966 resultados para water sources, concrete, manufacturing


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Portland cement pervious concrete (PCPC) is being used more frequently due to its benefits in reducing the quantity of runoff water,improving water quality, enhancing pavement skid resistance during storm events by rapid drainage of water, and reducing pavement noise. In the United States, PCPC typically has high porosity and low strength, which has resulted in the limited use of pervious concrete, especially in hard wet freeze environments (e.g., the Midwestern and Northeastern United States and other parts of the world).Improving the strength and freeze-thaw durability of pervious concrete will allow an increase in its use in these regions. The objective of this research is to develop a PCPC mix that not only has sufficient porosity for stormwater infiltration, but also desirable strength and freeze-thaw durability. In this research, concrete mixes were designed with various sizes and types of aggregates, binder contents, and admixture amounts. The engineering properties of the aggregates were evaluated. Additionally, the porosity, permeability, strength, and freeze-thaw durability of each of these mixes was measured. Results indicate that PCPC made with single-sized aggregate has high permeability but not adequate strength. Adding a small percent of sand to the mix improves its strength and freeze-thaw resistance, but lowers its permeability. Although adding sand and latex improved the strength of the mix when compared with single-sized mixes, the strength of mixes where only sand was added were higher. The freeze-thaw resistance of PCPC mixes with a small percentage of sand also showed 2% mass loss after 300 cycles of freeze-thaw. The preliminary results of the effects of compaction energy on PCPC properties show that compaction energy significantly affects the freeze-thaw durability of PCPC and, to a lesser extent, reduces compressive strength and split strength and increases permeability.


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The aim of the present study is to investigate the effect of low-permeability concrete, made with reduced water‐to‐binder ratios (w/b) and/or supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs), on the need for air entrainment to achieve freezing‐thawing (F‐T) durability. In the present study, concrete mixes were made with different types of cement (Types I and IP), with or without fly ash replacement (15%), with different water‐to‐binder ratios (w/b =0.25, 0.35, 0.45 and 0.55), and with or without air entraining agent (AEA). All concrete mixtures were controlled to have a similar slump by using different dosages of superplasticizer. The rapid chloride permeability and F-T durability of the concrete samples were determined according to ASTM C1202 and ASTM C666A, respectively. The air void structure of the concrete was studied using the Air Void Analyzer, RapidAir, and porosity tests (ASTM C642). In addition, the general concrete properties, such as slump, air content, unit weight, and 28‐day compressive strength, were evaluated. The results indicate that all concrete mixes with proper air entrainment (ASTM C231 air content ≥ 6%) showed good F‐T resistance (durability factor ≥85%). All concrete mixes without AEA showed poor F‐T resistance (durability factor < 40%), except for one mix that had very low permeability and high strength. This was the concrete made with Type IP cement and with a w/b of 0.25, which had a permeability of 520 coulombs and a compressive strength of 12,760 psi (88 MPa). There were clear relationships between the F‐T durability and hardened concrete properties of non–air entrained concrete. However, such relationships did not exist in concrete with AEA. For concrete with AEA, good F‐T durability was associated with an air void spacing factor ≤ 0.28 mm (by AVA) or ≤ 0.22 mm (by RapidAir).


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This letter has been prepared as a consultation to evaluate human health impacts from the use of private drinking water wells in Clinton County, Iowa. These wells are located just to the west of Highway 67 and Camanche, Iowa and near 9th Street, 31st Avenue, and 37th Avenue. The wells are also located to the south of contaminated sites known as Chemplex and PCS Nitrogen, and near former disposal areas known as Todtz Landfill and Doty Landfill. The Iowa Department of Public Health’s priority is to ensure the Clinton County community has the best information possible to safeguard its health. That information is included in the following paragraphs.


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The coarse aggregates used for Portland Cement concrete in southwest Iowa have exhibited a poor serviceability. This early failure is attributed to a characteristic commonly referred as "D" cracking. "D" line cracking is a discolored area of concrete caused by many fine, parallel hairline cracks. "D" line cracking is primarily caused by the movement of water in and through coarse aggregate with a unique pore structure. The presence of the water in the aggregates at the time of freezing causes the "D" cracking to occur and early failure. By making the pore structure less permeable to moisture, it is thought the durability factor of the concrete should increase. By drying the aggregate before mixing and then mixing with the cement, the particles of cement should enter the outer pore structure, and upon hydration make the pore structure less permeable to moisture.


