938 resultados para solar system : general


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In dieser Dissertation wird die Ladungsträgergeneration und -rekombination in neuen polymeren Absorbermaterialien für organische Solarzellen untersucht. Das Verständnis dieser Prozesse ist wesentlich für die Entwicklung neuer photoaktiver Materialsysteme, die hohe Effizienzen erzielen und organische Solarzellen konkurrenzfähig im Bereich der erneuerbaren Energien machen. Experimentell verwendet diese Arbeit hauptsächlich die Methode der transienten Absorptionsspektroskopie, die sich für die Untersuchung photophysikalischer Prozesse auf einer Zeitskala von 100 fs bis 1 ms als sehr leistungsfähig erweist. Des Weiteren wird eine soft-modeling Methode vorgestellt, die es ermöglicht, photophysikalische Prozesse aus einer gemessenen transienten Absorptions-Datenmatrix zu bestimmen, wenn wenig a priori Kenntnisse der Reaktionskinetiken vorhanden sind. Drei unterschiedliche Donor:Akzeptor-Systeme werden untersucht; jedes dieser Systeme stellt eine andere Herangehensweise zur Optimierung der Materialien dar in Bezug auf Lichtabsorption über einen breiten Wellenlängenbereich, effiziente Ladungstrennung und schnellen Ladungstransport. Zuerst wird ein Terpolymer untersucht, das aus unterschiedlichen Einheiten für die Lichtabsorption und den Ladungstransport besteht. Es wird gezeigt, dass es möglich ist, den Fluss angeregter Zustände vom Chromophor auf die Transporteinheit zu leiten. Im zweiten Teil wird der Einfluss von Kristallinität auf die freie Ladungsträgergeneration mit einer Folge von ternären Mischungen, die unterschiedliche Anteile an amorphem und semi-kristallinem Polymer enthalten, untersucht. Dabei zeigt es sich, dass mit steigendem amorphen Polymeranteil sowohl der Anteil der geminalen Ladungsträgerrekombination erhöht als auch die nicht-geminale Rekombination schneller ist. Schlussendlich wird ein System untersucht, in dem sowohl Donor als auch Akzeptor Polymere sind, was zu verbesserten Absorptionseigenschaften führt. Die Rekombination von Ladungstransferzuständen auf der unter 100 ps Zeitskala stellt hier den hauptsächliche Verlustkanal dar, da freie Ladungsträger nur an Grenzflächen erzeugt werden können, an denen Donor und Akzeptor face-to-face zueinander orientiert sind. Darüber hinaus wird festgestellt, dass weitere 40-50% der Ladungsträger durch die Rekombination von Grenzflächenzuständen verloren gehen, die aus mobilen Ladungsträgern geminal gebildet werden.


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Space Based Solar Power satellites use solar arrays to generate clean, green, and renewable electricity in space and transmit it to earth via microwave, radiowave or laser beams to corresponding receivers (ground stations). These traditionally are large structures orbiting around earth at the geo-synchronous altitude. This thesis introduces a new architecture for a Space Based Solar Power satellite constellation. The proposed concept reduces the high cost involved in the construction of the space satellite and in the multiple launches to the geo-synchronous altitude. The proposed concept is a constellation of Low Earth Orbit satellites that are smaller in size than the conventional system. For this application a Repeated Sun-Synchronous Track Circular Orbit is considered (RSSTO). In these orbits, the spacecraft re-visits the same locations on earth periodically every given desired number of days with the line of nodes of the spacecraft’s orbit fixed relative to the Sun. A wide range of solutions are studied, and, in this thesis, a two-orbit constellation design is chosen and simulated. The number of satellites is chosen based on the electric power demands in a given set of global cities. The orbits of the satellites are designed such that their ground tracks visit a maximum number of ground stations during the revisit period. In the simulation, the locations of the ground stations are chosen close to big cities, in USA and worldwide, so that the space power constellation beams down power directly to locations of high electric power demands. The j2 perturbations are included in the mathematical model used in orbit design. The Coverage time of each spacecraft over a ground site and the gap time between two consecutive spacecrafts visiting a ground site are simulated in order to evaluate the coverage continuity of the proposed solar power constellation. It has been observed from simulations that there always periods in which s spacecraft does not communicate with any ground station. For this reason, it is suggested that each satellite in the constellation be equipped with power storage components so that it can store power for later transmission. This thesis presents a method for designing the solar power constellation orbits such that the number of ground stations visited during the given revisit period is maximized. This leads to maximizing the power transmission to ground stations.


