1000 resultados para AGE CONSTRAINTS


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Oxygen isotopic (d18O) climatic stratigraphy and radiocarbon chronology, at high resolution, have been used to establish an age model for Ocean Drilling Program Hole 1017E, a continuous 25-m sequence of hemipelagic sediments from the continental slope (956 m water depth), east of Point Arguella, Southern California. The upper part of Hole 1017E from ~33 ka (7.445 mbsf) was dated using 13 calendar-corrected radiocarbon ages of mixed planktonic foraminiferal assemblages. Benthic oxygen isotopic stratigraphy records a continuous 130-k.y. sequence ranging from marine isotope Stage 6 to the present day. The benthic d18O curve, representing the last two interglacial and glacial cycles, closely resembles the well-dated, deep-sea reference sequence, providing a detailed chronologic framework. Sedimentation rates remained relatively constant throughout the sequence at ~18 cm/k.y. and were sufficiently rapid to provide considerable potential for high-resolution paleoceanographic/paleoclimatic investigations. Planktonic foraminiferal oxygen isotopic stratigraphy based on the surface-dwelling form Globigerina bulloides defines an almost complete sequence of interstadial/stadial oscillations (Dansgaard/Oeschger cycles [D/O]). Combined use of radiocarbon chronology, deep-sea oxygen isotopic datums, and visual pattern matching has enabled us to identify the sequence of D/O cycles as described for the Greenland (GRIP2) ice core. This has strengthened the stratigraphic framework for the last 60 k.y. in the sequence as a basis for further paleoenvironmental investigations.


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K-Ar ages of 82 slate and schist (white-mica-rich whole rock) samples are reported for Late Precambrian-Early Ordovician metamorphic rocks of the Wilson, Bowers and Robertson Bay terranes of northern Victoria Land. These are amalgamated in two vertical sections along composite NE-SW horizontal profiles across (1) Oates Coast in the north, and (2) Terra Nova Bay area in the south. The ages are in the range 328-517 Ma. Both profiles show some age variation with altitude, but more importantly, they define an inverted wedge shaped pattern, reflecting a "pop-up" strucure. This is oriented NW-SE at the eastern margin of the Wilson terrane, and the edges coincide with the Exiles and Wilson Thrusts which cross the region. Ages inside the "pop-up" structure are younger, ca. 460-480 Ma, than those along its eastern and western flanks, ca. 490-520 Ma. The K-Ar age patterns thus demonstrate a late Ross Orogenic age (ca. 460 Ma) for this structure, which may be associated with assembly of the Wilson and Bowers terranes.


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Lithology, lithic petrology, planktonic foraminiferal abundances, and clastic grain sizes have been determined in a 30 m-long core recovered from the Barra Fan off northwest Scotland. The record extends back to around 45 kyr B.P., with sedimentation rates ranging between 50 and 200 cm/kyr. The abundance of ice-rafted debris indicates 16 glacimarine events, including temporal equivalents to Heinrich events 1-4. Enhanced concentrations of basaltic material derived from the British Tertiary Province suggest that the glacimarine sediments record variations in a glacial source on the Hebrides shelf margin. Glacimarine zones are separated by silty intervals with high planktonic foraminifera concentrations that reflect an interstadial circulation regime in the Rockall Trough. The results suggest that the last British Ice Sheet fluctuated with a periodicity of 2000-3000 years, in common with the Dansgaard-Oeschger climate cycle.


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Procedures for radiocarbon dating of ocean sediments on board the ship using the benzene variant of the method are described. The main features of the benzene synthesis scheme, together with its differences from the method usually used onshore laboratories, are discussed briefly. Parameters of radiometric installation, in which activity of synthesized benzenes is determined are cited. The method was used successfully during Cruise 14 of R/V Dmitry Mendeleev (45 datings) and Cruise 24 of R/V Akademik Kurchatov (81 datings).


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Sediments from Ocean Drilling Program Site 1165 in the Indian Ocean sector of the Southern Ocean (off Prydz Bay) contain a series of layers that are rich in ice-rafted debris (IRD). Here we present evidence that IRD-rich layers at Site 1165 at 7, 4.8, and 3.5 Ma record short-lived, massive discharges of icebergs from Wilkes Land and Adélie Land, more than 1500 kilometers to the east of the depositional site. This distant source of icebergs is clearly defined by the presence of IRD hornblende grains with 40Ar/39Ar ages of 1200-1100 Ma and 1550-1500 Ma, ages that are not found on the East Antarctic continent in locations closer to Site 1165. This observation requires enormous amounts of detritus-carrying drifting icebergs, most likely in the form of large icebergs. These events probably reflect destabilization, surge, and break-up of ice streams on the Wilkes Land and Adélie Land margins of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet, in the vicinity of the low-lying Aurora and Wilkes Basins. They occurred under warming conditions, but each coast seems to have produced ice-rafting events independently, at different times. The data presented here constitute the first evidence of far-traveled icebergs from specific source areas around the East Antarctic perimeter. Launch of these icebergs may have happened during quite dramatic events, perhaps analogous to "Heinrich Events" in the North Atlantic.


