994 resultados para small Peptides


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Introducción: Las Lipofuscinosis Ceroideas Neuronales (LCNs) son un grupo de patologías neurodegenerativas hereditarias de atesoramiento lisosomal (PALs) caracterizadas por el almacenamiento en los lisosomas de materiales complejos pobremente reconocidos. Su curso es muy severo con desenlace fatal, habiendo sido definidos diversos tipos sobre la base del estudio de los fenotipos clínicos, enzimáticos, morfológicos y las mutaciones. Su incidencia es de 1:12.500 nacimientos vivos a nivel mundial. Las intervenciones farmacológicas con moléculas pequeñas han sido exitosas para algunas PALs; sin embargo, debido a que para cada una de las moléculas ha sido asumido un mecanismo de acción, la efectividad puede estar limitada a uno o a pocos desórdenes y no beneficiar a otros. Se han comprobado efectos diversos de una serie de moléculas tales como Miglustat, Chaperonas moleculares diseñadas, Clenbuterol, N-acetilcisteina (Mucomyst), Cisteamina, Gentamicina y PTC124. Los tratamientos farmacológicos/ con moléculas pequeñas podrían resultar exitosos para las LCNs, mereciendo consideración desarrollar terapias para estos desórdenesObjetivo generalo Investigar en un tipo de patologías del sistema nervioso central, las Lipofuscinosis Ceroideas Neuronales, el enfoque terapéutico-farmacológico con pequeñas moléculas aplicado a otras patologías hereditarias.Objetivos específicoso Desarrollar un prototipo de cultivo de fibroblastos de pacientes a nivel hospitalario en Córdoba y mantener cultivos de fibroblastos de pacientes afectados de una LCN de genotipo CLN2, con mutaciones conocidas. o Enriquecer los cultivos con fármacos/ moléculas pequeñas probadas en otras PALs.o Averiguar si se produce incremento de actividad enzimática de la Tripeptidil Peptidasa-I (TPP-I) lisosomal.Materiales y Métodos: cultivo de fibroblastos de pacientes con el agregado de fármacos/pequeñas moléculas. Los donantes serán diagnosticados en CEMECO a través de una estrategia sistematizada para el reconocimiento de las LCNs y se identificarán las mutaciones en el gen CLN2 causales de enfermedad. Se averiguará la actividad enzimática de TPP-I y se marcará la enzima con anticuerpos específicos en corridas electroforéticas por western blot. Resultados esperados: incrementos en la actividad enzimática de TPP-I en los cultivos celulares con agregado de fármacos/ pequeñas moléculas con respecto a los controles. Importancia del proyecto: se trata de una investigación traduccional (traslational research) en la cual la clínica y los servicios a pacientes se vinculan con la investigación científica, desde una perspectiva de integración. Se desarrolla en un Hospital Público, el Hospital de Niños de la Provincia de Córdoba, asiento del Centro de Estudio de las Metabolopatías Congénitas-CEMECO. Se beneficiarán los pacientes, dado que impactará sobre la calidad de los servicios hospitalarios al suministrar diagnósticos bajo los estándares internacionales, en estrecha vinculación con centros referenciales del exterior. Se obtendrán para los genes de las LCNs los datos del espectro de mutaciones y polimorfismos presentes en la región y se aportarán datos sobre posibilidades de las terapias farmacológicas en relación a cada una de las mutaciones.


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წიგნში წარმოდგენილია საქართველოში ზოგიერთი ოპტიკურად აქტიური მცირე ატმოსფერული მინარევის მრავალწლიური კვლევის შედეგები. წარმოდგენილია მონაცემები C02, CHx, S02 და აეროზოლების ანთროპოგენური ემისიების შესახებ. დაწვრილებითაა შესწავლილი აეროზოლების თვლადი კონცენტრაციის ვერტიკალური განაწილება ტროპოსფეროში საქართველოს სხვადასხვა რეგიონისთვის. ჩატარებულია ოზონის საერთო რაოდენობის, ატმოსფერული აეროზოლების ოპტიკური სიმკვრის და სხვა ნაერთების გრძელვადიანი ვარიაცების დეტალური ანალიზი. წარმოდგენილია ზოგიერთი ნაერთის გავლენის თეორიული შეფასება საქართველოში მზის პირდაპირი და გაბნეული რადიაციის რეჟიმზე.


