977 resultados para Adoção judicial


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The guava tree pest that has been requesting larger control frequency, in the area of Jaboticabal - São Paulo in the last years, is the psilideo Triozoida limbata. Thus, the objectives of this research were: a) Compare control tactics T. limbata based on monitoring and selectivity of insecticide to decrease the applications; b) To register and to correlate the natural enemies in habitants in guava tree ecosystem with the key pest and with meteorological factors; c) See if the control of T. limbata affects the population of fruit flies and d) To verify the efficiency of appropriate insecticides to IMP, in control of T. limbata. The experiment was conducted in 2004, in an orchard of Paluma cultivar in Vista Alegre do Alto, SP. The used strategies were (doses in g.a.i./100L water): control; imidacloprid + beta-cyfluthrin (2.5 + 0.3); acetamiprid (4.0); fenpropathrin (15.0) and regional conventional treatment. It was concluding that is possible to reduce the number of applications of less aggressive insecticides to the environment and the man, with the adoption of monitoring of T. limbata and implementing the action level. The natural enemies' populations densities (Scymnus spp., Cycloneda sanguinea, Azia luteipes, Crysoperla spp., Polybia spp., Brachygastra ssp.) present positive correlations with the populations of T. limbata. Population fluctuations of T. limbata and natural enemies are not altered by meteorological factors (precipitation and temperature) in irrigated orchard. The population of Anastrepha spp. is minimized when of the applications is for control T. limbata. The insecticides imidacloprid, imidacloprid + beta-cyfluthrin, acetamiprid and fenpropathrin are efficient in the control of T. limbata.


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Com o objetivo de avaliar espécies forrageiras para formação de palhada para adoção do sistema plantio direto, foi pesquisado o potencial de Brachiaria decumbens e B. brizantha, comparadas ao milheto (Pennisetum glaucum). As plantas de cobertura foram semeadas em março e conduzidas até novembro (momento do manejo químico). Aos 50, 110 e 250 dias após a semeadura (DAS) foram avaliadas a composição específica das infestantes na cobertura vegetal, a porcentagem visual de cobertura do solo e o acúmulo de massa vegetal seca das coberturas. As braquiárias foram eficientes na formação de palha (acima de 11 tha-1), sendo promissoras para o sistema plantio direto. Também, observou-se densa cobertura do solo, com supressão do desenvolvimento de plantas daninhas, o que não se percebeu com milheto, cujo maior potencial de cobertura do solo e acúmulo (10,5 t ha-1) de massa ocorreu no fim do seu ciclo (110 DAS) e, 3,2 t ha-1 de massa vegetal seca aos 250 DAS. Devido à rápida decomposição da palha de milheto observou-se, também, reinfestação da área por plantas daninhas.


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A condução das operações de preparo de forma inadequada ocasiona sérios problemas de conservação do solo, destacando-se a compactação, que acarreta a redução do espaço poroso, principalmente dos macroporos, e altera os atributos físico-hídricos. Este trabalho teve como objetivo verificar a influência dos diferentes sistemas e tempos de adoção de manejos em Latossolo Vermelho de Jaboticabal, Estado de São Paulo, por meio da densidade máxima, e correlacioná-la com a produtividade da soja, a densidade relativa e a umidade crítica de compactação. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado com parcelas subdivididas (cinco sistemas de uso e três camadas), com quatro repetições. Os cinco sistemas de uso foram: plantio direto por cino anos (SPD5), plantio direto por sete anos (SPD7), plantio direto por nove anos (SPD9), preparo convencional (SPC) e uma área adjacente de mata nativa (MN). As camadas do solo avaliadas foram as de 0-0,10, 0,10-0,20 e 0,20-0,30 m, nas quais foram determinados a densidade máxima do solo (Ds máx), a umidade crítica de compactação (Ugc), a densidade relativa do solo (Dsr), a composição granulométrica, a porosidade e o teor de matéria orgânica do solo. Os resultados mostraram que o comportamento das curvas de compactação do solo foi o mesmo em todas as camadas dos diferentes manejos e que os teores de matéria orgânica não justificaram as pequenas alterações da Ds máx. Para o Latossolo Vermelho, as operações mecanizadas nos sistemas de manejo podem ser executadas na faixa de 0,13 a 0,19 kg kg-1 de umidade sem causar degradação física. Verificou-se que a Dsr ótima e a umidade crítica de compactação foram de 0,86 e 0,15 kg kg-1, respectivamente, embora os diferentes sistemas e tempos de adoção de manejo tenham apresentado comportamento semelhante quanto à produtividade da soja.