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Portland cement concrete (PCC) pavement undergoes repeated environmental load-related deflection resulting from temperature and moisture variations across pavement depth. This has been recognized as resulting in PCC pavement curling and warping since the mid-1920s. Slab curvature can be further magnified under repeated traffic loads and may ultimately lead to fatigue failures, including top-down and bottom-up transverse, longitudinal, and corner cracking. It is therefore significant to measure the “true” degree of curling and warping in PCC pavements, not only for quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA) purposes, but also for better understanding of its relationship to long-term pavement performance. Although several approaches and devices—including linear variable differential transducers (LVDTs), digital indicators, and some profilers—have been proposed for measuring curling and warping, their application in the field is subject to cost, inconvenience, and complexity of operation. This research therefore explores developing an economical and simple device for measuring curling and warping in concrete pavements with accuracy comparable to or better than existing methodologies. Technical requirements were identified to establish assessment criteria for development, and field tests were conducted to modify the device to further enhancement. The finalized device is about 12 inches in height and 18 pounds in weight, and its manufacturing cost is just $320. Detailed development procedures and evaluation results for the new curling and warping measuring device are presented and discussed, with a focus on achieving reliable curling and warping measurements in a cost effective manner.


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A number of contaminants such as arsenic, cadmium and lead are released into the environment from natural and anthropogenic sources contaminating food and water. Chronic oral ingestion of arsenic, cadmium and lead is associated with adverse effects in the skin, internal organs and nervous system. In addition to conventional methods, biosorption using inactivated biomasses of algae, fungi and bacteria has been introduced as a novel method for decontamination of toxic metals from water. The aim of this work was to evaluate the applicability of lactic acid bacteria as tools for heavy metal removal from water and characterize their properties for further development of a biofilter. The results established that in addition to removal of mycotoxins, cyanotoxins and heterocyclic amines, lactic acid bacteria have a capacity to bind cationic heavy metals, cadmium and lead. The binding was found to be dependent on the bacterial strain and pH, and occurred rapidly on the bacterial surface, but was reduced in the presence of other cationic metals. The data demonstrates that the metals were bound by electrostatic interactions to cell wall components. Transmission electron micrographs showed the presence of lead deposits on the surface of biomass used in the lead binding studies, indicating involvement of another uptake/binding mechanism. The most efficient strains bound up to 55 mg Cd and 176 mg Pb / g dry biomass. A low removal of anionic As(V) was also observed after chemical modification of the cell wall. Full desorption of bound cadmium and lead using either dilute HNO3 or EDTA established the reversibility of binding. Removal of both metals was significantly reduced when biomass regenerated with EDTA was used. Biomass regenerated with dilute HNO3 retained its cadmium binding capacity well, but lead binding was reduced. The results established that the cadmium and lead binding capacity of lactic acid bacteria, and factors affecting it, are similar to what has been previously observed for other biomasses used for the same purpose. However, lactic acid bacteria have a capacity to remove other aqueous contaminants such as cyanotoxins, which may give them an additional advantage over the other alternatives. Further studies focusing on immobilization of biomass and the removal of several contaminants simultaneously using immobilized bacteria are required.


