473 resultados para switches
rho-like GTP binding proteins play an essential role in regulating cell growth and actin polymerization. These molecular switches are positively regulated by guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) that promote the exchange of GDP for GTP. Using the interaction-trap assay to identify candidate proteins that bind the cytoplasmic region of the LAR transmembrane protein tyrosine phosphatase (PT-Pase), we isolated a cDNA encoding a 2861-amino acid protein termed Trio that contains three enzyme domains: two functional GEF domains and a protein serine/threonine kinase (PSK) domain. One of the Trio GEF domains (Trio GEF-D1) has rac-specific GEF activity, while the other Trio GEF domain (Trio GEF-D2) has rho-specific activity. The C-terminal PSK domain is adjacent to an Ig-like domain and is most similar to calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinases, such as smooth muscle myosin light chain kinase which similarly contains associated Ig-like domains. Near the N terminus, Trio has four spectrin-like repeats that may play a role in intracellular targeting. Northern blot analysis indicates that Trio has a broad tissue distribution. Trio appears to be phosphorylated only on serine residues, suggesting that Trio is not a LAR substrate, but rather that it forms a complex with LAR. As the LAR PTPase localizes to the ends of focal adhesions, we propose that LAR and the Trio GEF/PSK may orchestrate cell-matrix and cytoskeletal rearrangements necessary for cell migration.
Biological processes often require that a single gene product participate in multiple types of molecular interactions. Viruses with quasiequivalent capsids provide an excellent paradigm for studying such phenomena because identical protein subunits are found in different structural environments. Differences in subunit joints may be controlled by protein segments, duplex or single-stranded RNA, metal ions, or some combination of these. Each of the virus groups examined display a distinctive mechanism for switching interface interactions, illustrating the magnitude of options that are likely to be found in other biological systems. In addition to determining capsid morphology, assembly controls the timing of autocatalytic maturation cleavage of the viral subunits that is required for infectivity in picorna-, noda-, and tetraviruses. The mechanism of assembly-dependent cleavage is conserved in noda- and tetraviruses, although the quaternary structures of the capsids are different as are the molecular switches that control subunit interfaces. The function of the cleavage in picorna-, noda-, and tetraviruses is probably to release polypeptides that participate in membrane translocation of RNA.
Radiolabeled antibodies have shown promise for the treatment of lymphoma and for solid tumor targeting. Campath-1H is a humanized monoclonal antibody that reacts with the CD52 antigen present on human lymphoid and myeloid cells. Campath-1H is a gamma1 (G1) isotype that induces lymphopenia via an Fc-mediated mechanism(s). Isotype switches were engineered, and the resulting antibodies were expressed in NS0 mouse myeloma cells and biosynthetically radiolabeled with [35S]methionine. The forms included G1, G4, and a G4 variant that contained alanine substitutions at (EU numbering) Leu-235, Gly-237, and Glu-318. All isotypes bound antigen equivalently as assessed by target cell binding in vitro. The G4 variant had a greatly reduced capacity to interact with Fc receptor by virtue of reduced binding to THP-1 human myeloid cells and by a 1000-fold increase in EC50 to intermediate antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity. The pharmacokinetics of the isotypes were compared in CD-1 (nu/nu) mice bearing an experimental antigen-expressing tumor. The plasma half-life and tumor uptake were increased for the G4 variant. The G4 variant showed significantly less spleen, liver, and bone uptake but similar uptake in the lung, kidney, and stomach and lower tissue-to-blood ratios. Immunogenicity was assessed after repeated monthly administrations of unlabeled antibody in BALB/c mice. A 50% reduction in the incidence of anti-globulin response was observed for the G4 variant. These properties suggest that antibodies with reduced Fc receptor interaction merit additional study as potential targeting vehicles relative to other isotypes for radioimmunotherapy or situations where diminished normal tissue binding contributes to efficacy.
