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Purpose Exercise for Health was a randomized, controlled trial designed to evaluate two modes of delivering (face-to-face [FtF] and over-the-telephone [Tel]) an 8-month translational exercise intervention, commencing 6-weeks post-breast cancer surgery (PS). Methods Outcomes included quality of life (QoL), function (fitness and upper-body) and treatment-related side effects (fatigue, lymphoedema, body mass index, menopausal symptoms, anxiety, depression and pain). Generalised estimating equation modelling determined time (baseline [5-weeks PS], mid-intervention [6-months PS], post-intervention [12-months PS]), group (FtF, Tel, Usual Care [UC]) and time-by-group effects. 194 women representative of the breast cancer population were randomised to the FtF (n=67), Tel (n=67) and UC (n=60) groups. Results: There were significant (p<0.05) interaction effects on QoL, fitness and fatigue, with differences being observed between the treatment groups and the UC group. Trends observed for the treatment groups were similar. The treatment groups reported improved QoL, fitness and fatigue over time and changes observed between baseline and post-intervention were clinically relevant. In contrast, the UC group experienced no change, or worsening QoL, fitness and fatigue, mid-intervention. Although improvements in the UC group occurred by 12-months post-surgery, the change did not meet the clinically relevant threshold. There were no differences in other treatment-related side-effects between groups. Conclusion This translational intervention trial, delivered either face-to-face or over-the-telephone, supports exercise as a form of adjuvant breast cancer therapy that can prevent declines in fitness and function during treatment and optimise recovery post-treatment.


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In their paper Lindberg and Ludvigsen (2012) have correctly identified the lack of evidence-based nurse-sensitive indicators measuring the quality of haemodialysis nursing care. The authors suggest that the intradialytic ultrafiltration rate (UFR) (total fluid removed divided by the total time in a single dialysis treatment, measured in litres per hour) may be one such indicator. Importantly it is best practice to minimise high UFRs as they are associated with higher risk of cardiovascular events and vascular access complications (Curatola et al., 2011). However, this does not justify UFR to qualify as a nurse-sensitive indicator of quality in the haemodialysis context. The aim of this response is to voice our concerns over the proposal to use haemodialysis treatment UFR as a haemodialysis nurse-sensitive quality indicator...


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Purpose: To investigate the effects of an acute multinutrient supplement on game-based running performance, peak power output, anaerobic by-products, hormonal profiles, markers of muscle damage, and perceived muscular soreness before, immediately after, and 24 h following competitive rugby union games. Methods: Twelve male rugby union players ingested either a comprehensive multinutrient supplement (SUPP), [RE-ACTIVATE:01], or a placebo (PL) for 5 d. Participants then performed a competitive rugby union game (with global positioning system tracking), with associated blood draws and vertical jump assessments pre, immediately post and 24 h following competition. Results: SUPP ingestion resulted in moderate to large effects for augmented 1st half very high intensity running (VHIR) mean speed (5.9 ± 0.4 vs 4.8 ± 2.3 m·min–1; d= 0.93). Further, moderate increases in 2nd half VHIR distance (137 ± 119 vs 83 ± 89 m; d= 0.73) and VHIR mean speed (5.9 ± 0.6 v 5.3 ± 1.7 m·min–1; d= 0.56) in SUPP condition were also apparent. Postgame aspartate aminotransferase (AST; 44.1 ± 11.8 vs 37.0 ± 3.2 UL; d= 1.16) and creatine kinase (CK; 882 ± 472 vs. 645 ± 123 UL; d= 0.97) measures demonstrated increased values in the SUPP condition, while AST and CK values correlated with 2nd half VHIR distance (r= –0.71 and r= –0.76 respectively). Elevated C-reactive protein (CRP) was observed postgame in both conditions; however, it was significantly blunted with SUPP (P= .05). Conclusions: These findings suggest SUPP may assist in the maintenance of VHIR during rugby union games, possibly via the buffering qualities of SUPP ingredients. However, correlations between increased work completed at very high intensities and muscular degradation in SUPP conditions, may mask any anticatabolic properties of the supplement.


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There’s nothing like travel to broaden the mind. As a young man living in Britain during the 1980s I thought I knew about human obesity, but it took a visit to the US to show me what an epidemic looks like. Nowadays I live in Australia, where human obesity is rife. We have plenty of fat horses too (Sillence et al., 2006), but they are noticeable. In fact, it was only recently during a return visit to Britain, that I was finally sold on the concept of an equine obesity epidemic. It seems that in the UK, the fat horse or pony is now so commonplace that it has come to represent the norm in the eyes of many owners. I met clinicians who claim to have forgotten what a fit horse looks like, and heard anecdotes of a responsible owner who kept their animals in a healthy body condition, only to be reported to the RSPCA for ‘cruelty’. Round and shiny have become the order of the day and, as we have learned from the tsunami of human obesity, once a problem reaches a certain scale it can seem unstoppable, despite the attendant risks, costs and consequences.


