942 resultados para Applications of Ceria Based Materials


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GPS tracking of mobile objects provides spatial and temporal data for a broad range of applications including traffic management and control, transportation routing and planning. Previous transport research has focused on GPS tracking data as an appealing alternative to travel diaries. Moreover, the GPS based data are gradually becoming a cornerstone for real-time traffic management. Tracking data of vehicles from GPS devices are however susceptible to measurement errors – a neglected issue in transport research. By conducting a randomized experiment, we assess the reliability of GPS based traffic data on geographical position, velocity, and altitude for three types of vehicles; bike, car, and bus. We find the geographical positioning reliable, but with an error greater than postulated by the manufacturer and a non-negligible risk for aberrant positioning. Velocity is slightly underestimated, whereas altitude measurements are unreliable.


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With dynamic growth and acceptance of mobile devices, many innovative business applications are beginning to emerge. Tracking and tracing seems to be one of the popular applications which many organisations have initiated, often facilitated by location based services provided by mobile network operators. However, there are many issues associated with the provisioning of this application with current technologies and business models. Small and Medium-size Enterprises (SMEs) that make up a significant segment of businesses worldwide do not yet seem able to benefit widely from these services. In this chapter, we initially review current technologies/ applications and the issues associated with them, drawing from research and the experiences of a long term ongoing action research project with SMEs in the trade sector. Subsequently, we explore the opportunities offered by 3G services/business applications to SMEs, and provide a broad critical outlook on future opportunities for SMEs to benefit from 3G services.


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During the conduct of a research project into influences on the use of management accounting information, the use of activity-based techniques and information in two British banks was studied by the application of grounded theory principles. Juxtaposition of these two case studies reveals insights about the managers' significantly different experiences of ongoing applications, and the different outcomes of implementation that may arise, despite commonality in the organization and industry environment. This paper presents these two case studies, highlights the similarities and differences between them, and draws some conclusions about the causes of the differences. Factors that can be managed to achieve a greater use of these particular management accounting techniques, and the information they generate, are revealed. In particular, the findings suggest that the introduction of transfer charging between the bank's internal units highlights the need for activity-based techniques, and that education, communication and implementor support are vital, both for implementation success and for the widespread continuing use of the resultant applications. Further, between the two cases the greatest consensus was found in a common concern about the amount of detail in the databank and reports.


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This paper reports on a study on the perceived effectiveness of educational resources within the context of a single course in a first-year biology program at the University of Sydney (Australia). The overall study examined the dynamic state of perceptions towards these resources by the major stakeholders involved with the course (students, teaching staff, and technical staff). A major focus of the research was the extent to which the students used the computer-based resources made available to them, and staff and students' perceptions of the usefulness of these resources in supporting their learning. Specifically, results are discussed related to student use of computers and the Internet, use of biology online materials in the virtual learning environment, use and perceptions of communication technologies, and use and perceptions of computer-based online resources. Data were collected from the students using surveys and focus groups and from staff using surveys and interviews within an action-research paradigm. While the majority of students found the resources to be of use in supporting learning, some did not find them useful, and some did not use them at all. In comparison, the staff had higher expectations of both usage and usefulness. The level of student use was not a function of access to computers or the Internet, so the findings suggest that the provision of online resources will not necessarily generate value-added learning.


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Polymeric nanofiber non-woven materials produced by electrospinning have extremely high surface-to-mass (or volume) ratio and a porous structure with excellent pore-interconnectivity. These characteristics plus the functionalities and surface chemistry of the polymer itself impart the nanofibers with desirable properties for a range of advanced applications. This review summarizes the recent progress in electrospun nanofibers, with an emphasis on their applications.