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The north Icelandic shelf is partly distinguished by the Tjörnes Fracture Zone featuring numerous active basins in a mud-dominated shelf environment. Late Glacial and Holocene high-resolution sedimentary records from this area have been studied with tephrochronology as the main tool for correlation and for exact timing of palaeoceanographic events in the area. Data from three new piston cores from the shelf demonstrate the importance of tephra markers for the first chronological evaluation and correlation of the cores. The correlation is extended with lithological logs and with magnetic susceptibility records. A detailed multidisciplinary study (including biostratigraphy and tephrochronology) of a late Holocene record of predominantly muddy sediments at the same location demonstrates that marked variations in the distribution of water masses occurred repeatedly through the last 4500 cal. yr. Of special interest is the exact timing of a marked drop in sea-surface temperature in the area, indicated by ice rafting debris concentration, to about 50 years before the Hekla 3 eruption, which occurred at 2980 cal. yr BP. This appears to predate most records of a general cooling event in NW Europe by a couple of centuries. Two different possible age models, one based on 14C dates combined with tephra markers and one based on tephra markers alone, are discussed in context with the problem of different marine reservoir ages of the water masses in the area.


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We investigated the multivariate relationships between adipose tissue residue levels of 48 individual organohalogen contaminants (OHCs) and circulating thyroid hormone (TH) levels in polar bears (Ursus maritimus) from East Greenland (1999-2001, n = 62), using projection to latent structure (PLS) regression for four groupings of polar bears; subadults (SubA), adult females with cubs (AdF_N), adult females without cubs (AdF_S) and adult males (AdM). In the resulting significant PLS models for SubA, AdF_N and AdF_S, some OHCs were especially important in explaining variations in circulating TH levels: polybrominated diphenylether (PBDE)-99, PBDE-100, PBDE-153, polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)-52, PCB-118, cis-nonachlor, trans-nonachlor, trichlorobenzene (TCB) and pentachlorobenzene (QCB), and both negative and positive relationships with THs were found. In addition, the models revealed that DDTs had a positive influence on total 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine (TT3) in AdF_S, and that a group of 17 higher chlorinated ortho-PCBs had a positive influence on total 3,5,3',5'-tetraiodothyronine (thyroxine, TT4) in AdF_N. TH levels in AdM seemed less influenced by OHCs because of non-significant PLS models. TH levels were also influenced by biological factors such as age, sex, body size, lipid content of adipose tissue and sampling date. When controlling for biological variables, the major relationships from the PLS models for SubA, AdF_N and AdF_S were found significant in partial correlations. The most important OHCs that influenced TH levels in the significant PLS models may potentially act through similar mechanisms on the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis, suggesting that both combined effects by dose and response addition and perhaps synergistic potentiation may be a possibility in these polar bears. Statistical associations are not evidence per se of biological cause-effect relationships. Still, the results of the present study indicate that OHCs may affect circulating TH levels in East Greenland polar bears, adding to the "weight of evidence" suggesting that OHCs might interfere with thyroid homeostasis in polar bears.


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Glacially deformed pieces of wood, organic lake sediments and clasts of reworked peat have been collected in front of Alpine glaciers since AD 1990. The palaeoglaciological interpretation of these organic materials is related to earlier phases of glacier recession surpassing that of today's shrunken glaciers and to tree growth and peat accumulation in the valleys now occupied by the glaciers. Glacial transport of the material is indicated by wood anatomy, incorporated silt, sand and gravel particles, missing bark and deformed treerings. A total of 65 samples have been radiocarbon dated so far, and clusters of dates provide evidence of eight phases of glacier recession: 9910-9550, 9010-7980, 7250-6500, 6170-5950, 5290-3870, 3640-3360, 2740-2620 and 1530-1170 calibrated years BP. Allowing for the timelag between climatic fluctuations, glacier response and vegetation colonization, these recession phases may lag behind climatic changes by 100-200 years.