536 resultados para traction
Extraoral appliances represent an alternative for correction of Class II malocclusions. The application of external force leads to tooth movement and influence the growth of the maxillomandibular complex. This article aims to present the removable headgear as an adjuvant in the treatment of Class II division 1 in the mixed dentition.
The aim of this study was to study the seroepidemiological profile of brucellosis and leptospirosis in horses traction Island Maiandeua, state of Para. In two distinct periods, blood samples were collected from 52 animals of both sexes and different ages (2 to 17 years), totaling 104 samples. For the research of antibodies anti-Brucella abortus were used in rapid agglutination test in plate. In the first harvest, none animal was positive, however in the second harvest there were three animals reactive serum. The research of antibodies anti-Leptospira spp. was performed with the use of the microscopic agglutination test (MAT), the first harvest was 23.07% reacting animals and 15.38% at the second harvest, for one or more Leptospira spp. with titers ranging from 100 to 200. The predominant serotype at first and second harvest was the Autumnalis 40% and 37.5% respectively. According to age, it was observed in group 1 (2 to 7 years) 27.78% and 13.89% respectively in the two samples and the second group (> 7 years) was found 12.50% and 18 75% of reactive serum. The results observed in this study demonstrated that the island of Maiandeua, state of Para, there is the presence of Leptospira spp, with the most frequent serovar autumnalis and possible exposure of animals to brucella smooth, suggesting low risk of infection in the population of horses examined.
The aim of this study was to evaluate stress distribution in the fixation screws and bone tissue around implants in single-implant supported prostheses with crowns of different heights (10,12.5, 15 mm crown-to-implant ratio 1:1, 1.25:1, 1.5:1, respectively). It was designed using three 3-Dmodels. Each model was developed with a mandibular segment of bone block including an internal hexagon implant supporting a screw-retained, single metalceramic crown. The crown height was set at 10, 12.5, and 15 mm with crown-to-implant ratio of 1:1, 1.25:1, 1.5:1, respectively. The applied forces were 200 N (axial) and 100 N (oblique). The increase of crown height showed differences with the oblique load in some situations. By von Mises'criterion, a high stress area was concentrated at the implant/fixation screw and abutment/implant interfaces at crown-to-implant ratio of 1:1, 1.25:1, 1.5:1, respectively. Using the maxiinum principal criteria, the buccal regions showed higher traction stress intensity, whereas the distal regions showed the largest compressive stress in all models. The increase of C/I ratio must be carefully evaluated by the dentist since the increase of this C/I ratio is proportional to the increase of average stress for both screw fixation (C/I 1:1 to 1:1.25 ratio = 30.1% and C/I 1:1 to 1 :1.5 ratio = 46.3%) and bone tissue (C/I 1:1 to 1:1.25 ratio = 30% and C/I 1:1 to 1:1.5 ratio = 51.5%). (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Functional foods are defined as those that provide additional benefits to consumers. The market for foods with functional properties is expanding, supported by scientific evidences, which leads the developing of different special foods. This market segment is related to the innovations, as well as the traditional functional dairy and non dairy products, gain traction in the marketplace for innovative products like based whey sports beverage. Besides the functionality of muscle protein synthesis, these beverages are entering into areas such as clinical nutrition and satiety. Thus, it can be supposed that the composition and technological versatility of the whey support the use asinnovative ingredient for foods and beverages. This review aim to supply an overview about functional foods, mainly the segment of whey based beverages. The success of this new nutritional approach is close related to the requirement to identify, to characterize and to develop methodologies to measure and to validate more precisely the relevant functional markers, making them open for a public domain.
This study evaluated the effect of ultrasonic vibration on the tensile strength required to remove intraradicular post cemented with different materials. Bovine teeth were selected, and 7 mm of the cervical root canals were prepared to size 5 Largo drill, the posts were cemented with zinc phosphate, Enforce (resin) or Rely X (glass ionomer). The specimens were divided into six groups (n = 10), according to the following procedures: GI-cementation with zinc phosphate associated with traction force; GII-cementation with zinc phosphate associated with ultrasonic activation and traction force; G111-cementation with Enforce associated with traction force; GIV-cementation with Enforce associated with ultrasonic activation and traction force; GV-cementation with Rely X associated with traction force; and GVI-cementation with Rely X associated with ultrasonic activation and traction force. The tensile test was conducted using the electromechanical testing machine, the force was determined by a specialized computer program and ultrasonic activation using the Jet Sonic Four Plus (Gnatus) device in 10P. Concerning to average ranking, GI showed statistically significant difference in comparison with GII and GVI (p < 0.05); there was no statistical difference in GIII and GIV when compared to other groups (p > 0.05). The ultrasound favored the intraradicular post traction regardless of the employed cement in greater or lesser extent. The post removal is a routine practice in the dental office, therefore, new solutions and better alternatives are need to the practitioner. We did not find in the literature many articles referring to this practice. Thus, the results from this study are relevant in the case planning and to promote more treatment options.