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Tässä diplomityössä tutkittiin painetun paperin ja siitä fenoliformaldehydihartsilla impregnoimalla valmistetun pinnoituskalvon UV-stabiilisuuden parantamis-mahdollisuuksia. Työn kirjallisuusosassa käsitellään painetun pinnoituskalvon valmistusprosessia ja painatuksen UV-valonkestoon vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Painovärin pigmentti, sen määrä ja käsittely, painovärin sideaine sekä fenoliformaldehydihartsi ja sen lisäaineet vaikuttavat pinnoitetun betonoimisvanerin säänkesto-ominaisuuksiin. Erilaisilla epäorgaanisilla valkoisilla pigmenteillä ja kidemuodoilla on erilainen UV-valonkesto ja taitekerroin. Päällystämällä titaanidioksidi esimerkiksi alumiini- tai zirkoniumoksideilla sen UV-valonkestoa voidaan parantaa merkittävästi. UV-hajoaminen voidaan havaita painetun pinnoitteen liituuntumisena. Liituuntumista voidaan pitää veden ja hapen välisenä reaktiona, jota titaanidioksidi ja UV-säteily katalysoivat. Sen takia myös muiden valkoisten epäorgaanisten pigmenttien ominaisuuksia ja käyttöä selvitettiin. Kokeissa käytettiin yhdeksää eri painoväriä, kahta eri paksuista paperia ja kahta eri tyyppistä hartsia. Painovärejä ohennettiin vedellä ja paperin painopuolta vaihdeltiin. Kaikissa painatuksissa käytettiin kolmea eri rasterointiasteen laattaa, jolloin painovärin määrää paperissa saatiin vähennettyä. Painetuista papereista mitattiin densiteetti, värimäärä, pisara-absorptio vedellä ja kontaktikulma hartsilla. Myös painovärin tunkeumaa selvitettiin paperin poikkileikeistä tehtyjen SEM-kuvien avulla. Painetut paperit impregnoitiin fenoliformaldehydihartsilla kalvoksi. Pinnoituskalvot puristettiin vanerin pinnalle laboratoriopuristimella. Koekappaleet altistettiin UV-valolle, sateelle ja pakkaselle sääkaapissa 400 h ajan, mikä vastaa noin 1,5 vuotta ulkona Suomen oloissa. Kappaleista mitattiin kiilto, värinmuutos ja liituuntuminen. Pinnoitteen liituuntumista tapahtui vähiten niissä koepisteissä, joissa painatus oli tehty 30 % rasteroidulla laatallaSäänkestävä TiO2 osoittautui hyväksi, mutta myös ZnO-pigmentillä saatiin hyviä tuloksia. ZnO-koepisteessä liituuntumisreaktio ei ole niin voimakkaasti katalysoitu kuin TiO2-koepisteissä. Paksun paperin painatuspuolella näytti olevan merkitystä säänkestoon. Huopapuolelle painettuna pinnoitteen liituuntuminen oli vähäisempää


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The aim of this work was to determine the effect of light crude oil on bacterial communities during an experimental oil spill in the North Sea and in mesocosms (simulating a heavy, enclosed oil spill), and to isolate and characterize hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria from the water column. No oil-induced changes in bacterial community (3 m below the sea surface) were observed 32 h after the experimental spill at sea. In contrast, there was a decrease in the dominant SAR11 phylotype and an increase in Pseudoalteromonas spp. in the oiled mesocosms (investigated by 16S rRNA gene analysis using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis), as a consequence of the longer incubation, closer proximity of the samples to oil, and the lack of replenishment with seawater. A total of 216 strains were isolated from hydrocarbon enrichment cultures, predominantly belonging to the genus Pseudoaltero monas; most strains grew on PAHs, branched and straight-chain alkanes, as well as many other carbon sources. No obligate hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria were isolated or detected, highlighting the potential importance of cosmopolitan marine generalists like Pseudoalteromonas spp. in degrading hydrocarbons in the water column beneath an oil slick, and revealing the susceptibility to oil pollution of SAR11, the most abundant bacterial clade in the surface ocean.


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Diplomityön tavoitteena oli selvittää hienopaperitehtaan BOD-päästön vähentämismahdollisuudet. Tehtaalla tapahtuvien uudistusten vaikutus BOD-päästön määrään selvitettiin. Lisäksi selvitettiin uudistetun paperivalmistusprosessin BOD-päästön alkuperä ja syntyvien jätevesien tilavuusvirta. BOD:n kuormitusmäärän kehittymistä arvioitiin mallintamalla. Kirjallisuusosassa on käsitelty hienopaperin valmistusprosessin vaiheita sekä tarkasteltu paperitehtaan vedenkäyttöä ja vesikiertoja. Myös jätevesien COD- ja BOD-kuormituslähteet on selvitetty. Kokeellinen osa alkaa hienopaperitehtaan prosessikuvauksella. Paperitehtaan malli rakennettiin VTT:n Tekesin CACTUS-teknologiaohjelmassa kehittämällä Balas-simulointiohjelmalla. Kokeellisessa osassa on käyty läpi mallin rakennusvaiheet. Paperinvalmistusprosessissa toteutettavien uudistusvaiheiden vaikutus päästöihin mallinnettiin. Tuloksena voitiin todeta, että tehtaan tuotantosuunnan ja -määrien muutoksesta huolimatta BOD-päästö ei merkittävästi muutu. Sen sijaan ominaiskuormitus laskee. Ennen uudistuksia BOD-kuorma oli pääasiassa peräisin pintaliimatusta hylystä, kun taas uudistusten jälkeen suurin osa BOD-kuormasta tulee tuoremassojen mukana prosessiin.


