995 resultados para 327-U1363B
Surrounding Net Fishery (laila) and Bottom Long Line Fishery which operate in the coastal waters of Kalpitiya Peninsula, compete for the same fish resources, resulting in a fishery dispute between the respective fishermen. Both fisheries target demersal as well as mid pelagic fishes, such as travellys (parava), mullets (galmalu) and barracudas (ulava). As the dispute had an adverse impact on the social harmony in the fishing community of the area, a socio-economic survey was conducted to study the underlying factors and to suggest policy measures to resolve the issue. The laila fishermen were resident fishermen in the Kalpitiya Peninsula while bottom long line fishermen were migratory fishermen from Negombo and Chilaw areas in the west coast of Sri Lanka. The Kalpitiya peninsula is located in the North West coast, some 50 km away from the west coast. Although the educational level and literacy rate of the laila community was below that of the bottom long line community, the laila community was economically better off. The net economic returns from laila fishery were superior to that from bottom long line fishery. The boat owner's and crew's share per operation of laila fishery were Rs.3,736 and Rs.947 respectively. The same figures for bottom long line fishery were Rs.588 and Rs.327 respectively. The resource rent from laila fishery was Rs.5,860, however, and much higher than that for bottom long line fishery (Rs.275), showing that the laila fishery exploits the targeted fish resource at a much higher rate compared to bottom long line fishery. This situation badly affects the equitable distribution of resources between the two fishing communities and results in unequal economic gains. Based on the findings of this study, certain input/output controls are proposed to address this problem, among which is the need to increase license fee for laila fishery units to offset the higher exploitation rate of fish resources.
独龙江为伊洛瓦底江流域的上游,地处云南省的西北部,位于北纬27°40'-28°45',东经97°45'-98°23'之间,整个流域呈弯曲的狭长条状镶嵌在喜马拉雅弧形构造的大拐弯部位.干流总长211.3 km,流域总面积4 327 km2.它北连深厚高耸的青藏高原,东接巍峨峻秀的高黎贡山,西界南北逶迤的担当力卡山与缅甸印度毗邻.
田间释放烟蚜茧蜂能很好地抑制烟蚜种群数量的增长。以常规施药烟田、不施药烟田作对照 ,在前期其对烟蚜的相对防效分别为 8.4%和 5 2 .8% ,中期为 6 4.0 %~ 79.0 %和 6 8.6 %~ 82 .3% ,后期为 93.0 %和 93.5 %。放蜂田烟蚜茧蜂成虫喜欢在烟株中下部叶片活动 ,1 3∶0 0~ 1 4∶0 0是其在烟株中下部活动的高峰期。烟蚜茧蜂对烟株下部叶片上烟蚜的较强选择性与烟蚜密度无关 ,下部叶片上的僵蚜数量均显著高于中、上和顶部。 1 3∶0 0~ 1 4∶0 0利用生物农药对烟株上部叶片上的烟蚜进行防治 ,既是烟蚜茧蜂与生物农药集成组装的切合点 ,又是保护利用田间烟蚜茧蜂的有效措施。
菊小长管蚜Macrosiphorniella sanborni是昆明地区花卉主要害虫之一,该虫对菊花嫩叶,嫩梢,花柄及花勒为害率达65.0%,个别大棚高达100,损失产量25.0%。室内外用1.8爱福丁3000,2500,2000倍液敌敌畏1500,1000,800倍液进行毒杀试验,爱福丁室内的毒杀率达96.6%,敌敌畏达96.3%;田间爱福丁害83.39%,敌敌畏达80.20%。