415 resultados para 1498


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Доклад, поместен в сборника на Националната конференция "Образованието в информационното общество", Пловдив, октомври, 2006 г.


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„Túl a nyugati világon – hogyan hasonlítsuk össze a médiamodelleket?” – ezzel a címmel tartott Paolo Mancini 2012. május 11-én előadást. A Budapesti Gazdasági Főiskola Külkereskedelmi Karának Társadalomtudományi Intézete és a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Könyvtára meghívására Budapestre érkezett előadót a Médiakutató nevében Bajomi-Lázár Péter kérdezte Daniel Hallinnal társszerzőként jegyzett, Comparing Media Systems (2004) című könyvének fogadtatásáról és új, Hallinnal társszerkesztőként jegyzett, Comparing Media Systems Beyond the Western World (2012) című könyvének tanulságairól. Az uralkodó új marketinglogikának megfelelően a cégek rákényszerülnek arra, hogy egyre komplexebb cserefolyamatok során ragadják meg és vonják be fogyasztóikat közvetlenül üzleti folyamataikba. A fogyasztói részvétel ebben a kontextusban nem ér véget a márka iránti figyelemnél, a vállalat vagy a szervezet által indított elektronikus „szájreklámnál” és az egyéb, a vállalatot érintő interaktív, az interneten keresztül elérhető üzeneteknél. Maguk a fogyasztók, a célközönség tagjai is hirdetéseket hoznak létre és közvetítik azokat a szervezetek érdekében vagy az ellen, valamint új termékeket fejlesztenek több közös alkotófolyamat során, és az új árazási modellek bevezetése kapcsán nyomást gyakorolnak a szervezetekre. Így a felhasználók által generált tartalmak elterjedése és fejlődése marketing- és üzleti szempontból is meghatározóvá válik. Jelen tanulmány célja, hogy a marketing- és a marketingkommunikációs szakirodalom alapján áttekintsük a közönségrészvétel jelenségének fogalmait és taxonómiai elemeit, s a kulcsfogalmak azonosításán, magyarázatán és csoportosításán keresztül javaslatot tegyünk az angol nyelvű fogalmak magyar nyelvű használatára.


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Vol. 22, Issue 4, 8 pages


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The purpose of this study is to adapt and combine the following methods of sales forecasting: Classical Time-Series Decomposition, Operationally Based Data and Judgmental Forecasting for use by military club managers.


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The development of complex diseases such as preeclampsia are determined by both environmental and genetic factors, but there is also interaction among these factors. Preeclampsia is a pregnancy-specific disorder characterized by de-novo hypertension and proteinuria after 20th week of gestation. There is a broad spectrum of clinical presentations related to hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP) that can range from mild preeclampsia to eclampsia (seizures) or HELLP syndrome (Hemolysis, Elevation of Liver enzymes, Low Platelets). Those clinical outcomes might be linked to different pathological mechanisms. Our work aims to identify factors (i.e. genes and environmental) associated with the HDP’s clinical spectrum. Using a case-control approach, we selected a total of 1498 pregnant women for epidemiological and genetic studies, encompassing 755 normotensive (control); 518 preeclampsia; 84 eclampsia; and 141 HELLP. Women were genotyped for 18 SNPs across 5 candidate genes (FLT1, ACVR2A, ERAP1, ERAP2 and LNPEP). For the environmental factors, we found maternal age, parity status and pre-gestational body mass index as important risk factors associated with disease. Genes were associated in a phenotype-specific manner: ACVR2A with early preeclampsia (rs1424954, p=0.002); FLT1 with HELLP syndrome (rs9513095, p=0.003); and ERAP1 with eclampsia (rs30187, p=0.03). Our results suggest that different genetic mechanisms along with specific environmental factors might determine the clinical spectrum of HDP. In addition, phenotype refinement seems to be an essential step in the search for complex disease genes


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A sociedade digital nos abraça em todos os aspectos do cotidiano e uma parte significativa da população vive conectada em multiplataformas. Com a instantaneidade dos fluxos de comunicação, vivemos uma rotina onde muitos acessos estão a um “clique” ou toque. A televisão como mídia preponderante durante várias décadas, na sua transição digital comporta uma função além da TV que conhecíamos, como display interativo que se conecta e absorve conteúdos provenientes de várias fontes. Os consagrados modelos mundiais de distribuição de audiovisual, especialmente pelo Broadcast, sofrem as consequências da mudança do comportamento do seu público pelas novas oportunidades de acesso aos conteúdos, agora interativos e sob demanda. Neste contexto, os modelos das SmartTVs (TVs conectadas) em Broadband (Banda Larga) apresentam opções diferenciadas e requerem um espaço cada vez maior na conexão com todos os outros displays. Com este cenário, o presente estudo busca descrever e analisar as novas ofertas de conteúdos, aplicativos, possibilidades e tendências do hibridismo das fontes para a futura TV.


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Background.  The optimum approach for infectious complication surveillance for cardiac implantable electronic device (CIED) procedures is unclear. We created an automated surveillance tool for infectious complications after CIED procedures. Methods.  Adults having CIED procedures between January 1, 2005 and December 31, 2011 at Duke University Hospital were identified retrospectively using International Classification of Diseases, 9th revision (ICD-9) procedure codes. Potential infections were identified with combinations of ICD-9 diagnosis codes and microbiology data for 365 days postprocedure. All microbiology-identified and a subset of ICD-9 code-identified possible cases, as well as a subset of procedures without microbiology or ICD-9 codes, were reviewed. Test performance characteristics for specific queries were calculated. Results.  Overall, 6097 patients had 7137 procedures. Of these, 1686 procedures with potential infectious complications were identified: 174 by both ICD-9 code and microbiology, 14 only by microbiology, and 1498 only by ICD-9 criteria. We reviewed 558 potential cases, including all 188 microbiology-identified cases, 250 randomly selected ICD-9 cases, and 120 with neither. Overall, 65 unique infections were identified, including 5 of 250 reviewed cases identified only by ICD-9 codes. Queries that included microbiology data and ICD-9 code 996.61 had good overall test performance, with sensitivities of approximately 90% and specificities of approximately 80%. Queries with ICD-9 codes alone had poor specificity. Extrapolation of reviewed infectious rates to nonreviewed cases yields an estimated rate of infection of 1.3%. Conclusions.  Electronic queries with combinations of ICD-9 codes and microbiologic data can be created and have good test performance characteristics for identifying likely infectious complications of CIED procedures.


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Sampling may promote prolonged engagement in sport by limiting physical injuries (Fraser-Thomas et al., 2005). Overtraining injuries are a concern for young athletes who specialize in one sport and engage in high volumes of deliberate practice (Hollander, Meyers, & Leunes, 1995; Law, Côté, & Ericsson, 2007). For instance, young gymnasts who practice for over 16 hours a week have been shown to have higher incidences of back injuries (Goldstein, Berger, Windier, & Jackson, 1991). A sampling approach in child-controlled play (e.g. deliberate play) rather than highly adult-controlled practice (e.g. deliberate practice) has been proposed as a strategy to limit overuse and other sport-related injuries (Micheli, Glassman, & Klein, 2000). In summary, sampling may protect against sport attrition by limiting sport related injuries and allowing children to have early experiences in sport that are enjoyable. Psychosocial Benefits of Sampling Only a small percentage of children who participate in school sports ever become elite athletes. Therefore, the psychosocial outcomes of sport participation are particularly important to consider. Recent studies with youth between the ages of 11 to 17 have found that those who are involved in a variety of extracurricular activities (e.g. sports, volunteer, arts) score more favourably on outcome measures such as Grade Point Average (GPA; Fredricks & Eccles, 2006a) and positive peer relationships (Fredricks & Eccles, 2006b) than youth who participate in fewer activities. These patterns are thought to exist due to each extracurricular activity bringing its own distinct pattern of socialization experiences that reinforce certain behaviours and/or teach various skills (Fredricks & Eccles, 2006b; Rose-Krasnor, Bussen, Willoughby, & Chambers, 2006). This contention is corroborated by studies of children and youths' experiences in extracurricular activities indicating that youth have unique experiences in each activity that contribute to their development (Hansen, Larson, & Dworkin, 2003; Larson, Hansen, & Moneta, 2006). This has led Wilkes and Côté (2007) to propose that children who sample different activities (through their own choice or by virtue of parental direction), have a greater chance of developing the following five developmental outcomes compared to children who specialize in one activity: 1) life skills, 2) prosocial behaviour, 3) healthy identity, 4) diverse peer groups and 5) social capital.


