926 resultados para 12930-027
OBJETIVO: Avaliar o efeito da terapia anti-TNF-α no tratamento de implantes endometriais no peritônio de ratas. MÉTODOS: Os implantes endometrióticos foram induzidos cirurgicamente em 120 ratas Wistar-Albino. Os animais foram aleatoriamente distribuídos em 4 grupos. O grupo C (n=36) recebeu uma injeção intraperitoneal de 0,2ml de solução salina. O grupo L (n=41) recebeu uma injeção subcutânea de 1mg/kg de leuprolide. O grupo I5 (n=20) recebeu uma injeção subcutânea de 5mg/kg de anticorpo monoclonal anti-fator de necrose tumoral (TNF) a (infliximab). O grupo I10 (n=20) recebeu uma injeção subcutânea de 10mg/kg de infliximab. As ratas foram sacrificadas após 21 dias para se avaliar o tamanho dos implantes e a expressão do TNF-α. RESULTADOS: O tratamento com leuprolide promoveu uma redução absoluta na área de superfície do implante comparado com o grupo C (+14mm vs. 0mm; p=0,013) e com o grupo I10 (+14mm vs. +5mm; p=0,018). Da mesma forma, uma redução percentual da area de superfície do implante foi observada comparando o grupo L com o grupo C (+33,3% vs. 0%; p=0,005) e com o grupo I10 (+33,3% vs. +18,3%; p=0,027). O tratamento com infliximab não foi capaz de diminuir a área de superfície do implante comparado com o grupo C. A expressão de TNF-α reduziu nos grupos L, I5 e I10 comparado com o grupo C (505,6µm² vs. 660,5µm² vs. 317,2µm² vs. 2519,3µm², respectivamente; p<0,001). CONCLUSÃO: A terapia anti-TNF-α reduziu a expressão de TNF-α nos implantes endometrióticos mas não reduziu a área de superfície da lesão.
A strategy process was completed in the ESF project “Promotion of Work-related Immigration”, which was implemented at Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment for North Ostrobothnia, and an immigration strategy was drawn up for Northern Ostrobothnia on the basis of the process. Information was collected about the situation in Northern Ostrobothnia from the point of view of immigration and the future availability of labour. The intention was to use the information as background material for the strategy. Employers’ need for support in recruiting foreign labour was investigated with a broad inquiry, to which 1000 respondents replied. The strategy process was carried out together with an outside consultant (Net Effect Oy) by arranging three workshops and a seminar where the workshop results were summarised. A large number of companies, authorities, municipalities, associations, project actors and immigrants engaged in immigration issues participated in the workshops. The draft strategy is based on their experiences about immigration and on statistical data, background inquiries and surveys. To ensure the accuracy of the draft strategy, comments were requested from several parties and received from 64 organisations. The core of the immigration strategy consists of an initial analysis, values, a vision and priorities. The strategy is composed of three priorities. The key aim of the priority Internationalisation and Supporting Diversity is to support diversity in schools, workplaces and people’s everyday lives e.g. through attitude development and by promoting internationalisation in companies and education institutions. The aim of the priority Supporting Entrepreneurship and Recruiting Foreign Labour is to promote entrepreneurship among immigrants and the recruitment of foreign labour and to develop the forecasting of educational needs. The priority Developing Integration Services, Regional Cooperation and Networks, in turn, seeks to develop the service structure and policies of immigrant integration and to increase cooperation and exchange of information between regional actors engaged in integration issues. The aim is to use the strategy as a guideline document for immigration issues in Northern Ostrobothnia. The strategy is used to coordinate the existing organisations and operations dealing with immigration issues. In addition, it contains a future-oriented focus and underlines the management of new immigration projects and operations. The main party responsible for the implementation of the strategy is the Immigration Committee. In addition, responsible parties have been assigned to each measure. The implementation of the immigration strategy will be monitored annually on the basis of indicators.
Objetivo: avaliar a influência do tabagismo materno na dinâmica vascular materno-fetal, por meio da dopplervelocimetria obstétrica das artérias uterinas, umbilical e cerebral média. Métodos: estudo prospectivo em 42 gestantes saudáveis, sendo 20 fumantes e 22 não-fumantes. Foram realizadas ultra-sonografias para determinar o tempo de gestação e exame de dopplervelocimetria pulsátil das artérias uterinas, umbilical e cerebral média nas 24ª, 28ª, 32ª e 36ª semana para avaliar o fluxo vascular materno-fetal. As fumantes foram orientadas a não fumar por pelo menos 2 horas antes do exame. Resultados: o índice de resistência (IR) médio das artérias uterinas D e E foi maior no grupo de fumantes na 36ª semana com média de 0,50 e desvio padrão de 0,034. O índice de pulsatilidade (IP) da artéria umbilical foi maior no grupo de fumantes na 28ª semana [x (DP) = 1,135 (0,182)], p = 0,008; o IP da artéria cerebral média (ACM) não se mostrou diferente entre os grupos, porém, a relação IP ACM/umbilical foi menor no grupo de fumantes, na 32ª semana [x (DP) = 1,9 (0,291)], p = 0,027 e na 36ª semana [x (DP) = 1,850 (0,465)], p = 0,014. Conclusões: os índices de dopplervelocimetria mostraram que no grupo de fumantes há aumento na resistência da circulação útero-placentária e feto-placentária, associado a concomitante diminuição na resistência da ACM, mimetizando uma tendência do tabagismo levar à hipóxia crônica do feto.
OBJETIVO: averiguar as alterações induzidas pela quimioterapia primária no fenótipo celular. MÉTODOS: avaliamos a expressão do antígeno nuclear de proliferação celular (PCNA) e dos receptores de estrogênio (RE) e de progesterona (RP) em 17 tumores de mama no estádio clínico II, obtidos antes e após a terapia antiblástica, por método imuno-histoquímico. Os valores foram relacionados com o estado menstrual, com a resposta clínica tumoral e com o comprometimento axilar. RESULTADOS: houve redução significante na porcentagem de células coradas pelo anti-PCNA antes (tempo A) e após (tempo B) a quimioterapia (p=0,041). Observamos também resultados significantes ao compararmos os índices médios de PCNA com o grau histológico GII/GIII [tempo A=63,1 e tempo B=38,7 (p=0,049)] e nos casos em que houve resposta clínica [tempo A=53,1 e tempo B=34,4 (p=0,011)]. Não observamos relação significante entre os índices de PCNA com o estado menstrual e o axilar. Houve redução significante do RE após a quimioterapia nas pacientes pré-menopausadas [tempo A=60,3 e tempo B=24,1 (p=0,027)] e naquelas que apresentaram resposta clínica ao tratamento [tempo A=59,1 e tempo B=37,9 (p=0,030)]. Observamos aumento significante do RP após a quimioterapia nas pacientes pós-menopausadas [tempo A=35,3 e tempo B=58,3 (p=0,023)]. Não encontramos relação entre os receptores hormonais e o comprometimento axilar. CONCLUSÕES: a diminuição dos índices de PCNA nos tumores de alto grau histológico, do RE nas pacientes pré-menopausadas e de ambos, PCNA e RE, nos tumores com redução clínica após a quimioterapia nos mostra que ela atuou sobre as células em proliferação e que o PCNA pode ser utilizado como parâmetro de resposta a este tratamento.
OBJETIVO: a ruptura prematura de membranas (RPM) tem sido motivo para muitas indagações, dentre as quais os mecanismos imunes envolvidos. Diante da escassez de estudos relacionados ao tema, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os valores séricos de imunoglobulina A (IgA), imnoglobulina G (IgG), imunoglobulina M (IgM), C3 e C4 em gestantes com RPM. MÉTODOS: neste estudo transversal, foram incluídas 36 mulheres grávidas, com idade gestacional entre 23 e 37 semanas. Deste total, 15 mulheres tiveram diagnóstico laboratorial e clínico de RPM. Foram excluídas as pacientes com início do trabalho de parto, sinais clínicos de infecção ou disfunções clínicas com repercussão sistêmica. Concentrações séricas de IgA, IgM e IgG, C3 e C4 foram avaliadas nas pacientes com (grupo de estudo) e sem RPM (grupo controle). A correlação entre as dosagens, o número de partos e o tempo de ruptura foi determinada pelo coeficiente de correlação de Spearman (valor de r). RESULTADOS: os níveis séricos de IgA (média±DP) foram significativamente mais altos nas pacientes do grupo controle do que nas pacientes do grupo de estudo (271,0±107,0 versus 202,9±66,1, respectivamente; p=0,024). Não houve diferença estatística quando os níveis de IgM, IgG, C3 e C4 foram comparados entre os grupos. Não foi notada associação significativa entre o número de partos e as dosagens de IgA, IgM, IgG, C3 e C4 (r entre -0,009 e 0,027; p>0,05). O tempo de ruptura médio das pacientes do grupo de estudo foi de 19,1 horas (uma a 72 horas), sem nenhuma associação com as dosagens séricas avaliadas. CONCLUSÕES: mulheres grávidas com RPM apresentam níveis de IgA significativamente mais baixos do que as pacientes grávidas normais. A variável "número de partos" não atua como um fator de confusão na análise comparativa das dosagens obtidas em pacientes com ou sem RPM, assim como também não houve associação entre o tempo de ruptura e as dosagens séricas de imunoglobulinas e complementos.
