975 resultados para 41 kDa protein


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To ascertain the mechanism by which nucleosomes are assembled by factors derived from Drosophila embryos, two proteins termed Drosophila chromatin assembly factors (CAFs) 1 and 4 (dCAF-1 and dCAF-4) were fractionated and purified from a Drosophila embryo extract. The assembly of chromatin by dCAF-1, dCAF-4, purified histones, ATP, and DNA is a process that generates regularly spaced nucleosomal arrays with a repeat length that resembles that of bulk native Drosophila chromatin and is not obligatorily coupled to DNA replication. The assembly of chromatin by dCAF-1 and dCAF-4 is nearly complete within 10 min. The dCAF-1 activity copurified with the Drosophila version of chromatin assembly factor-1 (CAF-1), a factor that has been found to be required for the assembly of chromatin during large tumor (T) antigen-mediated, simian virus 40 (SV40) origin-dependent DNA replication. The dCAF-4 activity copurified with a 56-kDa core-histone-binding protein that was purified to > 90% homogeneity.


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The DNA-activated serine/threonine protein kinase (DNA-PK) is composed of a large (approximately 460 kDa) catalytic polypeptide (DNA-PKcs) and Ku, a heterodimeric DNA-binding component (p70/p80) that targets DNA-PKcs to DNA. A 41-kbp segment of the DNA-PKcs gene was isolated, and a 7902-bp segment was sequenced. The sequence contains a polymorphic Pvu II restriction enzyme site, and comparing the sequence with that of the cDNA revealed the positions of nine exons. The DNA-PKcs gene was mapped to band q11 of chromosome 8 by in situ hybridization. This location is coincident with that of XRCC7, the gene that complements the DNA double-strand break repair and V(D)J recombination defects (where V is variable, D is diversity, and J is joining) of hamster V3 and murine severe combined immunodeficient (scid) cells.


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Brefeldin A, a fungal metabolite that inhibits membrane transport, induces the mono(ADP-ribosyl)ation of two cytosolic proteins of 38 and 50 kDa as judged by SDS/PAGE. The 38-kDa substrate has been previously identified as glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH). We report that the 50-kDa BFA-induced ADP-ribosylated substrate (BARS-50) has native forms of 170 and 130 kDa, as determined by gel filtration of rat brain cytosol, indicating that BARS-50 might exist as a multimeric complex. BARS-50 can bind GTP, as indicated by blot-overlay studies with [alpha-32P]GTP and by photoaffinity labeling with guanosine 5'-[gamma-32P] [beta,gamma-(4-azidoanilido)]triphosphate. Moreover, ADP-ribosylation of BARS-50 was completely inhibited by the beta gamma subunit complex of G proteins, while the ADP-ribosylation of GAPDH was unmodified, indicating that this effect was due to an interaction of the beta gamma complex with BARS-50, rather than with the ADP-ribosylating enzyme. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and immunoblot analysis shows that BARS-50 is a group of closely related proteins that appear to be different from all the known GTP-binding proteins.


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A number of factors both stimulating and inhibiting angiogenesis have been described. In the current work, we demonstrate that the angiogenic factor vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) activates mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) as has been previously shown for basic fibroblast growth factor. The antiagiogenic factor 16-kDa N-terminal fragment of human prolactin inhibits activation of MAPK distal to autophosphorylation of the putative VEGF receptor, Flk-1, and phospholipase C-gamma. These data show that activation and inhibition of MAPK may play a central role in the control of angiogenesis.


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EBNA 2 (Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen 2) is an acidic transactivator essential for EBV transformation of B lymphocytes. We show that EBNA 2 directly interacts with general transcription factor IIH. Glutathione S-transferase (GST)-EBNA 2 acidic domain fusion protein depleted transcription factor IIH activity from a TFIIH nuclear fraction. The p89 (ERCC3), p80 (ERCC2), and p62 subunits of TFIIH were among the proteins retained by GST-EBNA 2. Eluates from the GST-EBNA 2 beads reconstituted activity in a TFIIH-dependent in vitro transcription assay. The p62 and p80 subunits of TFIIH independently bound to GST-EBNA 2, whereas the p34 subunit of TFIIH only bound in the presence of p62. A Trp-->Thr mutation in the EBNA 2 acidic domain abolishes EBNA 2 transactivation in vivo and greatly compromised EBNA 2 association with TFIIH activity and with the p62 and p80 subunits, providing a link between EBNA 2 transactivation and these interactions. Antibodies directed against the p62 subunit of TFIIH coimmunoprecipitated EBNA 2 from EBV-transformed B lymphocytes, indicating that EBNA 2 associates with TFIIH in vivo.


