995 resultados para zika vírus


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Monitoramento realizado pela FGV/ DAPP em redes sociais mostra que “risco” e “medo” estão entre as palavras mais associadas às citações ao surto. Entre 7 e 14 de agosto, foram registradas 61 mil menções à doença que já matou mais de mil pessoas e infectou quase duas mil em Serra Leoa, Libéria, Guiné e Nigéria. Nos Estados Unidos, uma pesquisa divulgada pela rede Fox News mostrou que seis em cada dez americanos temem que o surto chegue ao país. Ontem, o Comitê Olímpico Internacional (COI) informou que restringirá a participação de atletas procedentes de regiões infectadas nos Jogos Olímpicos da Juventude, que começam hoje, na China. E a Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) divulgou informe tratando da ansiedade gerada pela epidemia.


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Postagens no Twitter sobre zika e aborto aumentaram 900% esta semana


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As infecções respiratórias de etiologia viral constituem um problema alarmante de Saúde Pública, sendo responsáveis pelo elevado e constante aumento dos índices de morbimortalidade registados no Mundo associados ao vírus influenza. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a prevalência dos anticorpos IgG e IgM em soros de utentes com requisições para análises serológicas ao vírus influenza A e B. Os utentes foram atendidos entre 1 de Abril de 2009 e 30 de Abril de 2011. Outro objectivo foi determinar a epidemiologia do vírus pandémico A (H1N1) 2009 nos indivíduos com sintomatologia de gripe durante o período entre Julho de 2009 e Julho de 2010 utilizando a técnica de RT-PCR em amostras de exsudado (ou aspirado) nasofaríngeo. Tendo por base o universo de amostragem de 981 indivíduos, constatou-se que 10,7 e 8,2% da população analisada apresenta valores positivos de anticorpos IgM e IgG indicativos de infecção pelo vírus influenza A e B, respectivamente. Constatou-se, também, que entre os 1934 indivíduos submetidos a procedimentos de diagnóstico laboratorial para a detecção de infecção pelo vírus pandémico A (H1N1) 2009, cerca de 747 (38,6%) estavam infectados. Verificou-se que, a população mais jovem foi mais susceptível à infecção pelo vírus influenza A (H1N1) 2009. Isto difere da típica época de gripe sazonal, na qual as pessoas mais idosas estão mais propensas a tornarem-se infectadas e a desenvolver doença grave por influenza A e/ou B. A prevalência de gripe na RAM é reduzida – um dos aspectos plausíveis que justifiquem esta afirmação poderá dever-se às características genéticas da população da RAM estudada. Embora seja de elevada relevância salientar que o Programa Regional de Vacinação (PRV) da RAM tem alcançado reconhecimento nacional e internacional devido às excelentes taxas de cobertura vacinal, fruto da atitude entre cidadãos e profissionais de saúde.


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GB virus type C (GBV-C) appears to promote a Th1 response and is associated with prolonged survival in HIV-infected people. L. chagasi causes a spectrum of illness that varies from severe visceral leishmaniasis, a disease that in the majority of cases is fatal if not treated, to self resolution of infection and development of positive DTH response that is protective against symptomatic disease. To determine if GBV-C viremia might influence the outcome of Leishmania infection, we characterized GBV-C status in a cohort of subjects residing in a L. chagasi endemic area in Brazil. GBV-C viremia was more prevalent in blood donors from urban than in periurban regions of Natal, Brazil (16% and 7.5% respectively). Evidence of prior GBV-C (anti-E2 antibodies) was detected in 24% and 12%of these groups respectively. Anti-E2 increased with age (p= 0.0121). No difference in GBV-C viremia was found in the DTH+ and VL groups (p= 0.269); however, subjects with visceral leishmaniasis were more likely to have anti-E2 than DTH+ subjects (p=0.0012), and DTH induration was smaller in subjects with E2 antibodies (4.5 mm) compared those without (7.12 mm) (p= 0.002). Furthermore, the size of the Leishmania DTH response was greater in GBV-C viremica subjects (6.8 mm) compared to non-viremic subjects (3.3 mm; p= 0.0054). There findings suggest that GBV-C virus may promote a type 1 immune response that could influence the outcome of Leishmania infection