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Magdeburg, Univ., Med. Fak., Diss., 2012


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A key to species groups of the genus Belostoma Latreille, 1807, using new taxonomic characters are presented as well as the revision of the four species included in the denticolle group: B. denticolle Montandon, 1903, and three new species: B. orbiculatum from eastern Argentina and southern Brazil, B. retusum from eastern Argentina and B. amazonum from northern Brazil which are described and illustrated.


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We analyzed the alimentary tract of 66 specimens of Amphisbaena munoai Klappenbach, 1969 from the Serra do Sudeste, state of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. Forty specimens (60.6%) had prey items in their gut. The diet consisted mainly of small invertebrate prey, such as termites, insect larvae and ants. The most abundant prey item was termites, found in 62.5% of the non empty stomachs. The high number of individual prey items in the majority of stomachs, the small size of the regular prey items, and the absence of gut content in specimens of A. munoai kept alive for about two days, indicate that this species forages very frequently. The predominance of fossorial prey items and the occasional records of nomadic ants lead us to suggest that A. munoai usually feeds underground, and occasionally forages on the surface.


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We studied life history traits of females of the lizard Eurolophosaurus nanuzae (Rodrigues, 1981), an endemic species of rock outcrop habitats in southeastern Brazil. During October 2002 and 2003 we sampled three populations in sites that encompass the meridional portion of the geographic range of the species. Clutch size varied from one to three eggs, with most females carrying two eggs. Clutch size did not vary among populations, but was correlated to female body size. Only larger females produced clutches of three eggs. Females of the small-sized E. nanuzae produce eggs as large as those of medium-sized tropidurids, thus investing a considerable amount of energy to produce clutches resulting in high values of relative clutch mass.


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ABSTRACT Quantitative evaluations of species distributional congruence allow evaluating previously proposed biogeographic regionalization and even identify undetected areas of endemism. The geographic scenery of Northwestern Argentina offers ideal conditions for the study of distributional patterns of species since the boundaries of a diverse group of biomes converge in a relatively small region, which also includes a diverse fauna of mammals. In this paper we applied a grid-based explicit method in order to recognize Patterns of Distributional Congruence (PDCs) and Areas of Endemism (AEs), and the species (native but non-endemic and endemic, respectively) that determine them. Also, we relate these distributional patterns to traditional biogeographic divisions of the study region and with a very recent phytogeographic study and we reconsider what previously rejected as 'spurious' areas. Finally, we assessed the generality of the patterns found. The analysis resulted in 165 consensus areas, characterized by seven species of marsupials, 28 species of bats, and 63 species of rodents, which represents a large percentage of the total species (10, 41, and 73, respectively). Twenty-five percent of the species that characterize consensus areas are endemic to the study region and define six AEs in strict sense while 12 PDCs are mainly defined by widely distributed species. While detailed quantitative analyses of plant species distribution data made by other authors does not result in units that correspond to Cabrera's phytogeographic divisions at this spatial scale, analyses of animal species distribution data does. We were able to identify previously unknown meaningful faunal patterns and more accurately define those already identified. We identify PDCs and AEs that conform Eastern Andean Slopes Patterns, Western High Andes Patterns, and Merged Eastern and Western Andean Slopes Patterns, some of which are re-interpreted at the light of known patterns of the endemic vascular flora. Endemism do not declines towards the south, but do declines towards the west of the study region. Peaks of endemism are found in the eastern Andean slopes in Jujuy and Tucumán/Catamarca, and in the western Andean biomes in Tucumán/Catamarca. The principal habitat types for endemic small mammal species are the eastern humid Andean slopes. Notwithstanding, arid/semi-arid biomes and humid landscapes are represented by the same number of AEs. Rodent species define 15 of the 18 General Patterns, and only in one they have no participation at all. Clearly, at this spatial scale, non-flying mammals, particularly rodents, are biogeographically more valuable species than flying mammals (bat species).