1000 resultados para 346.0163
El present treball pretén oferir al lector la venta d’unitats productives com una solució adient quer permet conjugar els diferents interessos que conflueixen en un procediment concursal. De la mateixa manera, neix amb la vocació de servir com a base i guia als professionals del sector en la realització d’aquest tipus d’operacions davant la mancança del seu estudi i normativització.
Abstract Objective: To propose a protocol for pulmonary angiography using 64-slice multidetector computed tomography (64-MDCT) with 50 mL of iodinated contrast material, in an unselected patient population, as well as to evaluate vascular enhancement and image quality. Materials and Methods: We evaluated 29 patients (22-86 years of age). The body mass index ranged from 19.0 kg/m2 to 41.8 kg/m2. Patients underwent pulmonary CT angiography in a 64-MDCT scanner, receiving 50 mL of iodinated contrast material via venous access at a rate of 4.5 mL/s. Bolus tracking was applied in the superior vena cava. Two experienced radiologists assessed image quality and vascular enhancement. Results: The mean density was 382 Hounsfield units (HU) for the pulmonary trunk; 379 and 377 HU for the right and left main pulmonary arteries, respectively; and 346 and 364 HU for the right and left inferior pulmonary arteries, respectively. In all patients, subsegmental arteries were analyzed. There were streak artifacts from contrast material in the superior vena cava in all patients. However, those artifacts did not impair the image analysis. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that pulmonary angiography using 64-MDCT with 50 mL of iodinated contrast can produce high quality images in unselected patient populations.
Matematiikan pääkokoelma sijaitsee pääkirjastossa (Linnassa), jossa painettu yleis- ja käsikirjastokokoelma koostuu noin 4700 nimekkeestä monografioita (painettujen monografiasarjojen osat mukaan lukien). Yleiskokoelmaa ei ole karsittu, mutta vanhoja peruskoulun, lukion jne. oppikirjoja on siirretty Hämeenlinnan yksikköön. Matematiikka-kokoelmasta kartoitettiin seitsemän osa-aluetta. Todennäköisyyslaskentaa, kombinatoriikkaa & sovellettua matematiikkaa käsitteli yli 1/3 kirjoista (34 % / 1586 nimekettä), joten se oli selvin painopisteala. Aritmetiikkaa, lukuteoriaa & algebraa käsitteli noin 19 % kirjoista (876 nimekettä) ja matemaattista analyysiä noin 18 % kirjoista (841 nimekettä). Matematiikan yleisteosten & filosofian (noin 10 % / 487 nimekettä), joukko-opin (noin 5 % / 218 nimekettä), geometrian & trigonometrian (noin 4 % / 179 nimekettä) ja topologian (noin 3 % / 121 nimekettä) osuudet kirjakokoelmasta olivat pienehköjä. Käsikirjaston 23 nimekkeen kokoelma sisälsi edelleen hyödyllisen 10-osaisen hakuteoksen Encyclopaedia of mathematics, sanakirjoja ja matemaattisia taulukoita sekä muutaman bibliografian 1970-luvulta. Painettuja lehtiä oli 3 nimekettä (American Mathematical Monthly, Journal of Mathematical Logic ja Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society). Sähkökirjoja kokoelmassa oli 3 nimekettä NetLibrary-tietokannassa, 346 nimekettä Ebrary-tietokannassa sekä 10 nimekettä Taylor & Francis –tietokannassa. Verkkolehtiä kokoelmassa oli noin 470 nimekettä. Tietokantoja oli yksi, MathScinet.
Cada cert temps hi ha assumptes d’alt interès social dins de la jurisdicció. En els últims anys, coincidint amb la crisi financera internacional, els assumptes relatius a contractes bancaris complexos, sobretot permutes financeres o swaps, han tingut una gran rellevància. En un context de crisi financera internacional, i també nacional, s'han estès el nombre de demandes dirigides contra bancs i entitats financeres. Són reclamacions en les quals se sol·licita la declaració de nul·litat dels citats contractes, principalment es basa en un error del consentiment, nul·litat que comporta la devolució de les quantitats invertides, de les rentabilitats esperades o de les penalitzacions aplicades davant la resolució anticipada d'us contractes pels clients defraudats en les seves expectatives. Les presents pàgines pretenen un estudi dels litigis sobre SWAPS, principalment dels “Interest Rate Swap”, identificar quins són els contractes bancaris complexes, quines són les normes de consentiment contractual que els regeixen. Respecte dels primers, cal destacar que l'elevat nombre de casos plantejats davant els nostres tribunals no es tradueix en una casuística tan àmplia com seria imaginable. La gran majoria versa sobre les peticions de nul·litat del contracte (total o parcial) realitzades pels clients, al moment en què l'Euribor va descendir, i que allò que molts havien contractat com un segur de cobertura enfront dels elevats tipus d'interès que havien de pagar per les seves hipoteques, veien com conforme als pactes en el contracte, havien de satisfer al seu contrapart (una entitat de crèdit) una liquidació.
