967 resultados para surface, interface, multiscale, protein, metal
The “3-color, 46-bead” model of a folding polypeptide is the vehicle for adapting to proteins a mode of analysis used heretofore for atomic clusters, to relate the topography of the potential surface to the dynamics that lead to formation of selected structures. The analysis is based on sequences of stationary points—successive minima, joined by saddles—that rise monotonically in energy from basin bottoms. Like structure-seeking clusters, the potential surface of the model studied here is staircase-like, rather than sawtooth-like, with highly collective motions required for passage from one minimum to the next. The surface has several deep basins whose minima correspond to very similar structures, but which are separated by high energy barriers.
The multidimensional free energy surface for a small fast folding helical protein is explored based on first-principle calculations. The model represents the 46-residue segment from fragment B of staphylococcal protein A. The relationship between collapse and tertiary structure formation, and the order of collapse and secondary structure formation, are investigated. We find that the initial collapse process gives rise to a transition state with about 30% of the native tertiary structure and 50–70% of the native helix content. We also observe two distinct distributions of native helix in this collapsed state (Rg ≈ 12 Å), one with about 20% of the native helical hydrogen bonds, the other with near 70%. The former corresponds to a local minimum. The barrier from this metastable state to the native state is about 2 kBT. In the latter case, folding is essentially a downhill process involving topological assembly. In addition, the order of formation of secondary structure among the three helices is examined. We observe cooperative formation of the secondary structure in helix I and helix II. Secondary structure in helix III starts to form following the formation of certain secondary structure in both helix I and helix II. Comparisons of our results with those from theory and experiment are made.
In this work, we used direct measurements with the surface force apparatus to determine the pH-dependent electrostatic charge density of a single binding face of streptavidin. Mean field calculations have been used with considerable success to model electrostatic potential fields near protein surfaces, but these models and their inherent assumptions have not been tested directly at the molecular level. Using the force apparatus and immobilized, oriented monolayers of streptavidin, we measured a pI of 5–5.5 for the biotin-binding face of the protein. This differs from the pI of 6.3 for the soluble protein and confirms that we probed the local electrostatic features of the macromolecule. With finite difference solutions of the linearized Poisson–Boltzmann equation, we then calculated the pH-dependent charge densities adjacent to the same face of the protein. These calculated values agreed quantitatively with those obtained by direct force measurements. Although our study focuses on the pH-dependence of surface electrostatics, this direct approach to probing the electrostatic features of proteins is applicable to investigations of any perturbations that alter the charge distribution of the surfaces of immobilized molecules.
The objectives of this and the following paper are to identify commonalities and disparities of the extended environment of mononuclear metal sites centering on Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn. The extended environment of a metal site within a protein embodies at least three layers: the metal core, the ligand group, and the second shell, which is defined here to consist of all residues distant less than 3.5 Å from some ligand of the metal core. The ligands and second-shell residues can be characterized in terms of polarity, hydrophobicity, secondary structures, solvent accessibility, hydrogen-bonding interactions, and membership in statistically significant residue clusters of different kinds. Findings include the following: (i) Both histidine ligands of type I copper ions exclusively attach the Nδ1 nitrogen of the histidine imidazole ring to the metal, whereas histidine ligands for all mononuclear iron ions and nearly all type II copper ions are ligated via the Nɛ2 nitrogen. By contrast, multinuclear copper centers are coordinated predominantly by histidine Nɛ2, whereas diiron histidine contacts are predominantly Nδ1. Explanations in terms of steric differences between Nδ1 and Nɛ2 are considered. (ii) Except for blue copper (type I), the second-shell composition favors polar residues. (iii) For blue copper, the second shell generally contains multiple methionine residues, which are elements of a statistically significant histidine–cysteine–methionine cluster. Almost half of the second shell of blue copper consists of solvent-accessible residues, putatively facilitating electron transfer. (iv) Mononuclear copper atoms are never found with acidic carboxylate ligands, whereas single Mn2+ ion ligands are predominantly acidic and the second shell tends to be mostly buried. (v) The extended environment of mononuclear Fe sites often is associated with histidine–tyrosine or histidine–acidic clusters.
