965 resultados para variação terminológica formal
Formal garden of Charles C. Chapman, Fullerton, California. Photograph taken on day of garden party, September 5, 1914.
Formal garden of the Charles C. Chapman home, Fullerton, California, in the 1920s.
This study sought to explore ways to work with a group of young people through an arts-based approach to the teaching of literacy. Through the research, the author integrated her own reflexivity applying arts methods over the past decade. The author’s past experiences were strongly informed by theories such as caring theory and maternal pedagogy, which also informed the research design. The study incorporated qualitative data collection instruments comprising interviews, journals, sketches, artifacts, and teacher field notes. Data were collected by 3 student participants for the duration of the research. Study results provide educators with data on the impact of creating informal and alternative ways to teach literacy and maintain student engagement with resistant learners.
Tesis (Maestría en Educación de Adultos) (UANL)
Tesis (Maestría en Enfermería, con Especialidad en Salud Comunitaria) UANL
Tesis (Maestría en Formación y Capacitación de Recursos Humanos) UANL
Tesis (Maestría en Formación y Capacitación de Recursos Humanos) UANL
Tesis ( Maestría en Formación y Capacitación de Recursos Humanos) U.A.N.L.
[Tesis] ( Maestría en Metodología de la Ciencia ) U.A.N.L.
Tesis (Maestría en Psicología Laboral y Organizacional) UANL, 2012.
An exemination of a series of indicators of economic integration in the western hemisphere (Canada-USA-Latin America) indicates that it is proceeding under the influence of formal trade agreements and informal forces including technological change, multinational firm rationalization and location strategies, etc.
We apply to the Senegalese input-output matrix of 1990, disagregated into formal and informal activities, a recently designed structural analytical method (Minimal-Flow-Analysis) which permits to depict the direct and indirect production likanges existing between activities.
The development of conceptual knowledge systems specifically requests knowledge acquisition tools within the framework of formal concept analysis. In this paper, the existing tools are presented, and furhter developments are discussed.