994 resultados para 1599-1660


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Cet article présente les résultats de la revue systématique: Inglis SC, Clark RA, McAlister FA, et al. Structured telephone support or telemonitoring programmes for patients with chronic heart failure. Cochrane Database Systematic Reviews 2010, Issue 8. Art. No.:CD007228. DOI:10.1002/14651858.CD007228.pub2. PMID: 20687083


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Dans le cadre de l'élaboration du Programme cantonal Diabète du canton de Vaud, nous avons mis en place une étude qualitative visant à connaître l'opinion des divers acteurs du système de santé du canton, sur la prise en charge actuelle du diabète et le développement du Programme cantonal Diabète. Nous avons recruté des patients diabétiques et des professionnels de la santé dans le but d'organiser huit focus-groupes (entretiens de groupe) : un focus-groupe de patients diabétiques et un focus-groupe de professionnels de la santé, dans chacune des quatre régions sanitaires du canton de Vaud. [Auteurs, p. 5]


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Infections associated with implants are increasingly important in modem medicine. Biofilms are the cause that these infections are more difficult to diagnose and to cure. Particularly low-grade infections are difficult to distinguish from aseptic failure, because they often present with early loosening and persisting pain. For an accurate diagnosis, clinical signs and symptoms, laboratory markers of infection, microbiology, histology and imaging examinations are needed. The treatment goal is eradication of infection and an optimal functional result. Successful treatment requires adequate surgical procedure combined with long-term antimicrobial therapy, ideally with an agent acting on biofilms.


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COPD is associated with some skeletal muscle dysfunction which contributes to a poor exercise tolerance. This dysfunction results from multiple factors: physical inactivity, corticosteroids, smoking, malnutrition, anabolic deficiency, systemic inflammation, hypoxia, oxidative stress. Respiratory rehabilitation is based on exercise training and allows patients with COPD to experience less dyspnoea, and to improve their exercise tolerance and quality of life. Not all patients, however, benefit from rehabilitation. Acknowledging the different factors leading to muscular dysfunction allows one to foresee new avenues to improve efficacy of exercise training in COPD.


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The main goal of training activities is to improve motor performance. After strenuous workouts, it is physiological to experience fatigue, which relieves within two weeks, and then induce an improvement in motor capacities. An overtraining syndrome is diagnosed when fatigue is postponed beyond two weeks, and affects mainly endurance athletes. It is a condition of chronic fatigue, underperformance and an increased vulnerability to infection leading to recurrent infections. The whole observed spectrum of symptoms is physiological, psychological, endocrinogical and immunological. All play a role in the failure to recover. Monitoring of athletes activities helps to prevent the syndrome with days with no sports. Rest, patience and empathy are the only ways of treatment options.


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Although not specific, an increased in peripheral blood eosinophils may contribute substantially to the diagnosis of numerous infectious, allergic and inflammatory diseases. The scope of this article is to detail pathologies associated with peripheral eosinophilia by order of frequency and to guide further investigations.


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2007 was marked by a growing trend towards minimal invasive surgery and enhanced recovery, especially in visceral surgery. In comparison to the laparoscopic revolution in the eighties, Natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) must be watched on closely, and will probably have to be taken into account in a near future. Minimal invasive procedures in oesophageal cancer surgery have proved both efficient and oncologically safe. Implementation of Fast track protocols now permits a much faster patient's return to normal daily activity. In hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery, multidisciplinary efforts have been done to better select patients, widen the indications and increase efficiency.


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Non-urgent cases represent 30-40% of all ED consults; they contribute to overcrowding of emergency departments (ED), which could be reduced if they were denied emergency care. However, no triage instrument has demonstrated a high enough degree of accuracy to safely rule out serious medical conditions: patients suffering from life-threatening emergencies have been inappropriately denied care. Insurance companies have instituted financial penalties to discourage the use of ED as a source of non-urgent care, but this practice mainly restricts access for the underprivileged. More recent data suggest that in fact most patients consult for appropriate urgent reasons, or have no alternate access to urgent care. The safe reduction of overcrowding requires a reform of the healthcare system based on patients' needs rather than access barriers.


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Terminal heart failure can be the cause or the result of major dysfunctions of the organisms. Although, the outcome of the natural history is the same in both situations, it is of prime importance to differentiate the two, as only heart failure as the primary cause allows for successful mechanical circulatory support as bridge to transplantation or towards recovery. Various objective parameters allow for the establishment of the diagnosis of terminal heart failure despite optimal medical treatment. A cardiac index <2.0 l/min, and a mixed venous oxygen saturation <60%, in combination with progressive renal failure, should trigger a diagnostic work-up in order to identify cardiac defects that can be corrected or to list the patient for transplantation with/without mechanical circulatory support.