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Immunizing pregnant women with a malaria vaccine is one approach to protecting the mother and her offspring from malaria infection. However, specific maternal Abs generated in response to vaccination and transferred to the fetus may interfere with the infant's ability to respond to the same vaccine. Using a murine model of malaria, we examined the effect of maternal 19-kDa C-terminal region of merozoite surface protein-1 (MSP1(19)) and Plasmodium yoelii Abs on the pups' ability to respond to immunization with MSP1(19). Maternal MSPI,g-specific Abs but not A yoelii-specific Abs inhibited Ab production following MSP1(19) immunization in 2-wk-old pups. This inhibition was correlated with the amount of maternal MSP1(19) Ab present in the pup at the time of immunization and was due to fewer specific B cells. Passively acquired Ab most likely inhibited the development of an Ab response by blocking access to critical B cell epitopes. If a neonate's ability to respond to MSP1(19) vaccination depends on the level of maternal Abs present at the time of vaccination, it may be necessary to delay immunization until Abs specific for the vaccinating Ag have decreased.


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Cyclotides are a family of plant proteins that have the unusual combination of head-to-tail backbone cyclization and a cystine knot motif. They are exceptionally stable and show resistance to most chemical, physical, and enzymatic treatments. The structure of tricyclon A, a previously unreported cyclotide, is described here. In this structure, a loop that is disordered in other cyclotides forms a beta sheet that protrudes from the globular core. This study indicates that the cyclotide fold is amenable to the introduction of a range of structural elements without affecting the cystine knot core of the protein, which is essential for the stability of the cyclotides. Tricyclon A does not possess a hydrophobic patch, typical of other cyclotides, and has minimal hemolytic activity, making it suitable for pharmaceutical applications. The 22 kDa precursor protein of tricyclon A was identified and provides clues to the processing of these fascinating miniproteins.


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An essential stage in endocytic coated vesicle recycling is the dissociation of clathrin from the vesicle coat by the molecular chaperone, 70-kDa heat-shock cognate protein (Hsc70), and the J-domain-containing protein, auxilin, in an ATP-dependent process. We present a detailed mechanistic analysis of clathrin disassembly catalyzed by Hsc70 and auxilin, using loss of perpendicular light scattering to monitor the process. We report that a single auxilin per clathrin triskelion is required for maximal rate of disassembly, that ATP is hydrolyzed at the same rate that disassembly occurs, and that three ATP molecules are hydrolyzed per clathrin triskelion released. Stopped-flow measurements revealed a lag phase in which the scattering intensity increased owing to association of Hsc70 with clathrin cages followed by serial rounds of ATP hydrolysis prior to triskelion removal. Global fit of stopped-flow data to several physically plausible mechanisms showed the best fit to a model in which sequential hydrolysis of three separate ATP molecules is required for the eventual release of a triskelion from the clathrin-auxilin cage.


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Phosphatases have long been regarded as tumor suppressors, however there is emerging evidence for a tumor initiating role for some phosphatases in several forms of cancer. Low Molecular Weight Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase (LMWPTP; acid phosphatase 1 [ACP1]) is an 18 kDa enzyme that influences the phosphorylation of signaling pathway mediators involved in cancer and is thus postulated to be a tumor-promoting enzyme, but neither unequivocal clinical evidence nor convincing mechanistic actions for a role of LMWPTP have been identified. In the present study, we show that LMWPTP expression is not only significantly increased in colorectal cancer (CRC), but also follows a step-wise increase in different levels of dysplasia. Chemical inhibition of LMWPTP significantly reduces CRC growth. Furthermore, downregulation of LMWPTP in CRC leads to a reduced migration ability in both 2D- and 3D-migration assays, and sensitizes tumor cells to the chemotherapeutic agent 5-FU. In conclusion, this study shows that LMWPTP is not only overexpressed in colorectal cancer, but it is correlated with the malignant potential of this cancer, suggesting that this phosphatase may act as a predictive biomaker of CRC stage and represents a rational novel target in the treatment of this disease.


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The purpose of this study was to assess the concentration of vitamins and minerals in meat protein hydrolysates. Calcium, phosphorus and iron were analyzed by inductively coupled-plasma atomic emission spectrophotometry; vitamin C was analyzed by the reduction of cupric ions and vitamins B1 and B2 by fluorescence. Regarding minerals, the beef hydrolysate (BH) had more iron than the turkey hydrolysate (TH) and the chicken hydrolysate (CH); TH had a little more phosphorus. BH had the largest amount of vitamin C, and similar amounts of vitamins B1 and B2. The amount of these nutrients found in the hydrolysates suggests that it is possible to use them to enrich special dietary formulations.


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Background: It has been well documented over past decades that interaction of pathogens with the extracellular matrix (ECM) plays a primary role in host cell attachment and invasion. Adherence to host tissues is mediated by surface-exposed proteins expressed by the microorganisms during infection. The mechanisms by which pathogenic leptospires invade and colonize the host remain poorly understood since few virulence factors contributing to the pathogenesis of the disease have been identified. Whole-genome sequencing analysis of L. interrogans allowed identification of a repertoire of putative leptospiral surface proteins. Results: Here, we report the identification and characterization of a new leptospiral protein that exhibits extracellular matrix-binding properties, called as Lsa21 (leptospiral surface adhesin, 21 kDa). Compatible with its role in adhesion, the protein was shown to be surface-exposed by indirect immunofluorescence. Attachment of Lsa21 to laminin, collagen IV, and plasma fibronectin was specific and dose dependent. Laminin oxidation by sodium metaperiodate reduced the protein-laminin interaction in a concentration-dependent manner, indicating that laminin sugar moieties are crucial for this interaction. The gene coding for Lsa21 is present in pathogenic strains belonging to the L. interrogans species but was not found in the saprophytic L. biflexa serovar Patoc strain Patoc 1. Loss of gene expression occurs upon culture attenuation of pathogenic strains. Environmental factors such as osmolarity and temperature affect Lsa21 expression at the transcriptional level. Moreover, anti-Lsa21 serum labeled liver and kidney tissues of human fatal cases of leptospirosis. Conclusion: Our data suggest a role of Lsa21 in the pathogenesis of leptospirosis.


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Leptospira interrogans is the etiological agent of leptospirosis, a zoonotic disease of human and veterinary concern. The identification of novel proteins that mediate host-pathogen interactions is important for understanding the bacterial pathogenesis as well as to identify protective antigens that would help fight the disease. We describe in this work the cloning, expression, purification and characterization of three predicted leptospiral membrane proteins, LIC10258, LIC12880 (Lp30) and LIC12238. We have employed Escherichia coli BL21 (SI) strain as a host expression system. Recently, we have identified LIC12238 as a plasminogen (PLG)-binding receptor. We show now that Lp30 and rLIC10258 are also PLG-receptors of Leptospira, both exhibiting dose-dependent and saturating binding (K(D), 68.8 +/- 25.2 nM and 167.39 +/- 60.1 nM, for rLIC10258 and rLIC12880, respectively). In addition, LIC10258, which is a novel OmpA-like protein, binds laminin and plasma fibronectin ECM molecules and hence, it was named Lsa66 (Leptospiral surface adhesin of 66 kDa). Binding of Lsa66 to ECM components was determined to be specific, dose-dependent and saturable, with a KD of 55.4 +/- 15.9 nM to laminin and of 290.8 +/- 11.8 nM to plasma fibronectin. Binding of the recombinant proteins to PLG or ECM components was assessed by using antibodies against each of the recombinant proteins obtained in mice and confirmed by monoclonal anti-polyhistidine antibodies. Lsa66 caused partial inhibition on leptospiral adherence to immobilized ECM and PLG. Moreover, this adhesin and rLIC12238 are recognized by antibodies in serum samples of confirmed leptospirosis cases. Thus, Lsa66 is a novel OmpA-like protein with dual activity that may promote the attachment of Leptospira to host tissues and may contribute to the leptospiral invasion. To our knowledge, this is the first leptospiral protein with ECM and PLG binding properties reported to date.