The Atlantic thermohaline circulation (THC) is an important part of the earth's climate system. Previous research has shown large uncertainties in simulating future changes in this critical system. The simulated THC response to idealized freshwater perturbations and the associated climate changes have been intercompared as an activity of World Climate Research Program (WCRP) Coupled Model Intercomparison Project/Paleo-Modeling Intercomparison Project (CMIP/PMIP) committees. This intercomparison among models ranging from the earth system models of intermediate complexity (EMICs) to the fully coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation models (AOGCMs) seeks to document and improve understanding of the causes of the wide variations in the modeled THC response. The robustness of particular simulation features has been evaluated across the model results. In response to 0.1-Sv (1 Sv equivalent to 10^6 ms^3 s^-1) freshwater input in the northern North Atlantic, the multimodel ensemble mean THC weakens by 30% after 100 yr. All models simulate sonic weakening of the THC, but no model simulates a complete shutdown of the THC. The multimodel ensemble indicates that the surface air temperature could present a complex anomaly pattern with cooling south of Greenland and warming over the Barents and Nordic Seas. The Atlantic ITCZ tends to shift southward. In response to 1.0-Sv freshwater input, the THC switches off rapidly in all model simulations. A large cooling occurs over the North Atlantic. The annual mean Atlantic ITCZ moves into the Southern Hemisphere. Models disagree in terms of the reversibility of the THC after its shutdown. In general, the EMICs and AOGCMs obtain similar THC responses and climate changes with more pronounced and sharper patterns in the AOGCMs.
Neste trabalho foi realizado o estudo do comportamento fotoquímico e fotofísico de complexos mononucleares de rênio do tipo fac-[Re(CO)3(N N)(L)]+(N N = 1,10-fenantrolina, phen, dipirido[3,2-a:2,3-c]fenazina, dppz, L= trans-1,2bis(4-piridil)etileno, trans-bpe, trans-4-estirilpiridina. trans-stpy) e dos complexos binucleares [(CO)3(phen)Re(trans-bpe)Re(phen)(CO)3]2+, [(CO)3(phen)Re(trans-bpe)Fe(CN5]2- e [(phen)(CO)3Re(trans-bpe)Os(terpy)(bpy)]3+. O enfoque principal deste trabalho é a investigação das propriedades fotoquímicas dos complexos fac-[ Re(CO)3(phen)(trans-bpe)]+, fac-[Re(CO)3(phen)(trans-stpy)]+ fac-[Re(CO)3(dppz)(trans-bpe)+ e [(CO)3(phen)Re(trans-bpe)Re(phen)(CO)3]2+. Observou-se que os compostos em solução de acetonitrila, sob irradiação a 313, 334 ou 365 nm, apresentam variação espectral com definição de pontos isosbésticos, resultante do processo de fotoisomerização trans→cis do ligante coordenado trans-piridil etileno. Os rendimentos quânticos, Φ, da reação de fotoisomerização foram calculados com base no decaimento espectral das bandas de absorção das transições eletrônicas. Os valores médios determinados para a fotoisomeriação dos complexos em solução de CH3CN variam de 0,15 - 0,39 sob excitação a 313 nm e de 0,12 - 0,33 sob excitação a 365 nm. As reações de fotoisomerização foram monitoradas também por medidas de emissão e por RMN de 1H. Observou-se um aumento da intensidade de luminescência com o tempo de irradiação dos complexos, consistente com o estado emissivo 3MLCT dπ[(Re)→π*(α-diimina). Após irradiação, as reações de fotoisomerização dos complexos foram monitoradas por RMN de 1H. Os sinais de prótons do isômero trans tiveram um decréscimo gradual, enquanto que a intensidade dos sinais referentes aos prótons da espécie cis aumentaram. Os rendimentos quânticos para o processo de fotoisomerização dos complexos foram calculados através da integração das áreas dos sinais de prótons. Os valores obtidos foram maiores, pelo menos o dobro, que aqueles valores obtidos via espectroscopia UV-Vis. O comportamento fotoquímico dos complexos incorporados em polimetacrilato de metila, PMMA, foi também investigado. A fotólise cios complexos em filmes de PMMA conduz à variação espectral, de absorção e emissão, similar àquela observada em solução de acetonitrila, atribuícla ao processo de fotoisomerização trans → cis do ligante coordenado. Este estudo mostra que a fotoisomerização do ligante coordenado trans-piridil etileno pode ser promovida também em meio rígido. Essa característica. típica de um dispositivo molecular, pode ser convenientemente explorada no desenvolvimento de fotossensores. As medidas de TRIR mostram que o estado excitado de menor energia para o fac-[Re(CO)3(phen)(trans-bpe)+ é o 3ππ*. Para o fac-[Re(CO)3(phen)(cis-bpe)]+ a ordem dos estados excitados aparecem invertidas com o 3MLCT <3ππ*, evidenciado pela emissão do complexo cis à temperatura ambiente. Nas espécies binucleares, [(phen) Re(CO)3(trans-bpe)Os(terpy)(bpy)]3+ e [(CO)3(phen)Re(trans-bpe)Fe(CN)5]2-, a fotoisomerização trans → cis do ligante coordenado trans-bpe, característica da subunidade fac-[Re(CO)3(phen)(trans-bpe)]+, é inibida pela competição de transferência de energia intramolecular. Em meio rígido, em PMMA ou em EPA a 77 K, os máximos de emissão dos complexos fac-[Re(CO)3(phen)(cis-bpe)]+, fac-[Re(CO)3(phen)(cis-stpy)r e [(CO)3(phen)Re(cis-bpe)Re(phen)(CO)3]2+ sofrem um deslocamento hipsocrômico com o aumento da rigidez do meio. As mudanças nas propriedades emissivas, em termos de energia e tempo de vida do estado excitado, são discutidas baseadas no efeito rigidocrômico luminescente. O trabalho mostra uma forma interessante de fotos sensibilizar um substrato orgâmco usando o fato de que a coordenação estende a absorção do ligante a uma região de comprimento de onda maior e promove a fotoisomerização assistida por complexos metálicos em energias menores.
