650 resultados para stereotypes
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
Estudos sobre saúde mental na adolescência destacam este tema como questão relevante, pois essa faixa etária, além de constituir-se como uma grande parcela da população que precisa e não procura atendimento, é identificada como um grupo etário vulnerável e de risco. A família e a escola têm sido consideradas como fatores de proteção à saúde mental de adolescentes. Sendo assim, precisa-se pensar em formas de intervenção mais eficazes, considerando o contexto familiar, cultural e social destes indivíduos. O objetivo do estudo foi investigar percepções sobre saúde e doença mental de adolescentes de escola pública e de escola privada na cidade de Belém-PA, bem como as principais redes de apoio e estratégias de cuidado utilizadas pelos adolescentes. Realizou-se um estudo transversal, do tipo quantitativo, no qual participaram 60 adolescentes, de ambos os sexos, e seus cuidadores. Os adolescentes tinham idades entre 12 a 17 anos, sendo 30 alunos de escola pública, localizada em um bairro periférico, e 30 de escola privada, localizada em um bairro central, na cidade de Belém-PA. Os cuidadores eram do sexo feminino, com idade entre 25 a 57 anos. Como instrumentos foram utilizados: roteiro de entrevista familiar, roteiro de entrevista com os coordenadores das escolas e questionário sobre saúde e doença mental e sobre serviços de saúde (versão para adolescente). Os resultados dos questionários foram analisados preferencialmente pelo teste do Qui-quadrado e o teste G para amostras independentes. Todo o processamento estatístico foi realizado no software BioEstat versão 5.2. Os resultados obtidos nas entrevistas permitiram a análise de aspectos socioeconômicos e de fatores de risco e de proteção na família dos adolescentes. Os resultados obtidos com os questionários revelaram que as percepções dos adolescentes da escola pública acerca da saúde mental estavam associadas a não ser tão sensível/frágil e a pensar positivo, ser otimista. Na escola privada, estavam associadas a sentir-se equilibrado e ser algo muito importante. Quanto às percepções de doença mental, na escola pública estavam relacionadas ao momento em que o corpo não está bem e a quando profissionais aconselham um tratamento; na escola privada, a ter sentimentos feridos e ser algo que não se percebe logo. Com relação à origem das ideias sobre saúde/doença mental, não houve real diferença entre os grupos. No que tange à religião, houve discordância apenas em relação a cura da doença mental. Como estratégia de enfrentamento, na escola pública esta esteve relacionada a falar com alguém sobre o problema enquanto na escola privada os adolescentes relataram que não procuravam ajuda. A mãe foi apontada como principal na busca de ajuda pelos adolescentes da escola pública; na escola particular, a principal referência foi o médico da família. A principal barreira para os adolescentes da escola pública no acesso ao serviço de saúde mental foi não saber o que o psicólogo/psiquiatra vai fazer com ele, e na escola privada foi não querer ser gozado/caçoado. Nos dois grupos, os principais problemas em saúde mental relatados foram problemas na escola e de comportamento. Os adolescentes de escola privada responderam que somente às vezes sentem-se sozinhos e felizes, enquanto na escola pública, os adolescentes afirmaram que sempre estiveram de bom humor e satisfeitos com a vida. Discute-se a necessidade de promover fatores de proteção à saúde mental de adolescentes.
O artigo mostra um dos graves problemas da educação no Brasil: o não enfrentamento da discriminação e do preconceito. Mais do que denunciar sua existência, ele analisa uma de suas matrizes: a ausência da discussão sobre raça, cor e preconceito na formação do docente no Pará. Por meio da análise da formação oferecida pelo Instituto de Educação do Estado do Pará, uma instituição secular, referência para a formação docente no estado do Pará, demonstra que boa parte das ações das professoras decorreu de uma formação que não tratou de aspectos fundamentais, como as narrativas sobre a constituição da nacionalidade brasileira. Conclui-se que, a despeito de sensíveis avanços advindos dos movimentos sociais em relação à questão racial desde a década de 1960, a formação de professores se apresenta como um fator que continua contribuindo na reprodução de estereótipos e discriminações.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The present article aims to discuss the theme of dialectical difference according to the concepts of critical theory. At first, the issue of the difference will be thinking about their negative reception that the production of stereotypes and prejudices on ethnicity, race and gender. In a second step, the subject will be treated on its positive reception, very common among social movements and leftist academic. In a third step, both types receive the difference will be problematized from the thought of Theodor Adorno in his Negative Dialectics as possible from mediation between universality and particularity empirical conceptual.
Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC
The Brazilian population is ageing rapidly, and chronic diseases have increased. Due to deficient health care services, the diagnosis and treatment of such diseases occur in the tertiary level, which increases costs and reduces the possibilities of early diagnoses. In view of the elderly population‟s increase and of the great demand at hospitalization units, it is important to learn about the difficulties and facilities faced by nursing teams when giving care to hospitalized individuals. In order to reach the objectives, a cross-sectional, prospective, descriptive, analytical and qualitative study was performed with basis on Bardin‟s Content Analysis. Among the difficulties were patients‟ limitations, dependence level, behaviors and habits, interference from companions, feeling of abandonment, perception of needs, dealing with suffering and lack of time for adequate care. As to facilities, acceptance of the disease, adherence to treatment, collaboration, trust in the team, and older patients‟ politeness were reported, which shows that passiveness is an important indicator in caring for the elderly. Older individuals suffer the outcomes of certain physical, psychological and mental deficits. When facing disease conditions, they require special care, including hospitalization and greater attention. The nursing team provides daily care and follows patients‟ development; however, its members are still not knowledgeable enough about the ageing process. This contributes to increase prejudice and erroneous stereotypes about older persons. Therefore, not understanding such process compromises the full care to be provided to older patients. This leads team members to accelerate the care provision process in order to meet the daily work demand, thus compromising older patients‟ autonomy and making them more dependent on the team, whereas the process should follow the opposite path
Autism is the theme of this study and the occurrence of the teaching-learning process of students with autism was observed. The study took place in a special education school. Nowadays, infantile Autism is classified as one of the “Development Global Disorders” and it is characterized by serious and global impairments in several aspects of the development, as the reciprocal social interaction, communication abilities and presence of behavioral stereotypes, interests and activities. Notwithstanding, these subjects present a triad of impairments concerning the development areas, such as: communication incapacity for social interaction and imagination, which affect directly the learning process. Thus, the aim of this study was to identify the teaching methodology employed for children with autism concerning special education and to verify in which aspects this methodology can help the teachinglearning process of those students. For this reason, a specialist teacher and three students with autism, of a special Education School, located in the interior of São Paulo state, took part in this study. For data collection, a total of 19 activities realized by the students with autism were observed inside the classroom. The specialized teacher answered a semi structured interview. The results demonstrated that the specialized teacher does not employ any specific teaching methodology, in order to help the teaching-learning process for those students, although there are some specific methodologies for children with autism, which are employed in special education schools. Nevertheless, it can be observed a lacuna concerning the teaching process employed by the teacher, and some uncertainly referring to the leaning process of those students with autism who attend that school
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Research on students’ (and teachers’) images of mathematics and mathematicians reveals a number of stereotypical images, most of which are negative. In this paper we present an overview of some these images and stereotypes and consider the questions: (1) how might the image of mathematics and mathematicians be a problem in mathematics education, and (2) what can be done to remedy the situation? Also, we consider an outreach project called Windows into Elementary Mathematics. In this project mathematicians are interviewed about their perspectives on elementary mathematics topics and their interviews are videotaped and are posted online, along with supporting images and interactive content. In this context we consider the questions: (3) what is the Windows project about, and (4) how might it offer an alternate (and perhaps better) image of mathematics and mathematicians? Lastly, we share an example where activities from the project were used in a math-for-teachers course.
The youth has been calling attention due to the large number of social problems resulting from the risky behaviors. One of the behaviors that stand out is the use of alcohol because, besides being the first drug to be used by children and adolescents, this population begins to use increasingly early. Another behavior that is becoming concern in that particular group, also with early start, is the unprotected sex, causing problems as the unplanned pregnancy, abortions and sexually transmitted diseases. However, one factor is becoming relevant and requiring further study, the number of young women developing sexually transmitted diseases and becoming risk drinkers. In this direction, this study has as objective to discuss the high number of alcohol use among young women, the vulnerability that this use causes for the unprotected sex and the importance of these subjects teachers training. It should be noted, finally, the lack of training of teachers to work with the thematic ones, and mainly, the need to deconstruct gender stereotypes, an obstacle in preventing the use of alcohol, other drugs and sexually transmitted diseases.
Together with the increase of environmental degradation in the past few decades, the environmental education (EE) has emerged and grown all around the world. It is worrying the frequent assigning of stereotypes to the animals and the cases of disrespect to them. For these matters it was studied the presence and importance attributed to animals in the annals of six editions of an event of great significance in the field of Environmental Education, the meetings Pesquisa em Educação Ambiental (EPEAs). The animals were chosen for deserving more attention in the preservationist context, besides allowing the use of a great extent of activities in EE, regarding scholar and non-scholar organizations. The articles that presented descriptors related to animals in the title, keywords or abstract were analyzed in depth and characteristics such as segmentation of the studied population, locations where jobs tend to be performed, prevailing aspects and didactic material production, among others, were investigated and compared. It was also verified which current trends on Environmental Education currents are more frequently presented in the EPEAs articles, in order to map the Environmental Education in Brazil in the past few years, using as a basis an important theoretical framework in the area. Through the use of descriptors it was possible to define the articles that would be analyzed in depth, which is less than 6% of the total work published and represents that, until the sixth edition, the EPEAs have a minor amount of works concerning animal matters. In many of these articles animals were superficially worked, which demonstrates the necessity of approaches not only involving more the animals, but also addressing the complex environmental matter. Several trends were identified in various EE currents, coexisting and also conflicting in the field of Brazilian Environmental Education. It was observed, in several cases, two or more trend currents in the ...
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS