746 resultados para testicular thermoregulation
Foi realizado um estudo morfométrico de testículos escrotais e retidos de 10 eqüinos criptórquios unilaterais, sendo cinco abdominais e cinco inguinais. As características avaliadas foram espessura da albugínea testicular, área dos túbulos seminíferos e número de células de Leydig. A espessura da albugínea testicular mostrou-se reduzida (P< 0,05) nas gônadas criptórquias abdominais quando comparadas às escrotais contralaterais. Também foram observadas diferenças (P< 0,01) nas áreas dos túbulos seminíferos dos testículos abdominais e inguinais, que se apresentaram diminuídas quando comparadas às dos escrotais contralaterais. A diminuição foi de, aproximadamente, 45% nos testículos abdominais e de 31% nos inguinais. Não foram verificadas diferenças (P> 0,05) na contagem de células de Leydig das gônadas criptórquias comparadas às escrotais contralaterais. Nos eqüinos, o criptorquismo afetou com maior intensidade a área dos túbulos seminíferos dos testículos abdominais e inguinais e a espessura da albugínea daqueles retidos no abdome.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the reproductive performance of Santa Ines rams subjected to successive semen collections in an Amazonian climate. Four rams were subjected to successive ejaculations during a maximum period of three hours. This procedure was repeated three times at 15-day intervals. Sexual and behavioural (libido) and andrological (testicular and seminal) assessments were performed. A total of 81 ejaculates were collected. Libido and semen vigour, volume, appearance and concentration decreased as the ejaculation frequency increased (P<0.05) and sperm motility showed a decreasing trend (P=0.06). The seminal pH increased over the sequence of collections (P<0.05). The only significant differences observed between individual rams were the variable scrotal circumference and the percentages of live sperm and sperm abnormalities (P<0.05). All the parameters of the first ejaculation were within the normal range for this species, which suggests that the local climatic conditions (high temperature and humidity) did not affect the behavioural, testicular or seminal parameters of experimental rams. Our findings indicate that the reproductive performance of Santa Ines rams could be affected by the intensification of ejaculation frequency; however, individual male variation needs to be taken into consideration.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The purpose of this study was to validate noninvasive endocrine monitoring techniques for Pampas deer and to evaluate seasonal changes in testicular steroidogenic activity and their correlation to reproductive behavior, antler cycle and group size. Thus, fecal samples, behavioral data and observations of antler status were collected at monthly intervals during 1 year from free-ranging Pampas deer stags (three radio-collared individuals and 15 random individuals) living in Emas National Park, Brazil (18 degrees S latitude). Fecal steroids were extracted using 80% methanol and steroid concentrations were quantified by a commercial enzyme immunoassay (EIA). Fecal testosterone concentrations peaked in December-January (summer), March (early autumn) and in August-September (winter-spring), with minimal values from April-July. Reproductive behavior had two peaks, the first in December-January, characterized by predominately anogenital sniffing, flehmen, urine sniffing, chasing and mounting behavior, and the second peak in July-September (behavior primarily related to gland marking). There were significant correlations between fecal testosterone and reproductive behavior (r = 0.490), and between fecal testosterone and antler phases (r = 0.239). Antler casting and regrowth occurred under low testosterone concentrations, whereas velvet shedding was associated with high concentrations of testosterone. We inferred that Pampas deer stags exhibited a seasonal cycle that modulated sexual behavior and the antler cycle, and we concluded that fecal steroid analysis was a practical and reliable non-invasive method for the evaluation of the endocrine status of free-ranging Pampas deer. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The relationships among avian uncoupling protein (avUCP) mRNA expression, heat production, and thyroid hormone metabolism were investigated in 7-14-day-old broiler chicks (Gallus gallus) exposed to a low temperature (cold-exposed chicks, CE) or a thermoneutral temperature (TN). After 7 days of exposure, CE chicks exhibited higher heat production (+83%, P < 0.01), avUCP mRNA expression (+20%, P < 0.01), and circulating triiodothyronine (T-3) levels (+104%, P = 0.07) for non-statistically different body weights and feed intake between 3 and 7 days of exposure as compared to TN chicks. Plasma thyroxine (T-4) concentration was clearly decreased in CE chicks (-33%, P = 0.06). The lower hepatic inner-ring deiodination activity (-47%) and the higher renal outer-ring deiodination activity (+75%) measured in CE compared to TN chicks could partly account for their higher plasma T3 concentrations. This study describes for the first time the induction of avUCP mRNA expression by low temperature in chickens, as it has been previously shown in ducklings, and supports the possible involvement of avUCP in avian thermogenesis. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. (USA). All rights reserved.