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The mining environment, being complex, irregular and time varying, presents a challenging prospect for stereo vision. For this application, speed, reliability, and the ability to produce a dense depth map are of foremost importance. This paper evaluates a number of matching techniques for possible use in a stereo vision sensor for mining automation applications. Area-based techniques have been investigated because they have the potential to yield dense maps, are amenable to fast hardware implementation, and are suited to textured scenes. In addition, two non-parametric transforms, namely, the rank and census, have been investigated. Matching algorithms using these transforms were found to have a number of clear advantages, including reliability in the presence of radiometric distortion, low computational complexity, and amenability to hardware implementation.


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Objective. To determine the impact of the introduction of universal access to ambulance services via the implementation of the Community Ambulance Cover (CAC) program in Queensland in 2003–04. Method. The study involved a 10-year (2000–01 to 2009–10) retrospective analysis of routinely collected data reported by the Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS) and by the Council of Ambulance Authorities. The data were analysed for the impact of policy changes that resulted in universal access to ambulance services in Queensland. Results. QASis a statewide, publically funded ambulance service. In Queensland, ambulance utilisation rate (AUR)per 1000 persons grew by 41% over the decade or 3.9% per annum (10-year mean = 149.8, 95% CI: 137.3–162.3). The AUR mean after CAC was significantly higher for urgent incidents than for non-urgent ones. However projection modelling demonstrates that URs after the introduction of CAC were significantly lower than the projected utilisation for the same period. Conclusions. The introduction of universal access under the Community Ambulance Cover program in Queensland has not had any significant independent long-term impact on demand overall. There has been a reduction in the long-term growth rate, which may have been contributed to by an ‘appropriate use’ public awareness program.


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Sulforaphane (SF; 4-methylsulfinylbutyl isothiocyanate), a dietary compound derived from broccoli, may exhibit chemopreventive properties by inducing cell cycle arrest via induction of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1A (p21(waf1/cip1)), but the exact molecular mechanism has not been determined. Here we evaluate the role of the transcription factor Kruppel-like factor 4 (KLF4) in mediating the induction of p21(waf1/cip1) and cellular differentiation by SF and iberin (IB; 3-methylsulphinyl propyl isothiocyanate), also derived from broccoli. Exposure of Caco-2 and Caco-2/TC7 cells to SF and IB increased expression of both KLF4 and p21(waf1/cip1), whereas exposure of HT29 cells resulted only in induction of p21(waf1/cip1). In Caco-2 cells, small interfering RNA knock down of KLF4 expression attenuated induction of p21(waf1/cip1) in response to either SF or IB treatment. Contrary to expectation, prolonged exposure to SF reduced sucrase isomaltase activity, a marker of small intestinal differentiation in Caco-2 cells. Additional support for the SF-mediated induction of p21(waf1/cip1) by KLF4 was obtained from analyses of gastric tissue of Apc(Min/+) mice following acute intervention with SF but not from the analyses of other tissue of the intestinal tract. These results suggest that induction of p21(waf1/cip1) by SF or IB may be partly mediated by KLF4 in some colon cancer cells and tissues.


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Concurrent and longitudinal links between children’s own and their nominated best friends’ antisocial and prosocial behavior were studied in a normative sample of 3–5-year-olds (N = 203). Moderating effects of age and gender were also explored. Subscales of the Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) were used to obtain teacher ratings of behavior for each target child and his/her nominated best friends. Nomination of best friends with higher levels of antisocial behavior and lower levels of prosocial behavior was concurrently linked to more antisocial behavior in boys. Nomination of highly prosocial best friends was concurrently linked to more prosocial behavior in both boys and girls. However, the study found no longitudinal effects of best friends’ behavior on target child’s behavior over a one-year period. A group of children who nominated no best friends at T1 were generally perceived as less prosocial, but not more antisocial, than other children. © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This paper describes a process undertaken to develop and review five clinical vignettes to be used in geriatric nursing educational research. The purpose of this process was to provide valid depictions of delirium and its subtypes and distinguish delirium from dementia. Five vignettes depicting hospital bedside interactions between nursing staff, family, and an older patient who displayed signs of one of the following conditions: delirium (hyper and hypo-active types respectively), dementia, or delirium (both types) superimposed on dementia were constructed. Vignette accuracy and reliability was established using a multistage process that culminated in formal review by a group of ten international nursing and medical delirium experts. The final five vignettes accurately depicted the given scenario as agreed by the experts and were at an appropriate level of simplicity and clarity. Given the increased interest in vignettes for both nursing research and educational purposes, the described method of vignette development and review has the ability to assist other vignette developers in creating reliable representations of their desired clinical scenarios.