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Direct imaging of extra-solar planets in the visible and infrared region has generated great interest among scientists and the general public as well. However, this is a challenging problem. Diffculties of detecting a planet (faint source) are caused, mostly, by two factors: sidelobes caused by starlight diffraction from the edge of the pupil and the randomly scattered starlight caused by the phase errors from the imperfections in the optical system. While the latter diffculty can be corrected by high density active deformable mirrors with advanced phase sensing and control technology, the optimized strategy for suppressing the diffraction sidelobes is still an open question. In this thesis, I present a new approach to the sidelobe reduction problem: pupil phase apodization. It is based on a discovery that an anti-symmetric spatial phase modulation pattern imposed over a pupil or a relay plane causes diffracted starlight suppression sufficient for imaging of extra-solar planets. Numerical simulations with specific square pupil (side D) phase functions, such as ... demonstrate annulling in at least one quadrant of the diffraction plane to the contrast level of better than 10^12 with an inner working angle down to 3.5L/D (with a = 3 and e = 10^3). Furthermore, our computer experiments show that phase apodization remains effective throughout a broad spectrum (60% of the central wavelength) covering the entire visible light range. In addition to the specific phase functions that can yield deep sidelobe reduction on one quadrant, we also found that a modified Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm can help to find small sized (101 x 101 element) discrete phase functions if regional sidelobe reduction is desired. Our simulation shows that a 101x101 segmented but gapless active mirror can also generate a dark region with Inner Working Distance about 2.8L/D in one quadrant. Phase-only modulation has the additional appeal of potential implementation via active segmented or deformable mirrors, thereby combining compensation of random phase aberrations and diffraction halo removal in a single optical element.


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Both historical and idealized climate model experiments are performed with a variety of Earth system models of intermediate complexity (EMICs) as part of a community contribution to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Assessment Report. Historical simulations start at 850 CE and continue through to 2005. The standard simulations include changes in forcing from solar luminosity, Earth's orbital configuration, CO2, additional greenhouse gases, land use, and sulphate and volcanic aerosols. In spite of very different modelled pre-industrial global surface air temperatures, overall 20th century trends in surface air temperature and carbon uptake are reasonably well simulated when compared to observed trends. Land carbon fluxes show much more variation between models than ocean carbon fluxes, and recent land fluxes appear to be slightly underestimated. It is possible that recent modelled climate trends or climate–carbon feedbacks are overestimated resulting in too much land carbon loss or that carbon uptake due to CO2 and/or nitrogen fertilization is underestimated. Several one thousand year long, idealized, 2 × and 4 × CO2 experiments are used to quantify standard model characteristics, including transient and equilibrium climate sensitivities, and climate–carbon feedbacks. The values from EMICs generally fall within the range given by general circulation models. Seven additional historical simulations, each including a single specified forcing, are used to assess the contributions of different climate forcings to the overall climate and carbon cycle response. The response of surface air temperature is the linear sum of the individual forcings, while the carbon cycle response shows a non-linear interaction between land-use change and CO2 forcings for some models. Finally, the preindustrial portions of the last millennium simulations are used to assess historical model carbon-climate feedbacks. Given the specified forcing, there is a tendency for the EMICs to underestimate the drop in surface air temperature and CO2 between the Medieval Climate Anomaly and the Little Ice Age estimated from palaeoclimate reconstructions. This in turn could be a result of unforced variability within the climate system, uncertainty in the reconstructions of temperature and CO2, errors in the reconstructions of forcing used to drive the models, or the incomplete representation of certain processes within the models. Given the forcing datasets used in this study, the models calculate significant land-use emissions over the pre-industrial period. This implies that land-use emissions might need to be taken into account, when making estimates of climate–carbon feedbacks from palaeoclimate reconstructions.


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We describe radial-velocity time series obtained by HARPS on the 3.60 m telescope in La Silla (ESO, Chile) over ten years and report the discovery of five new giant exoplanets in distant orbits; these new planets orbit the stars HD 564, HD 30669, HD 108341, and BD -114672. Their periods range from 492 to 1684 days, semi-major axes range from 1.2 to 2.69 AU, and eccentricities range from 0 to 0.85. Their minimum mass ranges from 0.33 to 3.5 MJup. We also refine the parameters of two planets announced previously around HD 113538, based on a longer series of measurements. The planets have a period of 663 ± 8 and 1818 ± 25 days, orbital eccentricities of 0.14 ± 0.08 and 0.20 ± 0.04, and minimum masses of 0.36 ± 0.04 and 0.93 ± 0.06 MJup. Finally, we report the discovery of a new hot-Jupiter planet around an active star, HD 103720; the planet has a period of 4.5557 ± 0.0001 days and a minimum mass of 0.62 ± 0.025 MJup. We discuss the fundamental parameters of these systems and limitations due to stellar activity in quiet stars with typical 2 m s-1 radial velocity precision.


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We investigated the atomic surface properties of differently prepared silicon and germanium (100) surfaces during metal-organic vapour phase epitaxy/chemical vapour deposition (MOVPE/MOCVD), in particular the impact of the MOVPE ambient, and applied reflectance anisotropy/difference spectroscopy (RAS/RDS) in our MOVPE reactor to in-situ watch and control the preparation on the atomic length scale for subsequent III-V-nucleation. The technological interest in the predominant opto-electronic properties of III-V-compounds drives the research for their heteroepitaxial integration on more abundant and cheaper standard substrates such as Si(100) or Ge(100). In these cases, a general task must be accomplished successfully, i.e. the growth of polar materials on non-polar substrates and, beyond that, very specific variations such as the individual interface formation and the atomic step structure, have to be controlled. Above all, the method of choice to grow industrial relevant high-performance device structures is MOVPE, not normally compatible with surface and interface sensitive characterization tools, which are commonly based on ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) ambients. A dedicated sample transfer system from MOVPE environment to UHV enabled us to benchmark the optical in-situ spectra with results from various surfaces science instruments without considering disruptive contaminants. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) provided direct observation of different terminations such as arsenic and phosphorous and verified oxide removal under various specific process parameters. Absorption lines in Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectra were used to identify specific stretch modes of coupled hydrides and the polarization dependence of the anti-symmetric stretch modes distinguished different dimer orientations. Scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) studied the atomic arrangement of dimers and steps and tip-induced H-desorption proved the saturation of dangling bonds after preparati- n. In-situ RAS was employed to display details transiently such as the presence of H on the surface at lower temperatures (T <; 800°C) and the absence of Si-H bonds at elevated annealing temperature and also surface terminations. Ge buffer growth by the use of GeH4 enables the preparation of smooth surfaces and leads to a more pronounced amplitude of the features in the spectra which indicates improvements of the surface quality.


