474 resultados para spreads


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Los Refranes que dizen las viejas tras el fuego del Marqués de Santillana tuvieron una extendida difusión en el siglo XVI. La impresión que de ellos hizo Francisco Fernández de Córdoba en 1541 no sólo marca una particular forma de recepción, la de la colección ilustrada con breves glosas morales, sino que, además, fue una de las fuentes fundamentales de Juan de Mal Lara al componer su Philosophia vulgar (Sevilla, 1568). Se realiza aquí una transcripción de esta impresión de 1541 a partir del único impreso que la conserva, mejorando la edición que realizó Sbarbi (1874). Con esto se pretende acercar materiales para el estudio de la primitiva etapa impresa del Refranero hispánico.


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En la segunda mitad del siglo IV a. C. Roma ocupa la Italia central y se orienta al dominio de la región meridional en colisión posible con griegos y cartagineses; su influjo se extiende incluso al Jónico cuando varias ciudades de la Magna Grecia solicitan su protección, no así Tarento, que al anclar una escuadra romana en su puerto, reaccionó atacando las naves y una guarnición romana próxima. Tarento, ante una guerra inevitable, pidió apoyo al rey Pirro de Epiro, quien vio la oportunidad de extender hacia occidente las conquistas que Alejandro dejó inconclusas; su invasión de Italia generó fuerte resistencia, pero no le impidió victorias costosas ni su avance hacia el norte; propuso por intermedio de un embajador la rendición y condiciones gravosas para los romanos que estuvieron a punto de ceder. Allí surge Appio Claudia el Ciego, anciano senador ya retirado, que con un discurso breve, preciso y muy logrado produjo un giro en las decisiones de los patricios. Analizamos el discurso conservado por Plutarco en la Vida de Pirro y lo ubicamos dentro de su contexto histórico y político; gracias a él, Roma conservó sus fronteras itálicas y preparó su futura expansión.


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Los Refranes que dizen las viejas tras el fuego del Marqués de Santillana tuvieron una extendida difusión en el siglo XVI. La impresión que de ellos hizo Francisco Fernández de Córdoba en 1541 no sólo marca una particular forma de recepción, la de la colección ilustrada con breves glosas morales, sino que, además, fue una de las fuentes fundamentales de Juan de Mal Lara al componer su Philosophia vulgar (Sevilla, 1568). Se realiza aquí una transcripción de esta impresión de 1541 a partir del único impreso que la conserva, mejorando la edición que realizó Sbarbi (1874). Con esto se pretende acercar materiales para el estudio de la primitiva etapa impresa del Refranero hispánico.


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En la segunda mitad del siglo IV a. C. Roma ocupa la Italia central y se orienta al dominio de la región meridional en colisión posible con griegos y cartagineses; su influjo se extiende incluso al Jónico cuando varias ciudades de la Magna Grecia solicitan su protección, no así Tarento, que al anclar una escuadra romana en su puerto, reaccionó atacando las naves y una guarnición romana próxima. Tarento, ante una guerra inevitable, pidió apoyo al rey Pirro de Epiro, quien vio la oportunidad de extender hacia occidente las conquistas que Alejandro dejó inconclusas; su invasión de Italia generó fuerte resistencia, pero no le impidió victorias costosas ni su avance hacia el norte; propuso por intermedio de un embajador la rendición y condiciones gravosas para los romanos que estuvieron a punto de ceder. Allí surge Appio Claudia el Ciego, anciano senador ya retirado, que con un discurso breve, preciso y muy logrado produjo un giro en las decisiones de los patricios. Analizamos el discurso conservado por Plutarco en la Vida de Pirro y lo ubicamos dentro de su contexto histórico y político; gracias a él, Roma conservó sus fronteras itálicas y preparó su futura expansión.


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En la segunda mitad del siglo IV a. C. Roma ocupa la Italia central y se orienta al dominio de la región meridional en colisión posible con griegos y cartagineses; su influjo se extiende incluso al Jónico cuando varias ciudades de la Magna Grecia solicitan su protección, no así Tarento, que al anclar una escuadra romana en su puerto, reaccionó atacando las naves y una guarnición romana próxima. Tarento, ante una guerra inevitable, pidió apoyo al rey Pirro de Epiro, quien vio la oportunidad de extender hacia occidente las conquistas que Alejandro dejó inconclusas; su invasión de Italia generó fuerte resistencia, pero no le impidió victorias costosas ni su avance hacia el norte; propuso por intermedio de un embajador la rendición y condiciones gravosas para los romanos que estuvieron a punto de ceder. Allí surge Appio Claudia el Ciego, anciano senador ya retirado, que con un discurso breve, preciso y muy logrado produjo un giro en las decisiones de los patricios. Analizamos el discurso conservado por Plutarco en la Vida de Pirro y lo ubicamos dentro de su contexto histórico y político; gracias a él, Roma conservó sus fronteras itálicas y preparó su futura expansión.