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Shrimp farming is one of the activities that contribute most to the growth of global aquaculture. However, this business has undergone significant economic losses due to the onset of viral diseases such as Infectious Myonecrosis (IMN). The IMN is already widespread throughout Northeastern Brazil and affects other countries such as Indonesia, Thailand and China. The main symptom of disease is myonecrosis, which consists of necrosis of striated muscles of the abdomen and cephalothorax of shrimp. The IMN is caused by infectious myonecrosis virus (IMNV), a non-enveloped virus which has protrusions along its capsid. The viral genome consists of a single molecule of double-stranded RNA and has two Open Reading Frames (ORFs). The ORF1 encodes the major capsid protein (MCP) and a potential RNA binding protein (RBP). ORF2 encodes a probable RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) and classifies IMNV in Totiviridae family. Thus, the objective of this research was study the IMNV complete genome and encoded proteins in order to develop a system differentiate virus isolates based on polymorphisms presence. The phylogenetic relationship among some totivirus was investigated and showed a new group to IMNV within Totiviridae family. Two new genomes were sequenced, analyzed and compared to two other genomes already deposited in GenBank. The new genomes were more similar to each other than those already described. Conserved and variable regions of the genome were identified through similarity graphs and alignments using the four IMNV sequences. This analyze allowed mapping of polymorphic sites and revealed that the most variable region of the genome is in the first half of ORF1, which coincides with the regions that possibly encode the viral protrusion, while the most stable regions of the genome were found in conserved domains of proteins that interact with RNA. Moreover, secondary structures were predicted for all proteins using various softwares and protein structural models were calculated using threading and ab initio modeling approaches. From these analyses was possible to observe that the IMNV proteins have motifs and shapes similar to proteins of other totiviruses and new possible protein functions have been proposed. The genome and proteins study was essential for development of a PCR-based detection system able to discriminate the four IMNV isolates based on the presence of polymorphic sites


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The shrimp farming industry is the most profitable area of the aquaculture at Rio Grande do Norte (RN) state, which is one of the largest producers in Brazil. However the infections that affect the shrimp cause major economic losses. The infection is a result of the interaction between the shrimp, the environment and pathogen. The change of these factors may lead to a condition of stress and susceptibility to opportunistic infections. One of these infections caused by Infectious Hypodermal and Hematopoietic Necrosis Virus (IHHNV) is widely distributed in several countries and affects a wide range of hosts. To optimize conditions for production of Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp, the more species cultivated in Brazil, it is necessary to understand the effects of environmental factors in the susceptibility of this species to infections. The aim of this study was to determine the IHHNV prevalence and to investigate the influence of environmental factors as salinity, temperature, stocking density, dissolved oxygen and rainfall in the IHHNV incidence in L. vannamei grown in farms, in the RN state. To determine the IHHNV prevalence were used 1089 samples of L. vannamei collected in seven farms. To perform the study about the influence of environmental factors, 525 samples of L. vannamei shrimp were collected in eight farms located in regions of low (0-1 ), medium (21-30 ) and high (38-57 ) salinity, using extensive (≤15 shrimp/m2 ), semi-intensive (18-33 shrimp/m2) or intensive (>36 shrimp/m2) stocking density systems. The IHHNV infection was determined in pleopod and hemolymph using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The environmental factors were recorded during the collection of animals, using a refractometer to measure the salinity and a multi-parameter meter to measure the temperature and concentration of dissolved oxygen in the water. The IHHNV prevalence in RN was 43% (468 infected shrimp out of 1089), varying on different farms. On the seven farms studied, IHHNV prevalence ranged from 18.6% to 54.8%. The infection rates in the shrimp cultured in low, medium and high salinity were respectively 43.10% (125/290), 31.2% (15/48) and 24.6% (46/187) and was significantly higher in shrimp grown in low salinity (P<0.001). The infection rates in ponds of extensive, semi-intensive and intensive systems were respectively, 28.7%, 28.28% and 47.84%, and was significantly higher in high stocking densities (P<0.001). This study indicated a high IHHNV prevalence and a significant effect of salinity and stocking density, but not of the temperature, rainfall and dissolved oxygen on the IHHNV infection rate in the L. vannamei shrimp cultured in the northeastern Brazil


