976 resultados para x radiation


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Natural stones have been widely used in the construction field since antiquity. Building materials undergo decay processes due to mechanical,chemical, physical and biological causes that can act together. Therefore an interdisciplinary approach is required in order to understand the interaction between the stone and the surrounding environment. Utilization of buildings, inadequate restoration activities and in general anthropogenic weathering factors may contribute to this degradation process. For this reasons, in the last few decades new technologies and techniques have been developed and introduced in the restoration field. Consolidants are largely used in restoration and conservation of cultural heritage in order to improve the internal cohesion and to reduce the weathering rate of building materials. It is important to define the penetration depth of a consolidant for determining its efficacy. Impregnation mainly depends on the microstructure of the stone (i.e. porosity) and on the properties of the product itself. Throughout this study, tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) applied on globigerina limestone samples has been chosen as object of investigation. After hydrolysis and condensation, TEOS deposits silica gel inside the pores, improving the cohesion of the grains. X-ray computed tomography has been used to characterize the internal structure of the limestone samples,treated and untreated with a TEOS-based consolidant. The aim of this work is to investigate the penetration depth and the distribution of the TEOS inside the porosity, using both traditional approaches and advanced X-ray tomographic techniques, the latter allowing the internal visualization in three dimensions of the materials. Fluid transport properties and porosity have been studied both at macroscopic scale, by means of capillary uptake tests and radiography, and at microscopic scale,investigated with X-ray Tomographic Microscopy (XTM). This allows identifying changes in the porosity, by comparison of the images before and after the treatment, and locating the consolidant inside the stone. Tests were initially run at University of Bologna, where characterization of the stone was carried out. Then the research continued in Switzerland: X-ray tomography and radiography were performed at Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, while XTM measurements with synchrotron radiation were run at Paul Scherrer Institute in Villigen.


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La radioterapia guidata da immagini (IGRT), grazie alle ripetute verifiche della posizione del paziente e della localizzazione del volume bersaglio, si è recentemente affermata come nuovo paradigma nella radioterapia, avendo migliorato radicalmente l’accuratezza nella somministrazione di dose a scopo terapeutico. Una promettente tecnica nel campo dell’IGRT è rappresentata dalla tomografia computerizzata a fascio conico (CBCT). La CBCT a kilovoltaggio, consente di fornire un’accurata mappatura tridimensionale dell’anatomia del paziente, in fase di pianificazione del trattamento e a ogni frazione del medisimo. Tuttavia, la dose da imaging attribuibile alle ripetute scansioni è diventata, negli ultimi anni, oggetto di una crescente preoccupazione nel contesto clinico. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è di valutare quantitativamente la dose addizionale somministrata da CBCT a kilovoltaggio, con riferimento a tre tipici protocolli di scansione per Varian OnBoard Imaging Systems (OBI, Palo Alto, California). A questo scopo sono state condotte simulazioni con codici Monte Carlo per il calcolo della dose, utilizzando il pacchetto gCTD, sviluppato sull’architettura della scheda grafica. L’utilizzo della GPU per sistemi server di calcolo ha permesso di raggiungere alte efficienze computazionali, accelerando le simulazioni Monte Carlo fino a raggiungere tempi di calcolo di ~1 min per un caso tipico. Inizialmente sono state condotte misure sperimentali di dose su un fantoccio d’acqua. I parametri necessari per la modellazione della sorgente di raggi X nel codice gCTD sono stati ottenuti attraverso un processo di validazione del codice al fine di accordare i valori di dose simulati in acqua con le misure nel fantoccio. Lo studio si concentra su cinquanta pazienti sottoposti a cicli di radioterapia a intensità modulata (IMRT). Venticinque pazienti con tumore al cervello sono utilizzati per studiare la dose nel protocollo standard-dose head e venticinque pazienti con tumore alla prostata sono selezionati per studiare la dose nei protocolli pelvis e pelvis spotlight. La dose media a ogni organo è calcolata. La dose media al 2% dei voxels con i valori più alti di dose è inoltre computata per ogni organo, al fine di caratterizzare l’omogeneità spaziale della distribuzione.