Soitinnus: sekakuoro, piano.
Invocatio: M.G.H.
1816/12/11 (Numéro 346).
The content of isoorientin in passion fruit rinds (Passiflora edulis fo. flavicarpa O. Degener) was determined by HPTLC (high performance thin layer chromatography) with densitometric analysis. The results revealed a higher amount of isoorientin in healthy rinds of P. edulis (92.275 ± 0.610 mg L-1) than in rinds with typical symptoms of PWV (Passion fruit Woodiness Virus) infection (28.931 ± 0.346 mg L-1). The HPTLC data, allied to assays of radical scavenging activity, suggest the potential of P. edulis rinds as a natural source of flavonoids or as a possible functional food.
ABSTRACT Background Medical students are a vulnerable population to develop depression and anxiety disorders. Objective To estimate the prevalence and associated factors of anxiety and depression among medical students. Methods A cross-sectional study with a random sample (n = 346) of medical students at a Brazilian university was performed. The Beck Depression Anxiety Inventory was used to measure anxiety and depression levels. Crude and adjusted analyses were performed using Poisson regression. Results The prevalence of anxiety was 35.5% and depression was 32.8%. The prevalence of anxiety and depression was 14% higher and 16% higher among women (p = 0.025 and p = 0.006, respectively). Students whose parents were not physicians reported 23% higher prevalence of anxiety (p = 0.006), and those who had physician parents reported 29% higher prevalence of depression (p = 0.034). Those who always or often felt pushed by their parents showed 22% higher prevalence of anxiety (p =.006) and 19% higher depression (p = 0.016). Students who had concerns over the future had 15% higher prevalence of depression (p = 0.017). Conclusion The prevalence of anxiety and depressive symptoms was higher than the average found in the general population.
The survival of preterm born infants has increased but the prevalence of long-term morbidities has still remained high. Preterm born children are at an increased risk for various developmental impairments including both severe neurological deficits as well as deficits in cognitive development. According to the literature the developmental outcome perspective differs between countries, centers, and eras. Definitions of preterm infant vary between studies, and the follow-up has been carried out with diverse methods making the comparison less reliable. It is essential to offer parents upto-date information about the outcome of preterm infants born in the same area. A centralized follow-up of children at risk makes it possible to monitor the consequences of changes in the treatment practices of hospitals on developmental outcome. This thesis is part of a larger regional, prospective multidisciplinary follow-up project entitled “Development and Functioning of Very Low Birth Weight Infants from Infancy to School Age” (PIeniPAinoisten RIskilasten käyttäytyminen ja toimintakyky imeväisiästä kouluikään, PIPARI). The thesis consists of four original studies that present data of very low birth weight (VLBW) infants born between 2001 and 2006, who are followed up from the neonatal period until the age of five years. The main outcome measure was cognitive development and secondary outcomes were significant neurological deficits (cerebral palsy, CP, deafness, and blindness). In Study I, the early crying and fussing behavior of preterm infants was studied using parental diaries, and the relation of crying behavior and cognitive and motor development at the age of two years was assessed. In Study II, the developmental outcome (cognitive, CP, deafness, and blindness) at the age of two years was studied in relation to demographic, antenatal, neonatal, and brain imaging data. Development was studied in relationship to a full-term born control group born in the same hospital. In Study III, the stability of cognitive development was studied in VLBW and full-term groups by comparing the outcomes at the ages of two and five years. Finally, in Study IV the precursors of reading skills (phonological processing, rapid automatized naming, and letter knowledge) were assessed for VLBW and full-term children at the age of five years. Pre-reading skills were studied in relation to demographic, antenatal, neonatal, and brain imaging data. The main findings of the thesis were that VLBW infants who fussed or cried more in the infancy were not at greater risk for problems in their cognitive development. However, crying was associated with poorer motor development. The developmental outcome of the present population was better that has been reported earlier and this improvement covered also cognitive development. However, the difference to fullterm born peers was still significant. Major brain pathology and intestinal perforation were independent significant risk factors for adverse outcome, also when several individual risk factors were controlled for. Cognitive development at the age of two years was strongly related with development at the age of five years, stressing the importance of the early assessment, and the possibility for early interventions. Finally, VLBW children had poorer pre-reading skills compared with their full-term born peers, but the IQ was an important mediator even when children with mental retardation were excluded from the analysis. The findings suggest that counseling parents about the developmental perspectives of their preterm infant should be based on data covering the same birth hospital. Neonatal brain imaging data and neonatal morbidity are important predictors for developmental outcome. The findings of the present study stress the importance of both short-term (two years) and long-term (five years) follow-ups for the individual, and for improving the quality of care.