Our study of the extended metal environment, particularly of the second shell, focuses in this paper on zinc sites. Key findings include: (i) The second shell of mononuclear zinc centers is generally more polar than hydrophobic and prominently features charged residues engaged in an abundance of hydrogen bonding with histidine ligands. Histidine–acidic or histidine–tyrosine clusters commonly overlap the environment of zinc ions. (ii) Histidine tautomeric metal bonding patterns in ligating zinc ions are mixed. For example, carboxypeptidase A, thermolysin, and sonic hedgehog possess the same ligand group (two histidines, one unibidentate acidic ligand, and a bound water), but their histidine tautomeric geometries markedly differ such that the carboxypeptidase A makes only Nδ1 contacts, thermolysin makes only Nɛ2 contacts, and sonic hedgehog uses one of each. Thus the presence of a similar ligand cohort does not necessarily imply the same topology or function at the active site. (iii) Two close histidine ligands HXmH, m ≤ 5, rarely both coordinate a single metal ion in the Nδ1 tautomeric conformation, presumably to avoid steric conflicts. Mononuclear zinc sites can be classified into six types depending on the ligand composition and geometry. Implications of the results are discussed in terms of divergent and convergent evolution.
Hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) is the most common autosomal recessive disorder known in humans. A candidate gene for HH called HFE has recently been cloned that encodes a novel member of the major histocompatibility complex class I family. Most HH patients are homozygous for a Cys-282→Tyr (C282Y) mutation in HFE gene, which has been shown to disrupt interaction with β2-microglobulin; a second mutation, His-63→Asp (H63D), is enriched in HH patients who are heterozygous for C282Y mutation. The aims of this study were to determine the effects of the C282Y and H63D mutations on the cellular trafficking and degradation of the HFE protein in transfected COS-7 cells. The results indicate that, while the wild-type and H63D HFE proteins associate with β2-microglobulin and are expressed on the cell surface of COS-7 cells, these capabilities are lost by the C282Y HFE protein. We present biochemical and immunofluorescence data that indicate that the C282Y mutant protein: (i) is retained in the endoplasmic reticulum and middle Golgi compartment, (ii) fails to undergo late Golgi processing, and (iii) is subject to accelerated degradation. The block in intracellular transport, accelerated turnover, and failure of the C282Y protein to be presented normally on the cell surface provide a possible basis for impaired function of this mutant protein in HH.
Using a new mAb raised against the mouse neuroepithelium, we have identified and cDNA-cloned prominin, an 858-amino acid-containing, 115-kDa glycoprotein. Prominin is a novel plasma membrane protein with an N-terminal extracellular domain, five transmembrane segments flanking two short cytoplasmic loops and two large glycosylated extracellular domains, and a cytoplasmic C-terminal domain. DNA sequences from Caenorhabditis elegans predict the existence of a protein with the same features, suggesting that prominin is conserved between vertebrates and invertebrates. Prominin is found not only in the neuroepithelium but also in various other epithelia of the mouse embryo. In the adult mouse, prominin has been detected in the brain ependymal layer, and in kidney tubules. In these epithelia, prominin is specific to the apical surface, where it is selectively associated with microvilli and microvilli-related structures. Remarkably, upon expression in CHO cells, prominin is preferentially localized to plasma membrane protrusions such as filopodia, lamellipodia, and microspikes. These observations imply that prominin contains information to be targeted to, and/or retained in, plasma membrane protrusions rather than the planar cell surface. Moreover, our results show that the mechanisms underlying targeting of membrane proteins to microvilli of epithelial cells and to plasma membrane protrusions of non-epithelial cells are highly related.
The final step in glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchoring of cell surface proteins consists of a transamidation reaction in which preassembled GPI donors are substituted for C-terminal signal sequences in nascent polypeptides. In previous studies we described a human K562 cell mutant, termed class K, that accumulates fully assembled GPI units but is unable to transfer them to N-terminally processed proproteins. In further work we showed that, unlike wild-type microsomes, microsomes from these cells are unable to support C-terminal interaction of proproteins with the small nucleophiles hydrazine or hydroxylamine, and that the cells thus are defective in transamidation. In this study, using a modified recombinant vaccinia transient transfection system in conjunction with a composite cDNA prepared by 5′ extension of an existing GenBank sequence, we found that the genetic element affected in these cells corresponds to the human homolog of yGPI8, a gene affected in a yeast mutant strain exhibiting similar accumulation of GPI donors without transfer. hGPI8 gives rise to mRNAs of 1.6 and 1.9 kb, both encoding a protein of 395 amino acids that varies in cells with their ability to couple GPIs to proteins. The gene spans ≈25 kb of DNA on chromosome 1. Reconstitution of class K cells with hGPI8 abolishes their accumulation of GPI precursors and restores C-terminal processing of GPI-anchored proteins. Also, hGPI8 restores the ability of microsomes from the mutant cells to yield an active carbonyl in the presence of a proprotein which is considered to be an intermediate in catalysis by a transamidase.
