967 resultados para wet tropics
Viele Tiere wie etwa Geckos oder Laubfrösche können mittels ihrer Haftscheiben an Oberflächen kleben. Diese Haftscheiben ermöglichen es den Tieren, sich während ihrerrnFortbewegung an Oberflächen anzuheften und wieder zu lösen unabhängig von denrnvorherrschenden Umweltbedingungen. Frösche besitzen mikro- und nanostrukturierternsowie charakteristisch geformte Haftscheiben an Finger- und Zehenenden. Ihre besonderernevolutionäre Errungenschaft, sich stark und zugleich reversibel in sowohl trockenen alsrnauch feuchten Umgebungen anzuhaften, hat die Wissenschaft zur Nachahmung und Untersuchungrndieser Strukturen inspiriert. Zum besseren Verständnis der Mechanismen vonrnAnhaftung und Loslösung bei Laubfröschen wurden weiche, elastische und mikrostrukturierternOberflächen hergestellt, indem PDMS (Polydimethylsiloxan) auf einer Siliziummaskernmit Hexagonstruktur aufgetragen und vernetzt wurde. Dadurch wurden Anordnungenrnvon hexagonalen Mikrosäulen mit spezifischen geometrischen Eigenschaften undrnunterschiedlichen Kontaktgeometrien (normale, flache Form, T-Form und konkave Formrnder Säulenenden) erhalten. Um den Einfluss der van-der-Waals, hydrodynamischen,rnKapillar-und Adhäsionskräfte zu verstehen, wurden verschiedene experimentelle Ansätzernverfolgt: Die auf eine einzelne Säule wirkenden Adhäsionskräfte wurden mittelsrnRasterkraftmikroskopie gemessen. Dazu wurden speziell hergestellte kolloidale Sensorenrnverwendet. Diese Experimente wurden sowohl mit als auch ohne Flüssigkeitsfilm auf derrnSäule durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse zeigten den Beitrag von Kapillarkraft und direktenrnKontaktkräften zur Adhäsionskraft bei Vorliegen eines Flüssigkeitsfilms. Die Adhäsionrnfiel umso größer aus, je weniger Flüssigkeit zwischen Sensor und Säule vorhanden war.rnIm Falle einer trockenen Adhäsion zeigte die Säule mit T-Form die höchste Adhäsion. Darndie Haftscheiben der Laubfrösche weich sind, können sie dynamisch ihre Form ändern,rnwas zu einer Änderung der hydrodynamischen Kraft zwischen Scheibe und Oberflächernführt. Der Einfluss der Oberflächenverformbarkeit auf die hydrodynamische Kraft wurderndaher am Modellsystem einer Kugel untersucht, welche sich einer weichen und ebenenrnOberfläche annähert. Dieses System wurde sowohl theoretisch über die Simulation finiterrnElemente als auch experimentell über die Messung mit kolloidalen Sonden untersucht.rnSowohl experimentelle Ergebnisse als auch die Simulationen ergaben eine Abnahme derrnhydrodynamischen Kraft bei Annäherung des kolloidalen Sensors an eine weiche undrnelastische Oberfläche. Beim Entfernen der Sensors von der Oberfläche verstärkte sichrndie hydrodynamische Anziehungskraft. Die Kraft, die zur Trennung eines Partikels von einer Oberfläche in Flüssigkeit notwendig ist, ist für weiche und elastischen Oberflächenrngrößer als für harte Oberflächen. In Bezug zur Bioadhäsion bei Laubfröschen konnternfestgestellt somit festgestellt werden, dass sich der hydrodynamische Anteil zur feuchtenrnBioadhäsion aufgrund der weichen Oberfläche erhöht. Weiterhin wurde der Einflussrndes Aspektverhältnisses der Säulen auf die Reibungskraft mittels eines kolloidalen Sensorsrnuntersucht. Gestreckte Säulen zeigten dabei eine höhere Reibung im Vergleich zu.rnSäulen mit einem gestreckten Hexagon als Querschnitt.
The potential for changes in hydraulic conductivity, k, of two model soil-bentonite (SB) backfills subjected to wet-dry cycling was investigated. The backfills were prepared with the same base soil (clean, fine sand) but different bentonite contents (2.7 and 5.6 dry wt %). Saturation (S), volume change, and k of consolidated backfill specimens (effective stress = 24 kPa) were evaluated over three to seven cycles in which the matric suction, Ym, in the drying stage ranged from 50 to 700 kPa. Both backfills exhibited susceptibility to degradation in k caused by wet-dry cycling. Mean values of k for specimens dried at Ym = 50 kPa (S = 30-60 % after drying) remained low after two cycles, but increased by 5- to 300-fold after three or more cycles. Specimens dried at Ym ≥ 150 kPa (S < 30 % after drying) were less resilient and exhibited 500- to 10 000-fold increases in k after three or more cycles. The greater increases in k for these specimens correlated with greater vertical shrinkage upon drying. The findings suggest that increases in hydraulic conductivity due to wet-dry cycling may be a concern for SB vertical barriers located within the zone of a fluctuating groundwater table.