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A modeling of criterias and alternatives is through and applied a questionnaire based on method AHP to proprietors of gas stations. The considered alternatives had been the maintenance of the current state with electric energy of the deliverer and the generation in small scale based on the natural gas. The used criteria had been Cost of the Investment, Final Cost of the Energy, Operational cost, Ambient Benefits, Risk and Variation of Costs. The study it was carried through in the city of Natal, RN in ranks that make use of the natural as for resale, where the generation alternative on the basis of the available gas is present. The main results evidence in a dimension the viability of use of method AHP with questionnaire by means of validation of the judgments with analysis of variance beyond proper the normal mechanisms of analysis of consistency to the method. The main results of the analysis help to show that in this in case that the profile of models of criteria and judgments of the actors is similar, with the final evidence of that it has a dominance of the maintenance of the energy of the deliverer. The main criterion to influence this decision was the risk


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A pesquisa tem como objetivo identificar as barreiras à adoção de tecnologias de informação por parte das micro e pequenas empresas. A pesquisa teórica foi orientada por estudos sobre adoção de tecnologias de informação e os fatores determinantes para esta adoção. Quanto à amostra, foi delimitada aos pequenos fornecedores não adotantes do sistema de compras eletrônicas da Petrobras no Rio Grande do Norte. A pesquisa é exploratória, do tipo levantamento de dados, com abordagem quantitativa. A pesquisa de campo foi realizada nos meses de novembro e dezembro de 2006, junto a 55 empresas, através de um questionário estruturado, respondido pelos gestores. Para a análise dos dados, foram utilizadas técnicas estatísticas, tais como análise descritiva e exploratória de dados, testes de hipótese e análises multivariadas de dados. Os resultados evidenciam a existência de uma infra-estrutura de TI básica, com baixo nível de utilização dessas tecnologias para propósitos mais avançados dentro das empresas e em especial a sua utilização para as atividades de gestão e estratégias de acesso a mercados, principalmente o seu uso como ferramentas para o comércio eletrônico. Os resultados mostraram também que os aspectos técnicos e financeiros são percebidos como obstáculos maiores que os fatores socioculturais e humanos. As variáveis relacionadas com os custos da TI e de consultoria externa, a percepção de dependência de fornecedores de TI e a falta de priorização de esforços ára a TI


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In recent debates about the issues of quality, the theme organizational culture and Six Sigma has appeared ever more frequently. In this context several authors suggest that the adoption of Six Sigma practices is influenced by culture. This work focuses on the relationship of organizational culture and quality to the practices of Six Sigma quality. Thus a descriptive-exploratory and correlational study of forty pharmacies of manipulation from Rio Grande do Norte was undertaken. Data collection identified features of companies and the level of use of the practices of Six Sigma quality that have been identified in the literature. For the Organizational Culture evaluation was used the Competitive Value Model (Cameron & Quinn, 1996), tested on north-American organizations and considered a high value academic and professional instrument. This model has been involved with the taximetrics created by Cameron who classifies quality culture in four levels. The results suggest that the Group and Developmental cultures are associated with higher levels of use of the practices of Six Sigma quality than the Rational and Hierarchical Cultures. Regarding the levels of the culture s quality, the highest levels were most frequently cited in Errors Prevention and Perpetual Improvement and Creativity, being the last one more positively related to the Six Sigma indicators


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One of the best examples of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) evolutions is on the high capability of storing and processing data into smaller devices, creating a new business condition, the mobility . This mobility in a deeper analysis proposes a business remodeling in many different areas (business segmentations), through the Internet anywhere at any time, allowing managers and researchers to think again their actual models that work nowadays in companies and public institutions, modifying the way internal and external clients can be attended. This thesis analyzes issues on mobile business adoption, technological evolutions and the impacts caused by this new reality the access to information anywhere at any time . This research is exploratory and shows a compilation of similar papers and thesis describing how was conducted the survey within 50 companies in the states of Rio Grande do Norte, Pernambuco and Ceará. The statistics analysis showed the different level of mobile technology usage from simple voice communications to wide band data transmission. The analysis pointed that canonic correlation was the most effective type of analysis to describe the relations among all groups of variables showing which of them are relevant, or not, for mobile technology adoption


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This master's thesis aims to ascertain how the Stakeholders interactions influence the adoption of green marketing strategies from the perspective of the Alpha Company, a furniture industry located in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The methodology has a qualitative approach and uses the exploratorydescriptive case study method as model of formal and systematic study. Following the theoretical and conceptual propositions of Polonsky (1995), Michell, Angle and Wood (1997) and Frooman (1999) as a reference base. This study identifies and assesses the importance degree of the relevant stakeholders, shows their expectations and needs and describes the tactics used by the company for the implementation of green marketing strategies. The study describes the reality of a furniture industry in Rio Grande do Norte, and shows his philosophy and background; identifies present stakeholders that influence the decision process of the company and also, analyzes the degree of importance of each group showing their needs and expectations and, finally, it states the changes in the organization with the implementation of green marketing strategies. The results it s concluded that stakeholders are taken into consideration in the adoption of green marketing strategies, even without a proper strategic perception from the company, an imperative to advance towards the adoption of the green marketing philosophy. This case study explores knowledge that may be used and suited to small companies that act in the strategic segment-trend of green marketing