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Il continuo sviluppo negli ultimi anni di diverse declinazioni della spettroscopia d'assorbimento a raggi X (XAS) con radiazione di sincrotrone ha permesso la determinazione della struttura locale di campioni di ogni tipo, dagli elementi puri, ai più moderni materiali, indagando e approfondendo la conoscenza di quei meccanismi che conferiscono a questi ultimi delle proprietà innovative e, a volte, rivoluzionarie. Il vantaggio di questa tecnica è quello di poter ottenere informazioni sulla struttura del campione soprattutto a livello locale, rendendo relativamente agevole l'analisi di sistemi senza ordine a lungo raggio, quali per esempio i film molecolari. Nell'elaborato verrà preliminarmente illustrata la fenomenologia della XAS e l’interpretazione teorica dell'origine della struttura fine. Saranno successivamente descritte le innovative tecniche di misura che permettono di studiare i cambiamenti della struttura locale indotti dall'illuminazione con luce visibile, inclusi gli esperimenti di tipo pump probe. Un capitolo della tesi è interamente dedicato alla descrizione dei campioni studiati, di cui sono stati analizzati alcuni dati acquisiti in condizioni statiche. Quest'analisi è stata compiuta sfruttando anche dei cammini di multiplo scattering dedicando particolare attenzione alla trattazione del fattore di Debye Waller. Nella parte principale della tesi verranno descritti la progettazione ed il test di un apparato sperimentale per l'acquisizione di spettri differenziali da utilizzare alla beamline BM08 dell'European Synchrotron Radiation Facility di Grenoble. Saranno presentate principalmente le modifiche apportate al software d'acquisizione della linea e la progettazione di un sistema ottico d'eccitazione da montare nella camera sperimentale. Nella fase di studio dell'ottica è stato creato in LabView un simulatore basato sul metodo Monte Carlo, capace di prevedere il comportamento del sistema di lenti.


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La capacità della spettroscopia di assorbimento di riuscire a determinare la struttura locale di campioni di ogni tipo e concentrazione, dagli elementi puri ai più moderni materiali nanostrutturati, rende lo studio dei meccanismi di incorporazione di droganti in matrici di semiconduttori il campo che meglio ne esprime tutto il potenziale. Inoltre la possibilità di ottenere informazioni sulla struttura locale di un particolare elemento in traccia posto in sistemi senza ordine a lungo raggio risulta, ovviamente, nello studio dei semiconduttori di grandissimo interesse. Tuttavia, la complessità di determinate strutture, generate dalla incorporazione di elementi eterovalenti che ne modificano la simmetria, può far si che all’analisi sperimentale si debbano affiancare dei metodi avanzati ab-initio. Questi approcci garantiscono, attraverso la simulazione o di strutture atomiche o dello stesso spettro XAS, di ottenere una più completa e precisa interpretazione dei dati sperimentali. Nella fase preliminare di questo elaborato si illustrerà la fenomenologia della spettroscopia di assorbimento e i fondamenti teorici che stanno alla base dell’analisi della struttura fine di soglia. Si introdurranno contemporaneamente le tecniche sperimentali con cui si realizzano le misure di spettri di assorbimento su una beamline che sfrutta sorgente di radiazione di sincrotrone facendo riferimento agli strumenti montati sulla linea LISA (o BM08) presso l’European Synchrotron Radiation Facility di Grenoble su cui si sono realizzati gli esperimenti di questo lavoro. Successivamente si realizzerà una rassegna di alcuni esperimenti simbolo della analisi della struttura locale di droganti in semiconduttori mediante XAFS, andando ad approfondire i metodi sperimentali associati. Nella parte principale della tesi verranno descritti alcuni tipi di analisi avanzate effettuate su Colloidal Quantum Dots a base di solfuro di piombo drogati con antimonio. Tali sistemi, particolarmente interessanti per potenziali applicazioni in campo optoelettrico, sono stati analizzati mediante misure di fluorescenza ottenute sulla beamline LISA. La fase di analisi ha visto la progettazione di una suite di programmi in C++ per realizzare simulazioni di uno spettro XAS teorico completo basato su strutture ottenute (anche esse) da metodi ab-initio.