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The present work describes the development of a fast and robust analytical method for the determination of 53 antibiotic residues, covering various chemical groups and some of their metabolites, in environmental matrices that are considered important sources of antibiotic pollution, namely hospital and urban wastewaters, as well as in river waters. The method is based on automated off-line solid phase extraction (SPE) followed by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to quadrupole linear ion trap tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC–QqLIT). For unequivocal identification and confirmation, and in order to fulfill EU guidelines, two selected reaction monitoring (SRM) transitions per compound are monitored (the most intense one is used for quantification and the second one for confirmation). Quantification of target antibiotics is performed by the internal standard approach, using one isotopically labeled compound for each chemical group, in order to correct matrix effects. The main advantages of the method are automation and speed-up of sample preparation, by the reduction of extraction volumes for all matrices, the fast separation of a wide spectrum of antibiotics by using ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography, its sensitivity (limits of detection in the low ng/L range) and selectivity (due to the use of tandem mass spectrometry) The inclusion of β-lactam antibiotics (penicillins and cephalosporins), which are compounds difficult to analyze in multi-residue methods due to their instability in water matrices, and some antibiotics metabolites are other important benefits of the method developed. As part of the validation procedure, the method developed was applied to the analysis of antibiotics residues in hospital, urban influent and effluent wastewaters as well as in river water samples


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Low quality mine drainage from tailings facilities persists as one of the most significant global environmental concerns related to sulphide mining. Due to the large variation in geological and environmental conditions at mine sites, universal approaches to the management of mine drainage are not always applicable. Instead, site-specific knowledge of the geochemical behaviour of waste materials is required for the design and closure of the facilities. In this thesis, tailings-derived water contamination and factors causing the pollution were investigated in two coeval active sulphide mine sites in Finland: the Hitura Ni mine and the Luikonlahti Cu-Zn-Co-Ni mine and talc processing plant. A hydrogeochemical study was performed to characterise the tailingsderived water pollution at Hitura. Geochemical changes in the Hitura tailings were evaluated with a detailed mineralogical and geochemical investigation (solid-phase speciation, acid mine drainage potential, pore water chemistry) and using a spatial assessment to identify the mechanisms of water contamination. A similar spatial investigation, applying selective extractions, was carried out in the Luikonlahti tailings area for comparative purposes (Hitura low-sulphide tailings vs. Luikonlahti sulphide-rich tailings). At both sites, hydrogeochemistry of tailings seepage waters was further characterised to examine the net results of the processes observed within the impoundments and to identify constraints for water treatment. At Luikonlahti, annual and seasonal variation in effluent quality was evaluated based on a four-year monitoring period. Observations pertinent to future assessment and mine drainage prevention from existing and future tailings facilities were presented based on the results. A combination of hydrogeochemical approaches provided a means to delineate the tailings-derived neutral mine drainage at Hitura. Tailings effluents with elevated Ni, SO4 2- and Fe content had dispersed to the surrounding aquifer through a levelled-out esker and underneath the seepage collection ditches. In future mines, this could be avoided with additional basal liners in tailings impoundments where the permeability of the underlying Quaternary deposits is inadequate, and with sufficiently deep ditches. Based on the studies, extensive sulphide oxidation with subsequent metal release may already initiate during active tailings disposal. The intensity and onset of oxidation depended on e.g. the Fe sulphide content of the tailings, water saturation level, and time of exposure of fresh sulphide grains. Continuous disposal decreased sulphide weathering in the surface of low-sulphide tailings, but oxidation initiated if they were left uncovered after disposal ceased. In the sulphide-rich tailings, delayed burial of the unsaturated tailings had resulted in thick oxidized layers, despite the continuous operation. Sulphide weathering and contaminant release occurred also in the border zones. Based on the results, the prevention of sulphide oxidation should already be considered in the planning of tailings disposal, taking into account the border zones. Moreover, even lowsulphide tailings should be covered without delay after active disposal ceases. The quality of tailings effluents showed wide variation within a single impoundment and between the two different types of tailings facilities assessed. The affecting factors included source materials, the intensity of weathering of tailings and embankment materials along the seepage flow path, inputs from the process waters, the water retention time in tailings, and climatic seasonality. In addition, modifications to the tailings impoundment may markedly change the effluent quality. The wide variation in the tailings effluent quality poses challenges for treatment design. The final decision on water management requires quantification of the spatial and seasonal fluctuation at the site, taking into account changes resulting from the eventual closure of the impoundment. Overall, comprehensive hydrogeochemical mapping was deemed essential in the identification of critical contaminants and their sources at mine sites. Mineralogical analysis, selective extractions, and pore water analysis were a good combination of methods for studying the weathering of tailings and in evaluating metal mobility from the facilities. Selective extractions with visual observations and pH measurements of tailings solids were, nevertheless, adequate in describing the spatial distribution of sulphide oxidation in tailings impoundments. Seepage water chemistry provided additional data on geochemical processes in tailings and was necessary for defining constraints for water treatment.


