874 resultados para Aboriginal Australians Queensland Civil rights
Effective July 1, 2007, the Iowa Civil Rights Act (Iowa Code Chapter 216) was expanded to add sexual orientation and gender identity to the list of protected characteristics. It is now illegal in Iowa to discriminate against a person because of his/her actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity.
Effective July 1, 2007, the Iowa Civil Rights Act (Iowa Code Chapter 216) was expanded to add sexual orientation and gender identity to the list of protected classes. It is now ILLEGAL in Iowa to discriminate against a person because of his/her sexual orientation or gender identity.
Effective July 1, 2007, the Iowa Civil Rights Act (Iowa Code Chapter 216) was expanded to add sexual orientation and gender identity to the list of protected classes. It is now ILLEGAL in Iowa to discriminate against a person because of his/her sexual orientation or gender identity.
Agency performance plan and action plan for the Iowa College Student Aid Commission
This handbook describes the peer review methodology that was applied at the GODIAC project fi eld studies1. The peer review evaluation method as initiated by Otto Adang in the Netherlands and further developed in a European football context (Adang & Brown, 2008) involves experienced police offi cers cooperating with researchers to perform observational fi eld studies to identify good practices and learning points for public order management. The handbook builds on the GODIAC seminars and workshops, for the fi eld study members, which took place in September 2010, January 2012 and January 2013. The handbook has been discussed in the project group and in the steering committee. It is primarily written for the GODIAC fi eld study members as background material for understanding the fi eld study process and for clarifying the different responsibilities that enable active participation in the fi eld study. The handbook has been developed during the project period and incorporates learning points and developments of the peer review method. The handbook aims at promoting the use of fi eld studies for evaluation of policing major events.
The volume is divided into two parts; the fi rst deals with issues related to the police, and the second addresses issues related to demonstrators and protesters. We hope that this volume will provide further insight into issues associated with policing at major events and shed light on the complexity of the organisations, motives, and strategies in play whenever protester groups are involved.
This report summarises the fi eld study results of the project ’Good practice for dialogue and communication as strategic principles for policing political manifestations in Europe’ (GODIAC).1 The overall idea was to integrate operative police work, research and training within the fi eld and to build international and institutional networks, ensuring and recognising the responsibilities of the organisers. The purpose of the GODIAC project was to contribute to the development of a European approach to policing political manifestations.
Agency performance plan and action plan for the Iowa College Student Aid Commission
Individuals with disabilities have civil rights protection similar to that provided to individuals on the basis of race, sex, national origin, and religion. The advent of the Americans with Disabilities Act has improved these protections and brought this issue into the forefront. This book is not intended to be a legal translation of state or federal laws. Its purpose is to assist people with disabilities in understanding their rights. Please consult the Code of Iowa, the appropriate federal laws or an attorney if you need a legal interpretation.
Abstract: Politics of memory: Bloody Sunday in Londonderry
The purpose of this article is two-fold. First, it provides an overview of the types of lending discrimination, discusses what laws apply to lending discrimination, and explains how to establish a prima facie case and pretext. This discussion will borrow concepts and case law from the areas of employment discrimination and the related issue of rental discrimination. Each of these areas share similar required elements as well as the need to establish pre-text. Second, this article provides an overview of predatory lending practices, applicable law, and potential remedies.
Persons with disabilities may find it challenging to fully use and enjoy their dwelling without adequate accessible parking. The State of Iowa has specific laws and regulations regarding accessible parking for persons with disabilities. Iowa Code Chapter 321L (1990); 661Iowa Admin. Code Chapter 18 (321L) (2010). In addition, there are state and federal fair housing laws that prohibit discrimination in parking for persons with disabilities – the federal “Fair Housing Act,” the “Americans with Disabilities Act” (ADA), and the “Iowa Civil Rights Act of 1965.” 42 U.S.C. §§ 3600- 3620; 42 U.S.C. § 12101; and Iowa Code Chapter 216. It may at times be challenging for a housing provider to fully understand and correctly apply all of these laws to their particular off-street parking situations and needs; however, by reviewing these laws and answering certain key questions, this paper will assist providers in achieving greater understanding and help insure greater compliance with these laws.
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Fair Housing Act (FHA) prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability and govern the use of service or emotional support animals in places where pets may not be permitted. However, courts have been struggling with how to define and treat animals that qualify for protection under each law. This has created confusion as to what rights and duties are owed disabled persons and the animals that live with or accompany them. This essay attempts to clarify these two federal laws with regard to service or emotional support animals and the differing parties‘ rights and interests. It also includes an overview of select state laws that govern assistance animals of all types and our recommendations for enhancing the Iowa Civil Rights Act.
En aquest article presentem aquells indicadors que faciliten processos inclusius ¡/o de qualitat de vida en les persones arnb discapacitat. Mitjan~ant entrevistes en profunditat a persones de I'entorn més proper (pares i professionals) hem recollit informació dels processos que estan ¡/o han portat ii terme les persones amb discapacitat, amb la finalitat d'identificar els punts forts del procés i, en conseqüencia, donar pautes generals d'actuació en relació amb I'organització dels suports en el nostre context per tal d'afavorir els processos inclusius. Dels diferents indicadors se'n constata la importancia de sentir-se recolzats, especialment en aquells moments vitals de transició i canvi d'una etapa d'escolaritat a una altra o del pas a la vida adulta. També podlem afirmar que tenir un bon benestar emocional (ambients estables, ajuda, suports, referents clars, seguretat) contribueix a la disminució de I'estres dels professionals i de les famílies a I'hora de cobrir les necessitats de la persona amb discapacitat. Pel que fa al desenvolupament personal i a la inclusió social hi ha una visió positiva de la persona i del seu progrés. Finalment, apareix una referencia molt clara als drets, pero s'evidencia una percepció més pessimista a mesura que s'avanca en el cicle vital i es denuncien diferencies entre els drets teorics i els reals.
L'art. 23 de la CE consagra el dret fonamental dels ciutadans a participar en els assumptes públics, preveient-ne dues grans modalitats, la participació directa i la representativa. La doctrina jurisprudencial elaborada pel Tribunal Constitucional durant quasi trenta anys ha atorgat a aquest dret una configuració especial: el seu abast es veu reduït a l'estricta participació política (aspecte que tindrà conseqüències en el vessant de la participació directa reduïda a la iniciativa legislativa popular i el referèndum, deixant fora del seu abast altres possibles institucions participatives); però, per altra banda, amplia el nucli de protecció del dret, garantint no només l'accés dels ciutadans als càrrecs públics (un ius ad officium) en condicions d'igualtat; sinó també el dret dels representants a romandre en el seu càrrec lliures de qualsevol pertorbació i el tercer contingut, el dret dels representants a exercir les facultats inherents a la funció que desenvolupen tot atorgant-los un status constitucionalment garantit. Aquesta construcció jurisprudencial del dret esdevé així la garantia jurídica de la democràcia. Certament, aquest enteniment del dret fonamental de participació té conseqüències prou rellevants en l'àmbit dels partits polítics com a instruments fonamentals per a la participació política. L'abundància de resolucions per part del Tribunal Constitucional, majoritàriament a través de recursos d'empara, ha fet possible l'entrada del dret de participació en dos àmbits singularment rellevants del procés polític, com són el sistema electoral i el dret parlamentari, i ha permès al Tribunal construir tota una teoria de la representació política en seu de drets fonamentals.