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La scoperta dei semiconduttori amorfi ha segnato l’era della microelettronica su larga scala rendendo possibile il loro impiego nelle celle solari o nei display a matrice attiva. Infatti, mentre i semiconduttori a cristalli singoli non sono consoni a questo tipo di applicazioni e i s. policristallini presentano il problema dei bordi di grano, i film amorfi possono essere creati su larga scala (>1 m^2) a basse temperature (ad es. <400 °C) ottenendo performance soddisfacenti sia su substrati rigidi che flessibili. Di recente la ricerca sta compiendo un grande sforzo per estendere l’utilizzo di questa nuova elettronica flessibile e su larga scala ad ambienti soggetti a radiazioni ionizzanti, come lo sono i detector di radiazioni o l’elettronica usata in applicazioni spaziali (satelliti). A questa ricerca volge anche la mia tesi, che si confronta con la fabbricazione e la caratterizzazione di transistor a film sottili basati su ossidi semiconduttori ad alta mobilità e lo studio della loro resistenza ai raggi X. La micro-fabbricazione, ottimizzazione e caratterizzazione dei dispositivi è stata realizzata nei laboratori CENIMAT e CEMOP dell’Università Nova di Lisbona durante quattro mesi di permanenza. Tutti i dispositivi sono stati creati con un canale n di ossido di Indio-Gallio-Zinco (IGZO). Durante questo periodo è stato realizzato un dispositivo dalle ottime performance e con interessanti caratteristiche, una delle quali è la non variazione del comportamento capacitivo in funzione della frequenza e la formidabile resistenza alle radiazioni. Questo dispositivo presenta 114 nm di dielettrico, realizzato con sette strati alternati di SiO2/ Ta2O5. L’attività di ricerca svolta al Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia di Bologna riguarda prevalentemente lo studio degli effetti delle radiazioni ionizzanti su TFTs. Gli esperimenti hanno rivelato che i dispositivi godono di una buona stabilità anche se soggetti alle radiazioni. Infatti hanno mostrato performance pressoché inalterate anche dopo un’esposizione a 1 kGy di dose cumulativa di raggi X mantenendo circa costanti parametri fondamentali come la mobilità, il threshold voltage e la sub-threshold slope. Inoltre gli effetti dei raggi X sui dispositivi, così come parametri fondamentali quali la mobilità, si sono rivelati essere notevolmente influenzati dallo spessore del dielettrico.


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Conventional inorganic materials for x-ray radiation sensors suffer from several drawbacks, including their inability to cover large curved areas, me- chanical sti ffness, lack of tissue-equivalence and toxicity. Semiconducting organic polymers represent an alternative and have been employed as di- rect photoconversion material in organic diodes. In contrast to inorganic detector materials, polymers allow low-cost and large area fabrication by sol- vent based methods. In addition their processing is compliant with fexible low-temperature substrates. Flexible and large-area detectors are needed for dosimetry in medical radiotherapy and security applications. The objective of my thesis is to achieve optimized organic polymer diodes for fexible, di- rect x-ray detectors. To this end polymer diodes based on two different semi- conducting polymers, polyvinylcarbazole (PVK) and poly(9,9-dioctyluorene) (PFO) have been fabricated. The diodes show state-of-the-art rectifying be- haviour and hole transport mobilities comparable to reference materials. In order to improve the X-ray stopping power, high-Z nanoparticle Bi2O3 or WO3 where added to realize a polymer-nanoparticle composite with opti- mized properities. X-ray detector characterization resulted in sensitivties of up to 14 uC/Gy/cm2 for PVK when diodes were operated in reverse. Addition of nanoparticles could further improve the performance and a maximum sensitivy of 19 uC/Gy/cm2 was obtained for the PFO diodes. Compared to the pure PFO diode this corresponds to a five-fold increase and thus highlights the potentiality of nanoparticles for polymer detector design. In- terestingly the pure polymer diodes showed an order of magnitude increase in sensitivity when operated in forward regime. The increase was attributed to a different detection mechanism based on the modulation of the diodes conductivity.


