999 resultados para tv-publik


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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In order to conduct a successful transition from analogue terrestrial television to full digital terrestrial television it is essential to identify what are the most significant drivers and barriers for adoption among the impacted population. Also importantly, it is to segment the population according with their attitudes towards digital TV, their awareness about the switchover process and intention of adopting digital TV, among other relevant topics. The tradition of profiles definition based on the adoption and rejection of innovations can be traced back to Beal & Bohlen, who proposed five categories of innovation adopters based on the time of adoption, with significant differences in selected personal and social characteristics: the innovators, the early adopters, the early majority, the majority and non-adopters. Later, Rogers would propose similar categories of adopters that became the standard for years to come: the innovators, the early adopters, the early majority, the late majority and the laggards. While helpful, these traditional innovation adopters’ profiles do not totally grasp the complexities of the adoption of an innovation such as digital TV, particularly in mandatory settings. In this paper we will propose a classification of adopters of digital TV in Portugal, based on the results of one of the four empirical studies of the research project ADOPT-DTV, namely, the quantitative inquiry administered to a representative sample of the Portuguese population. The paper will be concluded with a brief discussion of results and the enumeration of the next steps of the research project.


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To understand what are the most significant factors for digital TV adoption by the Portuguese population in the switchover context is the main goal of the research project here presented. In April 26, 2012, the analogue terrestrial television switchoff is planned to occur in Portugal, according to the schedule published by the national telecommunication regulator Anacom. Digital terrestrial TV was launched in the country in April 2009, making Portugal one of the countries with a more ambitious schedule – or risky, depending on the perspective - for the full transition from analogue to digital terrestrial television. In this paper we will start by presenting the research project’s objectives, theoretical framework and research design. Next, we will present first results of the project focused on the barriers and drivers to digital TV adoption from two of the empirical studies which integrate it, namely, the quantitative inquiry administered to a representative sample of the Portuguese population and interviews with main stakeholders in the area of digital TV in Portugal. The perspectives of the television viewers are compared with other main stakeholders in this process. The paper will be concluded with a brief discussion of these results and a brief enumeration of next steps for the project.


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A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo problematizar e refletir a influência da mídia televisiva no comportamento e na aprendizagem de adolescentes de duas escolas da Zona Urbana de Santa Luzia-PB. A amostra foi selecionada em um universo de oito turmas do 9º ano do ensino fundamental, em 2011. Através de inquéritos por questionários, o estudo apresenta as percepções de 59 estudantes na faixa etária entre 12 e 16 anos de idade e de suas professoras sobre como as informações veiculadas pela mídia televisiva são interpretadas pelos estudantes, quais os efeitos midiáticos no comportamento desses jovens e qual o nível de conscientização da escola frente à aprendizagem paralela proporcionada pela TV. Na análise da pesquisa recorremos a uma abordagem quanti-qualitativa, à análise de conteúdo, que utiliza a unidade de sentido como base de análise. Sob a ótica da interlocução comunicação/educação, o estudo reflete sobre a importância da utilização dos meios de comunicação na escola. Dados teóricos e empíricos comprovaram, assim, que, diante de seu papel significativo na sociedade, a educação atual deve provocar a emancipação do indivíduo tornando-o capaz de atuar como interlocutor crítico dos acontecimentos sociais, de modo a superar todo e qualquer tipo de alienação midiática.


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Esta dissertação é um trabalho de projeto que pretende contribuir para o desenvolvimento dos estudos da comunicação organizacional. Devem ou não ser utilizadas soluções digitais em modelos de comunicação organizacional e quaisosbenefíciosdo uso de soluções digitais no âmbito da comunicação organizacional de uma empresa? No corpo de texto deste trabalho surge a resposta a estas questões com base na análise prática da investigação desenvolvida. A investigação desenvolvida tem como objetivo encontrar um modelo de comunicação eficaz baseado no uso de soluções digitais. A solução digital criada, que é o objeto de estudo deste trabalho de projeto, foi desenhada e concebida com a finalidade de ser implementada e testada numa empresa de telemarketing parceira, que atua, essencialmente, em Outbound (venda direta ao consumidor).A solução tem como intenção global envolver e motivar os teleoperadores da empresa, no intuito de aumentara sua produtividade.É descortinada a estratégia e o desenvolvimento da solução criada,assim como a sua avaliação pelos utilizadores, concluindo com uma análise detalhada dos resultados obtidos através daavaliação dos utilizadores.


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Los medios publicitarios representan en el proceso de comunicación publicitaria los canales a través de los cuales se difunden los mensajes y se contacta con la audiencia de interés o población objetivo1 Es importante realizar un análisis sobre las tendencias de inversión publicitaria que las empresas más importantes en el sector de telefonía móvil del Ecuador (“Movistar”, “Alegro” y “Claro”) han venido realizando durante los años 2007-2008-2009, debido a la gran importancia que tiene para estas empresas el abarcar una amplia cobertura en el mercado Ecuatoriano, por este motivo se presenta un análisis de mercado (oferta, demanda, competidores), tomando en cuenta aspectos como: penetración telefónica, densidad de telefonía móvil, números de abonados por cada operadora, realizando una revisión puntual sobre cada empresa. Además, su importancia se relaciona al hecho de que actualmente estamos viviendo una era en donde el mercado publicitario ecuatoriano empieza a sentir una nueva etapa basada en la integración de medios, entre lo que es medios tradicionales que son los que se analizan en esta tesis y los medios below the line; estos nuevos medios, como las redes sociales o los mensajes de texto de telefonía móvil constituyen un apoyo dentro de una campaña tradicional. Los resultados de esta investigación presentan variables y tendencias numéricas de inversión para realizar un comparativo entre la inversión publicitaria realizada por las tres empresas de telefonía móvil en los años 2007, 2008 y 2009.