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Even though one recognizes the physical and psychological kindness of h more and more involvement of the children to the physical and sporty activities, these programs seem more and more inaccessible to some. This article underlines the importance school déprogrammes centered on structured physical and sporty activities. In the setting of a recent survey, one asked youngsters to 5th year to take in note all their activities (as diary calendar) during two days of consecutive week. L·s children that participated in structured physical and sporty activities before and after the hours class sembkient to pull a lot more phisir of their day that those that didn't participate in these activities. Besides, seuk the young that took to structured physical and sporty activities reached the rates recommended of daily physical activity. The article proposes to the school administrators, to the parents, to the children and to the collectivities various measures encouraging the adoption of additional programs centered on the physical and sporty activities in school environment.


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El presente trabajo pretende analizar cuáles eran las características climáticas que se sucedían en Madrid y su Tierra a lo largo del año, fundamentalmente entre los siglos XIV y XVI. Se intentará comprobar, dentro de las limitaciones que impone la documentación de la época, si en aquel tiempo se daba también un clima mediterráneo, o no, y si este ha variado mucho desde entonces. Igualmente se podrá comprobar algo que tal vez podría, aunque no debería, sorprendernos: el hombre medieval tenía muy claros muchos conceptos meteorológicos y climatológicos, aunque siempre aprehendidos con una finalidad práctica, para aplicarlos en su vida cotidiana tan cercana y dependiente de la naturaleza.


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En este trabajo se analiza el movimiento indígena evangélico ecuatoriano con énfasis particular enlas tensiones entre etnicidad y religión en contextos de movilización política en la provincia deChimborazo. Una provincia que ha sido una fortaleza tradicional tanto de la Iglesia Católica comoposteriormente de las Iglesias Evangélicas, lo que ha contribuido a la excepcionalidad de la provinciay asimismo ha animado la formación de diferentes movimientos políticos. El enfoque principal de esteanálisis es la Federación Ecuatoriana de Indígenas Evangélicos/FEINE y su brazo electoral AmautaJatari, así como sus complejas relaciones con el más amplio movimiento indígena. Teórica ymetodológicamente, el artículo se apoya en ideas de Interseccionalidad, se integran dentro de unmarco analítico sociológico-politológico. Se justifica esta integración analítica por su valor para laapertura de posibilidades de problematización del tema, sino también para comprender la complejamezcla identitaria que influye en las lógicas colectivas e individuales en la sociedad.


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Se analiza el sindicalismo agrario ecuatoriano en términos de representación de diferentes actores sociales. Se enfatiza en particular el desarrollo de la Federación Nacional de trabajadores agroindustriales, campesinos e indígenas libres del Ecuador (FENACLE). Se discute lamanera en que las políticas neoliberales cambiaron las condiciones de la lucha social en el Ecuador e impactaron en el desarrollo específico de la federación. Además se establecen lasposibles diferencias entre el movimiento campesino, el movimiento indígena y el sindicato agrario; y, en qué grado de representación la FENACLE involucra a cada uno de los grupos mencionados.


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De nombreuses dames de la cour d'Anjou ont exercé un mécénat littéraire et bibliophilique important à la cour d'Anjou. Parmi elles se trouvent Marie de Blois (v. 1340-1404), Yolande d'Aragon (1381-1442), Isabelle de Lorraine (v. 1400-1453), Jeanne de Laval (1433-1498) et Marie de Clèves (1426-1487). Le mécénat de ces femmes, parentes, épouses ou amies de René d'Anjou, est ici abordé à travers les documents d'archives et les manuscrits conservés qui attestent d'un intérêtréel et constant pour l'art du livre et de l'enluminure et pour la littérature en vogue à la cour. Une attention toute particulière est réservée au Pèlerinage de Vie humaine de Guillaume de Digulleville dont la version rimée, et plus tard la version en prose commandée par Jeanne de Laval, n'a cessé de captiver le lectorat féminin et notamment Marguerite d'Anjou, Blanche d'Anjou et Guyonne de Beauvau