965 resultados para 71.55.Eq


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BACKGROUND: To compare the prognostic value of different anatomical and functional metabolic parameters determined using [(18)F]FDG-PET/CT with other clinical and pathological prognostic parameters in cervical cancer (CC). METHODS: Thirty-eight patients treated with standard curative doses of chemo-radiotherapy (CRT) underwent pre- and post-therapy [(18)F]FDG-PET/CT. [(18)F]FDG-PET/CT parameters including mean tumor standardized uptake values (SUV), metabolic tumor volume (MTV) and tumor glycolytic volume (TGV) were measured before the start of CRT. The post-treatment tumor metabolic response was evaluated. These parameters were compared to other clinical prognostic factors. Survival curves were estimated by using the Kaplan-Meier method. Cox regression analysis was performed to determine the independent contribution of each prognostic factor. RESULTS: After 37 months of median follow-up (range, 12-106), overall survival (OS) was 71 % [95 % confidence interval (CI), 54-88], disease-free survival (DFS) 61 % [95 % CI, 44-78] and loco-regional control (LRC) 76 % [95 % CI, 62-90]. In univariate analyses the [(18)F]FDG-PET/CT parameters unfavorably influencing OS, DFS and LRC were pre-treatment TGV-cutoff ≥562 (37 vs. 76 %, p = 0.01; 33 vs. 70 %, p = 0.002; and 55 vs. 83 %, p = 0.005, respectively), mean pre-treatment tumor SUV cutoff ≥5 (57 vs. 86 %, p = 0.03; 36 vs. 88 %, p = 0.004; 65 vs. 88 %, p = 0.04, respectively) and a partial tumor metabolic response after treatment (9 vs. 29 %, p = 0.0008; 0 vs. 83 %, p < 0.0001; 22 vs. 96 %, p < 0.0001, respectively). After multivariate analyses a partial tumor metabolic response after treatment remained as an independent prognostic factor unfavorably influencing DFS and LRC (RR 1:7.7, p < 0.0001, and RR 1:22.6, p = 0.0003, respectively) while the pre-treatment TGV-cutoff ≥562 negatively influenced OS and DFS (RR 1:2, p = 0.03, and RR 1:2.75, p = 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Parameters capturing the pre-treatment glycolytic volume and metabolic activity of [(18)F]FDG-positive disease provide important prognostic information in patients with CC treated with CRT. The post-therapy [(18)F]FDG-PET/CT uptake (partial tumor metabolic response) is predictive of disease outcome.


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Objective: To evaluate musculoskeletal involvement in paracoccidioidomycosis at computed tomography. Materials and Methods: Development of a retrospective study based on a review of radiologic and pathologic reports in the institution database. Patients with histopathologically confirmed musculoskeletal paracoccidioidomycosis and submitted to computed tomography were included in the present study. The imaging findings were consensually described by two radiologists. In order to avoid bias in the analysis, one patient with uncountable bone lesions was excluded from the study. Results: A total of seven patients were included in the present study. A total of 18 bone lesions were counted. The study group consisted of 7 patients. A total number of 18 bone lesions were counted. Osteoarticular lesions were the first manifestation of the disease in four patients (57.14%). Bone lesions were multiple in 42.85% of patients. Appendicular and axial skeleton were affected in 85.71% and 42.85% of cases, respectively. Bone involvement was characterized by well-demarcated osteolytic lesions. Marginal osteosclerosis was identified in 72.22% of the lesions, while lamellar periosteal reaction and soft tissue component were present in 5.55% of them. One patient showed multiple small lesions with bone sequestra. Conclusion: Paracoccidioidomycosis can be included in the differential diagnosis of either single or multiple osteolytic lesions in young patients even in the absence of a previous diagnosis of pulmonary or visceral paracoccidioidomycosis