MARCKS-related protein (MRP) is a myristoylated protein kinase C substrate that binds calmodulin (CaM) with nanomolar affinity. To obtain structural information on this protein, we have engineered 10 tryptophan residues between positions 89 and 104 in the effector domain, a 24-residue-long amphipathic segment that mediates binding of MRP to CaM. We show that the effector domain is in a polar environment in free MRP, suggesting exposure to water, in agreement with a rod-shaped structure of the protein. The effector domain participates in the binding of MRP to CaM, as judged by the dramatic changes observed in the fluorescent properties of the mutants on complex formation. Intermolecular quenching of the fluorescence emission of the tryptophan residues in MRP by selenomethionine residues engineered in CaM reveals that the N-terminal side of the effector domain contacts the C-terminal domain of CaM, whereas the C-terminal side of the effector domain contacts the N-terminal domain of CaM. Finally, a comparison of the fluorescent properties of the myristoylated and unmyristoylated forms of a construct in which a tryptophan residue was introduced at position 4 close to the myristoylated N terminus of MRP suggests that the lipid moiety is also involved in the interaction of MRP with CaM.
The nucleocapsid of hepatitis B virus (HBV), or HBcAg, is a highly symmetric structure formed by multiple dimers of a single core protein that contains potent T helper epitopes in its 183-aa sequence. Both factors make HBcAg an unusually strong immunogen and an attractive candidate as a carrier for foreign epitopes. The immunodominant c/e1 epitope on the capsid has been suggested as a superior location to convey high immunogenicity to a heterologous sequence. Because of its central position, however, any c/e1 insert disrupts the core protein’s primary sequence; hence, only peptides, or rather small protein fragments seemed to be compatible with particle formation. According to recent structural data, the epitope is located at the tips of prominent surface spikes formed by the very stable dimer interfaces. We therefore reasoned that much larger inserts might be tolerated, provided the individual parts of a corresponding fusion protein could fold independently. Using the green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a model insert, we show that the chimeric protein efficiently forms fluorescent particles; hence, all of its structurally important parts must be properly folded. We also demonstrate that the GFP domains are surface-exposed and that the chimeric particles elicit a potent humoral response against native GFP. Hence, proteins of at least up to 238 aa can be natively displayed on the surface of HBV core particles. Such chimeras may not only be useful as vaccines but may also open the way for high resolution structural analyses of nonassembling proteins by electron microscopy.
The process of human erythrocyte invasion by Plasmodium falciparum parasites involves a calcium-dependent serine protease with properties consistent with a subtilisin-like activity. This enzyme achieves the last crucial maturation step of merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP1) necessary for parasite entry into the host erythrocyte. In eukaryotic cells, such processing steps are performed by subtilisin-like maturases, known as proprotein convertases. In an attempt to characterize the MSP1 maturase, we have identified a gene that encodes a P. falciparum subtilisin-like protease (PfSUB2) whose deduced active site sequence resembles more bacterial subtilisins. Therefore, we propose that PfSUB2 belongs to a subclass of eukaryotic subtilisins different from proprotein convertases. Pfsub2 is expressed during merozoite differentiation and encodes an integral membrane protein localized in the merozoite dense granules, a secretory organelle whose contents are believed to participate in a late step of the erythrocyte invasion. PfSUB2’s subcellular localization, together with its predicted enzymatic properties, leads us to propose that PfSUB2 could be responsible for the late MSP1 maturation step and thus is an attractive target for the development of new antimalarial drugs.
Many biological processes require proteins to undergo conformational changes at the surface of membranes. For example, some precursor proteins unfold at the surface of mitochondria and chloroplasts before translocation into the organelles, and toxins such as colicin A unfold to the molten globule state at bacterial surfaces before inserting into the cell membrane. It is commonly thought that the membrane surfaces and the associated protein machinery destabilize the substrate proteins and that this effect is required for membrane insertion or translocation. One of the best characterized translocation processes is protein import into mitochondria. By measuring the contributions of individual interactions within a model protein to its stability at the mitochondrial surface and in free solution, we show here that the mitochondrial surface neither induces the molten globule state in this protein nor preferentially destabilizes any type of interaction (e.g., hydrogen bonds, nonpolar, etc.) within the protein. Because it is not possible to measure absolute protein stability at the surface of mitochondria, we determined the stability of a tightly associated protein–protein complex at the mitochondrial import site as a model of the stability of a protein. We found the binding constants of the protein–protein complex at the mitochondrial surface and in free solution to be identical. Our results demonstrate that the mitochondrial surface does not destabilize importing precursor proteins in its vicinity.