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The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of iodinated contrast agents on the formation of DNA double-strand breaks in vitro in lymphocytes and to verify these results in patients undergoing diagnostic computed tomography examinations. Blood samples were irradiated in vitro in the presence of iodinated X-ray contrast agent. Controls were irradiated without contrast agent. Fourteen patients were investigated using contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT), and 14 other patients with unenhanced CT. Blood samples were taken prior to and 5 min and 1, 2 and 24 h after the CT examination. In these blood samples the average number of γH2Ax-foci per lymphocyte was enumerated by fluorescence microscopy. Statistical differences between foci numbers developed in the presence and absence of contrast agent were tested using an independent sample t-test. In vitro foci numbers after irradiation were significantly higher when contrast agent was present during irradiation. In vivo, γH2Ax-foci levels were 58% higher in patients undergoing contrast-enhanced CT compared with those undergoing unenhanced CT. In the presence of iodinated contrast agents DNA, damage is increased and the radiation dose is not the only factor affecting the amount of DNA damage. Individual patient characteristics and biological dosimetry applications, e.g. the analysis of γH2Ax-foci, have to be considered.


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Adaptive radiation is usually thought to be associated with speciation, but the evolution of intraspecific polymorphisms without speciation is also possible. The radiation of cichlid fish in Lake Victoria (LV) is perhaps the most impressive example of a recent rapid adaptive radiation, with 600+ very young species. Key questions about its origin remain poorly characterized, such as the importance of speciation versus polymorphism, whether species persist on evolutionary time scales, and if speciation happens more commonly in small isolated or in large connected populations. We used 320 individuals from 105 putative species from Lakes Victoria, Edward, Kivu, Albert, Nabugabo and Saka, in a radiation-wide amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) genome scan to address some of these questions. We demonstrate pervasive signatures of speciation supporting the classical model of adaptive radiation associated with speciation. A positive relationship between the age of lakes and the average genomic differentiation of their species, and a significant fraction of molecular variance explained by above-species level taxonomy suggest the persistence of species on evolutionary time scales, with radiation through sequential speciation rather than a single starburst. Finally the large gene diversity retained from colonization to individual species in every radiation suggests large effective population sizes and makes speciation in small geographical isolates unlikely.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: To quantify the late dose-related responses of the rat cervical spinal cord to X-ray irradiations by an array of microbeams or by a single millimeter beam. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Necks of anesthetized rats were irradiated transversely by an 11mm wide array of 52 parallel, 35μm wide, vertical X-ray microbeams, separated by 210μm intervals between centers. Comparison was made with rats irradiated with a 1.35mm wide single beam of similar X-rays. Rats were killed when paresis developed, or up to 383days post irradiation (dpi). RESULTS: Microbeam peak/valley doses of ≈357/12.7Gy to 715/25.4Gy to an 11mm long segment of the spinal cord, or single beam doses of ≈146-454Gy to a 1.35mm long segment caused foreleg paresis and histopathologically verified spinal cord damage; rats exposed to peak/valley doses up to 253/9Gy were paresis-free at 383dpi. CONCLUSIONS: Whereas microbeam radiation therapy [MRT] for malignant gliomas implanted in rat brains can be safe, palliative or curative, the high tolerance of normal rat spinal cords to similar microbeam exposures justifies testing MRT for autochthonous malignancies in the central nervous system of larger animals with a view to subsequent clinical applications.