1868/04/01 (Numéro 346).
OBJETIVO: Demonstrar o custo e impacto financeiro referente à primeira abordagem cirúrgica das lesões vasculares em pacientes admitidos no Hospital João XXIII/FHEMIG, entre os anos de 2004 a 2006. MéTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo com aprovação ética, retrospectivo, de coorte e descritivo realizado a partir da auditoria de contas hospitalares referentes a 70 prontuários catalogados pelo Serviço de Trauma Cardiovascular. RESULTADOS: Cinco (7,14%) prontuários foram excluídos por má qualidade técnica. O valor monetário repassado pelo Sistema Único de Saúde e pelo setor privado foram de R$ 103.614,96 (US$ 60.949,97) e de R$ 185.888,21 (US$ 109.346,0, respectivamente, implicando em defasagem potencial de 44%. Houve correlação direta entre custos e topografia anatômica das lesões e exponencial em relação às variáveis hemoderivados e próteses vasculares. CONCLUSÃO: Este estudo corrobora os altos custos do trauma vascular e fortalece a importância da auditoria de contas para as tomadas de decisões médicas.
Tämä kvalitatiivinen toimintatutkimus sai lähtökipinän opettajan tarpeesta kehittää englannin kielen opetustaan suuntaan, joka innostaisi oppijoita opiskelemaan ja tuottamaan vierasta kieltä rohkeasti. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, mitä muutoksia oppijoissa ilmenee, kun perinteiseen vieraan kielen opetukseen sisällytetään kahden lukuvuoden ajan oppituokioita, joissa ympäristötiedon ainesisältöjä opetetaan vieraalla kielellä. Kiinnostuksen kohteena oli tutkia, ilmeneekö oppijoilla muutoksia ainesisältöjen hallinnassa, englanninkielisen ympäristötiedon sanavaraston karttumisessa, kielitaidon kehittymisessä sekä asenteessa oppituokioita ja englannin kieltä kohtaan yleensä. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli myös luoda toimivaa käytäntöä opettajalle toteuttaa ainesisältöjen opettamista vieraalla kielellä, josta kansainvälisesti käytetään termiä Content and language integrated learning (CLIL). Tutkimus oli kahden vuoden pitkittäistutkimus, joka toteutettiin lukuvuosina 2008–2010. Tutkimusjoukko koostui 18:sta (11 poikaa ja 7 tyttöä) neljättä luokkaa aloittavasta oppijasta. Vertailuryhmään kuului 22 musiikkiluokan oppijaa (6 poikaa ja 16 tyttöä). Tutkija opetti molemmille ryhmille englannin kieltä kaksi viikkotuntia. Englanninkieliset oppituokiot toteutettiin englannin tuntien yhteydessä noin kerran viikossa. Kerrallaan tuokio kesti 15–20 minuuttia. Tutkimusaineistoa, joka koostuu sekä kvalitatiivisesta että kvantitatiivisesta aineistosta, kerättiin eri tavoin: tutkija keräsi havaintomateriaalia päiväkirjaansa koko tutkimuksen ajan, oppijoita testattiin kuusi kertaa tutkimuksen aikana sekä itsearvio- ja asennekyselyjä toteutettiin kahdesti. Tutkimusaineiston pohjalta saatiin selviä tutkimustuloksia, joiden mukaan CLIL-opetus vaikutti oppijoihin positiivisesti: ympäristötiedon ainesisältöjä opittiin, englanninkielinen ympäristötiedon sanavarasto laajeni ja vierasta kieltä käytettiin rohkeammin kuin aiemmin. Kommunikoidessa huomio kiinnitettiin kielen tarkkailun sijasta asiasisältöön. Oppijat suhtautuivat englanninkielisiin oppituokioihin positiivisesti ja englannin osaaminen koettiin tärkeäksi. Tässäkin kokeilussa CLIL osoittautui joustavaksi metodiseksi lähestymistavaksi, joka taipuu käyttökelpoiseksi käytännön teoriaksi soveltuen monenlaisille oppijoille.