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Background Despite recent evidence demonstrating that exercise neither increases risk of nor exacerbates lymphoedema, lymphoedema prevention and management advice cautions against ‘repetitive use’ or ‘overuse’ of the affected arm. It is plausible that this advice creates a barrier to participation in exercise and, more generally, physical activity (any daily activity [PA]). This study explored the relationship between lymphoedema and PA among people following cancer treatment. Methods Social constructionist grounded theory guided study design, development of interview questions and the qualitative data analysis approach undertaken. Data were collected via focus groups and telephone interviews. Results Five focus groups (n=16 participants) and 13 telephone interviews were completed. Participants (women n=26, men n=3) were aged 39-80 years and were experiencing mild to severe lymphoedema following treatment for a variety of cancers. Participants varied in how they defined PA. Its perceived importance was mostly associated with the ability to partake in daily activities, with only some participants highlighting its importance for lymphoedema management or more general health benefits. Most participants’ PA decreased after diagnosis, a consequence of confusion around appropriate PA and fear that PA could worsen lymphoedema symptoms. Conclusions Lymphoedema guidelines need to be more clear and specific when discussing the role of PA and exercise in the prevention and management of lymphoedema. It may be more appropriate to discuss ways to optimize safety when engaging in specific tasks rather than to highlight the need for avoidance of participating in certain activities.


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Teachers often have difficulty implementing inquiry-based activities, leading to the arousal of negative emotions. In this multicase study of beginning physics teachers in Australia, we were interested in the extent to which their expectations were realized and how their classroom experiences while implementing extended experimental investigations (EEIs) produced emotional states that mediated their teaching practices. Against rhetoric of fear expressed by their senior colleagues, three of the four teachers were surprised by the positive outcomes from their supervision of EEIs for the first time. Two of these teachers experienced high intensity positive emotions in response to their students’ success. When student actions / outcomes did not meet their teachers’ expectations, frustration, anger, and disappointment were experienced by the teachers, as predicted by a sociological theory of human emotions (Turner, 2007). Over the course of the EEI projects, the teachers’ practices changed along with their emotional states and their students’ achievements. We account for similarities and differences in the teachers’ emotional experiences in terms of context, prior experience, and expectations. The findings from this study provide insights into effective supervision practices that can be used to inform new and experienced teachers alike.


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Shadow nations face particular problems in constructing competitive film industries. Shadow nations refer to nations whose relative competitiveness suffers from easy product substitutability by products initiated, produced and distributed by powerful actors, such as media conglomerates located in Hollywood. The dominant literature has so far neglected the developing policy recommendations for dealing explicitly with the challenges of shadow nations. This paper aims to develop and apply a normative model for the development of film industries in shadow nations. The model integrates insights from innovation system studies and place branding. The developed model is applied to the Australian film industry as Australia represents a typical shadow nation within the film industry.


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The City of the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia, will host the Commonwealth Games in 2018. In advance of the Games, the City is beginning to reposition the traditional marketing programs that were based around the four S’s- ‘sun, sand, surf and sex.’ There is a new emphasis on urban sophistication, sport, science, education and the environment. At the same time, local communities are asking for renewed attention to residential issues, particularly relating to recognising the importance of culture to the region. In this paper I explore the development of integrated computer technologies (ICTs) as a way of linking tourism, culture and place in the experience economy of the Gold Coast. The discussion is framed by theories of the post-tourist, contemporary cultural tourism and the role of mobile technologies, and the figure of the ‘referential tourist.’ An examination of stakeholder responses to changing business and social frameworks on the Gold Coast shows how discussions about a range of issues coalesce around cultural tourism. Local communities have the opportunity to engage with the new tourist as they move quickly between leisure and cultural experiences, at once connected to tourist expectations but increasingly self-directed. The Surfers Paradise Nights campaign, which is based around social media, is a case in point. This campaign aims to interest visitors in becoming a part of a familiar third place, an online space, but one that will sustain an emotive connection to the physical location and events. The paper also draws on research carried out in Brisbane, Queensland, in relation to building connections between place and culture on designated, self-directed journeys via iPhone technology. Participant responses indicate the importance of narrative to developing cultural frameworks.


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Starting from the study at the beginning of the East German "Heterosisfeldversuch", where PANICKE et al. (1975) considered the possibilities of a targeted use of inbreeding and heterotic effects, we show and discuss results of inbreeding studies in the USA dairy cattle breeding. Several research groups worldwide presented effective tools for managing inbreeding in dairy cattle. Their efforts underline the need of inbreeding studies. Contemplating inbreeding is necessary for any breeding decision to avoid inbreeding depression and for improved genetic analyses, e.g. in QTL- estimation. A novel methodology (HERNANDEZ-SANCHEZ et al., 2004a and b) is suggested for estimating inbreeding at the three levels of population, individual and locus.