959 resultados para 2-YEAR FOLLOW-UP
Purpose: Sleep bruxism is common among the various oromotor alterations found in individuals with cerebral palsy (CP). Few studies have investigated the use of the mastication device denominated hyperbola (HB) and none was found describing the use of such a device for the treatment of bruxism in children with CP. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of the HB on electromyographic (EMG) activity in the jaw-closing muscles and the reduction in sleep bruxism in a child with CP using surface EMG analysis before and after nine months of treatment. Methods: A seven-year-old boy with severe spastic CP and sleep bruxism was enrolled in this study. The HB was chosen as the treatment option for sleep bruxism in this case because the child did not accept an occlusal splint. The HB has a hyperbolic shape and is made of soft, non-toxic, odorless, tasteless silicone. There are five different sizes of HB manufactured based on the diversity of tooth sizes. This device produces proprioceptive excitation in the dentoalveolar nerve, spindles and Golgi tendon organs. HB has been employed for the treatment of temporomandibular disorder, abnormal oro-dental development, abnormal occlusion, xerostomy, halitosis and bruxism. HB therapy was performed for 5 min six times a day over a nine-week period. Surface EMG of the mandible at rest and during maximum contraction was performed on the masseter and temporalis muscles bilaterally to evaluate electromyographic activity before and after nine months of HB usage. Results: HB usage led to a visible tendency toward the reorganization of mastication dynamics, achieving a marked balance in electromyographic activity of the jaw-closing muscles and improving the child's quality of life. Conclusion: Based on the findings of the present study, this noninvasive therapy may be useful for individuals with cerebral palsy due to its positive effects and low cost, which allows its use in the public health realm. Further clinical studies with a larger sample size are needed to validate these results and allow the development of a new treatment protocol for patients with spastic cerebral palsy. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Peripheral cement-ossifying fibroma is a relatively common gingival growth of a reactive rather than neoplastic nature, whose pathogenesis is uncertain. It predominantly affects adolescents and young adults, with peak prevalence between 10 and 19 years. We report here the clinical case of a 5-year-old girl with disease duration of 3 years, who was followed up for 4 years, showing a gingival health and normal radiopacity of bone.
Background and Objectives: Patients who survive acute kidney injury (AKI), especially those with partial renal recovery, present a higher long-term mortality risk. However, there is no consensus on the best time to assess renal function after an episode of acute kidney injury or agreement on the definition of renal recovery. In addition, only limited data regarding predictors of recovery are available. Design, Setting, Participants, & Measurements: From 1984 to 2009, 84 adult survivors of acute kidney injury were followed by the same nephrologist (RCRMA) for a median time of 4.1 years. Patients were seen at least once each year after discharge until end stage renal disease (ESRD) or death. In each consultation serum creatinine was measured and glomerular filtration rate estimated. Renal recovery was defined as a glomerular filtration rate value >= 60 mL/min/1.73 m2. A multiple logistic regression was performed to evaluate factors independently associated with renal recovery. Results: The median length of follow-up was 50 months (30-90 months). All patients had stabilized their glomerular filtration rates by 18 months and 83% of them stabilized earlier: up to 12 months. Renal recovery occurred in 16 patients (19%) at discharge and in 54 (64%) by 18 months. Six patients died and four patients progressed to ESRD during the follow up period. Age (OR 1.09, p < 0.0001) and serum creatinine at hospital discharge (OR 2.48, p = 0.007) were independent factors associated with non renal recovery. The acute kidney injury severity, evaluated by peak serum creatinine and need for dialysis, was not associated with non renal recovery. Conclusions: Renal recovery must be evaluated no earlier than one year after an acute kidney injury episode. Nephrology referral should be considered mainly for older patients and those with elevated serum creatinine at hospital discharge.
In the Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study, we aimed to assess the proportion of long-term survivors attending follow-up care, to characterise attendees and to describe the health professionals involved. We sent a questionnaire to 1252 patients, of whom 985 (79%) responded, aged in average 27 years (range 20-49). Overall, 183 (19%) reported regular, 405 (41%) irregular and 394 (40%) no follow-up. For 344, severity of late effects had been classified in a previous medical examination. Only 17% and 32% of survivors with moderate and severe late effects respectively had made regular visits a decade later. Female gender, after a shorter time since diagnosis, had radiotherapy, and having suffered a relapse predicted follow-up. In the past year, 8% had seen a general practitioner only, 10% a paediatric or adult oncologist and 16% other health specialists for a cancer related problem. These findings underline the necessity to implement tailored national follow-up programmes.