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In 1970 a large deposit of ferromanganese nodules was discovered on the floor of the Indian Ocean southwest of Cape Leeuwin by the research vessel USNS Eltanin. This discovery, which was based largely on bottom photographs from about 20 stations, was discussed by Frakes (1975) and Kennett and Watkins (1975, 1976). The photographs suggest that the deposit spreads, nearly continuously, over 900 000km^2, and cores showed that the nodules are essentially confined to the sediment surface. Kennett and Watkins (op. cit.) pointed to the abundance of ripple and scour marks and current-formed lineations on the present surface, and of extensive disconformities in the cores, as evidence of strong present and past bottom currents in the region. They suggested that the current action had resulted in very low sedimentation rates, which had allowed the nodule field, named by them (1976) the 'Southeast Indian Ocean Manganese Pavement', to develop. In early 1976 the authors used the research vessel HMAS Diamantina for a 10-day cruise in the region to sample the nodules in order to study their chemistry and mineralogy. During the cruise 9 stations were occupied, 8 of them successfully (Figure 1), and about 2000 nodules were recovered from the sea bed. The apparatus used was a light box dredge on the ships hydrowire, which had a breaking strain of about one tonne. Although an attempt was made to reoccupy Eltanin photographic stations, it should be noted that positioning was by celestial navigation, so errors of up to 10 km are possible.


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Spreading pattern and mesoscale structure of Mediterranean water outflow in the eastern North Atlantic are studied on the basis of historical hydrographical records. Effect of bottom topography on Mediterranean water distribution is revealed. It is shown that the Mediterranean water outflow is divided into two streams after leaving the Gulf of Cadiz. These are northwestern and southwestern ones; the former is more intensive and spreads in more regular and continuous way. West of the Tejo (Tagus) Plateau it splits into three branches; the most intense of them keeps continuity up to 14°W. The less intensive southwestern stream passes south of the Gettysburg Bank and splits into two branches immediately after the Gulf of Cadiz. From 11°W, this stream has lenticular, intermittent character. West of 14°-15°W all Mediterranean water branches are represented mainly by isolated salty patches. As a result of historical data analysis in the 32°-44°N, 8°-22°W area, 30 Mediterranean water lenses have been found; 12 of them had not been previously mentioned in publications. A table of main parameters of Mediterranean water lenses is presented. It includes data of 108 observations from 1911 to 1993.


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Extract from related chapter 5.5.2 in reference: The Orca Seamount was discovered in the central basin of the Bransfield Strait around the posit 62°26'S and 58°24'W on the west side of the Antarctic Peninsula, the most western area of the south polar continent. Through the discovery was made known in 1987, it was only during three bathymetric surveys with high resolution fan echosounders between 1993 and 1995 that the character and complete shape of a remarkable volcano seamount became evident. The data acquisition and processing revealed a spectacular crater of 350 m depth. The relative hight of this 3 km wide "caldera" rim is 550 m with a basal diameter of the seamount cone of 11 km. Its flanks are about 15° steep but in some places the slope reaches up to 36°. The nearly circular shape of the Orca edifice spreads outh with several pronounced spurs, trending parallel to the basin axis in a northeast-southwest direction. The Bransfield Strait is a trough-shaped basin of 400 km length and 2 km depth between the South Shetland Island Arc and the Antarctic Peninsula, formed by rifting behind the islands. The separation of the South Shetland island chain from the peninsula began possibly several million years ago. The active rifting is still going on however, and has caused recent earthquakes and volcanism along the Bransfield Strait. The Strait hosts a chain of submerged seamounts of volcanic origin with the presently inactive Ora Seamount as the most spectacular one. The South Shelfand Island owe their existence to a subduction related volcanism which is perhaps 5-10 times older than the age of Orca and the other seamounts along the central basin of the Bransfield Strait.