Abstract: The aim of the present study was to assess the occurrence of Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) infection and risk factors of this disease in three hundred serum samples from on 23 familiar agricultural properties in the semiarid region of the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. ELISA was used to study antibodies anti-Mycoplasma gallisepticum. The univariate analysis (chi-squared test or Fischer's exact test) followed by multivariate analysis (logistic regression) were used to assess the risk factors with two variables: management and sanity of the poultry. It was detected a frequence of 53.33% (157/300) of the birds were positive for MG, with 100% foci. The risk factors confirmed by multivariate analysis, in the present study, were the presence of other poultry species on the property, including Numida meleagris (OR=2.22; p=0.005), parrots (OR=1.72; p=0.027), and of passerines (OR=1.88; p=0.007). These results showed that Mycoplasma gallisepticum infection is endemic among backyard poultry in the semiarid region of the state of Pernambuco. These birds could be a source of infection for other wild or domestic poultry. . This is the first report of the occurrence of avian mycoplasmosis in backyard poultry in the state of Pernambuco in northeastern Brazil. The risk factors identified should serve as a parameter for the health authorities to seek solutions related to controlling the disease.
Correlations of measures of percentages of white coat color, five measures of production and two measures of reproduction were obtained from 4293 first lactation Holsteins from eight Florida dairy farms. Percentages of white coat color were analyzed as recorded and transformed by an extension of Box-Cox procedures. Statistical analyses were by derivative-free restricted maximum likelihood (DFREML) with an animal model. Phenotypic and genetic correlations of white percentage (not transformed) were with milk yield, 0.047 and 0.097; fat yield, 0.002 and 0.004; fat percentage, -0.047 and -0.090; protein yield, 0.024 and 0.048; protein percentage, -0.070 and -0.116; days open, -0.012 and -0.065; and calving interval, -0.007 and -0.029. Changes in magnitude of correlations were very small for all variables except days open. Genetic and phenotypic correlations of transformed values with days open were -0.027 and -0.140. Modest positive correlated responses would be expected for white coat color percentage following direct selection for milk, fat, and protein yields, but selection for fat and protein percentages, days open, or calving interval would lead to small decreases.
