981 resultados para Accelerated aging


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We present a method of rapidly producing computer-generated holograms that exhibit geometric occlusion in the reconstructed image. Conceptually, a bundle of rays is shot from every hologram sample into the object volume.We use z buffering to find the nearest intersecting object point for every ray and add its complex field contribution to the corresponding hologram sample. Each hologram sample belongs to an independent operation, allowing us to exploit the parallel computing capability of modern programmable graphics processing units (GPUs). Unlike algorithms that use points or planar segments as the basis for constructing the hologram, our algorithm's complexity is dependent on fixed system parameters, such as the number of ray-casting operations, and can therefore handle complicated models more efficiently. The finite number of hologram pixels is, in effect, a windowing function, and from analyzing the Wigner distribution function of windowed free-space transfer function we find an upper limit on the cone angle of the ray bundle. Experimentally, we found that an angular sampling distance of 0:01' for a 2:66' cone angle produces acceptable reconstruction quality. © 2009 Optical Society of America.


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En las últimas décadas la cosmología ha experimentado notables avances como consecuencia del desarrollo de nuevos experimentos que nos han abastecido con precisos datos observacionales. La calidad de estos datos ha permitido construir una imagen global del universo actual; un universo acelerado compuesto principalmente por materia oscura (23%) distinta a la materia ordinaria (5%), y energía oscura (70%), la componente del universo que contrarresta el efecto gravitatorio y explica la expansión acelerada de éste. Con la existencia de estas dos principales componentes se puede explicar la situación actual del universo y los fenómenos que tienen lugar en él. Sin embargo, su naturaleza es todavía un misterio, por lo que nos encontramos ante un largo y apasionante camino que recorrer.Es en este contexto donde se enmarca el trabajo presentado en esta tesis, cuyo principal objetivo es ir más allá y obtener algunas pistas nuevas sobre la naturaleza de la energía oscura. Las investigaciones llevadas a cabo durante esta tesis tratan de hacer frente a este sector ¿oscuro" desde varias perspectivas, combinando la teoría y el análisis de datos astronómicos.Como primer acercamiento, en el capítulo 2 se propone un nuevo modelo para unificar el sector ¿oscuro¿: materia y energía oscura. En los capítulos 3 y 4 se aborda el problema de la energía oscura desde una nueva perspectiva y se presentan unas nuevas parametrizaciones de la ecuación de estado de la energía oscura. Por último, en el capítulo 5, a través de los datos del fondo cósmico de microondas, se da un paso más allá en física de las épocas tempranas del universo, y se obtienen restricciones sobre el exceso de densidad de radiación observado. Por otra parte, se da una explicación a este fenómeno: se atribuye este exceso al fondo cósmico de ondas gravitacionales primordiales producido por las cuerdas cósmicas, bajo condiciones adiabáticas.


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Changes in the quality of canned tilapia packed in oil and tomato sauce at ambient and accelerated temperatures were examined by microbiological and sensory evaluation. Canned tilapia were found to be microbiologically stable and organoleptically acceptable after six months storage period. Total viable count (TVC) were generally low (2.5 x 10 super(2)). Thermophilic organisms (Clostridium) were absent in all samples. The yield of edible part of tilapia was 72% after dressing. Pre-cooking of tilapia resulted in a loss of 21.5% of its dressed weight. Comparison of canned tilapia with available canned fishes (geisha and bonga) showed similar trends in the taste, proximate composition, microbiological stability and sensory scores.The possibility for investment in tilapia cannary was also investigated. It was found that production of canned tilapia will be economically viable if a ten hectare tilapia farm is used as a source of raw materials.


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The calculation of settling speed of coarse particles is firstly addressed, with accelerated Stokesian dynamics without adjustable parameters, in which far field force acting on the particle instead of particle velocity is chosen as dependent variables to consider inter-particle hydrodynamic interactions. The sedimentation of a simple cubic array of spherical particles is simulated and compared to the results available to verify and validate the numerical code and computational scheme. The improvedmethod keeps the same computational cost of the order O(N log N) as usual accelerated Stokesian dynamics does. Then, more realistic random suspension sedimentation is investigated with the help ofMont Carlo method. The computational results agree well with experimental fitting. Finally, the sedimentation of finer cohesive particle, which is often observed in estuary environment, is presented as a further application in coastal engineering.


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The impact of a laser-accelerated micron-size projectile on a dense plasma target is studied using two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations. The projectile is first accelerated by an ultraintense laser. It then impinges on the dense plasma target and merges with the latter. Part of the kinetic energy of the laser-accelerated ions in the projectile is deposited in the fused target, and an extremely high concentration of plasma ions with a mean kinetic energy needed for fusion reaction is induced. The interaction is thus useful for laser-driven impact fusion and as a compact neutron source.