O paradigma das redes em chip (NoCs) surgiu a fim de permitir alto grau de integração entre vários núcleos de sistemas em chip (SoCs), cuja comunicação é tradicionalmente baseada em barramentos. As NoCs são definidas como uma estrutura de switches e canais ponto a ponto que interconectam núcleos de propriedades intelectuais (IPs) de um SoC, provendo uma plataforma de comunicação entre os mesmos. As redes em chip sem fio (WiNoCs) são uma abordagem evolucionária do conceito de rede em chip (NoC), a qual possibilita a adoção dos mecanismos de roteamento das NoCs com o uso de tecnologias sem fio, propondo a otimização dos fluxos de tráfego, a redução de conectores e a atuação em conjunto com as NoCs tradicionais, reduzindo a carga nos barramentos. O uso do roteamento dinâmico dentro das redes em chip sem fio permite o desligamento seletivo de partes do hardware, o que reduz a energia consumida. Contudo, a escolha de onde empregar um link sem fio em uma NoC é uma tarefa complexa, dado que os nós são pontes de tráfego os quais não podem ser desligados sem potencialmente quebrar uma rota preestabelecida. Além de fornecer uma visão sobre as arquiteturas de NoCs e do estado da arte do paradigma emergente de WiNoC, este trabalho também propõe um método de avaliação baseado no já consolidado simulador ns-2, cujo objetivo é testar cenários híbridos de NoC e WiNoC. A partir desta abordagem é possível avaliar diferentes parâmetros das WiNoCs associados a aspectos de roteamento, aplicação e número de nós envolvidos em redes hierárquicas. Por meio da análise de tais simulações também é possível investigar qual estratégia de roteamento é mais recomendada para um determinado cenário de utilização, o que é relevante ao se escolher a disposição espacial dos nós em uma NoC. Os experimentos realizados são o estudo da dinâmica de funcionamento dos protocolos ad hoc de roteamento sem fio em uma topologia hierárquica de WiNoC, seguido da análise de tamanho da rede e dos padrões de tráfego na WiNoC.
Recent years have shown steady progress towards molecular electronics, in which molecules form basic components such as switches, diodes and electronic mixers. Often, a scanning tunnelling microscope is used to address an individual molecule, although this arrangement does not provide long-term stability. Therefore, metal–molecule–metal links using break-junction devices have also been explored; however, it is difficult to establish unambiguously that a single molecule forms the contact. Here we show that a single hydrogen molecule can form a stable bridge between platinum electrodes. In contrast to results for organic molecules, the bridge has a nearly perfect conductance of one quantum unit, carried by a single channel. The hydrogen bridge represents a simple test system in which to understand fundamental transport properties of single-molecule devices.
Modern compilers present a great and ever increasing number of options which can modify the features and behavior of a compiled program. Many of these options are often wasted due to the required comprehensive knowledge about both the underlying architecture and the internal processes of the compiler. In this context, it is usual, not having a single design goal but a more complex set of objectives. In addition, the dependencies between different goals are difficult to be a priori inferred. This paper proposes a strategy for tuning the compilation of any given application. This is accomplished by using an automatic variation of the compilation options by means of multi-objective optimization and evolutionary computation commanded by the NSGA-II algorithm. This allows finding compilation options that simultaneously optimize different objectives. The advantages of our proposal are illustrated by means of a case study based on the well-known Apache web server. Our strategy has demonstrated an ability to find improvements up to 7.5% and up to 27% in context switches and L2 cache misses, respectively, and also discovers the most important bottlenecks involved in the application performance.