Pós-graduação em Odontologia Restauradora - ICT
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Maxillary canine impaction is a common occurrence, especially in the palate, despite sufficient space in the arch for tooth alignment. A proper approach requires knowledge of different specialties of dentistry, such as orthodontics, surgery, radiology, and periodontology, which are generally not centered on a single professional. The causes for canine impaction may be either generalized or localized, and the diagnosis should be made through specific clinical and radiographic examination. The prognosis of surgical-orthodontic treatment depends on the position of the canine in relation to the neighboring teeth and height of the alveolar process, in addition to careful surgical technique, considering that there are risks involved, such as ankylosis, loss of tooth vitality, root resorption of the involved tooth and adjacent teeth, and damage to supporting tissues. Given the important role played by impacted maxillary canines, their traction is the treatment of choice in orthodontically treated patients. The present study reviews the literature on important factors to be considered when approaching impacted canines, such as therapeutic possibilities, their advantages and disadvantages.
Class III malocclusion is less common occlusal relationship, covering less than 5% of the population. There are various forms of treatment in Class III malocclusion. Depending on how the form is expressed Class III and age of the patient, the therapy may be orthopedic and orthodontic surgical orthodontics. The objective was to review the literature of the last 10 years about ways to compensatory treatment of Class III malocclusion. Several articles were published between 04/2003 and 04/2013 in the Pubmed database from the keyword "Class III malocclusion". However, only 19 articles that addressed the compensatory treatment of Class III were selected. Based on the selected items it was concluded that the treatment of Class III malocclusions in children before the peak of pubertal growth has better prognosis with greater effects orthopedic and orthodontic minor effects. The ideal treatment option for this condition is the Rapid maxillary expansion associated with maxillary protraction of the same. The treatment of Class III malocclusion in young people after the peak of pubertal growth is doubtful prognosis. You can opt to treat rapid maxillary expansion and maxillary protraction of the same or fixed appliance, however, orthopedic effects can be the same or smaller than the orthodontic effects, depending on the age of the patient. Depending on the degree of Class III malocclusion in adults, the treatment will consist of dental compensations or orthognathic surgery.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The tractors are the main potency source, for the traction of tillage equipments and their use are increasing more and more in Brazilian agriculture. In spite of the great technological progress the increase of the number of agricultural tractors brought positive aspects and some negative, among these last ones it stands out the appearance of a new source of work accidents, which importance is given by the physical damages caused to the operator. Therefore the objective of this work was to project and develop an inclinometer, which indicates the inclination of the land, as safety sensor for agricultural tractors to avoid lateral hollovers, through a resonant sign, for the operator and the machine preservation. The built and evaluated inclinometer showed to be efficient for inclination indication of different areas during field operations with agricultural tractors, small angle oscillation and enough answer time to help operators to take decisions in imminence situation of lateral machine hollovers.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The central thesis that we aim to survey in this paper is that the present South-American political scene has required of the American imperialism a strategical redesign, in the sense of the neutralization, weakening and, if it is possible, destruction of regional political experiences/tendencies not aligned to its foreign politics. Under the mask of the defense of democracy and beneath the argument that Latin American "market oriented politics" are at stake, due to questions that goes back from the "delin-quency" —in Mexico—, the global terrorism, the organized international crime up to the worldwide drug traffic, the global strategy of American imperialism then sets up the definition of a new doctrine of preventive war that justifies the utilization of hard power against any country, in the name of its own defense. At the heart of the question what —actually— is in the agenda is the defense (and reproduction) of the benefits of its multinationals corporations and financial capital, by means of the international sub-traction of profitable assets, such as financial, energetic, communicational and natural resources, in addition to the domination of local markets, beyond facilitating capital flee amongst others.
The genre documentary in itself characterized by citizen emancipation from the content discussed in his works. Termed as images of the people by Jean-Claude Bernardet (2003), the documentary is gaining traction in social development when added to citizen participation offered by transmedia storytelling. This study presents the results obtained from a literature search, the film analysis and experimentation supported in quasi-experimental methodology, results that support these conditions. Hopefully, from this discussion, consolidate the systematic development of transmedia documentary works in new media ecology and that maximizes the role of journalism by a traditionally audiovisual platform, now with other strands to the representation of the news.