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Morphological and culture studies of tetraspores of Gracilaria lemaneiformis were carried out under laboratory conditions. Relationships of germination rate, diameter and survival rate of tetraspores from 1st generation branches with grads of temperature and irradiance were determined, respectively. The result showed that 1st generation branches is in the majority of the tetraspores shedding and tetraspores from which had highest survival rates than other parts of the sporophytic plant. The time tetraspores used developing from giant unicells to diads, which both existed on the epidermis, then to tetraspores off the matrix, was only approximately 3 weeks all through. However, tetraspores spent more than two months developing into germlings of gametophytes. It was shown that temperature variation (10, 15, 25, 30 degrees C) with the light of 30 mu mol m(-2) s(-1) had significant effects on the germination rate and diameter, but had no apparent effect on survival rate (ANOVA, P < 0.01). Germination rates of tetraspores reached the maximum at 20 degrees C, which was significantly higher than those at other temperature levels (P < 0.01), whereas 15 degrees C seemed to be optimal temperature for the diameter. All the three growth parameters (germination rate, diameter and survival rate) yield highly significant variations with irradiance treatments at room temperature (ANOVA, P < 0.01). The optimal germination rate was detected at the irradiance of 30 mu mol m(-2) s(-1) (P < 0.01). The photon flux density which exceeds 480 nnol m(-2) s(-1) have apparently negative effect on diameter and survival rate. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Based on the effective medium approximation theory of composites, the empirical model proposed by Pandey and Kakar is remedied to investigate the microwave emissivity of sea surface under wave breaking driven by strong wind. In the improved model, the effects of seawater bubbles, droplets and difference in temperature of air and sea interface (DTAS) on the emissivity of sea surface covered by whitecaps are discussed. The model results indicate that the effective emissivity of sea surface increases with DTAS increasing, and the impacts of bubble structures and thickness of whitecaps layer on the emissivity are included in the model by introducing the effective dielectric constant of whitecaps layer. Moreover, a good agreement is obtained by comparing the model results with the Rose's experimental data.
本论文通过对冲绳海槽南部的MD05-2908孔、北黄海的B-U35、B-U41、B-L44孔和北黄海的299份表层样中的孢粉组成、堆积速率、有机碳氮同位素的综合研究,分析了北黄海的孢粉来源、传播动力和途径,并与其它古气候记录对比,重建了末次冰消期以来东亚季风的演化。 MD05-2908孔孢粉组合特征显示6800-3800a BP间气候温暖干燥,其间存在着两次明显的温度降低、湿度增加阶段,即6800-6600a BP和5800-4850a BP;3800a BP以后,气候变得比较寒冷湿润,中世纪暖期和小冰期分别位于990-480a BP和480-230a BP。 北黄海表层孢粉百分含量等值线图显示北黄海不同海域孢粉来源不同,北黄 海东部海域(123.5°E以东的陆架区域)孢粉主要来源于鸭绿江;北黄海中部海域(123.5°E-122.6°E的陆架区域)孢粉来源比较复杂,既有来自辽东半岛、沿海岛屿、山东半岛,还有由黄海暖流携带而来的;北黄海西部海域(122.6°E以西的陆架区域)孢粉以黄海沿岸流携带而来的黄河来源的为主。 北黄海表层孢粉百分含量等值线图还显示,北黄海东部海域孢粉分布主要受 鸭绿江冲淡水影响,波浪和潮汐的作用较弱;北黄海中部海域孢粉分布受黄海暖流和辽东沿岸流的分支共同影响;黄海暖流与黄海沿岸流在山东半岛东北部相遇,形成一逆时针方向的涡旋,该涡旋控制着北黄海西部海域孢粉的分布。 B-U35孔、B-U41和B-L44孔孢粉组合特征显示,12830-12350a BP时气候 寒冷干燥,植被以旱生草本植物为主,时间上可能对应YD事件;12350-10100a BP时植被以针叶林为主,林下生长着大量蕨类植物,气候寒冷湿润,可能对应着YD事件;10100-6600a BP时植被以落叶阔叶林为主,伴生大量旱生草本植物,气候温暖干燥;6600-5000a BP时植被以针叶-落叶阔叶混交林为主,旱生草本植物含量下降,相对上一阶段温度有所降低,但气候更湿润,可能对应全新世最佳期;5000-4000a BP时针叶林所占比例扩大,温度再次降低,湿度变化不明显;4000-500a BP旱生草本植物含量增加,气候寒冷干燥;500a BP-至今,受人类活动影响,植被遭到严重破坏。 B-U35孔和B-U41孔淡水水生植物花粉百分含量曲线显示11750a BP以来黄河河口地区沼泽湿地面积几经变化。10100-6600a BP时沼泽湿地范围在上一阶段的基础上进一步扩大;6600-2850a BP间沼泽湿地大面积缩小,水生植物属种式微;2850a BP之后黄河河口地区沼泽湿地面积再次扩大,水生植物重新繁盛。 MD05-2908孔蕨类孢子百分含量被用来作为中国东南部季风演化的代用指标。结果显示6800-3800a BP时夏季风较强,其间有两次夏季风减弱阶段,分别位于6800-6600a BP和5800-4850a BP,3800a BP以来,夏季风明显减弱,此期的夏季风减弱除受太阳辐射量的减少影响外,可能还与El Nino的频繁爆发有关。 B-U35孔和B-U41孔蒿属、藜科、麻黄科百分含量被用来作为中国中北部夏季风演化的代用指标。研究表明,11750a BP以来东亚夏季风强度在10100-6600a BP时,显著加强,6600a BP左右,夏季风开始减弱,4000a BP以后夏季风显著减弱。 将MD05-2908孔、B-U35孔和B-U41孔夏季风代用指标进行对比发现,中晚全新世以来中国南-北湿度变化特征正好相反,东亚夏季风强度变化以及由此引起的雨锋的南进北撤可能是导致中国不同区域中晚全新世以来降雨量不同的主要原因。