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This Master s Thesis deals with an analysis of the Regulatory Standards NR-9 e NR-13 on the perspective of occupational health and safety management systems (OHSMS) such as ILO deployed ILO/OSH-2001. Since the revamped OHSAS 18001:2007 complies with the ILO/OSH-2001 model it is used as benchmark to compare against the NR-9 and NR-13. The analysis suggests that the NR-9 has some important features present on the OHSAS 18001:2007 but lacks important others. The NR-13 turns out to be far from a modern model of OHSMS such as OHSAS 18001:2007 and a deep reformulation should be done in order to achieve the Brazil commitment with ILO to adopt OHSMS. Also, a small survey with companies with ISO 9000 certificates suggests that a NR-13 revised toward OHSMS would be welcome, but also that some more advanced issues present in ILO/OSH-2001 should be imposed by law in order to be achieved


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The progresses of the Internet and telecommunications have been changing the concepts of Information Technology IT, especially with regard to outsourcing services, where organizations seek cost-cutting and a better focus on the business. Along with the development of that outsourcing, a new model named Cloud Computing (CC) evolved. It proposes to migrate to the Internet both data processing and information storing. Among the key points of Cloud Computing are included cost-cutting, benefits, risks and the IT paradigms changes. Nonetheless, the adoption of that model brings forth some difficulties to decision-making, by IT managers, mainly with regard to which solutions may go to the cloud, and which service providers are more appropriate to the Organization s reality. The research has as its overall aim to apply the AHP Method (Analytic Hierarchic Process) to decision-making in Cloud Computing. There to, the utilized methodology was the exploratory kind and a study of case applied to a nationwide organization (Federation of Industries of RN). The data collection was performed through two structured questionnaires answered electronically by IT technicians, and the company s Board of Directors. The analysis of the data was carried out in a qualitative and comparative way, and we utilized the software to AHP method called Web-Hipre. The results we obtained found the importance of applying the AHP method in decision-making towards the adoption of Cloud Computing, mainly because on the occasion the research was carried out the studied company already showed interest and necessity in adopting CC, considering the internal problems with infrastructure and availability of information that the company faces nowadays. The organization sought to adopt CC, however, it had doubt regarding the cloud model and which service provider would better meet their real necessities. The application of the AHP, then, worked as a guiding tool to the choice of the best alternative, which points out the Hybrid Cloud as the ideal choice to start off in Cloud Computing. Considering the following aspects: the layer of Infrastructure as a Service IaaS (Processing and Storage) must stay partly on the Public Cloud and partly in the Private Cloud; the layer of Platform as a Service PaaS (Software Developing and Testing) had preference for the Private Cloud, and the layer of Software as a Service - SaaS (Emails/Applications) divided into emails to the Public Cloud and applications to the Private Cloud. The research also identified the important factors to hiring a Cloud Computing provider


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Taking competitive advantage or satisfy the client are the reasons why companies have been implementing a Quality Management System (QMS). It brings benefits such as the improvement in the processes, products and services; an enhancement in the image of the company (marketing) and satisfaction of the clients. As a whole, this paper aims to evaluate the results obtained from the implementation of the QMS in the certified companies in the ISO 9001 standard, contained in the database of INMETRO, of the Rio Grande do Norte State (RN). In order to achieve the goals, a bibliographical research about the theme quality management system was made and, subsequently a survey was made with the managers of the certified companies in RN, using the online questionnaire. Out of 27 companies that have the certificate in Rio Grande do Norte, 21 responded the data collection instrument. The data analysis was made through techniques of descriptive and multivariate statistics: cluster analysis. The research instrument used contained 20 questions that address the main theme of this dissertation. Using the cluster analysis, four groupings that possessed similarities concerning the survey answers were found. This analysis allowed us to conclude that the QMS boosts significant improvements in the organizations, such as: quality in the reputation of the company and sales increase. On the other hand, it allowed us to identify as main difficulties: the dissemination of the quality culture, lack of commitment of the whole organization and the resistance of the workers


