841 resultados para Al-Mg alloy


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O principal objetivo desse trabalho é investigar a influência dos parâmetros térmicos velocidade de solidificação (VL) e taxa de resfriamento (TR), nos espaçamentos dendríticos primários (λ1) da liga hipoeutética Al-7%Si, durante a solidificação direcional horizontal, em regime transiente. Os valores de λ1 foram medidos ao longo do comprimento do lingote e correlacionados com esses parâmetros. A variação dos espaçamentos dendríticos estudados é expressa por meio de funções na forma de potência de VLe TRdadas, respectivamente, por λ1= 55(VL)-1.1e λ1= 212 (TR)-0.55. Um estudo comparativo é realizado entre os resultados encontrados nesse trabalho e aqueles obtidos para a mesma liga quando solidificada direcionalmente nos sistemas verticais ascendente e descendente, sob as mesmas condições assumidas. Finalmente, os resultados experimentais obtidos são comparados com valores fornecidos por alguns modelos teóricos propostos na literatura para analisar espaçamentos dendríticos primários.


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As ligas Al-Sn são amplamente utilizados em aplicações tribológicas. Nesse estudo, análises térmica, microestrutural e dureza (HV) foram realizadas ao longo de um lingote da liga Al-5,5%Sn, obtido por solidificação direcional horizontal transitória. Os principais parâmetros analisados incluem a velocidade de deslocamento da isoterma liquidus (VL) e a taxa de resfriamento (TR). Esses parâmetros térmicos desempenham um papel fundamental na formação da microestrutura. A microestrutura dendrítica foi caracterizada através dos espaçamentos dentríticos primários (λ1), os quais foram determinados, experimentalmente, e correlacionados com VL, e TR. O comportamento apresentado pela liga Al- 5,5% Sn, durante a solidificação,é semelhante ao de outras ligas de alumínio, isto é, observa-se rede dendrítica mais grosseira com a diminuição da taxa de resfriamento, indicando que a imiscibilidade entre o alumínio e estanho não tem um efeito significativo sobre o relação entre o espaçamento dendrítico primário e taxa de resfriamento. A dependência da microdureza em VL, TR e no λ1 foi também analisada. Verificaram-se menores valores de HV para maiores TR. Por outro lado, os valores HV aumentam com valores crescentes de λ1.


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The fatigue crack behavior in metals and alloys under constant amplitude test conditions is usually described by relationships between the crack growth rate da/dN and the stress intensity factor range Delta K. In the present work, an enhanced two-parameter exponential equation of fatigue crack growth was introduced in order to describe sub-critical crack propagation behavior of Al 2524-T3 alloy, commonly used in aircraft engineering applications. It was demonstrated that besides adequately correlating the load ratio effects, the exponential model also accounts for the slight deviations from linearity shown by the experimental curves. A comparison with Elber, Kujawski and "Unified Approach" models allowed for verifying the better performance, when confronted to the other tested models, presented by the exponential model. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The aims of this work are: (i) to produce new experimental data for fretting fatigue considering the presence of a mean bulk stress and (ii) to assess two design methodologies against failure by fretting fatigue. Tests on a cylinder–flat contact configuration were conducted using a fretting apparatus mounted on a servo-hydraulic machine. The material used for both the pads and fatigue specimen was an aeronautical 7050-T7451 Al alloy. The experimental program was designed with all relevant parameters, apart from the mean bulk load (always applied before the contact loads), kept constant. The mean bulk stress varied from compressive to tensile values while maintaining a high peak pressure in order to encourage crack initiation. Two methodologies against fretting fatigue are proposed and confronted against the experimental data. The non-local stress-based methodology considers the evaluation of a critical plane fatigue criterion at the center of a process zone located beneath the contacting surfaces. The results showed that it correctly predicts crack initiation, but was not capable to provide successful prediction of the integrity of the specimens. Alternatively, we considered a crack arrest criterion which has the potential to provide a more complete description about the integrity of the specimens.


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L’alluminio, grazie alla sua bassa temperatura di fusione e all’elevata fluidità di molte leghe, è uno dei metalli più versatili in fonderia. Per ottenere il massimo delle proprietà resistenziali, le leghe che lo permettono sono sottoposte a trattamento termico. Questo, però, in componenti geometricamente complessi può far insorgere tensioni residue che inficeranno la resistenza del materiale durante la sua messa in esercizio. Gli obiettivi della presente ricerca sono stati: la valutazione dell’incidenza del mezzo temprante usato durante il trattamento termico sulle tensioni residue che si sviluppano nella lega AlSi7Mg e la definizione di come questo potesse essere modificato per ridurre le tensioni senza peggiorare le proprietà resistenziali del materiale. Per tale ragione sono state eseguite prove di trattamento termico, analisi microstrutturali e test di durezza su campioni estratti direttamente da getti colati in sabbia.


