851 resultados para Approaching methodology
This work presents the use of sequential injection analysis (SIA) and the response surface methodology as a tool for optimization of Fenton-based processes. Alizarin red S dye (C.I. 58005) was used as a model compound for the anthraquinones family. whose pigments have a large use in coatings industry. The following factors were considered: [H(2)O(2)]:[Alizarin] and [H(2)O(2)]:[FeSO(4)] ratios and pH. The SIA system was designed to add reagents to the reactor and to perform on-line sampling of the reaction medium, sending the samples to a flow-through spectrophotometer for monitoring the color reduction of the dye. The proposed system fed the statistical program with degradation data for fast construction of response surface plots. After optimization, 99.7% of the dye was degraded and the TOC content was reduced to 35% of the original value. Low reagents consumption and high sampling throughput were the remarkable features of the SIA system. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V.
This paper describes the optimization and use of a Sequential Injection Analysis (SIA) procedure for ammonium determination in waters. Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was used as a tool for optimization of a procedure based on the modified Berthelot reaction. The SIA system was designed to (i) prepare the reaction media by injecting an air-segmented zone containing the reagents in a mixing chamber, (ii) to aspirate the mixture back to the holding coil after homogenization, (iii) drive it to a thermostated reaction coil, where the flow is stopped for a previously established time, and (iv) to pump the mixture toward the detector flow cell for the spectrophotometric measurements. Using a 100 mu mol L(-1) ammonium solution, the following factors were considered for optimization: reaction temperature (25 - 45 degrees C), reaction time (30 - 90 s), hypochlorite concentration (20 - 40 mmol L(-1)) nitroprusside concentration (10 - 40 mmol L(-1)) and salicylate concentration (0.1 - 0.3 mol L(-1)). The proposed system fed the statistical program with absorbance data for fast construction of response surface plots. After optimization of the method, figures of merit were evaluated, as well as the ammonium concentration in some water samples. No evidence of statistical difference was observed in the results obtained by the proposed method in comparison to those obtained by a reference method based on the phenol reaction. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Many factors can affect the quality of diesel oil, in particular the degradation processes that are directly related to some organosulfur compounds. During the degradation process, these compounds are oxidized into their corresponding sulfonic acids, generating a strong acid content during the process. p-Toluene sulfonic acid analysis was performed using the linear sweep voltammetry technique with a platinum ultramicroelectrode in aqueous solution containing 3 mol L(-1) potassium chloride. An extraction step was introduced prior to the voltammetric detection in order to avoid the adsorption of organic molecules, which inhibit the electrochemical response. The extraction step promoted the transference of sulfonic acid from the diesel oil to an aqueous phase. The method was accurate and reproducible, with detection and quantification limits of 5 ppm and 15 ppm, respectively. Recovery of sulfonic acid was around 90%.
In this project, two broad facets in the design of a methodology for performance optimization of indexable carbide inserts were examined. They were physical destructive testing and software simulation.For the physical testing, statistical research techniques were used for the design of the methodology. A five step method which began with Problem definition, through System identification, Statistical model formation, Data collection and Statistical analyses and results was indepthly elaborated upon. Set-up and execution of an experiment with a compression machine together with roadblocks and possible solution to curb road blocks to quality data collection were examined. 2k factorial design was illustrated and recommended for process improvement. Instances of first-order and second-order response surface analyses were encountered. In the case of curvature, test for curvature significance with center point analysis was recommended. Process optimization with method of steepest ascent and central composite design or process robustness studies of response surface analyses were also recommended.For the simulation test, AdvantEdge program was identified as the most used software for tool development. Challenges to the efficient application of this software were identified and possible solutions proposed. In conclusion, software simulation and physical testing were recommended to meet the objective of the project.
Methodology for identifying parameters for the TRNSYS model Type 210 -wood pellet stoves and boilers
This report describes a method how to perform measurements on boilers and stoves and how to identify parameters from the measurements for the boiler/stove-model TRNSYS Type 210. The model can be used for detailed annual system simulations using TRNSYS. Experience from measurements on three different pellet stoves and four boilers were used to develop this methodology. Recommendations for the set up of measurements are given and the re-quired combustion theory for the data evaluation and data preparation are given. The data evalua-tion showed that the uncertainties are quite large for the measured flue gas flow rate and for boilers and stoves with high fraction of energy going to the water jacket also the calculated heat rate to the room may have large uncertainties. A methodology for the parameter identification process and identified parameters for two different stoves and three boilers are given. Finally the identified models are compared with measured data showing that the model generally agreed well with meas-ured data during both stationary and dynamic conditions.
