974 resultados para 317-U1353A


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Coherently moving flocks of birds, beasts, or bacteria are examples of living matter with spontaneous orientational order. How do these systems differ from thermal equilibrium systems with such liquid crystalline order? Working with a fluidized monolayer of macroscopic rods in the nematic liquid crystalline phase, we find giant number fluctuations consistent with a standard deviation growing linearly with the mean, in contrast to any situation where the central limit theorem applies. These fluctuations are long-lived, decaying only as a logarithmic function of time. This shows that flocking, coherent motion, and large-scale inhomogeneity can appear in a system in which particles do not communicate except by contact.


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In this paper, we study approximatively τ-compact and τ-strongly Chebyshev sets, where τ is the norm or the weak topology. We show that the metric projection onto τ-strongly Chebyshev sets are norm-τ continuous. We characterize approximatively τ-compact and τ-strongly Chebyshev hyperplanes and use them to characterize factor reflexive proximinal subspaces in τ-almost locally uniformly rotund spaces. We also prove some stability results on approximatively τ-compact and τ-strongly Chebyshev subspaces.


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It Is well established that a sequence template along with the database is a powerful tool for identifying the biological function of proteins. Here, we describe a method for predicting the catalytic nature of certain proteins among the several protein structures deposited in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) For the present study, we considered a catalytic triad template (Ser-His-Asp) found in serine proteases We found that a geometrically optimized active site template can be used as a highly selective tool for differentiating an active protein among several inactive proteins, based on their Ser-His-Asp interactions. For any protein to be proteolytic in nature, the bond angle between Ser O-gamma-Ser H-gamma His N-epsilon 2 in the catalytic triad needs to be between 115 degrees and 140 degrees The hydrogen bond distance between Ser H-gamma His N-epsilon 2 is more flexible in nature and it varies from 2 0 angstrom to 27 angstrom while in the case of His H-delta 1 Asp O-delta 1, it is from 1.6 angstrom to 2.0 angstrom In terms of solvent accessibility, most of the active proteins lie in the range of 10-16 angstrom(2), which enables easy accessibility to the substrate These observations hold good for most catalytic triads and they can be employed to predict proteolytic nature of these catalytic triads (C) 2010 Elsevier B V All rights reserved.


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Small open reading frames (sORFs) are an often overlooked feature of plant genomes. Initially found in plant viral RNAs and considered an interesting curiosity, an increasing number of these sORFs have been shown to encode functional peptides or play a regulatory role. The recent discovery that many of these sORFs initiate with start codons other than AUG, together with the identification of functional small peptides encoded in supposedly noncoding primary miRNA transcripts (pri-miRs), has drastically increased the number of potentially functional sORFs within the genome. Here we review how advances in technology, notably ribosome profiling (RP) assays, are complementing bioinformatics and proteogenomic methods to provide powerful ways to identify these elusive features of plant genomes, and highlight the regulatory roles sORFs can play.


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A systematic study has been made of the crystal co-ordination of the barium ion in various compounds whose structures have been solved. Apart from the more common co-ordination polyhedra which are enumerated in text-books, a number of new polyhedra have been identified, particularly in cases where the co-ordination numbers are unusual, such as ten or eleven. According to the radius-ratio rule of Pauling, a co-ordination number of nine or ten is normally expected for the barium ion. The present investigations, however, reveal that it shows a variety of co-ordinations with ligancies from six up to twelve. Some of the factors that might possibly enter in explaining this wide range of co-ordination numbers are discussed. It appears as though the part played by the Ba2+ ion in deciding the structure is secondary, limiting itself only to occupying vacant spaces provided by other atoms in the crystal.


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Temperature-time characteristics of tungsten filaments heated electrically under constant voltage in vacuum have been analysed. The analysis is carried out over the temperature range 300-2500°K, taking into account the actual variations with temperature of the various parameters involved, as reported by Jones and Langmuir (1927). The analysis leads to the conclusion that the temperature-time relationship is exponential throughout the range. The time constant is shown to be proportional to the diameter of the filament and T f-4.2 where Tf is the final temperature of the filament. The results of the analysis are applied to derive the voltage variations (continuous and discrete types) required to keep the transient current within specified limits during the rapid switching on of filaments as met with in high power thermionic valves.


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The stress-optic coefficient (n3/2)(q11-q12) has been determined for a series of 18 optical glasses of different compositions in the wavelength range 5700-3200 Å. The coefficients are negative for all the glasses except for a high-lead-content glass of density 6·7 and refractive index 1·89. The numerical value of the coefficient decreases as one proceeds to the ultraviolet. This behaviour is just the opposite of what is observed in fused silica. By applying Mueller's theory, the strain polarizability constant and its dispersion have been evaluated.


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The catalytic activity of cobalt phthalocyanine monomer and some of its polymeric derivatives towards the electroreduction of molecular oxygen in salt and alkaline solutions is examined. It is found that most of these complexes exhibit a higher catalytic activity than the cobalt phthalocyanine monomer.


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H.264 video standard achieves high quality video along with high data compression when compared to other existing video standards. H.264 uses context-based adaptive variable length coding (CAVLC) to code residual data in Baseline profile. In this paper we describe a novel architecture for CAVLC decoder including coeff-token decoder, level decoder total-zeros decoder and run-before decoder UMC library in 0.13 mu CMOS technology is used to synthesize the proposed design. The proposed design reduces chip area and improves critical path performance of CAVLC decoder in comparison with [1]. Macroblock level (including luma and chroma) pipeline processing for CAVLC is implemented with an average of 141 cycles (including pipeline buffering) per macroblock at 250MHz clock frequency. To compare our results with [1] clock frequency is constrained to 125MHz. The area required for the proposed architecture is 17586 gates, which is 22.1% improvement in comparison to [1]. We obtain a throughput of 1.73 * 10(6) macroblocks/second, which is 28% higher than that reported in [1]. The proposed design meets the processing requirement of 1080HD [5] video at 30frames/seconds.


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The aim of this study is to obtain the fracture characteristics of low and medium compressive strength self consolidating concrete (SCC) for notched and un-notched plain concrete beams by using work of fracture G(F) and size effect model G(f) methods and comparing them with those of normal concrete and high performance concrete. The results show that; (i) with an increase in compressive strength, G(F) increases and G(f) decreases; (ii) with an increase in depth of beam, the decrease in nominal stress of notched beam is more when compared with that of a notchless beam.


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Design research informs and supports practice by developing knowledge to improve the chances of producing successful products.Training in design research has been poorly supported. Design research uses human and natural/technical sciences, embracing all facets of design; its methods and tools are adapted from both these traditions. However, design researchers are rarely trained in methods from both the traditions. Research in traditional sciences focuses primarily on understanding phenomena related to human, natural, or technical systems. Design research focuses on supporting improvement of such systems, using understanding as a necessary but not sufficient step, and it must embrace methods for both understanding reality and developing support for its improvement. A one-semester, postgraduate-level, credited course that has been offered since 2002, entitled Methodology for Design Research, is described that teaches a methodology for carrying out research into design. Its steps are to clarify research success; to understand relevant phenomena of design and how these influence success; to use this to envision design improvement and develop proposals for supporting improvement; to evaluate support for its influence on success; and, if unacceptable, to modify, support, or improve the understanding of success and its links to the phenomena of design. This paper highlights some major issues about the status of design research and describes how design research methodology addresses these. The teaching material, model of delivery, and evaluation of the course on methodology for design research are discussed.


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The coexisting phases in the pseudobinary system BaO-Y2O3 have been identified by equilibrating samples containing different amounts of component oxides at 1173, 1273 and 1373 K. Only two ternary oxides, BaY2O4 and Ba3Y4O9, have been found to be stable in the temperature range of investigation. Solid state galvanic cells: Pt, O2+BaO+BaF2double vertical barBaF2+2mol%Al2O3double vertical barBaF2+BaY2O4+Y2O3+O2, Pt and Pt, O2+BaO+BaF2double vertical barBaF2+2mol% Al2O3double vertical barBaF2+BaY2O4+Ba3Y4O9+O2, Pt have been employed for determining the Gibbs' energies of formation of BaY2O4 and Ba3Y4O9 from the component oxides in the range 850 to 1250 K. A composite solid electrolyte incorporating Al2O3-dispersed BaF2 was used in the cells. To prevent interaction between the Al2O3 powder and electrode materials, the solid electrolyte was coated with pure BaF2. The Gibbs' energies of formation of BaY2O4 and Ba3Y4O9 from component oxides are given by: Δf0 (BaY2O4, s)=−128,310+5.211T (±580) J mol−1, (850less-than-or-equals, slantTless-than-or-equals, slant1250 K) and ΔGfo(Ba3Y4O9, s)= −317,490 −24.704T (±1100) J mol−1, (850less-than-or-equals, slantTless-than-or-equals, slant1250 K).


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In the recent past it has been found that HVDC transmission systems and turbine-generator shaft torsional dynamics can interact in an unfavourable manner. This paper presents a detailed linearised state space model of AC/DC system to study this torsional interaction. The model developed is used to study the effect of various system parameters, such as, dc line loading, converter firing angle, the firing scheme employed. The results obtained are compared with those given in[3].