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Small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is a condition characterised by nutrient malabsorption and excessive bacteria in the small intestine. It typically presents with diarrhea, flatulence and a syndrome of malabsorption (steatorrhea, macrocytic anemia). However, it may be asymptomatic in the eldery. A high index of suspicion is necessary in order to differentiate SIBO from other similar presenting disorders such as coeliac disease, lactose intolerance or the irritable bowel syndrome. A search for predisposing factor is thus necessary. These factors may be anatomical (stenosis, blind loop), or functional (intestinal hypomotility, achlorydria). The hydrogen breath test is the most frequently used diagnostic test although it lacks standardisation. The treatment of SIBO consists of eliminating predisposing factors and broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy.


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Hypertension is a common, modifiable and heritable cardiovascular risk factor. Some rare monogenic forms of hypertension have been described, but the majority of patients suffer from "essential" hypertension, for whom the underlying pathophysiological mechanism is not clear. Essential hypertension is a complex trait, involving multiple genes and environmental factors. Recently, progress in the identification of common genetic variants associated with blood pressure and hypertension has been made thanks to large-scale international collaborative projects involving geneticists, epidemiologists, statisticians and clinicians. In this article, we review some basic genetic concepts and the main research methods used to study the genetics of hypertension, as well as selected recent findings in this field.


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The primary care physician is frequently consulted in first line for infectious complications in organ transplant recipients. Many infections without signs of severity can nowadays be managed on an outpatient basis. However, a number of clinical situations specific to transplant recipients may require special attention and knowledge. In particular, the general practitioner must be aware of the potential interactions between immunosuppressive and antimicrobial therapies, the risk of renal dysfunction as a consequence of diarrhea or urinary tract infection, and the diagnostic of CMV disease as a cause of fever without obvious source occurring several months after transplantation. Collaboration with the transplantation specialists is recommended in order to assure an optimal management of these patients.


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Describe la distribución de los recursos pesqueros: anchoveta (Engraulis ringens), sardina (Sardinops sagax), jurel (Trachurus picturatus murphyi), caballa (Scomber japonicus), samasa (Anchoa nasus), vinciguerria (Vinciguerria lucetia), falso volador (Prionotus stephanophrys), bagre (Galeichthys peruvianus), pota (Dosidicus gigas), múnida (Pleuroncodes monodon) y pez cinta (Trichiurus lepturus), que por su abundancia fueron considerados en esta evaluación. Para la prospección marina de Punta Zorritos (Tumbes) a Morro Sama (Tacna) se utilizó al BIC José Olaya Balandra y para los muestreos costeros a la LP IMARPE V, entre los días 10 de febrero y 1° de abril de 1999. Para la determinación de la distribución se utilizó la ecosonda científica SIMRAD EK 500 de 38 y 120 kHz, en un rango de detección de 2,5 a 250 m de profundidad. Para el muestreo acústico se utilizó una grilla sistemática paralela con una separación de 15 mn entre cada transecto; se realizaron en total 336 lances de pesca para muestreos acústicos y biológicos. Las áreas de distribución de cada especie se determinaron mediante un programa de software de interpolación de datos.


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Les pneumonies causent une mortalité et une morbidité significatives. De manière simplifiée, deux types de pneumonie sont décrits : la pneumonie communautaire et la pneumonie nosocomiale avec le pneumocoque et l'Haemophilus influenzae comme causes principales pour la première, le Pseudomonas et diverses entérobactéries pour la deuxième. La réalité est cependant plus complexe puisque l'on distingue aussi la pneumonie d'aspiration par exemple. La culture est très importante dans le cas des pneumonies nosocomiales car elle permet de déterminer la sensibilité aux antibiotiques de l'agent infectieux et d'adapter le traitement. Pour les patients immunosupprimés, le diagnostic différentiel est plus large et la recherche par tests moléculaires de certains virus, de champignons filamenteux et du Pneumocystis peut se révéler informative. Pneumonia is an importance cause of mortality and morbidity in adults. Two types of pneumonia are defined: community-acquired and nosocomial pneumonia with their corresponding etiology such as pneumococci or Haemophilus influenzae and Pseudomonas or enterobacteriaceae, respectively. However, the reality is more complex with aspiration pneumonia, pneumonia in immunocompromised patient, and pneumonia in ventilated patients. Culture in the case of nosocomial pneumonia is especially important to obtain the antibiotic susceptibility of the infectious agent and to adjust therapy. Moreover for immunocompromised patients, the differential diagnosis is much wider looking for viruses, filamentous fungi and Pneumocystis can be very informative, using new molecular assays.