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A second species of the genus Eratomyia Amorim & Rindal-E. risaralda, sp. n.-is described from Risaralda, Colombia, based on one male and three females. The female of Eratomyia is described for the first time. A number of striking modifications in the female terminalia shared with Chiletricha Chandler support the hypothesis that they are sister genera within the Rangomaramidae. The position of Chiletricha and Eratomyia within the Chiletrichinae is discussed.
The six peculiar multicusped teeth described here were collected from sediments of the Upper Cretaceous of Sao Jose do Rio Preto Formation, near Ibira (northeastern Sao Paulo, Brazil). Their bulbous crowns are slightly labio-lingual compressed, and bear a main plus two accessory cusps, which conceal a well developed cingulum. Wear facets are seen on the main and distal accessory cusps. Comparison to the known Crocodyliformes with multicusped teeth show that the new material is not referable to ""protosuchians"" or eusuchians, nor related to two unnamed forms from Morocco and ""notosuchians"" such as Uruguaysuchus, Chiamaerasuchus, and Simosuchus. On the other hand, possible affinities with Candidodon and Malawisuchus were maintained based on shared traits. This includes teeth with the main cusp and some accessory cusps arranged in more than one axis, a previously defined unambiguous apomorphy of the putative clade composed of Candidodon plus Malawisuchus. The term Candidodontidae can be applied to this group, and defined as all taxa closer to Candidodon itapecuruensis than to Notosuchus terrestris, Uruguaysuchus aznarezi, Comahuesuchus brachybuccalis, Sphagesaurus huenei, Baurusuchus pachecoi, and Crocodylus niloticus. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background: Familial partial epilepsy with variable foci (FPEVF) is an autosomal dominant syndrome characterized by partial seizures originating from different brain regions in different family members in the absence of detectable structural abnormalities. A gene for FPEVF was mapped to chromosome 22q12 in two distantly related French-Canadian families. Methods: We describe the clinical features and performed a linkage analysis in a Spanish kindred and in a third French-Canadian family distantly related to the original pedigrees. Results: Onset of seizures was typically in middle childhood, and attacks were usually easy to control. Seizure semiology varied among family members but was constant for each individual. In some, a pattern of nocturnal frontal lobe seizures led to consideration of the diagnosis of autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy (ADNFLE). The Spanish family was mapped to chromosome 22q (multipoint lod score, 3.4), and the new French-Canadian family had a multipoint lod score of 2.97 and shared the haplotype of the original French-Canadian families. Conclusions: Identification of the various forms of familial partial epilepsy is challenging, particularly in small families, in which insufficient individuals exist to identify a specific pattern. We provide clinical guidelines for this task, which will eventually be supplanted by specific molecular diagnosis. We confirmed linkage of FPEVF to chromosome 22q 12 and redefined the region to a 5.2-Mb segment of DNA.
Background: The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists is co-ordinating the development of clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) in psychiatry, funded under the National Mental Health Strategy (Australia) and the New Zealand Health Funding Authority. This paper presents CPGs for schizophrenia and related disorders. Over the past decade schizophrenia has become more treatable than ever before. A new generation of drug therapies, a renaissance of psychological and psychosocial interventions and a first generation of reform within the specialist mental health system have combined to create an evidence-based climate of realistic optimism. Progressive neuroscientific advances hold out the strong possibility of more definitive biological treatments in the near future. However, this improved potential for better outcomes and quality of life for people with schizophrenia has not been translated into reality in Australia. The efficacy-effectiveness gap is wider for schizophrenia than any other serious medical disorder. Therapeutic nihilism, under-resourcing of services and a stalling of the service reform process, poor morale within specialist mental health services, a lack of broad-based recovery and life support programs, and a climate of tenacious stigma and consequent lack of concern for people with schizophrenia are the contributory causes for this failure to effectively treat. These guidelines therefore tackle only one element in the endeavour to reduce the impact of schizophrenia. They distil the current evidence-base and make recommendations based on the best available knowledge. Method: A comprehensive literature review (1990-2003) was conducted, including all Cochrane schizophrenia reviews and all relevant meta-analyses, and a number of recent international clinical practice guidelines were consulted. A series of drafts were refined by the expert committee and enhanced through a bi-national consultation process. Treatment recommendations: This guideline provides evidence-based recommendations for the management of schizophrenia by treatment type and by phase of illness. The essential features of the guidelines are: (i) Early detection and comprehensive treatment of first episode cases is a priority since the psychosocial and possibly the biological impact of illness can be minimized and outcome