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The oligopeptide-binding protein, OppA, binds and ushers oligopeptide substrates to the membrane-associated oligopeptide permease (Opp), a multi-component ABC-type transporter involved in the uptake of oligopeptides expressed by several bacterial species. In the present study, we report the cloning, purification, refolding and conformational analysis of a recombinant OppA protein derived from Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri (X. citri), the etiological agent of citrus canker. The oppA gene was expressed in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) strain under optimized inducing conditions and the recombinant protein remained largely insoluble. Solubilization was achieved following refolding of the denatured protein. Circular dichroism analysis indicated that the recombinant OppA protein preserved conformational features of orthologs expressed by other bacterial species. The refolded recombinant OppA represents a useful tool for structural and functional analyses of the X. citri protein.


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Background: Progress towards the development of a malaria vaccine against Plasmodium vivax, the most widely distributed human malaria parasite, will require a better understanding of the immune responses that confer clinical protection to patients in regions where malaria is endemic. Methods: Glutathione S-transferase (GST) and GST-fusion proteins representing the N-terminus of the merozoite surface protein 1 of P. vivax, PvMSP1-N, and the C-terminus, PvMSP1-C, were covalently coupled to BioPlex carboxylated beads. Recombinant proteins and coupled beads were used, respectively, in ELISA and Bioplex assays using immune sera of P. vivax patients from Brazil and PNG to determine IgG and subclass responses. Concordances between the two methods in the seropositivity responses were evaluated using the Kappa statistic and the Spearman's rank correlation. Results: The results using this methodology were compared with the classical microtitre enzyme-linked immnosorbent assay ( ELISA), showing that the assay was sensitive, reproducible and had good concordance with ELISA; yet, further research into different statistical analyses seems desirable before claiming conclusive results exclusively based on multiplex assays. As expected, results demonstrated that PvMSP1 was immunogenic in natural infections of patients from different endemic regions of Brazil and Papua New Guinea ( PNG), and that age correlated only with antibodies against the C-terminus part of the molecule. Furthermore, the IgG subclass profiles were different in these endemic regions having IgG3 predominantly recognizing PvMSP1 in Brazil and IgG1 predominantly recognizing PvMSP1 in PNG. Conclusions: This study validates the use of the multiplex assay to measure naturally-acquired IgG antibodies against the merozoite surface protein 1 of P. vivax.


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Background: Plasmodium vivax malaria is a major public health challenge in Latin America, Asia and Oceania, with 130-435 million clinical cases per year worldwide. Invasion of host blood cells by P. vivax mainly depends on a type I membrane protein called Duffy binding protein (PvDBP). The erythrocyte-binding motif of PvDBP is a 170 amino-acid stretch located in its cysteine-rich region II (PvDBP(II)), which is the most variable segment of the protein. Methods: To test whether diversifying natural selection has shaped the nucleotide diversity of PvDBP(II) in Brazilian populations, this region was sequenced in 122 isolates from six different geographic areas. A Bayesian method was applied to test for the action of natural selection under a population genetic model that incorporates recombination. The analysis was integrated with a structural model of PvDBP(II), and T-and B-cell epitopes were localized on the 3-D structure. Results: The results suggest that: (i) recombination plays an important role in determining the haplotype structure of PvDBP(II), and (ii) PvDBP(II) appears to contain neutrally evolving codons as well as codons evolving under natural selection. Diversifying selection preferentially acts on sites identified as epitopes, particularly on amino acid residues 417, 419, and 424, which show strong linkage disequilibrium. Conclusions: This study shows that some polymorphisms of PvDBP(II) are present near the erythrocyte-binding domain and might serve to elude antibodies that inhibit cell invasion. Therefore, these polymorphisms should be taken into account when designing vaccines aimed at eliciting antibodies to inhibit erythrocyte invasion.