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The hotel industry is increasingly using the Internet like a management and operational tool. That way, the hotels will be more prepared to offer quality services to their guests and increase their profits as well. However, many managers seem don t perceive the advantages brought from this new digital environment. This thesis analyse the effects of the hotel managers perceptions as for the Internet effectiveness, Internet access, Internet as a communication tool, future importance of the Internet, benefits and drawbacks of the Internet, according to property type (simple, medium comfort and luxe), property size (quantity of the apartaments), age and hotel industry experience of the managers. The methodology utilized was a survey about the hotels that had at least 40 apartments (medium and big property size), were working in Natal-RN and classified in categories in the Guia Quatro Rodas Brasil, totalizing 35 hotels. Through the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey test, the results showed that the hotel managers with more than 50 apartments, the managers of the hotel more comfortable, the younger managers and the managers less experient in the hotel industry, demonstrated more conscious about the importance of the adoption of the Internet than the rest of the others. The contribution of this work is to offer more knowledge to the hotel executives about how they can use the Internet and show the importance of the web adoption in their properties


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The natural gas perform a essential paper, not only in primary sectors of energy, but also in others sectors of economy. The use natural gas will have expansion in Brazil, motivated by governmental decision to increase the participation of this fuel in the Brazilian energy matrix from 4% to 12% up until 2010. in order to reach the objective related to increase the consumption of natural gas in the energy matrix and to propose solutions to attend the electric requirements of heart and refrigeration, using natural gas as primary power plant. This thesis has a main objective to analysis the perception of businessmen of hotel sector about the feasability of investment with micro-cogeneration system by natural gas in their hotel in turistic sector, in Natal/RN. It s show a case for the hotels selected analyzing the actual knowledge of businessmen about alternative of new technology in generation of owner energy. There was make a interview using a standard form researching information about this topic. In this interview has shown 4 (four) canaries for businessmen with different configurations of investment in micro-cogeneration. Two of this canaries uses the project finance like option to make fasible this projects. The resulteis showed who businessmen has insecurity to make decision to put in office alone, or with a local company, and perhaps with a national company to perform for a alternative energy system, justifying, the alone feasability and without information by local businessmen. Apart from that, they are receptive for a option to put in office in micro-cogeneration configured in the settings using project finance


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This thesis carries through an application of Analysis of Multicriterion Decision with use of the method of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) in the problematic one of taking of decision of the adoption of electronic collecting in the system of urban transport in the country, a subject that has been controversial. A modeling of criteria and alternatives is carried through and applied a questionnaire based on method AHP the excellent actors in the system of urban transport - Leading of the Managing Agency Public Municipal theatre of Urban Transports, Controller of Company of Bus, Controller of Labor union, Controller of Union of Companies, Communitarian Leader. The considered alternatives were: the maintenance of the current state with collectors, the implementation of electronic collection without collectors, and the implementation of electronic collection with collectors. The used criteria were: job, impact in the fare, control of the system, easiness of use, information. The study was carried through in the city of Natal, RN, where if the adoption of electronic collection argues and where this implementation in some bus lines between Natal and Parnamirim exists, city that integrates the region of the great Natal. The main results of the method evidence in a dimension, the viability of use of method AHP with questionnaire by means of validation of the judgments with analysis of variance beyond proper the normal mechanisms of analysis of consistency to the method, and in another one, the contribution of the analysis boarding multicriterion to become the judgments more clearly. The main results of the analysis help to show that although to models of criteria and distinct judgments of the actors, the method evidenced that it has inclination the adoption of the electronic collection on the current situation, even so with divergences between the maintenance or not of the collector. The research points to the possibility of accomplishment of the application of the AHP in successive rounds of judgments


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Sistemas Integrados de Gestão ou Enterprise Resources Planning - ERP possibilitam o processamento das informações necessárias em uma empresa usando um único banco de dados. Muito tem se escrito sobre este tipo de software, abordando questões como o alto custo da aquisição de licenças, e a dependência de consultoria para a sua adaptação e implantação nas empresas. Atualmente vem crescendo o desenvolvimento e uso de ERP Livre de Código Aberto (FOS-ERP). Porém verifica-se que este tipo de sistema ainda não é suficientemente explorado, mesmo no meio acadêmico. Este artigo relata alguns trabalhos publicados sobre o assunto e levanta questões que devem ser tratadas por pesquisadores e demais interessados para adequar e viabilizar o uso desses sistemas conforme a realidade nacional. Assim, após uma introdução ao tema, são apresentadas algumas diferenças entre o FOS-ERP e seus equivalentes proprietários (Proprietary ERP ou P-ERP) em termos de modelos de negócios, seleção, customização e evolução. em seguida são elencados alguns desafios e oportunidades que o FOS-ERP pode oferecer a usuários, fornecedores, pesquisadores e colaboradores individuais. Concluindo, este artigo busca ampliar a discussão sobre FOS-ERP, destacando fatores tais como seu potencial de inovação tecnológica e estratégias de negócios.