Tämä raportti on osa Viranomaisyhteistyön kehittäminen Tenojokilaaksossa 2011–2013 -hanketta. Eroosiokohteiden tarkastelutyön suorittaminen Tenojokivarressa toteutettiin kesällä 2012. Eroosiokohteiden tarkastelutyön päätavoitteena oli selvittää, onko merkityillä kohteilla tapahtunut muutoksia eroosiossa edeltävän, vuonna 1999 toteutetun, tarkastelukerran jälkeen. Hankkeen lisätavoitteina oli kartoittaa tarkemmin Tenojoen eroosiokohteilla runsaimmin kasvavat, dominantit, kasvilajit. Työssä pyrittiin selvittämään eroosion vaikutukset kohteisiin ja kuvaaman kohteet mahdollisimman tarkasti, niin digitaaliseen kuin kirjalliseen muotoon, jotta eroosion kehittymistä voitaisiin jatkossakin seurata. Toteuttajatahoina olivat Lapin ELY-keskuksen vesivarayksikkö ja NVE (Norges Vassdrags- og energidirektorat). Raportin alussa esitetään yleiskuvaus Tenojoesta, eroosioprosessista ja eroosiosuojauksista. Raportissa esitellään Tenojoen kahdeksankymmenenkolmen eri eroosiokohteen maastotöiden tulokset. Inarijoen kohteiden tarkastelun suoritti NVE (kohteet 64–83). Suomen osuudessa (kohteet 1–63) on keskitytty enemmän kasvillisuuden kartoittamiseen kuin Norjan osuudessa. Inventoinnissa tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa kohteella kasvavat yleisimmät kasvilajit sekä tunnistaa harvinaisten kasvien esiintymät. Kohteilla kirjattiin kasvillisuuden esiintymistiedot, määriteltiin rinne- ja rantavyöhyke muotoineen, tunnistettiin maalajit sekä kohteella yleisimmin kasvavat, dominantit kasvilajit. Raportissa kohteita verrataan vuoden 1999 -arkasteluun. Suurimmassa osassa kohteista ei ole tapahtunut suuria muutoksia tarkastelukertojen välillä. Osassa kohteita kasvillisuus on lisääntynyt suuresti vuoteen 1999 verrattuna, kun taas osassa tilanne on päinvastainen ja avoimen osuuden ala on lisääntynyt. Tenojoen eroosiokohteiden kasvillisuuden kartoituksen ensimmäisenä liitteenä ovat kasvillisuustaulukot (kohteet 1–63), joista selviää kullakin kohteella yleisesti kasvavat kasvilajit. Toisena liitteenä on yhteenvetotaulukko kohteiden eroosion tilasta ja kolmantena liitteenä on kartta eroosiokohteiden sijainnista. Neljäntenä liitteenä on esitetty jokainen kohde ilmakuvassa.
We microscopically and mechanically evaluated the femurs of rats subjected to hindlimb unloading (tail suspension) followed by treadmill training. Female Wistar rats were randomly divided into five groups containing 12-14 rats: control I (118 days old), control II (139 days old), suspended (tail suspension for 28 days), suspended-released (released for 21 days after 28 days of suspension), and suspended-trained (trained for 21 days after 28 days of suspension). We measured bone resistance by bending-compression mechanical tests of the entire proximal half of the femur and three-point bending tests of diaphyseal cortical bone. We determined bone microstructure by tetracycline labeling of trabecular and cortical bone. We found that tail suspension weakened bone (ultimate load = 86.3 ± 13.5 N, tenacity modulus = 0.027 ± 0.011 MPa·m vs ultimate load = 101.5 ± 10.5 N, tenacity modulus = 0.019 ± 0.006 MPa·m in control I animals). The tenacity modulus for suspended and released animals was 0.023 ± 0.010 MPa·m vs 0.046 ± 0.018 MPa·m for trained animals and 0.035 ± 0.010 MPa·m for control animals. These data indicate that normal activity and training resulted in recovered bone resistance, but suspended-released rats presented femoral head flattening and earlier closure of the growth plate. Microscopically, we found that suspension inhibited new bone subperiosteal and endosteal formation. The bone disuse atrophy secondary to hypoactivity in rats can be reversed by an early regime of exercising, which is more advantageous than ordinary cage activities alone.
Use of the caffeine-halothane contracture test for the diagnosis of malignant hyperthermia in Brazil
Malignant hyperthermia (MH) is a pharmacogenetic disease triggered by volatile anesthetics and succinylcholine. Deaths due to MH have been reported in Brazil. The first Malignant Hyperthermia Diagnostic and Research Center in Latin America was inaugurated in 1993 at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The center followed the diagnostic protocols of the North America MH Group, in which the contractures of biopsies from the vastus lateralis muscle are analyzed after exposure to caffeine and halothane (CHCT). CHCT was performed in individuals who survived, their relatives and those with signs/symptoms somewhat related to MH susceptibility (MHS). Here, we report data from 194 patients collected over 16 years. The Southeast (N = 110) and South (N = 71) represented the majority of patients. Median age was 25 (4-70) years, with similar numbers of males (104) and females (90). MHS was found in 90 patients and 104 patients were normal. Abnormal responses to both caffeine and halothane were observed in 59 patients and to caffeine or halothane in 20 and 11 patients, respectively. The contracture of biopsies from MHS exposed to caffeine and halothane was 1.027 ± 0.075 g (N = 285) and 4.021 ± 0.255 g (N = 226), respectively. MHS was found in patients with either low or high blood creatine kinase and also, with a low score on the clinical grading scale. Thus, these parameters cannot be used with certainty to predict MHS. We conclude that the CHCT protocol described by the North America MH Group contributed to identification of MHS in suspected individuals at an MH center in Brazil with 100% sensitivity and 65.7% specificity.
The objective of this study was to identify intravascular ultrasound (IVUS), angiographic and metabolic parameters related to restenosis in patients with dysglycemia. Seventy consecutive patients (77 lesions) selected according to inclusion and exclusion criteria were evaluated by the oral glucose tolerance test and the determination of insulinemia after a successful percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with a bare-metal stent. The degree of insulin resistance was calculated by the homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR). Six-month IVUS and angiogram follow-up were performed. Thirty-nine patients (55.7%) had dysglycemia. The restenosis rate in the dysglycemic group was 37.2 vs 23.5% in the euglycemic group (P = 0.299). The predictors of restenosis using bivariate analysis were reference vessel diameter (RVD): £2.93 mm (RR = 0.54; 95%CI = 0.05-0.78; P = 0.048), stent area (SA): <8.91 mm² (RR = 0.66; 95%CI = 0.24-0.85; P = 0.006), stent volume (SV): <119.75 mm³ (RR = 0.74; 95%CI = 0.38-0.89; P = 0.0005), HOMA-IR: >2.063 (RR = 0.44; 95%CI = 0.14-0.64; P = 0.027), and fasting plasma glucose (FPG): ≤108.8 mg/dL (RR = 0.53; 95%CI = 0.13-0.75; P = 0.046). SV was an independent predictor of restenosis by multivariable analysis. Dysglycemia is a common clinical condition in patients submitted to PCI. The degree of insulin resistance, FPG, RVD, SA, and SV were correlated with restenosis. SV was inversely correlated with an independent predictor of restenosis in patients treated with a bare-metal stent.
Common variants of the transcription factor 7-like 2 (TCF7L2) gene have been found to be associated with type 2 diabetes in different ethnic groups. The Japanese-Brazilian population has one of the highest prevalence rates of diabetes. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to assess whether two single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of TCF7L2, rs7903146 and rs12255372, could predict the development of glucose intolerance in Japanese-Brazilians. In a population-based 7-year prospective study, we genotyped 222 individuals (72 males and 150 females, aged 56.2 ± 10.5 years) with normal glucose tolerance at baseline. In the study population, we found that the minor allele frequency was 0.05 for SNP rs7903146 and 0.03 for SNP rs12255372. No significant allele or genotype association with glucose intolerance incidence was found for either SNP. Haplotypes were constructed with these two SNPs and three haplotypes were defined: CG (frequency: 0.94), TT (frequency = 0.027) and TG (frequency = 0.026). None of the haplotypes provided evidence for association with the incidence of glucose intolerance. Despite no associations between incidence of glucose intolerance and SNPs of the TCF7L2 gene in Japanese-Brazilians, we found that carriers of the CT genotype for rs7903146 had significantly lower insulin levels 2 h after a 75-g glucose load than carriers of the CC genotype. In conclusion, in Japanese-Brazilians, a population with a high prevalence of type 2 diabetes, common TCF7L2 variants did not make major contributions to the incidence of glucose tolerance abnormalities.