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Herpes simplex is a virus that can be transmitted sexually and is potentially associated with vertical transmission. This study evaluated the prevalence of genital infection by herpes simplex virus (HSV) types 1 and 2 in pregnant and nonpregnant care in the city of Natal / RN, including a total of 222 women, 92 pregnant and 130 nonpregnant. The participants answered a questionnaire to obtain data and socio-demographic characteristics, as well as potential risk factors for sexually transmitted diseases. After the interview, we collected two cervical specimens, one for the Pap test and the other for DNA extraction and analyzed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to detect both virus serotypes. Then the women underwent a clinical examination by colposcopy. For statistical analysis, we used the chi-square and logistic regression by SSPS 17.0 Statistic. Most women were up to 30 years of age, nonwhite ethnicity, married, elementary education, family income below the poverty level; initiated sexual activity with age up to 18 years; had more than one sexual partner lifelong and was not pregnant, but has had at least one child. The HSV-1 showed a prevalence of 26.1% among pregnant women and 30.0% in non-pregnant women. While HSV-2 prevalence was found with 10.9% and 19.2% in pregnant and nonpregnant women, respectively. The largest proportion of morphological changes of the uterine cervix was detected among nonpregnant women, both in cytology and in colposcopy. The women were nonwhite ethnicity, married, became pregnant aged less than or equal to 18 years and who had one to two pregnancies had a lower risk of acquiring genital HSV infection. There was a high prevalence of genital HSV infection, HSV-1 is more prevalent than HSV-2. No association was found between morphological changes of the uterine cervix and the presence of the virus in pregnant and nonpregnant women, nor between genital HSV infection and the classic risk factors for sexually transmitted diseases


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The genital HPV infection is very common between men and women worldwide, affecting particularly young women, constituting a serious public health problem in less developed regions, favored by the poor living conditions of population. The cytology and colposcopy have notorious importance in the diagnosis of precursor lesions of cervical cancer and therefore its prevention. However, even with such diagnostic tools, the number of women who develop cervical cancer is still high. This study aims to assess the prevalence of genital tract infection by HPV in pregnant and nonpregnant women, evaluating the profile of the immune response presented by the women of these two groups in order to establish correlations among profile of immune response, presence of virus and occurrence of lesions of the uterine cervix. We analyzed specimens obtained from the cervix of 221 patients, 91 pregnant and 130 non-pregnant, aged 14-72 years. The women were subjected to colposcopic and cytologic evaluation detect possible changes in the cervix and then samples were collected in order to perform HPV detection by PCR and real-time PCR for detection of mRNA of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines. In the present study, the overall prevalence of HPV genital infection was 28.1%; of which 31.9% were pregnant patients and 25.4% in non-pregnant women. Young women under 30 years and those with low educational level education showed a higher risk of HPV infection. Colposcopy showed better correlation with detection of HPV DNA by PCR, when compared to cytology. Generally, HPV infected patients, pregnant or not, exhibited reduced mRNA expression of both pro-inflammatory (IFN-γ, TNF-α) and anti-inflammatory (IL -10) cytokines, when compared to patients not infected by HPV. Nonpregnant patients infected presented increase mRNA expression of IL-17 in patients without injury, whereas those with lesion showed higher mRNA expression of TGF-β. Pregnant women without injury infected exhibited increased mRNA expression of TGF-β. There was no difference in HPV prevalence between pregnant and nonpregnant women. There was a reduction of pro-inflammatory cytokines, except IL-17, in all women infected by HPV. Moreover, we observed an increase of TGF-β in HPV-infected women who are pregnant or not. The results suggest that, in women in this study, HPV infection promoted changes in the profile of cytokines necessary for activation of effective immune response, possibly favoring viral persistence


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência de transmissão do vírus do mosaico das nervuras, por ninfas e adultos de Aphis gossypii Glov., em duas cultivares de algodoeiro e registrar a evolução dos sintomas da doença. O trabalho foi realizado em casa de vegetação do Departamento de Fitossanidade da FCAV/UNESP, em Jaboticabal (SP). Ninfas e adultos ápteros criados em plantas infectadas da cultivar CNPTA ITA 90 foram transferidos para as plantas de algodoeiro das cultivares Coodetec 402 e CNPA ITA 90, com dois pares de folhas verdadeiras, onde permaneceram por 96 e 48 horas respectivamente. Para verificar a evolução da doença nas plantas, os sintomas foram avaliados até 60 dias após o confinamento dos afídeos, baseando-se numa escala de notas visuais. Os sintomas da doença foram inicialmente observados 25 dias após a inoculação pelos afídeos e se intensificaram com o desenvolvimento das plantas. A transmissão do vírus foi realizada mais eficientemente pelos adultos ápteros, do que pelas ninfas.