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Purpose: To assess the composition and compliance with legislation of multivitamin/multiminerals (MVM) in Switzerland. Methods: Information on the composition of vitamin/minerals supplements was obtained from the Swiss drug compendium, the Internet, pharmacies, parapharmacies and supermarkets. MVM was defined as the presence of at least 5 vitamins and/or minerals. Results: 95 MVM were considered. The most frequent vitamins were B6 (73.7%), C (71.6%), B2 (69.5%) and B1 (67.4%); the least frequent were K (17.9%), biotin (51.6%), pantothene (55.8%) and E (56.8%). Around half of MVMs provided >150% of the ADI for vitamins. The most frequent minerals were zinc (66.3%), calcium (55.8%), magnesium (54.7%) and copper (48.4%), and the least frequent were fluoride (3.2%), phosphorous (17.9%) and chrome (22.1%). Only 25% of MVMs contained iodine. More than two thirds of MVMs provided between 15 and 150% of the ADI for minerals, and few MVMs provided >150% of the ADI. While few MVMs provided <15% of the ADI for vitamins, a considerable fraction did so for minerals (32.7% for magnesium, 26.1% for copper and 22.6% for calcium). Conclusion: There is a great variability regarding the composition and amount of MVMs in Switzerland. Several MVM do not comply with the Swiss legislation.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, vastaavatko suomalaisten 55-64 vuotiaiden odotukset eläkkeensä tasosta ja eläkesäästöjensä riittävyydestä todellisuutta. Tutkimuksen empiirinen osa on kerätty haastattelemalla 55-64 vuotiaita suomalaisia eri puolelta Suomea. Aineiston on kerännyt TNSGallup puhelinhaastatteluina. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan todeta, että eläkeajalle varatut säästöt eivät riitä halutulla kulutustasolla koko eläkeajaksi. Elinajanodotus kasvaa koko ajan, jolloin eläkeaika on myös pidempi ja säästöjen tulisi vastata pidentynyttä elinaikaa. Eläkeaikaan varautuminen tulisi aloittaa aikaisemmin työuran aikana.


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Samlingen med signum HB Ib finns vid huvudbiblioteket och innehåller böcker, småskrifter och kataloger om böcker och om bibliotek. Bok- och biblioteksväsen har särskilt intresserat bibliotekets överbibliotekarier och detta har gjort att samlingen vid huvudbiblioteket blivit mycket omfattande, över 13.600 titlar, genom ett aktivt anskaffande av speciellt utländskt material som komplement till den litteratur som från och med år 1919 erhållits som friexemplar. Huvudbibliotekets systematiska kortkatalog som går till år 1980 är finindelad i klasserna HB Ib1 – HB Ib7. HB Ib1 Bok- och biblioteksväsen, allmänt period / antal titlar -1899 / 26 1900-49 / 184 1950-59 / 155 1960-69 / 144 1970-79 / 283 HB Ib2a Bibliografier, allmänt -1899 / 39 1900-49 / 77 1950-59 / 58 1960-69 / 149 1970-79 / 152 HB Ib2b Bibliografier enligt bibliotekets klassifikationssystem -1899 / 69 1900-49 / 168 1950-59 / 168 1960-69 / 451 1970-79 / 719 HB Ib2c Bibliografier, länder -1899 / 180 1900-49 / 497 1950-59 / 190 1960-69 / 283 1970-79 / 208 HB Ib2d Bibliografier, personbibliografier -1899 / 5 1900-49 / 117 1950-59 / 72 1960-69 / 146 1970-79 / 161 HB Ib3 Bibliotek -1899 / 162 1900-49 / 949 1950-59 / 292 1960-69 / 533 1970-79 / 968 HB Ib4 Arkiv, arkivteknik, organisation -1899 / 17 1900-49 / 69 1950-59 / 25 1960-69 / 58 1970-79 / 82 HB Ib5 Bokhandel, förlag, antikvariat -1899 / 62 1900-49 / 235 1950-59 / 71 1960-69 / 81 1970-79 / 77 HB Ib6a Bokväsen, allmänt -1899 / -- 1900-49 / 2 1950-59 / 2 1960-69 / 6 1970-79 / 18 HB Ib6a Bokväsen, bibliofili -1899 / 8 1900-49 / 35 1950-59 / 8 1960-69 / 4 1970-79 / 5 HB Ib6b Bokväsen, boktryckeri, bokhistoria -1899 / 89 1900-49 / 295 1950-59 / 119 1960-69 / 139 1970-79 / 104 HB Ib6d Bokväsen, bokbindning -1899 / 4 1900-49 / 30 1950-59 / 5 1960-69 / 13 1970-79 / 13 HB Ib6e Bokväsen, exlibris -1899 / 5 1900-49 / 34 1950-59 / 5 1960-69 / 9 1970-79 / 7 HB Ib7 Utställningskataloger -1899 / 4 1900-49 / 55 1950-59 / 66 1960-69 / 49 1970-79 / 41 Från och med år 1980 har litteraturen om bok- och biblioteksväsen införts i Alma utan finfördelning, dvs allt material mellan åren 1980 och 1999 har ett gemensamt signum, HB Ib. Från och med år 2000 ingår litteraturen om bok- och biblioteksväsen vid huvudbiblioteket i en numerus currens-samling. Sökning i Alma med ämnesord ger litteratur vid hela akademibiblioteket.