Nove vacas Holandesas lactantes com 526 ± 5 kg de peso corporal (cinco predominantemente pretas e quatro predominantemente brancas), criadas em região tropical e manejadas em pastagens, foram observadas com os objetivos de determinar simultaneamente as taxas de evaporação cutânea e respiratória em ambiente tropical e desenvolver modelos de predição. Para a medição da perda de calor latente pela superfície corporal, utilizou-se uma cápsula ventilada e, para a perda por respiração, utilizou-se uma máscara facial. Os resultados mostraram que as vacas que tinham maior peso corporal (classe 2 e 3) apresentaram maiores taxas evaporativas. Quando a temperatura do ar aumentou de 10 para 36ºC e a umidade relativa do ar caiu de 90 para 30%, a eliminação de calor por evaporação respiratória aumentou de aproximadamente 5 para 57 W m-2 e a evaporação na superfície corporal passou de 30 para 350 W m-2. Esses resultados confirmam que a eliminação de calor latente é o principal mecanismo de perda de energia térmica sob altas temperaturas (>30ºC); a evaporação cutânea é a maior via e corresponde a aproximadamente 85% da perda total de calor, enquanto o restante é eliminado pelo sistema respiratório. O modelo para predizer o fluxo de perda de calor latente baseado em variáveis fisiológicas e ambientais pode ser utilizado para estimar a contribuição da evaporação na termorregulação, enquanto o modelo baseado somente na temperatura do ar deve ser usado apenas para a simples caracterização do processo evaporativo.
The sexual precocity and fertility of bovines have great impact on the economic success of commercial cattle herds, where some reproductive traits have been adopted as selection criteria. However, the majority of these traits depend on reproductive events of the females and, with exception of the scrotal circumference, few studies approach others andrological traits. The estimation of heritabilities and genetic correlations of testicular and seminal traits and also sexual behaviour, will allow to provide alternatives for the design of more appropriate selection strategies for fertility, together with other economic traits.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Investigaram-se a temperatura retal, a freqüência respiratória e a taxa de evaporação total de ovinos Corriedale sob três temperaturas ambientes, visando uma melhor compreensão dos mecanismos de termorregulação desses animais. Inicialmente, 21 animais adultos foram alojados em câmara climática à temperatura de 45ºC, e pressão parcial de vapor (PV) variável, registrando-se a freqüência respiratória (FR) e a temperatura retal (TR). Baseando-se na FR e TR, foram selecionados 10 animais, cinco com os valores mais baixos, assumindo-os como mais adaptados ao calor (grupo 1) e cinco com valores mais altos, assumindo-os como menos adaptados (grupo 2). Os animais selecionados foram mantidos em câmara climática, onde mediram-se novamente TR, FR e taxa de evaporacão total (TET), sob 20, 30 e 40ºC de temperatura do ar e PV variável. Não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos classificados, para todas as variáveis medidas. Concluiu-se que a utilização das variáveis fisiológicas TR e FR como parâmetros únicos para a seleção destes animais não é suficiente para avaliar o grau de adaptação a temperaturas elevadas.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The objectives of this study were to assess the effects of induced testicular degeneration in Bos taurus indicus (Nellore) bulls on changes in seminal characteristics and fertilizing ability of sperm. Four Nellore bulls (30-36-month-old, 500-550 kg) with good seminal quality (> 80% motile and morphologically normal sperm) had serotal insulation applied for 5 d. Semen was collected by electroejaculation and cryopreserved at a the pre-insulation moment, and 7, 14, and 21 d after insulation was removed. Gross motility, vigor of sperm movement (1-5), acrosome integrity, sperm morphology (phase-contrast microscopy), nuclear vacuoles and abnormal chromatin (Feulgen-stain) were determined after sperm preparations for in vitro fertilization (IVF). Prior to IVF, sperm were separated using a Percoll gradient (45% and 90%). Normal sperm decreased (P < 0.05) 14 and 21 d after insulation was removed. on 14 and 21 d, the incidence of head defects (9.7 +/- 0.6 and 17.0 +/- 0.8, respectively; mean +/- S.E.M) was higher (P < 0.05) in agreement with the incidence of nuclear vauoles (14.0 +/- 5.0 and 12.3 +/- 2.3) and abnormal chromatin (24.4 +/- 7.2 and 30.8 +/- 2.8). Although the frequency of cleaved oocytes decreased only on 21 d (P < 0.05), blastocyst rates were lower (P < 0.05) than pre-insulation on 14 and 21 d. In regression analyses, only nuclear vacuoles, head defects and intact acrosome accounted for differences in cleavage (R(2) = 0.38, 0.48, and 0.30, respectively) and blastocyst rates (R(2) = 0.35, 0.37, and 0.44). Abnormal chromatin was associated only with blastocyst rates (R(2) = 0.35). In conclusion, blastocyst rate was more sensitive than cleavage rate and the assessment of nuclear integrity is recommended to predict the fertilizing ability of bull sperm. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.