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Este artículo estudia la evolución de un modelo de vivienda prefabricada en madera, ejemplificada en la casita de verano que construye Konrad Wachsmann para Albert Einstein en 1929 en Caputh, cerca de Potsdam. El físico deseaba construirse un "lugar de descanso", eligiendo la construcción en madera por su facilidad y rapidez de montaje, adaptabilidad, calidez y para que armonizara mejor con el medio ambiente en el paraje donde se insertaba. Konrad Wachsmann, que trabajaba para la firma de viviendas prefabricadas en madera "Christoph&Unmack A.G." le presentará un modelo prefabricado moderno. Esta tipología, que había evolucionado desde los diseños iniciales "nórdico escandinavos", pasando por el "jugendstil", hasta introducir un nuevo lenguaje de líneas puras, cubierta plana, y grandes ventanales iniciado por Poelzig, será ligeramente modificada por Einstein, que finalmente adjudica el encargo. Ayudado por Einstein a trasladarse a EEUU, Konrad Wachsmann continuará allí la labor de investigación sobre vivienda prefabricada junto con Walter Gropius, que dará como resultado el "General Panel System" y sus conocidas "Packaged Houses". A HOUSE FOR EINSTEIN: KONRAD WACHSMANN AND THE EVOLUTION OF A PREFABRICATED WOODEN HOUSING MODEL FROM " CHRISTOPH & UNMACK A.G." TO "GENERAL PANEL SYSTEM". This article studies the evolution of a prefabricated wooden housing model, exemplified in the summer house built by Konrad Wachsmann for Albert Einstein in 1929, in Caputh, near Potsdam. The Physician wanted to build a "resting house", choosing a wood construction because of its easy and fast assembly, adaptability, warmth and harmony with the environment where it would be inserted. Konrad Wachsmann, who worked for the wooden prefabricated houses firm "Christoph & Unmack AG", proposed Einstein a modern prefabricated wood model. This typology, which had evolved from the initial "Nordic Scandinavian" and "Jugendstil" designs to a new modern language initiated by Poelzig (with clean lines, flat roof, and large windows) will be slightly modified by Einstein, that finally hired the construction of the house. Aided by Einstein to move to USA, Konrad Wachsmann continued there his research work about prefabricated houses with Walter Gropius, giving as a results the "General Panel System" and the popular "Packaged Houses".


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We present a practical implementation of a solar thermophotovoltaic (TPV) system. The system presented in this paper comprises a sunlight concentrator system, a cylindrical cup-shaped absorber/emitter (made of tungsten coated with HfO2), and an hexagonal-shaped water-cooled TPV generator comprising 24 germanium TPV cells, which is surrounding the cylindrical absorber/emitter. This paper focuses on the development of shingled TPV cell arrays, the characterization of the sunlight concentrator system, the estimation of the temperature achieved by the cylindrical emitters operated under concentrated sunlight, and the evaluation of the full system performance under real outdoor irradiance conditions. From the system characterization, we have measured short-circuit current densities up to 0.95 A/cm2, electric power densities of 67 mW/cm2, and a global conversion efficiency of about 0.8%. To our knowledge, this is the first overall solar-to-electricity efficiency reported for a complete solar thermophotovoltaic system. The very low efficiency is mainly due to the overheating of the cells (up to 120 °C) and to the high optical concentrator losses, which prevent the achievement of the optimum emitter temperature. The loss analysis shows that by improving both aspects, efficiencies above 5% could be achievable in the very short term and efficiencies above 10% could be achieved with further improvements.


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The coupling between solar light radiation and laser rod medium in a solar pumped laser affects the efficiency of the laser. To optimize the pumping system, simulation of the two-stage pumping system with a Fresnel lens and conic pumping cavity is carried out with Tracepro software. According to the power density distribution along the axis at focal place of the Fresnel lens, the diameter and position of the pumping cavity window and the distance of the window from the Fresnel lens are optimized. The power density distributions along the laser rod axis of different cavity lengths and different cavity tapers are also analyzed. The optimal structure of taper cavity is obtained. The mirror relecting cavity and ceramic cavity are introduced in detail.


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Este artículo estudia la evolución del modelo de vivienda prefabricada en madera que construye Konrad Wachsmann para Einstein en 1929 en Caputh, cerca de Potsdam. El físico deseaba construirse un "lugar de descanso", eligiendo la construcción en madera por su facilidad y rapidez de montaje, adaptabilidad, calidez y para que armonizara mejor con el medio ambiente. Wachsmann, que trabajaba para la firma "Christoph & Unmack A.G." le presentará un modelo prefabricado moderno. Esta tipología, evolucionada desde los diseños "nórdico-escandinavo" y "jugendstil", hasta introducir un nuevo lenguaje de líneas puras, cubierta plana, y grandes ventanales, será ligeramente modificada por Einstein, que finalmente adjudica el encargo. Wachsmann continuará la labor de investigación sobre vivienda prefabricada junto con Gropius en EEUU, que dará como resultado el "General Panel System" y sus conocidas "Packaged Houses".