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Soitinnus: Piano.


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Soitinnus: Piano.


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PURPOSE: To assess baseline predictors and consequences of medication non-adherence in the treatment of pediatric patients with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) from Central Europe and East Asia. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Data for this post-hoc analysis were taken from a 1-year prospective, observational study that included a total of 1,068 newly-diagnosed pediatric patients with ADHD symptoms from Central Europe and East Asia. Medication adherence during the week prior to each visit was assessed by treating physicians using a 5-point Likert scale, and then dichotomized into either adherent or non-adherent. Clinical severity was measured by the Clinical Global Impressions-ADHD-Severity (CGI-ADHD) scale and the Child Symptom Inventory-4 (CSI-4) Checklist. Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) was measured using the Child Health and Illness Profile-Child Edition (CHIP-CE). Regression analyses were used to assess baseline predictors of overall adherence during follow-up, and the impact of time-varying adherence on subsequent outcomes: response (defined as a decrease of at least 1 point in CGI), changes in CGI-ADHD, CSI-4, and the five dimensions of CHIP-CE. RESULTS: Of the 860 patients analyzed, 64.5% (71.6% in Central Europe and 55.5% in East Asia) were rated as adherent and 35.5% as non-adherent during follow-up. Being from East Asia was found to be a strong predictor of non-adherence. In East Asia, a family history of ADHD and parental emotional distress were associated with non-adherence, while having no other children living at home was associated with non-adherence in Central Europe as well as in the overall sample. Non-adherence was associated with poorer response and less improvement on CGI-ADHD and CSI-4, but not on CHIP-CE. CONCLUSION: Non-adherence to medication is common in the treatment of ADHD, particularly in East Asia. Non-adherence was associated with poorer response and less improvement in clinical severity. A limitation of this study is that medication adherence was assessed by the treating clinician using a single item question.


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Soitinnus: viulu, piano.


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Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli kehittää verkkoyhtiön omaisuuden hallintaa PAS 55 standardin edellyttämälle tasolle. Kehittämistyössä keskityttiin johdon katselmukseen ja riskienhallintaan, joissa havaittiin suurimmat kehittämistarpeet. Tässä raportissa esitellään uudet toimintamallit näiden osa-alueiden kehittämiseksi. Kehittämistyössä hyödynnettiin PAS 55 standardin lisäksi uusimpia teorioita omaisuuden hallintaan liittyen. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että yrityksen omaisuuden hallinta on hyvällä tasolla. Lisäksi havaittiin, että kehitettyjen toimintamallien avulla yrityksen omaisuuden hallinta vastaa näiltä osin PAS 55 standardin vaatimuksia.