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Microbeam radiation therapy (MRT), a preclinical form of radiosurgery, uses spatially fractionated micrometre-wide synchrotron-generated X-ray beams. As MRT alone is predominantly palliative for animal tumors, the effects of the combination of MRT and a newly synthesized chemotherapeutic agent JAI-51 on 9L gliosarcomas have been evaluated. Fourteen days (D14) after implantation (D0), intracerebral 9LGS-bearing rats received either MRT, JAI-51 or both treatments. JAI-51, alone or immediately after MRT, was administered three times per week. Animals were kept up to ∼20 weeks after irradiation or sacrificed at D16 or D28 after treatment for cell cycle analysis. MRT plus JAI-51 increased significantly the lifespan compared with MRT alone (p = 0.0367). JAI-51 treatment alone had no effect on rat survival. MRT alone or associated with JAI-51 induced a cell cycle blockade in G2/M (p < 0.01) while the combined treatment also reduced the proportion of G0/G1 cells. At D28 after irradiation, MRT and MRT/JAI-51 had a smaller cell blockade effect in the G2/M phase owing to a significant increase in tumor cell death rate (<2c) and a proportional increase of endoreplicative cells (>8c). The combination of MRT and JAI-51 increases the survival of 9LGS-bearing rats by inducing endoreduplication of DNA and tumor cell death; further, it slowed the onset of tumor growth resumption two weeks after treatment.


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Radiotherapy has shown some efficacy for epilepsies but the insufficient confinement of the radiation dose to the pathological target reduces its indications. Synchrotron-generated X-rays overcome this limitation and allow the delivery of focalized radiation doses to discrete brain volumes via interlaced arrays of microbeams (IntMRT). Here, we used IntMRT to target brain structures involved in seizure generation in a rat model of absence epilepsy (GAERS). We addressed the issue of whether and how synchrotron radiotherapeutic treatment suppresses epileptic activities in neuronal networks. IntMRT was used to target the somatosensory cortex (S1Cx), a region involved in seizure generation in the GAERS. The antiepileptic mechanisms were investigated by recording multisite local-field potentials and the intracellular activity of irradiated S1Cx pyramidal neurons in vivo. MRI and histopathological images displayed precise and sharp dose deposition and revealed no impairment of surrounding tissues. Local-field potentials from behaving animals demonstrated a quasi-total abolition of epileptiform activities within the target. The irradiated S1Cx was unable to initiate seizures, whereas neighboring non-irradiated cortical and thalamic regions could still produce pathological oscillations. In vivo intracellular recordings showed that irradiated pyramidal neurons were strongly hyperpolarized and displayed a decreased excitability and a reduction of spontaneous synaptic activities. These functional alterations explain the suppression of large-scale synchronization within irradiated cortical networks. Our work provides the first post-irradiation electrophysiological recordings of individual neurons. Altogether, our data are a critical step towards understanding how X-ray radiation impacts neuronal physiology and epileptogenic processes.


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Abstract Purpose: To further evaluate the use of microbeam irradiation (MBI) as a potential means of non-invasive brain tumor treatment by investigating the induction of a bystander effect in non-irradiated tissue. Methods: Adult rats were irradiated with 35 or 350 Gy at the European Synchotron Research Facility (ESRF), using homogenous (broad beam) irradiation (HI) or a high energy microbeam delivered to the right brain hemisphere only. The proteome of the frontal lobes were then analyzed using two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) and mass spectrometry. Results: HI resulted in proteomic responses indicative of tumourigenesis; increased albumin, aconitase and triosphosphate isomerase (TPI), and decreased dihydrolipoyldehydrogenase (DLD). The MBI bystander effect proteomic changes were indicative of reactive oxygen species mediated apoptosis; reduced TPI, prohibitin and tubulin and increased glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). These potentially anti-tumourigenic apoptotic proteomic changes are also associated with neurodegeneration. However the bystander effect also increased heat shock protein (HSP) 71 turnover. HSP 71 is known to protect against all of the neurological disorders characterized by the bystander effect proteome changes. Conclusions: These results indicate that the collective interaction of these MBI-induced bystander effect proteins and their mediation by HSP 71, may confer a protective effect which now warrants additional experimental attention.