To evaluate the treatment outcome of avulsed and replanted permanent incisors.
Background The World Health Organization estimates that in sub-Saharan Africa about 4 million HIV-infected patients had started antiretroviral therapy (ART) by the end of 2008. Loss of patients to follow-up and care is an important problem for treatment programmes in this region. As mortality is high in these patients compared to patients remaining in care, ART programmes with high rates of loss to follow-up may substantially underestimate mortality of all patients starting ART. Methods and Findings We developed a nomogram to correct mortality estimates for loss to follow-up, based on the fact that mortality of all patients starting ART in a treatment programme is a weighted average of mortality among patients lost to follow-up and patients remaining in care. The nomogram gives a correction factor based on the percentage of patients lost to follow-up at a given point in time, and the estimated ratio of mortality between patients lost and not lost to follow-up. The mortality observed among patients retained in care is then multiplied by the correction factor to obtain an estimate of programme-level mortality that takes all deaths into account. A web calculator directly calculates the corrected, programme-level mortality with 95% confidence intervals (CIs). We applied the method to 11 ART programmes in sub-Saharan Africa. Patients retained in care had a mortality at 1 year of 1.4% to 12.0%; loss to follow-up ranged from 2.8% to 28.7%; and the correction factor from 1.2 to 8.0. The absolute difference between uncorrected and corrected mortality at 1 year ranged from 1.6% to 9.8%, and was above 5% in four programmes. The largest difference in mortality was in a programme with 28.7% of patients lost to follow-up at 1 year. Conclusions The amount of bias in mortality estimates can be large in ART programmes with substantial loss to follow-up. Programmes should routinely report mortality among patients retained in care and the proportion of patients lost. A simple nomogram can then be used to estimate mortality among all patients who started ART, for a range of plausible mortality rates among patients lost to follow-up.
To assess the 5-year survival of implant-supported single crowns (SCs) and to describe the incidence of biological, technical, and aesthetic complications. The focused question was: What is the survival rate of implants supporting single crowns and implant-supported crowns with a mean follow-up of 5 years and to which extent do biological, technical, and aesthetic complications occur?
A 8(6/12) year-old-boy presented with precocious puberty and a slightly enlarged left testis. After a detailed examination a Leydig cell tumour was diagnosed. Surgical exploration revealed an encapsulated tumour, 2.7 cm in length, which was selectively removed without orchidectomy. Within one year the clinical signs of pubertal precocity disappeared, the bone age did not further advance and height velocity declined from 8.2 cm / year (+3.9 SDS) to 4.1 cm/year (-1.0 SDS). Physiologically, he entered puberty at the chronological age of twelve years, presenting at that age, in comparison to his peer group, a slightly decreased pubertal growth spurt. However, bearing in mind that being precocious in puberty he started in fact his pubertal growth spurt at a far earlier age, therefore, this acceleration of height before operation has to be added to the centimetres gained during pubertal development thereafter resuiting consequently in an absolute normal pubertal growth spurt. This underlines the fact that the individual growth spurt and, therefore, the total amount of centimetres gained is very much robust. Ten years later, the patient ended up well within his familial target height and remained free of disease. We report on a long-term follow-up of a prepubertal boy after testis-sparing surgery for Leydig-cell-tumour.
We describe the case of a 59-year-old man who had aortic regurgitation and a hypoplastic aortic valve and for whom an echocardiography evaluation revealed a vascular tumor in the roof of the left atrium, which was suspected to be a hemangioma. After undergoing preoperative invasive catheter coronary angiography, echocardiography, and multislice computed tomography examinations, the patient underwent an aortic miniroot replacement. Intraoperative findings confirmed the findings of the preoperative evaluations. The tumor, although macroscopically verified as a hemangioma, was not resected because of the tumor's position and size, and the threat of uncontrollable bleeding. After an uneventful postoperative clinical course, a subsequent successful transcatheter coil occlusion of the coronary fistula from the left circumflex coronary artery was performed as an alternative to surgical resection of the tumor. This case emphasizes the future role of a multimodality hybrid approach for diagnosis, planning (different 2- and 3-dimensional imaging modalities), and treatment in the form of combining interventional (transcatheter) and surgical (open heart) techniques, which could optimize different treatment strategies. This approach could be further improved by increasing the installations of hybrid operating rooms.