Natural methane (CH4) emissions from wet ecosystems are an important part of today's global CH4 budget. Climate affects the exchange of CH4 between ecosystems and the atmosphere by influencing CH4 production, oxidation, and transport in the soil. The net CH4 exchange depends on ecosystem hydrology, soil and vegetation characteristics. Here, the LPJ-WHyMe global dynamical vegetation model is used to simulate global net CH4 emissions for different ecosystems: northern peatlands (45°–90° N), naturally inundated wetlands (60° S–45° N), rice agriculture and wet mineral soils. Mineral soils are a potential CH4 sink, but can also be a source with the direction of the net exchange depending on soil moisture content. The geographical and seasonal distributions are evaluated against multi-dimensional atmospheric inversions for 2003–2005, using two independent four-dimensional variational assimilation systems. The atmospheric inversions are constrained by the atmospheric CH4 observations of the SCIAMACHY satellite instrument and global surface networks. Compared to LPJ-WHyMe the inversions result in a~significant reduction in the emissions from northern peatlands and suggest that LPJ-WHyMe maximum annual emissions peak about one month late. The inversions do not put strong constraints on the division of sources between inundated wetlands and wet mineral soils in the tropics. Based on the inversion results we diagnose model parameters in LPJ-WHyMe and simulate the surface exchange of CH4 over the period 1990–2008. Over the whole period we infer an increase of global ecosystem CH4 emissions of +1.11 Tg CH4 yr−1, not considering potential additional changes in wetland extent. The increase in simulated CH4 emissions is attributed to enhanced soil respiration resulting from the observed rise in land temperature and in atmospheric carbon dioxide that were used as input. The long-term decline of the atmospheric CH4 growth rate from 1990 to 2006 cannot be fully explained with the simulated ecosystem emissions. However, these emissions show an increasing trend of +3.62 Tg CH4 yr−1 over 2005–2008 which can partly explain the renewed increase in atmospheric CH4 concentration during recent years.
LiFePO4 is a Co-free battery material. Its advantages of low cost, non-toxic and flat discharge plateau show promising for vehicle propulsion applications. A major problem associated with this material is its low electrical conductivity. Use of nanosized LiFePO4 coated with carbon is considered a solution because the nanosized particles have much shorter path for L+ ions to travel from the LiFePO4 crystal lattice to electrolytes. As other nano material powders, however, nano LiFePO4 could have processing and health issues. In order to achieve high electrical conductivity while maintaining a satisfactory manufacturability, the particles should possess both of the nano- and the microcharacteristics correspondingly. These two contradictory requirements could only be fulfilled if the LiFePO4 powders have a hierarchical structure: micron-sized parent particles assembled by nanosized crystallites with appropriate electrolyte communication channels. This study addressed the issue by study of the formation and development mechanisms of the LiFePO4 crystallites and their microstructures. Microwaveassisted wet chemical (MAWC) synthesis approach was employed in order to facilitate the evolvement of the nanostructures. The results reveal that the LiFePO4 crystallites were directly nucleated from amorphous precursors by competition against other low temperature phases, Li3PO4 and Fe3(PO4)2•8H2O. Growth of the crystalline LiFePO4 particles went through oriented attachment first, followed by revised Ostwald ripening and then recrystallization. While recrystallization played the role in growth of well crystallized particles, oriented attachment and revised Ostwald ripening were responsible for formation of the straight edge and plate-like shaped LiFePO4 particles comprised of nanoscale substructure. Oriented attachment and revised Ostwald ripening seemed to be also responsible for clustering the plate-like LiFePO4 particles into a high-level aggregated structure. The finding from this study indicates a hope for obtaining the hierarchical structure of LiFePO4 particles that could exhibit the both micro- and nano- scale characteristics. Future study is proposed to further advance the understanding of the structural development mechanisms, so that they can be manipulated for new LiFePO4 structures ideal for battery application.