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In this study, we present a comprehensive 5000-rad radiation hybrid map of a 40-cM region on equine chromosome 4 (ECA4) that contains quantitative trait loci for equine osteochondrosis. We mapped 29 gene-associated sequence tagged site markers using primers designed from equine expressed sequence tags or BAC clones in the ECA4q12-q22 region. Three blocks of conserved synteny, showing two chromosomal breakpoints, were identified in the segment of ECA4q12-q22. Markers from other segments of HSA7q mapped to ECA13p and ECA4p, and a region of HSA7p was homologous to ECA13p. Therefore, we have improved the resolution of the human-equine comparative map, which allows the identification of candidate genes underlying traits of interest.


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More than 375,000 BAC-end sequences (BES) of the CHORI-243 ovine BAC library have been deposited in public databases. blastn searches with these BES against HSA18 revealed 1806 unique and significant hits. We used blastn-anchored BES for an in silico prediction of gene content and chromosome assignment of comparatively mapped ovine BAC clones. Ovine BES were selected at approximately 1.3-Mb intervals of HSA18 and incorporated into a human-sheep comparative map. An ovine 5000-rad whole-genome radiation hybrid panel (USUoRH5000) was typed with 70 markers, all of which mapped to OAR23. The resulting OAR23 RH map included 43 markers derived from BES with high and unique BLAST hits to the sequence of the orthologous HSA18, nine EST-derived markers, 16 microsatellite markers taken from the ovine linkage map and two bovine microsatellite markers. Six new microsatellite markers derived from the 43 mapped BES and the two bovine microsatellite markers were linkage-mapped using the International Mapping Flock (IMF). Thirteen additional microsatellite markers were derived from other ovine BES with high and unique BLAST hits to the sequence of the orthologous HSA18 and also positioned on the ovine linkage map but not incorporated into the OAR23 RH map. This resulted in 24 markers in common and in the same order between the RH and linkage maps. Eight of the BES-derived markers were mapped using fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), to thereby align the RH and cytogenetic maps. Comparison of the ovine chromosome 23 RH map with the HSA18 map identified and localized three major breakpoints between HSA18 and OAR23. The positions of these breakpoints were equivalent to those previously shown for syntenic BTA24 and HSA18. This study presents evidence for the usefulness of ovine BES when constructing a high-resolution comprehensive map for a single sheep chromosome. The comparative analysis confirms and refines knowledge about chromosomal conservation and rearrangements between sheep, cattle and human. The constructed RH map demonstrates the resolution and utility of the newly constructed ovine RH panel.


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OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate in a phantom study the effect of patient size on radiation dose for abdominal MDCT with automatic tube current modulation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: One or two 4-cm-thick circumferential layers of fat-equivalent material were added to the abdomen of an anthropomorphic phantom to simulate patients of three sizes: small (cross-sectional dimensions, 18 x 22 cm), average size (26 x 30 cm), and oversize (34 x 38 cm). Imaging was performed with a 64-MDCT scanner with combined z-axis and xy-axis tube current modulation according to two protocols: protocol A had a noise index of 12.5 H, and protocol B, 15.0 H. Radiation doses to three abdominal organs and the skin were assessed. Image noise also was measured. RESULTS: Despite increasing patient size, the image noise measured was similar for protocol A (range, 11.7-12.2 H) and protocol B (range, 13.9-14.8 H) (p > 0.05). With the two protocols, in comparison with the dose of the small patient, the abdominal organ doses of the average-sized patient and the oversized patient increased 161.5-190.6%and 426.9-528.1%, respectively (p < 0.001). The skin dose increased as much as 268.6% for the average-sized patient and 816.3% for the oversized patient compared with the small patient (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Oversized patients undergoing abdominal MDCT with tube current modulation receive significantly higher doses than do small patients. The noise index needs to be adjusted to the body habitus to ensure dose efficiency.