improved. An optimistic attitude on the part of health professionals is an essential ingredient from the outset and across all phases of illness. (ii) Comprehensive and sustained intervention should be assured during the initial 3-5 years following diagnosis since course of illness is strongly influenced by what occurs in this 'critical period'. Patients should not have to 'prove chronicity' before they gain consistent access and tenure to specialist mental health services. (iii) Antipsychotic medication is the cornerstone of treatment. These medicines have improved in quality and tolerability, yet should be used cautiously and in a more targeted manner than in the past. The treatment of choice for most patients is now the novel antipsychotic medications because of their superior tolerability and, in particular, the reduced risk of tardive dyskinesia. This is particularly so for the first episode patient where, due to superior tolerability, novel agents are the first, second and third line choice. These novel agents are nevertheless associated with potentially serious medium to long-term side-effects of their own for which patients must be carefully monitored. Conventional antipsychotic medications in low dosage may still have a role in a small proportion of patients, where there has been full remission and good tolerability; however, the indications are shrinking progressively. These principles are now accepted in most developed countries. (vi) Clozapine should be used early in the course, as soon as treatment resistance to at least two antipsychotics has been demonstrated. This usually means incomplete remission of positive symptomatology, but clozapine may also be considered where there are pervasive negative symptoms or significant or persistent suicidal risk is present. (v) Comprehensive psychosocial interventions should be routinely available to all patients and their families, and provided by appropriately trained mental health professionals with time to devote to the task. This includes family interventions, cognitive-behaviour therapy, vocational rehabilitation and other forms of therapy, especially for comorbid conditions, such as substance abuse, depression and anxiety. (vi) The social and cultural environment of people with schizophrenia is an essential arena for intervention. Adequate shelter, financial security, access to meaningful social roles and availability of social support are essential components of recovery and quality of life. (vii) Interventions should be carefully tailored to phase and stage of illness, and to gender and cultural background. (viii) Genuine involvement of consumers and relatives in service development and provision should be standard. (ix) Maintenance of good physical health and prevention and early treatment of serious medical illness has been seriously neglected in the management of schizophrenia, and results in premature death and widespread morbidity. Quality of medical care for people with schizophrenia should be equivalent to the general community standard. (x) General practitioners (GPs)s should always be closely involved in the care of people with schizophrenia. However, this should be truly shared care, and sole care by a GP with minimal or no special Optimal treatment of schizophrenia requires a multidisciplinary team approach with a consultant psychiatrist centrally involved.
The establishment of modern sociology in Brazil was part of a thoroughgoing modernization of the country that began in the 1930s and the years immediately following World War II. The founding of the University of Sao Paulo made possible the systematic training of scientists devoted to teaching and research and broadened the way learning was understood. Florestan Fernandes was the outstanding personality among the first social scientists that the university produced, and the picture of the Brazilian sociologist today is largely inspired by his career. Enthusiasm and scientific rigor were the hallmarks of his approach. His early work reflects intellectuals` shared belief in the power of ideas to regenerate the nation, freeing it from a past that they condemned. The mature reflection of his later works retreats from this optimistic view, recognizing the emergence of modern society in Brazil as a complex process with mixed results.
We describe here two new transposable elements, CemaT4 and CemaT5, that were identified within the sequenced genome of Caenorhabditis elegans using homology based searches. Five variants of CemaT4 were found, all non-autonomous and sharing 26 bp inverted terminal repeats (ITRs) and segments (152-367 bp) of sequence with similarity to the CemaT1 transposon of C. elegans. Sixteen copies of a short, 30 bp repetitive sequence, comprised entirely of an inverted repeat of the first 15 bp of CemaT4's ITR, were also found, each flanked by TA dinucleotide duplications, which are hallmarks of target site duplications of mariner-Tc transposon transpositions. The CemaT5 transposable element had no similarity to maT elements, except for sharing identical ITR sequences with CemaT3. We provide evidence that CemaT5 and CemaT3 are capable of excising from the C. elegans genome, despite neither transposon being capable of encoding a functional transposase enzyme. Presumably, these two transposons are cross-mobilised by an autonomous transposon that recognises their shared ITRs. The excisions of these and other non-autonomous elements may provide opportunities for abortive gap repair to create internal deletions and/or insert novel sequence within these transposons. The influence of non-autonomous element mobility and structural diversity on genome variation is discussed.