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The influence of natural aging furthered by atmospheric corrosion of parts of electric transformers and materials, as well as of concrete poles and cross arms containing corrosion inhibitors was evaluated in Manaus. Results for painted materials, it could showed that loss of specular gloss was more intensive in aliphatic polyurethane points than in acrylic polyurethane ones. No corrosion was observed for metal and concrete samples until 400 days of natural aging. Corrosion in steel reinforcement was noticed in some poles, arising from manufacturing faults, such as low cement content, water/cement ratio, thin concrete cover thickness, etc. The performance of corrosion inhibitors was assessed by many techniques after natural and accelerated aging in a 3.5% saline aqueous solution. The results show the need for better chemical component selection and its concentration in the concrete mixture.


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This thesis studies the use of heuristic algorithms in a number of combinatorial problems that occur in various resource constrained environments. Such problems occur, for example, in manufacturing, where a restricted number of resources (tools, machines, feeder slots) are needed to perform some operations. Many of these problems turn out to be computationally intractable, and heuristic algorithms are used to provide efficient, yet sub-optimal solutions. The main goal of the present study is to build upon existing methods to create new heuristics that provide improved solutions for some of these problems. All of these problems occur in practice, and one of the motivations of our study was the request for improvements from industrial sources. We approach three different resource constrained problems. The first is the tool switching and loading problem, and occurs especially in the assembly of printed circuit boards. This problem has to be solved when an efficient, yet small primary storage is used to access resources (tools) from a less efficient (but unlimited) secondary storage area. We study various forms of the problem and provide improved heuristics for its solution. Second, the nozzle assignment problem is concerned with selecting a suitable set of vacuum nozzles for the arms of a robotic assembly machine. It turns out that this is a specialized formulation of the MINMAX resource allocation formulation of the apportionment problem and it can be solved efficiently and optimally. We construct an exact algorithm specialized for the nozzle selection and provide a proof of its optimality. Third, the problem of feeder assignment and component tape construction occurs when electronic components are inserted and certain component types cause tape movement delays that can significantly impact the efficiency of printed circuit board assembly. Here, careful selection of component slots in the feeder improves the tape movement speed. We provide a formal proof that this problem is of the same complexity as the turnpike problem (a well studied geometric optimization problem), and provide a heuristic algorithm for this problem.


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Energy consumption in the world has been growing every year. The industrial sector represents 27.32% of the world energy demand. Heating systems that use solar energy may contribute with a percentage of the total energy required by industries. This work aimed to study the use of vacuum solar collectors for water pre-heating in boilers. We used four collectors installed according to NBR 15,569; water flow through the tubes was 0.058 L/s, and temperature in the inlet and outlet pipes was measured. Results showed that instantaneous radiation, and inlet fluid and room temperatures are variables that influence the process, reaching water maximum temperature in the solar collector outlet of 97.9 °C, and efficiency of approximately 65% for most experiments. For the financial viability evaluation, the payback study was applied, which resulted in 4; 7 and 5 years, for the respective sources: firewood, LPG (liquefied petroleum gas), and electricity. Regarding the calculation of the annual contribution to the reduction of greenhouse gases, it was, respectively, 2.162 and 356 kg of CO2 per m² of collector tubes, in comparison with firewood and LPG.


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In this thesis, the DFMA is presented and used for the purpose of having a design for a vertical transfer line that can be easily manufactured and assembled. The design of the transfer line, the major components and drawings are presented. The ease of assembly, the costs of manufacturing and differences between the use of steel structure and aluminum are compared. The ALARA principle is followed to minimize the risk of radiation exposure by the means of locating the test ion sources outside the radioactive area.