Major histocompatibility complex class I chain-related A (MICA) is a highly polymorphic gene located within the MHC class I region of the human genome. Expressed as a cell surface glycoprotein, MICA modulates immune surveillance by binding to its cognate receptor on natural killer cells, NKG2D, and its genetic polymorphisms have been recently associated with susceptibility to some infectious diseases. We determined whether MICA polymorphisms were associated with the high rate of Schistosoma parasitic worm infection or severity of disease outcome in the Dongting Lake region of Hunan Province, China. Polymerase chain reaction-sequence specific priming (PCR-SSP) and sequencing-based typing (SBT) were applied for high-resolution allele typing of schistosomiasis cases (N = 103, age range = 36.2-80.5 years, 64 males and 39 females) and healthy controls (N = 141, age range = 28.6-73.3 years, 73 males and 68 females). Fourteen MICA alleles and five short-tandem repeat (STR) alleles were identified among the two populations. Three (MICA*012:01/02, MICA*017 and MICA*027) showed a higher frequency in healthy controls than in schistosomiasis patients, but the difference was not significantly correlated with susceptibility to S. japonicum infection (Pc > 0.05). In contrast, higher MICA*A5 allele frequency was significantly correlated with advanced liver fibrosis (Pc < 0.05). Furthermore, the distribution profile of MICA alleles in this Hunan Han population was significantly different from those published for Korean, Thai, American-Caucasian, and Afro-American populations (P < 0.01), but similar to other Han populations within China (P > 0.05). This study provides the initial evidence that MICA genetic polymorphisms may underlie the severity of liver fibrosis occurring in schistosomiasis patients from the Dongting Lake region.
The interaction between ghrelin and adiponectin is still controversial. We investigated the effect of cafeteria diet and pioglitazone on body weight, insulin resistance, and adiponectin/ghrelin levels in an experimental study on male Wistar rats. The animals were divided into four groups of 6 rats each, and received balanced chow with saline (CHOW-O) or pioglitazone (CHOW-P), or a cafeteria diet with saline (CAFE-O) or pioglitazone (CAFE-P). The chow/cafeteria diets were administered for 35 days, and saline/pioglitazone (10 mg·kg body weight-1·day-1) was added in the last 14 days prior to euthanasia. CAFE-O animals had a higher mean final weight (372.5 ± 21.01 g) than CHOW-O (317.66 ± 25.11 g, P = 0.017) and CHOW-P (322.66 ± 28.42 g, P = 0.035) animals. Serum adiponectin levels were significantly higher in CHOW-P (55.91 ± 20.62 ng/mL) than in CHOW-O (30.52 ± 6.97 ng/mL, P = 0.014) and CAFE-O (32.54 ± 9.03 ng/mL, P = 0.027) but not in CAFE-P. Higher total serum ghrelin levels were observed in CAFE-P compared to CHOW-P animals (1.65 ± 0.69 vs 0.65 ± 0.36 ng/mL, P = 0.006). Likewise, acylated ghrelin levels were higher in CAFE-P (471.52 ± 195.09 pg/mL) than in CHOW-P (193.01 ± 87.61 pg/mL, P = 0.009) and CAFE-O (259.44 ± 86.36 pg/mL, P = 0.047) animals. In conclusion, a cafeteria diet can lead to a significant weight gain. Although CAFE-P animals exhibited higher ghrelin levels, this was probably related to food deprivation rather than to a direct pharmacological effect, possibly attenuating the increase in adiponectin levels.
Our objective was to examine associations of adult weight gain and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Cross-sectional interview data from 844 residents in Wan Song Community from October 2009 to April 2010 were analyzed in multivariate logistic regression models to examine odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) between NAFLD and weight change from age 20. Questionnaires, physical examinations, laboratory examinations, and ultrasonographic examination of the liver were carried out. Maximum rate of weight gain, body mass index, waist circumference, waist-to-hip ratio, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, fasting blood glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, uric acid, and alanine transaminase were higher in the NAFLD group than in the control group. HDL-C in the NAFLD group was lower than in the control group. As weight gain increased (measured as the difference between current weight and weight at age 20 years), the OR of NAFLD increased in multivariate models. NAFLD OR rose with increasing weight gain as follows: OR (95%CI) for NAFLD associated with weight gain of 20+ kg compared to stable weight (change <5 kg) was 4.23 (2.49-7.09). Significantly increased NAFLD OR were observed even for weight gains of 5-9.9 kg. For the “age 20 to highest lifetime weight” metric, the OR of NAFLD also increased as weight gain increased. For the “age 20 to highest lifetime weight” metric and the “age 20 to current weight” metric, insulin resistance index (HOMA-IR) increased as weight gain increased (P<0.001). In a stepwise multivariate regression analysis, significant association was observed between adult weight gain and NAFLD (OR=1.027, 95%CI=1.002-1.055, P=0.025). We conclude that adult weight gain is strongly associated with NAFLD.