紫外灭活牙鲆精子最适剂量为3772ergs/mm2,长时间紫外照射会造成牙鲆精子超微结构、存活率和活力的损伤。采用冷休克法和静水压法可成功抑制雌核发育牙鲆卵第二极体排放,诱导出雌核发育牙鲆子二代雌核发育。15℃培育水温条件下,冷休克法抑制雌核发育牙鲆卵子第二极体排放的最适条件为受精后5min,0-1℃ 水温下处理45 min;静水压法制雌核发育牙鲆卵子第二极体排放的最适条件为受精后5min,480 kg/cm2压力水平处理5min。采用温度休克法和静水压法都可成功诱导出牙鲆同质雌核发育二倍体。15℃培育水温条件下,冷休克法诱导牙鲆同质雌核发育的最适条件为受精后85min,1-2℃ 水温下处理45 min;静水压法诱导牙鲆同质雌核发育最适处理参数为受精后85min,600 kg/cm2压力水平处理6min。采用冷休克法和静水压法都成功诱导出大黄鱼三倍体。冷休克法适合诱导条件为20℃培育水温下授精后3min, 在3-4℃海水中处理8-10min;静水压法适合诱导条件为同样培育水温下授精后3min,在静水压450kg/cm2下处理3min。孵化后120d大黄鱼三倍体和对照组全长的增长上没有明显差异;体重则明显大于二倍体。
Fluorescence excitation-emission spectroscopy (EEMS) was employed to analyze the 3-dimensional fluorescence of dissolved organic matter in the East China Sea after diatom red tide dispersion. The relationships between fluorescence peak intensity, and salinity and chlorophyll-a were discussed. The centers of protein-like fluorescence peaks dispersed at Ex(max)/Em(max) = 270-280/290-315 nm (Peak B), 220-230/290-305 nm (Peak D), 230-240/335-350 nm(Peak S)and 280/320 nm(Peak T). Two humic-like peaks appeared at 255-270/435-480 nm (Peak A) and 330-350/420-480 nm(Peak C). High tyrosine-like intensity was observed in diatom red tide dispersion area, and tryptophan-like fluorescence was also found which was lower. High FIB/FIS showed that diatom red tide produced much tyrosine-like matter during dispersion. Peaks S, A and C had positive correlation with one another, and their distributions were similar, which decreased with distance increasing away from the shore. Good negative correlations between peaks S, A and C and salinity suggested that Jiangsu-Zhejiang coastal water was the same source of then-L Correlations between fluorescence peak intensity and chlorophyll-a were not remarkable enough to clear the relationship between fluorescence and living algal matter. It was supposed that the living algal matter contributed little to the fluorescence intensity of algal dispersion seawater.
Quantification of areal evapotranspiration from remote sensing data requires the determination of surface energy balance components with support of field observations. Much attention should be given to spatial resolution sensitivity to the physics of surface heterogeneity. Using the Priestley-Taylor model, we generated evapotranspiration maps at several spatial resolutions for a heterogeneous area at Haibei, and validated the evapotranspiration maps with the flux tower data. The results suggested that the mean values for all evapotranspiration maps were quite similar but their standard deviations decreased with the coarsening of spatial resolution. When the resolution transcended about 480 m, the standard deviations drastically decreased, indicating a loss of spatial structure information of the original resolution evapotranspiration map. The absolute values of relative errors of the points for evapotranspiration maps showed a fluctuant trend as spatial resolution of input parameter data layers coarsening, and the absolute value of relative errors reached minimum when pixel size of map matched up to measuring scale of eddy covariance system. Finally, based on the analyses of the semi-variogram of the original resolution evapotranspiration map and the shapes of spatial autocorrelation indices of Moran and Geary for evapotranspiration maps at different resolutions, an appropriate resolution was suggested for the areal evapotranspiration simulation in this study area.
本文报道了平坝白云岩风化剖面风化前缘稀土元素超常规富集(总量达3% 以 上)现象及其特征,并通过主元素、稀土元素的测定,结合白云岩中“酸不溶物”的提取和代表性样品的化学淋溶实验研究,讨论了白云岩风化壳剖面稀土元素的丹异特征.认为风化前缘稀土元素的富集是由3方面的因素共同作用造成的:1)对白云岩风化残积的继承;2)剖面上部一部分轻稀土淋滤聚积;3)碳酸盐岩中非均匀分布的原生含磷矿物风化产生的稀土磷酸盐矿物的聚集,后者是最重要的原因。
南方不同红土的化学蚀变指数(CIA),硅铝系数(SiO2/Al2O3)、硅铁铝系数(R2O3/SiO2)反映红土的形成经历了脱钙、脱碱基和初级脱硅富铝富铁3个主要的风化阶段;稀土在前两个阶段中主要发生淋失,而在后一阶段中富集,其配分曲线具Eu亏损的轻稀土显著富集型特征。红土中稀土元素的赋存状态以晶格相为主,主要与基岩密切相关,而其它赋存状态则与红土化过程紧密相连。红土中可溶态稀土含量的高低是风化作 用.