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Current attempts to manage parallel applications on Clusters of Workstations (COWs) have either generally followed the parallel execution environment approach or been extensions to existing network operating systems, both of which do not provide complete or satisfactory solutions. The efficient and transparent management of parallelism within the COW environment requires enhanced methods of process instantiation, mapping of parallel process to workstations, maintenance of process relationships, process communication facilities, and process coordination mechanisms. The aim of this research is to synthesise, design, develop and experimentally study a system capable of efficiently and transparently managing SPMD parallelism on a COW. This system should both improve the performance of SPMD based parallel programs and relieve the programmer from the involvement into parallelism management in order to allow them to concentrate on application programming. It is also the aim of this research to show that such a system, to achieve these objectives, is best achieved by adding new special services and exploiting the existing services of a client/server and microkernel based distributed operating system. To achieve these goals the research methods of the experimental computer science should be employed. In order to specify the scope of this project, this work investigated the issues related to parallel processing on COWs and surveyed a number of relevant systems including PVM, NOW and MOSIX. It was shown that although the MOSIX system provide a number of good services related to parallelism management, none of the system forms a complete solution. The problems identified with these systems include: instantiation services that are not suited to parallel processing; duplication of services between the parallelism management environment and the operating system; and poor levels of transparency. A high performance and transparent system capable of managing the execution of SPMD parallel applications was synthesised and the specific services of process instantiation, process mapping and process interaction detailed. The process instantiation service designed here provides the capability to instantiate parallel processes using either creation or duplication methods and also supports multiple and group based instantiation which is specifically design for SPMD parallel processing. The process mapping service provides the combination of process allocation and dynamic load balancing to ensure the load of a COW remains balanced not only at the time a parallel program is initialised but also during the execution of the program. The process interaction service guarantees to maintain transparently process relationships, communications and coordination services between parallel processes regardless of their location within the COW. The combination of these services provides an original architecture and organisation of a system that is capable of fully managing the execution of SPMD parallel applications on a COW. A logical design of a parallelism management system was developed derived from the synthesised system and was shown that it should ideally be based on a distributed operating system employing the client server model. The client/server based distributed operating system provides the level of transparency, modularity and flexibility necessary for a complete parallelism management system. The services identified in the synthesised system have been mapped to a set of server processes including: Process Instantiation Server providing advanced multiple and group based process creation and duplication; Process Mapping Server combining load collection, process allocation and dynamic load balancing services; and Process Interaction Server providing transparent interprocess communication and coordination. A Process Migration Server was also identified as vital to support both the instantiation and mapping servers. The RHODOS client/server and microkernel based distributed operating system was selected to carry out research into the detailed design and to be used for the implementation this parallelism management system. RHODOS was enhanced to provide the required servers and resulted in the development of the REX Manager, Global Scheduler and Process Migration Manager to provide the services of process instantiation, mapping and migration, respectively. The process interaction services were already provided within RHODOS and only required some extensions to the existing Process Manager and IPC Managers. Through a variety of experiments it was shown that when this system was used to support the execution of SPMD parallel applications the overall execution times were improved, especially when multiple and group based instantiation services are employed. The RHODOS PMS was also shown to greatly reduce the programming burden experienced by users when writing SPMD parallel applications by providing a small set of powerful primitives specially designed to support parallel processing. The system was also shown to be applicable and has been used in a variety of other research areas such as Distributed Shared Memory, Parallelising Compilers and assisting the port of PVM to the RHODOS system. The RHODOS Parallelism Management System (PMS) provides a unique and creative solution to the problem of transparently and efficiently controlling the execution of SPMD parallel applications on COWs. Combining advanced services such as multiple and group based process creation and duplication; combined process allocation and dynamic load balancing; and complete COW wide transparency produces a totally new system that addresses many of the problems not addressed in other systems.