OBJECTIVE: To describe the electronic medical databases used in antiretroviral therapy (ART) programmes in lower-income countries and assess the measures such programmes employ to maintain and improve data quality and reduce the loss of patients to follow-up. METHODS: In 15 countries of Africa, South America and Asia, a survey was conducted from December 2006 to February 2007 on the use of electronic medical record systems in ART programmes. Patients enrolled in the sites at the time of the survey but not seen during the previous 12 months were considered lost to follow-up. The quality of the data was assessed by computing the percentage of missing key variables (age, sex, clinical stage of HIV infection, CD4+ lymphocyte count and year of ART initiation). Associations between site characteristics (such as number of staff members dedicated to data management), measures to reduce loss to follow-up (such as the presence of staff dedicated to tracing patients) and data quality and loss to follow-up were analysed using multivariate logit models. FINDINGS: Twenty-one sites that together provided ART to 50 060 patients were included (median number of patients per site: 1000; interquartile range, IQR: 72-19 320). Eighteen sites (86%) used an electronic database for medical record-keeping; 15 (83%) such sites relied on software intended for personal or small business use. The median percentage of missing data for key variables per site was 10.9% (IQR: 2.0-18.9%) and declined with training in data management (odds ratio, OR: 0.58; 95% confidence interval, CI: 0.37-0.90) and weekly hours spent by a clerk on the database per 100 patients on ART (OR: 0.95; 95% CI: 0.90-0.99). About 10 weekly hours per 100 patients on ART were required to reduce missing data for key variables to below 10%. The median percentage of patients lost to follow-up 1 year after starting ART was 8.5% (IQR: 4.2-19.7%). Strategies to reduce loss to follow-up included outreach teams, community-based organizations and checking death registry data. Implementation of all three strategies substantially reduced losses to follow-up (OR: 0.17; 95% CI: 0.15-0.20). CONCLUSION: The quality of the data collected and the retention of patients in ART treatment programmes are unsatisfactory for many sites involved in the scale-up of ART in resource-limited settings, mainly because of insufficient staff trained to manage data and trace patients lost to follow-up.
In this prospective, non-randomized 6-month observational study we evaluated the efficacy of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) dose increase in patients with multifocal motor neuropathy (MMN). Diagnosis according to AAEM criteria, repetitive IVIg treatment for at least one year, persistent paresis and conduction block, stable symptoms and findings for at least six months were inclusion criteria. Nine patients (7 men) were identified and approved to standardized increase of IVIg dose. Patients were monitored using clinical scores and electrophysiological studies. Dose was increased from a baseline of 0.5 g/kg per month [mean, range: 0.1-1.1], given at variable intervals [4-12 weeks] to 1.2 g/kg per month given over 3 consecutive days planned for 6 cycles. If the patients' motor function did not improve after two cycles they entered step two: Dose was increased to 2 g/kg per month given over 5 consecutive days. The increased dose was maintained for 6 months. Assessments were performed by the same investigator, not involved in the patient's management, at baseline, after 2 and after 6 months. Following dose increase, motor function significantly improved in 6 patients (p = 0.014), 2 patients entered step two, 1 patient withdrew due to absent efficacy. Higher doses of IVIg caused more side effects, however, transient and rarely severe (p = 0.014). IVIg dose increase may improve motor functions in patients with stable MMN on long-term IVIg therapy independent of baseline dose. Improvement of motor function was associated with shorter disease duration (p = 0.008), but not with degree of muscle atrophy (p = 0.483). The treatment strategy to try to find the lowest effective dose and the longest tolerated interval might lead to underdosing in the long-term in many patients.