In the first decades of the 20th century, aerological observations were for the first time performed in tropical regions. One of the most prominent endeavours in this respect was ARTHUR BERSON’s aerological expedition to East Africa. Although the main target was the East African monsoon circulation, the expedition provided also other insights that profoundly changed meteorology and climatology. BERSON observed that the tropical tropopause was much higher and colder than that over midlatitudes. Moreover, westerly winds were observed in the lower stratosphere, apparently contradicting the high-altitude equatorial easterly winds that were known since the Krakatoa eruption (‘‘Krakatoa easterlies’’). The puzzle was only resolved five decades later with the discovery of the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation (QBO). In this paper we briefly summarize the expedition of BERSON and review the results in a historical context and in the light of the current research. In the second part of the paper we re-visit BERSON’s early aerological observations, which we have digitized. We compare the observed wind profiles with corresponding profiles extracted from the ‘‘Twentieth Century Reanalysis’’, which provides global three-dimensional weather information back to 1871 based on an assimilation of sea-level and surface pressure data. The comparison shows a good agreement at the coast but less good agreement further inland, at the shore of Lake Victoria, where the circulation is more complex. These results demonstrate that BERSON’s observations are still valuable today as input to current reanalysis systems or for their validation.
Plant diversity has been shown to influence the water cycle of forest ecosystems by differences in water consumption and the associated effects on groundwater recharge. However, the effects of biodiversity on soil water fluxes remain poorly understood for native tree species plantations in the tropics. Therefore, we estimated soil water fluxes and assessed the effects of tree species and diversity on these fluxes in an experimental native tree species plantation in Sardinilla (Panama). The study was conducted during the wet season 2008 on plots of monocultures and mixtures of three or six tree species. Rainfall and soil water content were measured and evapotranspiration was estimated with the Penman-Monteith equation. Soil water fluxes were estimated using a simple soil water budget model considering water input, output, and soil water and groundwater storage changes and in addition, were simulated using the physically based one-dimensional water flow model Hydrus-1D. In general, the Hydrus simulation did not reflect the observed pressure heads, in that modeled pressure heads were higher compared to measured ones. On the other hand, the results of the water balance equation (WBE) reproduced observed water use patterns well. In monocultures, the downward fluxes through the 200 cm-depth plane were highest below Hura crepitans (6.13 mm day−1) and lowest below Luehea seemannii (5.18 mm day−1). The average seepage rate in monocultures (±SE) was 5.66 ± 0.18 mm day−1, and therefore, significantly higher than below six-species mixtures (5.49 ± 0.04 mm day−1) according to overyielding analyses. The three-species mixtures had an average seepage rate of 5.63 ± 0.12 mm day−1 and their values did not differ significantly from the average values of the corresponding species in monocultures. Seepage rates were driven by the transpiration of the varying biomass among the plots (r = 0.61, p = 0.017). Thus, a mixture of trees with different growth rates resulted in moderate seepage rates compared to monocultures of either fast growing or slow growing tree species. Our results demonstrate that tree-species specific biomass production and tree diversity are important controls of seepage rates in the Sardinilla plantation during the wet season.
A feeding trial was conducted with 790-lb yearling heifers fed an average of 121 days to evaluate replacing cracked corn and supplemental urea with wet distillers grains or condensed distillers solubles. Wet distillers grains were evaluated at 16%, 28% and 40% of diet dry matter. Condensed distillers solubles were added at 6.5% of diet dry matter. Control diets were supplemented with urea or a combination of urea and soybean meal. Feeding 16% wet distillers grains or condensed distillers solubles increased gain of heifers compared with those fed the control urea diet. Increasing the amount of wet distillers grains tended to decrease feed intake and reduce gain. The calculated apparent net energy based on gain of the heifers was greatest for the heifers fed 16% wet distillers grains. The apparent energy of the wet distillers grains declined as the quantity fed was increased. The calculated net energy values were 1.09 and 1.35 Mcal/lb of dry matter for the average of the three concentrations of wet distillers grains and condensed distillers solubles. These results confirm the high energy values of wet distillers grains relative to cracked corn as observed in a previous steer feeding trial.
A feeding trial was conducted with 940-lb yearling steers fed 113 days to determine the feeding value of distillers grains relative to corn grain. Replacing corn and urea with wet distillers grains for 20% of the diet dry matter tended to increase gain with no increase in feed consumption, resulting in improved feed conversion. Replacing 40% of diet dry matter with wet distillers grains decreased feed intake without affecting gains, and improved feed efficiency. The overall average estimated net energy value of wet distillers grains was 1.20 Mcal NEg per pound dry matter. This experiment confirmed the observations in previous cattle feeding experiments, that for finishing cattle wet distillers grains have a high energy value compared with cracked corn grain. Another objective of the study was to determine if cattle being fed wet distillers grains could be suddenly changed to a different diet if the supply of wet feed was suddenly disrupted. It was found that if intake is managed during the change, that distillers grains portion of the diet can be suddenly changed from wet to dry and then changed back to wet after a week, without sacrificing performance of the cattle.