922 resultados para Artists, French


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This paper considers the issue raised by Brown (2008) regarding whether nouns are ‘privileged’ in memory over verbs during listening tasks, and whether attention to nouns, at least in the early stages of L2 learning, is a desirable strategy to be taught to learners, as Brown suggests it might be. The question of verb/noun recognition was explored in the present study using data from 30 lower-intermediate learners of French in England. Learners completed a listening task on two occasions, six months apart, producing recall protocols for short oral passages in French. We also explored learners’ attentional strategy use by asking them to report on this in writing immediately after the recall task. An analysis of verbs and nouns recognised indicated that verb recognition was lower than that of nouns, and that progress in verb recognition over six months was negligible. A qualitative analysis of learners’ strategy use indicated that learners with a more balanced verb/noun recognition profile took a broader focus, tending to focus their attention consciously at phrase/sentence level rather than at word level. These findings are discussed in terms of the development of listening skills over time, and the implications of this for L2 listening pedagogy.


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Frozen par-fried French fries are finish-fried either by using the same type of oil used for par frying, or a different type. The nutritive quality of the final oil contained in the product depends on the relative amounts and the fatty acid (FA) composition of the oils used for par frying and finish frying. With the aim of understanding the provenance of the oil in the final product, par-fried French fries—either purchased ready or prepared in the laboratory—were finish fried in oils different from the ones used for par frying. The moisture content, oil content, and FA compositions of the par-fried and finish-fried products were experimentally determined, and the relative amounts of each of the oils present in the final product were calculated using the FAs as markers and undertaking a mass balance on each component FA. The results demonstrate that 89% to 93% of the total oil in the final product originates from the finish-frying step. The study also shows that a significant proportion of the oil absorbed during par frying is expelled from the product during finish frying. Further, the expulsion of par-frying oil was found to occur in the early stages of the finish-frying step. Experiments involving different combinations of par-frying and finish-frying oils showed that the relative proportions of the 2 oils did not depend on the individual fatty acid profiles. This study concludes that any positive health benefits of using an oil having a favorable FA profile for par frying, can potentially be lost, if the oil used for finish frying has a less favorable composition.


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Solo Exhibition, MacKenzie Art Gallery, Regina, Canada, The project engages with current issues around art production and food provision, catastrophe and agriculture, through the medium of a performance installation. Drawing on some of the characteristics of post dramatic theatre, the project aims to develop a new visual narratology for a contemporary art performance. A large scale video installation and construction features both as an installation site and performance set, explores the relationship between performance and food provision, looking at how changes to the organic world, the world of vibrant and edible matter might affect the way we make art. Developed and produced in collaboration with Canadian company Curtain Razors and funded by grants from Canada Council for the Arts, Saskatchewan Arts Board, the project was first commissioned by Curtain Razors and the MacKenzie Art Gallery where it was shown as a major solo exhibition as part of a series of other international programming (including artists such Guy Ben-Ner and Ron Mueck). The project was then included in the 4th Moscow Biennial as part of the landmark ‘Independent’ exhibition at the Art Arsenal in 2011. The project is planned to tour to varies other international venues throughout 2012/13. The exhibition has been reviewed by Gregory Beatty in Prairie Dog, Regina, by at the The Leader Post, The CBC French Canadian Television. Canadian writer curator Timothy Long artist and curator Elwood Jimmy have produced critical essays of the work, which will feature in a major new book, edited by Susanne Clausen, which is expected to be published in 2012. (OnCurating Publications).