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Chemiluminescence, the production of light from a chemical reaction, has found widespread use in analytical chemistry. Both tris (2, 2’-bipyridyl) ruthenium (II) and acidic potassium permanganate are chemiluminescence reagents that have been employed for the determination of a diverse range of analytes. This thesis encompasses some fundamental investigations into the chemistry and spectroscopy of these chemiluminescence reactions as well as extending the scope of their analytical applications. Specifically, a simple and robust capillary electrophoresis chemiluminescence detection system for the determination of codeine, O6-methylcodeine and thebaine is described, based upon the reaction of these analytes with chemically generated tris(2,2'-bipyridyl)ruthenium(III) prepared in sulfuric acid (0.05 M). The reagent solution was contained in a glass detection cell, which also held both the capillary and the cathode. The resultant chemiluminescence was monitored directly using a photomultiplier tube mounted flush against the base of the detection cell. The methodology, which incorporated a field amplification sample introduction procedure, realised detection limits (3a baseline noise) of 5 x 10~8 M for both codeine and O6-methylcodeine and 1 x 10~7 M for thebaine. The relative standard deviations of the migration times and the peak areas for the three analytes ranged from 2.2 % up to 2.5 % and 1.9 % up to 4.6 % respectively. Following minor instrumental modifications, morphine, oripavine and pseudomorphine were determined based upon their reaction with acidic potassium permanganate in the presence of sodium polyphosphate. To ensure no migration of the permanganate anion occurred, the anode was placed at the detector end whilst the electroosmotic flow was reversed by the addition of hexadimethrine bromide (0.001% m/v) to the electrolyte. The three analytes were separated counter to the electroosmotic flow via their interaction with a-cyclodextrin. The methodology realised detection limits (3 x S/N) of 2.5 x 10~7 M for both morphine and oripavine and 5 x 10~7 M for pseudomorphine. The relative standard deviations of the migration times and the peak heights for the three analytes ranged from 0.6 % up to 0.8 % and 1.5% up to 2.1 % respectively. Further improvements were made by incorporating a co-axial sheath flow detection cell. The methodology was validated by comparing the results realised using this technique with those obtained by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), for the determination of both morphine and oripavine in seven industrial process liquors. A complimentary capillary electrophoresis procedure with UV-absorption detection was also developed and applied to the determination of morphine, codeine, oripavine and thebaine in nine process liquors. The results were compared with those achieved using a standard HPLC method. Although over eighty papers have appeared in the literature on the analytical applications of acidic potassium permanganate chemiluminescence, little effort has been directed towards identifying the origin of the luminescence. It was found that chemiluminescence was generated during the manganese(III), manganese(IV) and manganese(VII) oxidations of sodium borohydride, sodium dithionite, sodium sulfite and hydrazine sulfate in acidic aqueous solution. From the corrected chemiluminescence spectra, the wavelengths of maximum emission were 689 ± 5 nm and 734 ± 5 nm when the reactions were performed in sodium hexametaphosphate and sodium dihydrogenorthophosphate or orthophosphoric acid environments respectively. The corrected phosphorescence spectrum of manganese(II) sulfate in a solution of sodium hexametaphosphate at 77 K, exhibited two peaks with maxima at 688 nm and 730 nm. The chemical and spectroscopic evidence presented strongly supported the postulation that the emission was an example of solution phase chemically induced phosphorescence of manganese(II). Thereby confirming earlier predictions that the chemiluminescence from acidic potassium permanganate reactions originated from an excited manganese(II) species. Additionally, these findings have had direct analytical application in that manganese(IV) was evaluated as a new reagent for chemiluminescence detection. The oxidations of twenty five organic and inorganic species, with solublised manganese(IV), were found to elicit analytically useful chemiluminescence with detection limits (3 x S/N) for Mn(II), Fe(II), morphine and codeine of 5 x 10-8 M, 2.5 x 10-7 M, 7.5 x 10-8 M and 5 x 10-8M, respectively. The corrected emission spectra from four different analytes gave wavelengths of maximum emission in the range from 733 nm up to 740 nm indicating that these chemiluminescence reactions also shared a common emitting species, excited manganese(II). Whilst several analytical problems were addressed in this thesis and answers to certain questions regarding the fundamentals of acidic potassium permanganate chemiluminescence were proposed, there are several areas that would benefit from further research. These are outlined in the final chapter of this thesis.


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The Reporting Diversity website provides four curriculum modules to assist journalism educators to teach students about the issues and practice of reporting on cultural difference. The researchers co-ordinated the second round of trials of these resources in 2009, which involved the participation of academics and students from five Australian universities. A further 30 academics were surveyed to gauge their level of awareness of the materials. This paper reports on the educators’ evaluation of the resources and reveals the innovative ways in which the modules are being used and adapted in different classroom settings. The researchers argue that sharing different teaching approaches to the materials through the Reporting Diversity website would assist other academics to adapt the resources for their own use.


