), e sua relação com a identidade de lugar de seus consumidores. O interesse pelo tema teve origem na observação da ocorrência da globalização do açaí, alimento base da dieta das populações amazônicas de origem ribeirinha que hoje é largamente consumido fora da Região Amazônica, em padrões muito diferentes daqueles nela estabelecidos. A escolha da RMB como lócus de pesquisa se justifica pelo fato de que nela se concentra alto consumo de açaí, nos padrões tradicionais e nos modernos, suscitando questionamentos sobre os efeitos dessa convivência na vida cotidiana dos que a habitam. Teoricamente, a pesquisa articula a definição de identidade de lugar de Abe-Lima (2012) com as elaborações de Henri Lefèbvre (1991) sobre a vida cotidiana no mundo moderno e com teoria dos circuitos econômicos de Milton Santos (2008). Metodologicamente, foi adotada uma estratégia multimétodos, envolvendo pesquisa documental, um painel de especialistas com 5 entidades de acompanhamento da produção de açaí, observações pautadas na etnografia urbana em 9 locais de venda e entrevistas semiabertas com 40 consumidores de açaí, maiores de 18 anos e residentes na RMB, recrutados por meio de cadeia tipo bola de neve. Além dos roteiros de entrevistas, foram utilizados como estratégias de coleta de dados diários de campo e fotografias. O conjunto dos dados foi submetido à técnica da análise de conteúdo temática, com eventual apoio do software QDA Miner Lite. Os resultados situaram a globalização do açaí em meados da década de 1990, momento de intensificação dos efeitos da metropolização em Belém, como o aumento populacional, a segregação espacial e a imposição de um ritmo de vida mais acelerado. As análises apontaram que tal processo significou a entrada do açaí no circuito superior da economia, com um processo produtivo mais organizado, utilizando mais tecnologia e envolvendo maiores volumes financeiros, atingindo escala industrial. No entanto, prevalece na RMB o processamento artesanal, em estruturas de pequeno porte, construídas em alvenaria, de organização simples e controle financeiro ausente. O consumo público aumentou, com grande número de locais especializados na oferta de açaí, em caráter de entretenimento, sendo incipiente a adesão a novos acompanhamentos, como granola e aveia. A preferência pelos acompanhamentos tradicionais, como farinha d’água ou de tapioca, açúcar e peixe, permanece, assim como pelo consumo privado, no âmbito da casa, que tem sido favorecido pela disponibilidade do serviço de entrega, recurso recente. A frequência geral de consumo diminuiu, em função do aumento de preço e de mudanças na rotina, como aumento da distância entre local de trabalho e residência. A pesquisa permitiu reafirmar a importância do açaí na vida cotidiana dos belenenses que o consomem, para os quais ele funciona como elemento de distintividade, continuidade, autoestima e autoeficácia, em estreita relação com aspectos próprios da metrópole. Por esse motivo, torna-se preocupante que o acesso a açaí de qualidade, nos padrões desejados pelos indivíduos, esteja tornando-SE privilégio inacessível aos consumidores de menor poder aquisitivo. Assim, espera-se que o conjunto de dados contribua para a compreensão da importância de políticas públicas voltadas ao açaí que considerem melhor as demandas daqueles que o consomem.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS


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Two compost formulations based on oat straw (Avena sativa) and brachiaria (Brachiaria sp.) were tested for the cultivation of three Agaricus bisporus strains (ABI-07/06, ABI-05/03, and PB-1). The experimental design was a 2 x 3 factorial scheme (composts x strains) with 6 treatments and 8 repetitions (boxes containing 12 kg of compost). The chemical characterization of the compost (humidity, organic matter, carbon, nitrogen, pH, raw protein, ethereal extract, fibers, ash, cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin) before and after the cultivation of A. bisporus and the production (basidiomata mass, productivity, and biological efficiency) were evaluated. Data were submitted to variance analysis, and averages were compared by means of the Tukey's test. According to the results obtained, the chemical and production characteristics showed that the best performances for the cultivation of A. bisporus were presented by the compost based on oat and the strain ABI-07/06.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA