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Primitive kohlige Chondrite sind Meteorite, die seit ihrer Entstehung im frühen Sonnensystem kaum verändert wurden und dadurch einen Einblick in Prozesse geben, die zur Bildung und Veränderung der ersten festen Materie führten. Solche Prozesse können anhand von Bruchstücken dieser Meteorite detailliert im Labor studiert werden, sodass Rückschlüsse auf die Entwicklung unseres Sonnensystems im frühen Stadium getroffen werden können. Ca-, Al-reiche Einschlüsse (CAIs) aus chondritischen Meteoriten sind die ersten Festkörper des Sonnensystems und enthalten viele refraktäre Metallnuggets (RMNs), welche hauptsächlich aus den Elementen Os, Ir, Ru, Mo und Pt bestehen. Nach weit verbreiteter Ansicht sind diese Nuggets wahrscheinlich im Gleichgewicht mit dem solaren Nebel kondensiert, bereits früher oder gleichzeitig mit Oxiden und Silikaten. Die exakten Mechanismen, die zu ihren heute beobachteten Eigenschaften führten, sind allerdings unklar. Um frühere Arbeiten fortzuführen, wurde eine hohe Anzahl RMNs in vier unterschiedlichen Typen von Meteoriten detailliert studiert, darunter solche aus dem nahezu unveränderten Acfer 094, Allende (CV3ox), Leoville (CV3red) und Murchison (CM2). Die RMNs wurden in-situ, assoziiert mit ihren Wirtsmineralen und auch in Säurerückständen gefunden, deren Präparationsprozedur in dieser Arbeit speziell für RMNs durch eine zusätzliche Dichtetrennung verbessert wurde.rnDie Ergebnisse decken eine Reihe von Ungereimtheiten zwischen den beobachteten RMN-Eigenschaften und einer Kondensationsherkunft auf, sowohl für Kondensation in solarer Umgebung, als auch für Kondensation aus Material von Supernovae oder roten Riesen, für die die Kondensationssequenzen refraktärer Metalle speziell für diesen Vergleich berechnet wurden. Stattdessen wurden in dieser Arbeit neue Einblicke in die RMN-Entstehung und die Entwicklung der ersten Festkörper (CAIs) durch eine Kombination aus experimentellen, isotopischen, strukturellen und petrologischen Studien an RMNs gewonnen. Viele der beobachteten Eigenschaften sind mit Ausfällung der RMN aus einer CAI-Schmelze vereinbar. Ein solches Szenario wird durch entsprechende Untersuchungen an synthetisch hergestellten, mit refraktären Metallen im Gleichgewicht stehenden CAI-Schmelzen bestätigt. Es folgt aus den Ergebnissen, dass die Mehrzahl der RMNs isotopisch solar ist und alle untersuchten RMNs innerhalb von CAIs bei rascher Abkühlung (um bis zu 1000 °C/40 sek.) einer CAI-Schmelze gebildet wurden. rn


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Four species of planktic foraminifera from core-tops spanning a depth transect on the Ontong Java Plateau were prepared for Mg/Ca analysis both with (Cd-cleaning) and without (Mg-cleaning) a reductive cleaning step. Reductive cleaning caused etching of foraminiferal calcite, focused on Mg-rich inner calcite, even on tests which had already been partially dissolved at the seafloor. Despite corrosion, there was no difference in Mg/Ca of Pulleniatina obliquiloculata between cleaning methods. Reductive cleaning decreased Mg/Ca by an average (all depths) of ~ 4% for Globigerinoides ruber white and ~ 10% for Neogloboquadrina dutertrei. Mg/Ca of Globigerinoides sacculifer (above the calcite saturation horizon only) was 5% lower after reductive cleaning. The decrease in Mg/Ca due to reductive cleaning appeared insensitive to preservation state for G. ruber, N. dutertrei and P. obliquiloculata. Mg/Ca of Cd-cleaned G. sacculifer appeared less sensitive to dissolution than that of Mg-cleaned. Mg-cleaning is adequate, but SEM and contaminants (Al/Ca, Fe/Ca and Mn/Ca) show that Cd-cleaning is more effective for porous species. A second aspect of the study addressed sample loss during cleaning. Lower yield after Cd-cleaning for G. ruber, G. sacculifer and N. dutertrei confirmed this to be the more aggressive method. Strongest correlations between yield and Delta[CO3^2-] in core-top samples were for Cd-cleaned G. ruber (r = 0.88, p = 0.020) and Cd-cleaned P. obliquiloculata (r = 0.68, p = 0.030). In a down-core record (WIND28K) correlation, r, between yield values > 30% and dissolution index, XDX, was -0.61 (p = 0.002). Where cleaning yield < 30% most Mg-cleaned Mg/Ca values were biased by dissolution.