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This research aims to examine Thai students' critical thinking ability in reading English by using materials developed by a research team using a collaborative action research methodology. Initially, a survey of self-percpetions of Thai secondary students on their critical thinking ability was conducted. Then, two Thai teachers were interviewed about their materials and methodology in teaching students to read critically. Lastly, a literature of critical literacy was reviewed to introduce the notions to Thai teachers and Thai students.


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Titanium, zirconium and TiZr binary alloy were fabricated using a powder metallurgical method. Appropriate surface modifying techniques were conducted on the metals to render an ability for apatite formation. Their biocompatibility has also been assessed. These materials showed potential for biomedical applications because of their excellent bioactivity and biocompatibility which may improve bonding of the implants to juxtaposed bone.


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The research analyses economic linkages of producer price indices of the construction industry in Australia and relationships between construction and house prices. A range of econometric techniques are applied to analyse construction and house prices. The economic equilibrium and dynamic relationships among regional markets are investigated based on producer price index analysis.


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Effective multiple clustering systems, or clusterers, have important applications in information security. The aim of the present article is to introduce a new method of designing multiple clusterers based on theMunn rings and describe a class of optimal clusterers which can be obtained in this construction.


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The need for new and effective/efficient antibacterial therapeutics and diagnostics is necessary if we want to be able to maintain and improve the protection against pathogenic bacteria. Bacteria are becoming increasingly resistant to traditionally used antibiotics and as a result are a major health concern. The number of deaths and hospitalizations due to bacteria is increasing. Current methods of bacterial diagnostics are inefficient as they lack speed and ultra sensitivity and cannot be performed on site. This is where nanomedicine is playing a vital role. The discovery of new and innovative materials through the improvement in fabrication techniques has seen the establishment of an influx of novel antibacterial therapeutics and diagnostics. The goal of this review is to highlight the research that has been done through the implementation of nanomaterials and nanotechnologies for antibacterial medical therapeutic and diagnostic.


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Crystalline spherulitic fiber networks are commonly observed in polymeric and supramolecular functional materials. The elasticity of materials with this type of network is low if interactions between the individual spherulites are weak (mutually exclusive). Improving the elasticity of these materials is necessary because of their important applications in many fields. In this work, the engineering of the microstructures and rheological properties of this type of material is carried out. A small molecule organogel formed by the gelation of N-lauroyl-L-glutamic acid di-n-butylamide (GP-1) in propylene glycol (PG) is used as an example. The elasticity of this material is improved by controlling the thermodynamic driving force, the supersaturation of the gelator, and by using a selected copolymer additive to manipulate the primary nucleation of GP-1. Because of the weak interactions between the GP-1 spherulites, with the same fiber mass, the elasticity of GP-1/PG gel is less than half of those of the other two gels formed by GP-1 and 2-hydroxystearlic acid in solvent benzyl benzoate (BB), which are supported by interconnecting spherulitic fiber networks. This work develops a robust approach to the engineering of supramolecular functional materials especially those with mutually exclusive spherulite fiber networks.


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We present a new generic strategy to fabricate nanoparticles in the “cages” within the fibrous networks of supramolecular soft materials. As the cages can be acquired by a design-and-production manner, the size of nanoparticles synthesized within the cages can be tuned accordingly. To implement this idea, both selenium and silver were chosen for the detailed investigation. It follows that the sizes of selenium and silver nanoparticles can be controlled by tuning the pore size of the fiber networks in the material. When the concentration of the gelator is high enough, monodisperse nanoparticles can be prepared. More interestingly, the morphology of the nanoparticles can be altered: silver disks can be formed when the concentrations of both the gelator and silver nitrate are sufficiently low. As the fiber network serves as a physical barrier and semisolid support for the nanoparticles, the stability in the aqueous media and the ease of application of these nanoparticles can be substantially enhanced. This robust surfactant-free approach will not only allow the controlled fabrication of nanoparticles, but also can be applied to the fabrication of composite materials for robust applications.