Agent-oriented software engineering (AOSE) is a promising approach to developing applications for dynamic open systems. If well developed, these applications can be opportunistic, taking advantage of services implemented by other developers at appropriate times. However, methodologies are needed to aid the development of systems that are both flexible enough to be opportunistic and tightly defined by the application requirements. In this paper, we investigate how developers can choose the coordination mechanisms of agents so that the agents will best fulfil application requirements in an open system.
Provenance refers to the past processes that brought about a given (version of an) object, item or entity. By knowing the provenance of data, users can often better understand, trust, reproduce, and validate it. A provenance-aware application has the functionality to answer questions regarding the provenance of the data it produces, by using documentation of past processes. PrIMe is a software engineering technique for adapting application designs to enable them to interact with a provenance middleware layer, thereby making them provenance-aware. In this article, we specify the steps involved in applying PrIMe, analyse its effectiveness, and illustrate its use with two case studies, in bioinformatics and medicine.
Neste trabalho abordam-se as questões relevantes de uma avaliação analítica de estruturas acabadas, apresentando-se os aspectos fundamentais quanto à inspeção e verificação da sua segurança. Primeiramente, apresenta-se os métodos de avaliação, enfatizando-se as vantagens e restrições do emprego de cada método. Quanto à inspeção, são apresentados e discutidos os principais ítens que devem ser verificados nas estruturas acabadas. :t:nfasemaior é dada à inspeção da resistência do concreto, discutindo-se aspectos de sua variação nas ~struturas e apresentando-se os métodos de ensaio empregados. É proposta uma metodologia para a inspeção do concreto, racionalizando-se o emprego dos métodos não-destrutivos. Por fim, destaca-se os aspectos teóricos da verificação da segurança nas estruturas acabadas e as principais diferenças quanto à introdução da segurança nos projetos de novas estruturas.
As empresas e instituições estão num ambiente que oferece oportunidades e ameaças, o que exige um conjunto de informações voltado tanto a processos e decisões táticas, operacionais e estratégicos. No entanto, conseguir informações com rapidez e qualidade não se trata apenas de adquirir pacotes de sistemas de informações ou mesmo desenvolvê-los nas organizações. Infelizmente, isto é o que mais tem ocorrido. Desta forma, a fim de ultrapassar esse amadorismo, faz-se necessário um diagnóstico sistêmico da organização, com objetivo de identificar os requisitos informacionais necessários à construção de um sistema de apoio às decisões. Destarte, este estudo realiza um diagnóstico sistêmico numa farmácia com a utilização da “Soft Systems Methodology”, a qual a partir de ampla interação entre pesquisador e as pessoas envolvidas , identifica e estrutura a situação problemática de forma encadeada, analisando-a sob duas preocupações: uma relacionada ao mundo real e outra ao pensamento sistêmico. Com este processo, desenvolve uma aprendizagem que permite não só a identificação dos requisitos informacionais necessários à construção de um sistema de informações como também reunir e organizar visões muitas vezes divergentes a respeito de uma realidade complexa, a fim de propor um rol de atividades e ações que possam contribuir para o processo de melhoria da situação problemática.
A structure transports system is very necessary to attending many reasons of urban dislocations. This structuration is composed by many complex elements, as such as refer to: physical elements (rodoviary network, vehicles, garages, transboarding terminals), human elements (operational and administrative workmanship) and the institutional elements (management and fiscalization). This last one, especially, is our approach in this study, focusing the functions as the fiscalization of public organization. The purpose of this study was identifies how the public organization develops the management the system of public transport for urban intercity users and how can contributes for users satisfaction, feeding back avaluations, even, giving new direction or reavaluation of the fiscalization function. The methodology sdopted to get expected solutions is exploratory survey, due the unidentified any studies with the same focus or approaching to the citizens expectatives solutions by public organism manager point of view. Also it was realized an explanation survey to complement the study giving wide comprehension for the other elements used by organization to obtain success in the relationship with users. A field survey and bibliographical was realized thru documental investigation to get informations about necessary foundamentation based conclusion.
Economias emergentes sofrem importantes restrições de crédito quando comparadas com economias desenvolvidas, entretanto, modelos estocásticos de equilíbrio geral (DSGE) desenhados para economias emergentes ainda precisam avançar nessa discussão. Nós propomos um modelo DSGE que pretende representar uma economia emergente com setor bancário baseado em Gerali et al. (2010). Nossa contribuição é considerar uma parcela da renda esperada como colateral para empréstimos das famílias. Nós estimamos o modelo proposto para o Brasil utilizando estimação Bayesiana e encontramos que economias que sofrem restrição de colateral por parte das famílias tendem a sentir o impacto de choques monetários mais rapidamente devido a exposição do setor bancário a mudanças no salário esperado.