The spin dynamics of all ferromagnetic materials are governed by two types of collective phenomenon: spin waves and domain walls. The fundamental processes underlying these collective modes, such as exchange interactions and magnetic anisotropy, all originate at the atomic scale. However, conventional probing techniques based on neutron1 and photon scattering2 provide high resolution in reciprocal space, and thereby poor spatial resolution. Here we present direct imaging of standing spin waves in individual chains of ferromagnetically coupled S = 2 Fe atoms, assembled one by one on a Cu2N surface using a scanning tunnelling microscope. We are able to map the spin dynamics of these designer nanomagnets with atomic resolution in two complementary ways. First, atom-to-atom variations of the amplitude of the quantized spin-wave excitations are probed using inelastic electron tunnelling spectroscopy. Second, we observe slow stochastic switching between two opposite magnetization states3, 4, whose rate varies strongly depending on the location of the tip along the chain. Our observations, combined with model calculations, reveal that switches of the chain are initiated by a spin-wave excited state that has its antinodes at the edges of the chain, followed by a domain wall shifting through the chain from one end to the other. This approach opens the way towards atomic-scale imaging of other types of spin excitation, such as spinon pairs and fractional end-states5, 6, in engineered spin chains.
Group-living animals must adjust the expression of their social behaviour to changes in their social environment and to transitions between life-history stages, and this social plasticity can be seen as an adaptive trait that can be under positive selection when changes in the environment outpace the rate of genetic evolutionary change. Here, we propose a conceptual framework for understanding the neuromolecular mechanisms of social plasticity. According to this framework, social plasticity is achieved by rewiring or by biochemically switching nodes of a neural network underlying social behaviour in response to perceived social information. Therefore, at the molecular level, it depends on the social regulation of gene expression, so that different genomic and epigenetic states of this brain network correspond to different behavioural states, and the switches between states are orchestrated by signalling pathways that interface the social environment and the genotype. Different types of social plasticity can be recognized based on the observed patterns of inter- versus intra-individual occurrence, time scale and reversibility. It is proposed that these different types of social plasticity rely on different proximate mechanisms at the physiological, neural and genomic level.
Goose grazing on arctic tundra vegetation has shown both positive and negative effects on subsequent foraging conditions. To understand the potential of a density-dependent feedback on herbivore population size, the relation between grazing pressure and future foraging conditions is essential. We studied the effect of increasing grazing pressure of barnacle geese (Branta leucopsis) on Spitsbergen. During the establishment of a breeding colony in the period 1992-2004, the proportion of graminoids decreased in the diet of wild geese, while the percentage of mosses increased. Grazing trials with captive geese in an unexploited area showed a similar shift in diet composition. High-quality food plants were depleted within years and over years. Intake rate declined too and as consequence, metabolisable energy intake rate (MEIR) decreased rapidly with increasing grazing pressure. During three successive years of experimental grazing, MEIR decreased at all levels of grazing pressure and declined below minimal energetic requirements when grazing exceeded natural levels of grazing pressure. This suggests that foraging conditions rapidly decline with increasing grazing pressure in these low-productive habitats. The potential for density-dependent feedbacks on local population increase is discussed.
High-resolution planktonic foraminiferal census data from Santa Barbara Basin (Ocean Drilling Program hole 893A) demonstrate major assemblage switches between 25 and 60 ka that were associated with Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles. Stadials dominated by Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (sinistral), and Globigerinoides glutinata suggest a strong subpolar California Current influence, while interstadials marked by abundant N. pachyderma (dextral) and G. bulloides indicate a relative increase in subtropical countercurrent influence. Modern analog technique and transfer function (F-20RSC) temperature reconstructions support d18O evidence of large rapid (70 years or less) sea surface temperature shifts (3° to 5°C) between stadials and interstadials. Changes in the vertical temperature gradient and water column structure (thermocline depth) are recorded by planktonic faunal oscillations suggest bimodal stability in the organization of North Pacific surface ocean circulation. Santa Barbara Basin surface water demonstrates the rapid response of the California Current System to reorganization of North Pacific atmospheric circulation during rapid climate change.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
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