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Las redes sociales virtuales se han convertido en una parte indispensable de la vida cotidiana, especialmente de los jóvenes. Estas redes son la plataforma ideal para que personas del mundo entero se mantengan comunicadas, compartan ideas, gustos, pasatiempos, conocimientos, etc. Contenidos científicos, artísticos, familiares llegan a ser conocidos por inmensas cantidades de personas a través de las redes virtuales. Gracias a ellas es posible crear comunidades virtuales entre quienes comparten los mismos intereses. Enchufe TV vio en estas características de las redes sociales el mejor espacio para dar a conocer sus trabajos; desde su primera aparición, en noviembre del 2011, sus videos cortos de estilo cómico han alcanzado gran popularidad, no sólo en Ecuador sino en toda América Latina, ganando miles de seguidores y logrando millones de visualizaciones. Los videos de Enchufe TV narran situaciones que jóvenes ecuatorianos viven diariamente: un viaje en bus para rendir un examen; hacer la tesis; ir al gimnasio; sus relaciones amorosas y filiales; todas abordadas desde el humor. Mediante la exageración, la repetición, la sorpresa y otros recursos, las situaciones cotidianas son convertidas en escenas cómicas y burlescas. En esta tesis se analiza el discurso creado por Enchufe TV sobre el mundo juvenil y el ser joven en contraposición con el mundo adulto. Los sentidos creados –convertidos en referentes para muchos jóvenes ecuatorianos- se sustentan en estereotipos que -como se demostrará en este trabajo-, provienen principalmente del mundo adulto al que pretenden cuestionar.


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This paper argues that transatlantic hybridity connects space, visual style and ideological point of view in British television action-adventure fiction of the 1960s–1970s. It analyses the relationship between the physical location of TV series production at Elstree Studios, UK, the representation of place in programmes, and the international trade in television fiction between the UK and USA. The TV series made at Elstree by the ITC and ABC companies and their affiliates linked Britishness with an international modernity associated with the USA, while also promoting national specificity. To do this, they drew on film production techniques that were already common for TV series production in Hollywood. The British series made at Elstree adapted versions of US industrial organization and television formats, and made programmes expected to be saleable to US networks, on the basis of British experiences in TV co-production with US companies and of the international cinema and TV market.


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Three years of meteorological data collected at the WLEF-TV tower were used to drive a revised version of the Simple Biosphere (SiB 2.5) Model. Physiological properties and vegetation phenology were specified from satellite imagery. Simulated fluxes of heat, moisture, and carbon were compared to eddy covariance measurements taken onsite as a means of evaluating model performance on diurnal, synoptic, seasonal, and interannual time scales. The model was very successful in simulating variations of latent heat flux when compared to observations, slightly less so in the simulation of sensible heat flux. The model overestimated peak values of sensible heat flux on both monthly and diurnal scales. There was evidence that the differences between observed and simulated fluxes might be linked to wetlands near the WLEF tower, which were not present in the SiB simulation. The model overestimated the magnitude of the net ecosystem exchange of CO2 in both summer and winter. Mid-day maximum assimilation was well represented by the model, but late afternoon simulations showed excessive carbon uptake due to misrepresentation of within-canopy shading in the model. Interannual variability was not well simulated because only a single year of satellite imagery was used to parameterize the model.


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This article explores the presence of imported US Teen TV in the schedules of British youth television and the relationship between the two national forms. Focusing on the broadcast of The O.C on Channel 4 youth strand T4, it considers the role of the spaces in-between programmes in framing the audience’s experience of the imported US text. It demonstrates how the T4 supertext employed presenter performance, critique and parody to assimilate the glamorously aspirational US Teen TV text into the cynically engaged flow of British youth television.


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The BBC television drama anthology The Wednesday Play, broadcast from 1964-70 on the BBC1 channel, was high-profile and often controversial in its time and has since been central to accounts of British television’s ‘golden age’. This article demonstrates that production technologies and methods were more diverse at that time than is now acknowledged, and that The Wednesday Play dramas drew both approving but also very critical responses from contemporary viewers and professional reviewers. This article analyses the ways that the physical spaces of production for different dramas in the series, and the different technologies of shooting and recording that were adopted in these production spaces, are associated with but do not determine aesthetic style. The adoption of single-camera location filming rather than the established production method of multi-camera studio videotaping in some of the dramas in the series has been important to The Wednesday Play’s significance, but each production method was used in different ways. The dramas drew their dramatic forms and aesthetic emphases from both theatre and cinema, as well as connecting with debates about the nature of drama for television. Institutional and regulatory frameworks such as control over staff working away from base, budgetary considerations and union agreements also impacted on decisions about how programmes were made. The article makes use of records from the BBC Written Archives Centre, as well as published scholarship. By placing The Wednesday Play in a range of overlapping historical contexts, its identity can be understood as transitional, differentiated and contested.


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The article looks at the most recent TV adaptations of the Grimms’ fairy tales by public broadcasting. Realized and marketed as a season which started in 2008,the thirty-four currently existing individual films constitute a significant national project that presents highly appealing notions of the German past to an audience divided over national conflict and demands of globalization. With children and adolescents at the centre, the films offer the young as a generation of moral superiority that facilitates social harmony and moral consensus. This post-unification utopia is beautifully realized on screen but rests on very conservative assumptions about gender, social driving forces, and political order.