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Objectives: To examine the safety and effectiveness of cobalt-chromium everolimus eluting stents compared with bare metal stents. Design: Individual patient data meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Cox proportional regression models stratified by trial, containing random effects, were used to assess the impact of stent type on outcomes. Hazard ratios with 95% confidence interval for outcomes were reported. Data sources and study selection: Medline, Embase, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials. Randomised controlled trials that compared cobalt-chromium everolimus eluting stents with bare metal stents were selected. The principal investigators whose trials met the inclusion criteria provided data for individual patients. Primary outcomes: The primary outcome was cardiac mortality. Secondary endpoints were myocardial infarction, definite stent thrombosis, definite or probable stent thrombosis, target vessel revascularisation, and all cause death. Results: The search yielded five randomised controlled trials, comprising 4896 participants. Compared with patients receiving bare metal stents, participants receiving cobalt-chromium everolimus eluting stents had a significant reduction of cardiac mortality (hazard ratio 0.67, 95% confidence interval 0.49 to 0.91; P=0.01), myocardial infarction (0.71, 0.55 to 0.92; P=0.01), definite stent thrombosis (0.41, 0.22 to 0.76; P=0.005), definite or probable stent thrombosis (0.48, 0.31 to 0.73; P<0.001), and target vessel revascularisation (0.29, 0.20 to 0.41; P<0.001) at a median follow-up of 720 days. There was no significant difference in all cause death between groups (0.83, 0.65 to 1.06; P=0.14). Findings remained unchanged at multivariable regression after adjustment for the acuity of clinical syndrome (for instance, acute coronary syndrome v stable coronary artery disease), diabetes mellitus, female sex, use of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors, and up to one year v longer duration treatment with dual antiplatelets. Conclusions: This meta-analysis offers evidence that compared with bare metal stents the use of cobalt-chromium everolimus eluting stents improves global cardiovascular outcomes including cardiac survival, myocardial infarction, and overall stent thrombosis.


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Objectives: To examine the safety and effectiveness of cobalt-chromium everolimus eluting stents compared with bare metal stents. Design: Individual patient data meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Cox proportional regression models stratified by trial, containing random effects, were used to assess the impact of stent type on outcomes. Hazard ratios with 95% confidence interval for outcomes were reported. Data sources and study selection: Medline, Embase, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials. Randomised controlled trials that compared cobalt-chromium everolimus eluting stents with bare metal stents were selected. The principal investigators whose trials met the inclusion criteria provided data for individual patients. Primary outcomes: The primary outcome was cardiac mortality. Secondary endpoints were myocardial infarction, definite stent thrombosis, definite or probable stent thrombosis, target vessel revascularisation, and all cause death. Results: The search yielded five randomised controlled trials, comprising 4896 participants. Compared with patients receiving bare metal stents, participants receiving cobalt-chromium everolimus eluting stents had a significant reduction of cardiac mortality (hazard ratio 0.67, 95% confidence interval 0.49 to 0.91; P=0.01), myocardial infarction (0.71, 0.55 to 0.92; P=0.01), definite stent thrombosis (0.41, 0.22 to 0.76; P=0.005), definite or probable stent thrombosis (0.48, 0.31 to 0.73; P<0.001), and target vessel revascularisation (0.29, 0.20 to 0.41; P<0.001) at a median follow-up of 720 days. There was no significant difference in all cause death between groups (0.83, 0.65 to 1.06; P=0.14). Findings remained unchanged at multivariable regression after adjustment for the acuity of clinical syndrome (for instance, acute coronary syndrome v stable coronary artery disease), diabetes mellitus, female sex, use of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors, and up to one year v longer duration treatment with dual antiplatelets. Conclusions: This meta-analysis offers evidence that compared with bare metal stents the use of cobalt-chromium everolimus eluting stents improves global cardiovascular outcomes including cardiac survival, myocardial infarction, and overall stent thrombosis.


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A new kind of material, denominated MCM-71, was synthesized and characterized by several complementary techniques: X Ray Diffractometry, textural analysis by nitrogen adsorption, Scanning electronic microscopy and infrared spectroscopy. MCM-71 zeolite was successfully synthesized by hydrothermal synthesis in the presence of triethanolamine. Mordenite phase as impurity was not detected, otherwise quartz was observed. The MCM-71 sample obtained presented a BET surface area of 20 m²/g in the as synthesized form and of 85 m²/g in protonic form. By SEM was observed crystals with rectangular shape with average size of 2 x 0,2 x 0,05 µm and this crystals were agglomerated in spherical particles with average diameter between 14 and 24 µm.