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The effect of irradiation doses (0, 125, 250 and 500 Gy) on the nutritional quality of A. bisporus mushrooms (strains ABI-07/06, ABI-05/03 and PB-1) cultivated in composts based on oat straw (Avena sativa) and brachiaria (Brachiaria sp.) was evaluated. The experimental design was 4 x 3 x 2 factorial scheme (irradiation doses x strains x composts), with 24 treatments, consisting of two repetitions each, totaling 48 experimental units (samples of mushrooms). The samples were irradiated in Cobalt-60 irradiator, model Gammacell 220 kGy, with dose rate of 0.740 kGy h(-1), according to the treatments proposed. Subsequently, the control (unirradiated) and the other treatments were maintained at 4 +/- 1 degrees C and 90% RH in a climatic chamber for carrying out the chemical analysis of the mushrooms on the 1st and 14th day of storage. It was found that all A. bisporus strains evaluated were food with excellent nutritional value, because they presented high protein and fiber contents and low ethereal extract content; the chemical characterization of the mushrooms was influenced by the compost type in which they were cultivated; gamma irradiation influenced the chemical composition of mushrooms.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objective of this study was evaluate the effects of immunocastration on body weight gain, carcass characteristics and meat quality of Nellore beef cattle. Eighty Nellore beef cattle, with initial body weight of 357 +/- 8.63 kg, were placed in feedlots and distributed in two treatments (40 animals per treatments) as follow: one - non-vaccinated bulls and two - immunocastrated bulls (Bopriva (R), Pfizer Animal Health). The animals placed on treatment two were vaccinated in two doses, first application 30 days before they arrive on the feedlots and second on the day they arrive on feedlots. After 67 days of experimental period, was calculated the daily gain of live weight in kg/day of the 80 animals and selected 20 animals from each treatment for the slaughter and carcass evaluations, and ten from each group for the meat analyzes. The data were submitted to analysis of variance. Immunocastrated animals showed lower daily weight gain, hot carcass weight, carcass yield, pH, leg thickness, muscle depth, loin muscle area, carcass muscle percentage, shear force and moisture. However, this animals had higher concentration of lactate and cortisol blood, chest depth, fat thickness, finishing degree, a *, b * and c*, liquid loss in thawing process, myofibrillar fragmentation index and ether extract of meat when compared to non-vaccinated bulss. The immunocastration (Bopriva (R)) is an alternative for improving the quality of meat by the higher fat deposition and by the reduction of the shear force of the meat when compared to non-vaccinated bulls.


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The time, dose and applied nutrients in corn have a direct effect on its productivity. Therefore, the objective was to study the application of N and S in corn as ammonium sulfate, in succession to wheat and oats and evaluate different forms of fertilizer management. The experiment was conducted in a randomized block design in Oxisol (Hapludox). The five treatments with N, at a dose of 120 kg ha(-1) were applied in 20 plots (5x4), according to the management of fertilizer: T1-N (120 kg ha(-1)) full at sowing, T2-N (120 kg ha(-1)) total coverage; T3-N (40 kg ha(-1)) at sowing and N (80 kg ha(-1)) in coverage; T4-N advance in wheat sowing and sowing oats (120 kg ha(-1)), T5-(control). The S doses were corresponding to their concentrations in the fertilizer. Only wheat received a dose of 24 kg N ha(-1) at sowing all plots and oats received 24 kg N ha(-1) at sowing only the portions related to treatment with anticipation of corn N (T4). We evaluated the biomass production of winter crops (oats and wheat), according to the fertilization at sowing, and also the influence of winter crops and management of ammonium sulfate, the corn yield. The oats produced more dry matter in relation to wheat, positively influencing the corn yield, regardless of fertilizer management. The anticipation of ammonium sulfate, the sowing of oats, was favorable to corn yield, equating to other forms of management of fertilizer. Rotation corn and oats, forms management, ammonium sulphate, at seeding, topdressing or applied in split were equally efficient in corn yields.


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The constant search for sustainability of production systems have driven research to find alternatives to the problems arising from the intensified use such systems. In this context the present work aimed study the effects of substitution of mineral nitrogen by chicken litter in oat and corn crop in succession and the chemical characteristics of soil. The study was conducted during the period May 2009 to March 2010 in area of Oxisol. The design was of randomized block with four replications. The six treatments were obtained by a combination of different amounts of chicken litter (0, 1500, 3000, 4500, 6000 and 7500 kg ha(-1)) applied 30 days before the sowing of oats combined with the mineral nitrogen applied in coverage in corn (311.1, 257.8, 202.2, 148.9, 95.6, 42.2 kg ha(-1) of urea), for the total supply of 140 kg ha(-1) of nitrogen (N). The application of poultry litter in oat promotes increased the production of dry matter, and content and accumulation of N. The mineral nitrogen substitution by chicken litter increases the yield of corn crop. The use of poultry litter alters the chemical properties of soil, increasing the levels of organic matter, exchangeable Al and acidity potential. However lowers the pH, K, Ca, Mg, sum of bases and base saturation.


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Fertilizer use in no-till systems must be aligned with a correct interpretation of soil chemical attributes and crop demands. The objectives of this work were evaluate the effects of pre-sowing application of ammonium sulfate (AS) and of cover crops on the yields and soil chemical attributes of no-till cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. r. latifolium Hutch) over two harvesting years. The experiment was arranged in randomized complete block design, with the plots in strips, and the variables were three cover crops (Raphanus sativus L., Avena strigosa L. and Avena sativa L.) and four AS doses (0, 150, 300, and 450 kg ha-1) applied over millet dry biomass. The cotton in the experimental plots was manually harvested on April 25, 2007 and April 24, 2008. The soil samples were collected between cotton rows in all plots on May 5, 2007 and May 12, 2008, at depths of 0.0-0.05, 0.05-0.10, and 0.10-0.20 m for soil fertility analyses. The increasing doses of AS induced lower soil pH, and calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) levels in the superficial soil layer, as well as higher exchangeable aluminum (Al) and sulfur (S) levels until a depth of 0.20 m. Seed cotton yields increased with increasing AS doses.