Jaagsiekte sheep retrovirus (JSRV) can induce rapid, multifocal lung cancer, but JSRV is a simple retrovirus having no known oncogenes. Here we show that the envelope (env) gene of JSRV has the unusual property that it can induce transformation in rat fibroblasts, and thus is likely to be responsible for oncogenesis in animals. Retrovirus entry into cells is mediated by Env interaction with particular cell-surface receptors, and we have used phenotypic screening of radiation hybrid cell lines to identify the candidate lung cancer tumor suppressor HYAL2/LUCA2 as the receptor for JSRV. HYAL2 was previously described as a lysosomal hyaluronidase, but we show that HYAL2 is actually a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored cell-surface protein. Furthermore, we could not detect hyaluronidase activity associated with or secreted by cells expressing HYAL2, whereas we could easily detect such activity from cells expressing the related serum hyaluronidase HYAL1. Although the function of HYAL2 is currently unknown, other GPI-anchored proteins are involved in signal transduction, and some mediate mitogenic responses, suggesting a potential role of HYAL2 in JSRV Env-mediated oncogenesis. Lung cancer induced by JSRV closely resembles human bronchiolo-alveolar carcinoma, a disease that is increasing in frequency and now accounts for ≈25% of all lung cancer. The finding that JSRV env is oncogenic and the identification of HYAL2 as the JSRV receptor provide tools for further investigation of the mechanism of JSRV oncogenesis and its relationship to human bronchiolo-alveolar carcinoma.
Low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP) mediates internalization of urokinase:plasminogen activator inhibitor complexes (uPA:PAI-1) and the urokinase receptor (uPAR). Here we investigated whether direct interaction between uPAR, a glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol–anchored protein, and LRP, a transmembrane receptor, is required for clearance of uPA:PAI-1, regeneration of unoccupied uPAR, activation of plasminogen, and the ability of HT1080 cells to invade extracellular matrix. We found that in the absence of uPA:PAI-1, uPAR is randomly distributed along the plasma membrane, whereas uPA:PAI-1 promotes formation of uPAR-LRP complexes and initiates redistribution of occupied uPAR to clathrin-coated pits. uPAR-LRP complexes are endocytosed via clathrin-coated vesicles and traffic together to early endosomes (EE) because they can be coimmunoprecipitated from immunoisolated EE, and internalization is blocked by depletion of intracellular K+. Direct binding of domain 3 (D3) of uPAR to LRP is required for clearance of uPA-PAI-1–occupied uPAR because internalization is blocked by incubation with recombinant D3. Moreover, uPA-dependent plasmin generation and the ability of HT1080 cells to migrate through Matrigel-coated invasion chambers are also inhibited in the presence of D3. These results demonstrate that GPI-anchored uPAR is endocytosed by piggybacking on LRP and that direct binding of occupied uPAR to LRP is essential for internalization of occupied uPAR, regeneration of unoccupied uPAR, plasmin generation, and invasion and migration through extracellular matrix.
Although a functional role in copper binding has been suggested for the prion protein, evidence for binding at affinities characteristic of authentic metal-binding proteins has been lacking. By presentation of copper(II) ions in the presence of the weak chelator glycine, we have now characterized two high-affinity binding sites for divalent transition metals within the human prion protein. One is in the N-terminal octapeptide-repeat segment and has a Kd for copper(II) of 10−14 M, with other metals (Ni2+, Zn2+, and Mn2+) binding three or more orders of magnitude more weakly. However, NMR and fluorescence data reveal a previously unreported second site around histidines 96 and 111, a region of the molecule known to be crucial for prion propagation. The Kd for copper(II) at this site is 4 × 10−14 M, whereas nickel(II), zinc(II), and manganese(II) bind 6, 7, and 10 orders of magnitude more weakly, respectively, regardless of whether the protein is in its oxidized α-helical (α-PrP) or reduced β-sheet (β-PrP) conformation. A role for prion protein (PrP) in copper metabolism or transport seems likely and disturbance of this function may be involved in prion-related neurotoxicity.