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In this paper authors present and discuss data on distribution and mineral composition of suspended particulate matter (SPM) in the Franz Victoria Trough, collected during Cruise 14 of scientific icebreaker Akademik Fedorov in the northern Barents Sea in October 1998. Higher total SPM concentrations (0.4-1.8 mg/l) were measured in the near-bottom layer of the Franz Victoria Strait and central part of the trough. Potential source of mineral particles in SPM is fine fractions of Barents Sea bottom sediments. They form the nepheloid layer, which spreads on the continental slope along the trough together with Barents Sea waters at 350-400 m depth.


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Heavy or high-specific gravity minerals make up a small but diagnostic component of sediment that is well suited for determining the provenance and distribution of sediment transported through estuarine and coastal systems worldwide. By this means, we see that surficial sand-sized sediment in the San Francisco Bay Coastal System comes primarily from the Sierra Nevada and associated terranes by way of the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers and is transported with little dilution through the San Francisco Bay and out the Golden Gate. Heavy minerals document a slight change from the strictly Sierran-Sacramento mineralogy at the confluence of the two rivers to a composition that includes minor amounts of chert and other Franciscan Complex components west of Carquinez Strait. Between Carquinez Strait and the San Francisco Bar, Sierran sediment is intermingled with Franciscan-modified Sierran sediment. The latter continues out the Gate and turns southward towards beaches of the San Francisco Peninsula. The Sierran sediment also fans out from the San Francisco Bar to merge with a Sierran province on the shelf in the Gulf of the Farallones. Beach-sand sized sediment from the Russian River is transported southward to Point Reyes where it spreads out to define a Franciscan sediment province on the shelf, but does not continue southward to contribute to the sediment in the Golden Gate area.


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We reconstructed the surface hydrography of the South Equatorial Current in the western Indian Ocean for the last 65,000 years using a marine sediment core record. Results show that tropical Indian Ocean temperatures resemble temperatures from Antarctic ice cores with warm and cold fluctuations synchronous with the Antarctic Cold Reversal and the Antarctic warm events A1-A4. The most likely thermal link involves Subantarctic Mode Water (SAMW) which forms north of the subpolar frontal zone and spreads northward into the Indian Ocean. This subsurface water mass is the prime suspect because of a stronger temperature response in the thermocline (recorded by the foraminifer N. dutertrei) than in surface water (G. ruber).


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In the present competitive environment, companies are wondering how to reduce their IT costs while increasing their efficiency and agility to react when changes in the business processes are required. Cloud Computing is the latest paradigm to optimize the use of IT resources considering ?everything as a service? and receiving these services from the Cloud (Internet) instead of owning and managing hardware and software assets. The benefits from the model are clear. However, there are also concerns and issues to be solved before Cloud Computing spreads across the different industries. This model will allow a pay-per-use model for the IT services and many benefits like cost savings, agility to react when business demands changes and simplicity because there will not be any infrastructure to operate and administrate. It will be comparable to the well known utilities like electricity, water or gas companies. However, this paper underlines several risk factors of the model. Leading technology companies should research on solutions to minimize the risks described in this article. Keywords - Cloud Computing, Utility Computing, Elastic Computing, Enterprise Agility


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El presente trabajo de tesis investiga el efecto del fenómeno conocido como “Cross-talk” generado por el modo lateral de vibración, en la respuesta de un transductor ultrasónico formado por un arreglo de elementos piezoeléctricos tipo PZT (Zircanato Titanato de Plomo), la investigación se lleva a cabo desde el punto de vista de la naturaleza física de este efecto, así como de los parámetros asociados al mismo, así como un análisis del efecto del “Cross-talk” en la respuesta del transductor, formado por arreglos de elementos piezoeléctricos. Diversas investigaciones han abordado el fenómeno del “Cross-talk” y de sus efectos en la respuesta de los transductores, estos se han enfocado principalmente al modo espesor (thickness) de vibración. Sin embargo no ha habido un estudio a fondo para el estudio de este fenómeno en el modo lateral de vibración tema de interés de este trabajo de tesis. Este trabajo incluye simulaciones del fenómeno del “Cross-talk” mediante el método de los elementos finitos (MEF), así como la construcción de un transductor tipo matricial (arrray) de 2x3 elementos, en el que fueron realizadas las mediciones físicas del fenómeno. El trabajo abarca un estudio comparativo entre las simulaciones y las mediciones realizadas en el transductor, considerando que las cerámicas del transductor están montadas sobre diferentes materiales (backing) en donde la propagación de la energía emitida por las cerámicas piezoeléctricas provoca un mayor o menor grado de “Cross-talk” dependiendo de la velocidad en que se propaga dicha energía. Esta investigación también llevó a cabo el estudio del efecto del “Cross-talk” en el patrón de radiación que emite el arreglo de elementos piezoeléctricos, siendo este patrón de radiación un factor importante en la respuesta del transductor, motivo por el cual se realizó un análisis de cómo se ve afectado este patrón bajo la influencia del fenómeno del “Cross-talk”. Como ya se mencionó debido a la falta de un estudio a profundidad del fenómeno del “Cross-talk” en el modo lateral, la contribución del presente trabajo es importante ya que se enfoca al modo lateral de vibración de los elementos piezoeléctricos del arreglo. En particular se desarrollo una ecuación que permite cuantificar el fenómeno del “Cross-talk” y visualizar sus efectos en el arreglo. Derivando de este estudio se concluye que el fenómeno del “Cross-talk” generado por el modo lateral de vibración tiene un efecto significativo en la respuesta de los diferentes transductores matriciales considerados. ABSTRACT This thesis investigates the effect of the phenomenon known as crosstalk from the point of view of its physical nature and the elements that lead to the formation of this phenomenon to an analysis of how it may affect the performance of the ultrasonic transducer. This phenomenon occurs primarily in matrix arrays and this phenomenon is magnified by certain factors causing serious problems in the performance of a transducer. Researchers have addressed the phenomenon of crosstalk and their effects on the response of these transducers. They have mainly focused in the thickness vibration mode, and there has been no comprehensive study of this phenomenon in the lateral vibration mode, issue of interest of this thesis. This work includes simulations of the crosstalk phenomenon using the finite element method (FEM), and the construction of a matrix type transducer (array) of 2x3 elements, in which physical measurements were made. The work includes a comparative study between simulations and measurements in the transducer, whereas the ceramic transducer are mounted on different materials (backing) where the spread of the energy emitted by the piezoelectric ceramic causes a greater or lesser degree of crosstalk depending on the speed at which this energy spreads. This research also carried out the study of the effect of the crosstalk in the radiation pattern emitted by the piezoelectric array. The radiation pattern is an important factor in the response of the transducer that is why we conducted an analysis of how this pattern is affected under the influence of the crosstalk phenomenon. As mentioned before because of the lack of an in-depth study of the crosstalk phenomenon in the lateral vibration mode, the contribution of this work is important because it focuses in this vibration mode of the piezoelectric elements in the array. In particular, an equation was developed to quantify the crosstalk phenomenon and to see its effects in the array. Deriving from this study it is possible to conclude that the crosstalk phenomenon generated by the lateral vibration mode has a significant effect on the response of the different matrix transducers considered in this work.


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The price formation of the Iberian Energy Derivatives Market-the power futures market-starting in July 2006, is assessed until November 2011, through the evolution of the difference between forward and spot prices in the delivery period (“ex-post forward risk premium”) and the comparison with the forward generation costs from natural gas (“clean spark spread”). The premium tends to be positive in all existing mechanisms (futures, Over-the-Counter and auctions for catering part of the last resort supplies). Since year 2011, the values are smaller due to regulatorily recognized prices for coal power plants. The power futures are strongly correlated with European gas prices. The spreads built with prompt contracts tend also to be positive. The biggest ones are for the month contract, followed by the quarter contract and then by the year contract. Therefore, gas fired generation companies can maximize profits trading with contracts of shorter maturity.


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By 2050 it is estimated that the number of worldwide Alzheimer?s disease (AD) patients will quadruple from the current number of 36 million people. To date, no single test, prior to postmortem examination, can confirm that a person suffers from AD. Therefore, there is a strong need for accurate and sensitive tools for the early diagnoses of AD. The complex etiology and multiple pathogenesis of AD call for a system-level understanding of the currently available biomarkers and the study of new biomarkers via network-based modeling of heterogeneous data types. In this review, we summarize recent research on the study of AD as a connectivity syndrome. We argue that a network-based approach in biomarker discovery will provide key insights to fully understand the network degeneration hypothesis (disease starts in specific network areas and progressively spreads to connected areas of the initial loci-networks) with a potential impact for early diagnosis and disease-modifying treatments. We introduce a new framework for the quantitative study of biomarkers that can help shorten the transition between academic research and clinical diagnosis in AD.