BACKGROUND: Papillary or follicular thyroid carcinomas exhibit a relatively benign course. Hence, long-term follow-up studies with well-defined disease stages and treatment details are needed to evaluate treatment strategies. METHODS: Patients who underwent complete resection of well-differentiated thyroid carcinoma (WDTC) confined to the thyroid gland between 1972 and 1990 identified from a prospective database were assessed. Follow-up was performed by interview, review of patient charts, and analysis of the Death Registry. Primary endpoints were overall survival (OS) and disease-specific survival (DSS). Review of histology was performed and extent of thyroid resection, postoperative therapy, and recognized prognostic factors but not lymphadenectomy were evaluated. RESULTS: Of 2,867 patients, 213 had complete resection of WDTC confined to the thyroid gland. Follow-up was completed in 166 patients with median age 54.2 (range, 20-85) years, and median follow-up of 27.2 (range, 15.6-34.5) years. The 10- and 20-year OS was 71 and 55%, respectively. DSS at 10 and 20 years was 81 and 69%, respectively, and correlated with age, histology, tumor size, radio-iodide ablation (RIA), and external beam irradiation (EBR) treatment. No patient died of WDTC more than 18 years after resection. Total or near-total thyroidectomy without lymphadenectomy was not superior to partial thyroidectomy. In multivariate analysis for DSS, age was the dominant factor, which correlated with histology. CONCLUSION: After a median follow-up of 27 years, about one-third of patients died of WDTC. Age, histology and postoperative therapy but not extent of thyroid resection determined DSS.
BACKGROUND: Studies continue to identify percutaneous coronary intervention procedural volume both at the institutional level and at the operator level as being strongly correlated with outcome. High-volume centers have been defined as those that perform >400 percutaneous coronary intervention procedures per year. The relationship between drug-eluting stent procedural volume and outcome is unknown. We investigated this relationship in the German Cypher Registry. METHODS AND RESULTS: The present analysis included 8201 patients treated with sirolimus-eluting stents between April 2002 and September 2005 in 51 centers. Centers that recruited >400 sirolimus-eluting stent patients in this time period were considered high-volume centers; those with 150 to 400 patients were considered intermediate-volume centers; and those with <150 patients were designated as low-volume centers. The primary end point was all death, myocardial infarction, and target-vessel revascularization at 6 months. This end point occurred in 11.3%, 12.1%, and 9.0% of patients in the low-, intermediate-, and high-volume center groups, respectively (P=0.0001). There was no difference between groups in the rate of target-vessel revascularization (P=0.2) or cerebrovascular accidents (P=0.5). The difference in death/myocardial infarction remained significant after adjustment for baseline factors (odds ratio 1.85, 95% confidence interval 1.31 to 2.59, P<0.001 for low-volume centers; odds ratio 1.69, 95% confidence interval 1.29 to 2.21, P<0.001 for intermediate-volume centers). Patient and lesion selection, procedural features, and postprocedural medications differed significantly between groups. CONCLUSIONS: The volume of sirolimus-eluting stent procedures performed on an institutional level was inversely related to death and myocardial infarction but not to target-vessel revascularization at 6-month follow-up. Safety issues are better considered in high-volume centers. These findings have important public health policy implications.
BACKGROUND: The role of adjuvant dose-intensive chemotherapy and its efficacy according to baseline features has not yet been established. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Three hundred and forty-four patients were randomized to receive seven courses of standard-dose chemotherapy (SD-CT) or three cycles of dose-intensive epirubicin and cyclophosphamide (epirubicin 200 mg/m(2) plus cyclophosphamide 4 mg/m(2) with filgrastim and progenitor cell support). All patients were assigned tamoxifen at the completion of chemotherapy. The primary end point was disease-free survival (DFS). This paper updates the results and explores patterns of recurrence according to predicting baseline features. RESULTS: At 8.3-years median follow-up, patients assigned DI-EC had a significantly better DFS compared with those assigned SD-CT [8-year DFS percent 47% and 37%, respectively, hazard ratio (HR) 0.76; 95% confidence interval 0.58-1.00; P = 0.05]. Only patients with estrogen receptor (ER)-positive disease benefited from the DI-EC (HR 0.61; 95% confidence interval 0.39, 0.95; P = 0.03). CONCLUSIONS: After prolonged follow-up, DI-EC significantly improved DFS, but the effect was observed only in patients with ER-positive disease, leading to the hypothesis that efficacy of DI-EC may relate to its endocrine effects. Further studies designed to confirm the importance of endocrine responsiveness in patients treated with dose-intensive chemotherapy are encouraged.