This study reports avian malaria caused by Plasmodium relictum in Magellanic Penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) from Sao Paulo Zoo. The disease was highly infective among the birds and was clinically characterized by its acute course and high mortality. The penguins of Sao Paulo Zoo were housed for at least 2 years without malaria; however, they had always been maintained in an enclosure protected from mosquito exposure during the night period. When they presented pododermatitis, they were freed at night for a short period. sao Paulo Zoo is located in one of the last forest remnants of the city, an area of original Atlantic forest. In the winter, the space destined for Zoo birds is shared with migratory species. Hence the possibility exists that the disease was transmitted to the penguins by mosquitoes that had previously bitten infected wild birds. Avian malaria parasites are transmitted mainly by mosquitoes of the genera Aedes and Culex, common vectors in the Atlantic forest. In this study, one Culex (Cux.) sp. was found, infected with P. relictum. There are diverse problems in housing distinct species of animals in captivity, principally when occupying the same enclosure, since it facilitates the transmission of diseases with indirect cycles, as is the case of Plasmodium spp., because certain species that cause discrete infections in some bird species can become a serious danger for others, especially penguins, which do not possess natural resistance. Thus, serious implications exist for periodically testing and administrating malaria therapy in captive penguins potentially exposed to mosquitoes during the night period, as well as other captive birds from Sao Paulo Zoo. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In the past three decades, special education has been subjected to extensive critique and reform of practices. These critiques have been based on notions of social justice and equity. However, the field has suffered from inadequate attention to assumptions about social justice. Social justice is essentially a contested concept. Rather than representing a unitary and universally shared concept, social justice has variable meanings. Differing views of social justice can be seen to underlie apparent contradictions in continuing practice in response to pressures for reform. Reforms predicated on individual rights have been undermined by deep commitments to meritocratic practices in U.S. schools. Reforms based on more communitarian principles, however, ignore the need for structure and the tendency for communal values to marginalize people with disabilities. Special education reform today requires a different basis in a relational definition of the self, structures to support the qualities of relationships, and a belief in the mutability of social justice.
The aim of this study was to confirm that the radiation doses received by attendants who manually restrain infants during fluoroscopic procedures are low. Doses to the hands and neck of three radiologists and three nurses performing or assisting at all the fluoroscopic procedures in a children's hospital were measured for 1 month using thermoluminescent dosemeters. All fluoroscopy on children at this hospital is performed without an antiscatter grid. Total doses for the neck ranged from 20 to 50 mu Sv per week and for hands from 40 to 210 mu Sv per week. These doses were shared by the three radiologists and the three nurses. Individual doses received per staff member are very small when compared with the doses received by interventional radiology staff. Doses received by staff in this study were of the order of 5% of the limit advised by the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia (NHMRC) for radiation workers. Nurses received larger doses than radiologists and steps will be taken to reduce this dose further.
Fogo selvagem (FS), the endemic form of pemphigus foliaceus (PF), is characterized by pathogenic anti-desmoglein 1 (DSG1) autoantibodies. To study the etiology of FS, hybridomas that secrete either IgM or IgG (predominantly IgG1 subclass) autoantibodies were generated from the B cells of eight FS patients and one individual 4 years before FS onset, and the H and L chain V genes of anti-DSG1 autoantibodies were analyzed. Multiple lines of evidence suggest that these anti-DSG1 autoantibodies are antigen selected. First, clonally related sets of anti-DSG1 hybridomas characterize the response in individual FS patients. Second, H and L chain V gene use seems to be biased, particularly among IgG hybridomas, and third, most hybridomas are mutants and exhibit a bias in favor of CDR (complementary determining region) amino acid replacement (R) mutations. Strikingly, pre-FS hybridomas also exhibit evidence of antigen selection, including an overlap in V(H) gene use and shared multiple R mutations with anti-DSG1 FS hybridomas, suggesting selection by the same or a similar antigen. We conclude that the anti-DSG1 response in FS is antigen driven and that selection for mutant anti-DSG1 B cells begins well before the onset of disease.
Diversity is one of the major characteristics of Brazil and all South America. This paper presents an overview of the current situation of the education of speech and language pathologists (SLP) and audiologists in Brazil and in several other countries of South America. This paper also discusses the main challenges shared by these countries. The discussion is focused on the mutual interferences between education and the areas of professional practice, cultural diversity and continued education. There are many emerging issues about the education of SLP and audiologists in South America. The suggested conclusion is that, despite the many differences, the South American SLP and audiologists` education would benefit from joint efforts and collaborative experiences. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel
Background/Aims: Statistical analysis of age-at-onset involving family data is particularly complicated because there is a correlation pattern that needs to be modeled and also because there are measurements that are censored. In this paper, our main purpose was to evaluate the effect of genetic and shared family environmental factors on age-at-onset of three cardiovascular risk factors: hypertension, diabetes and high cholesterol. Methods: The mixed-effects Cox model proposed by Pankratz et al. [2005] was used to analyze the data from 81 families, involving 1,675 individuals from the village of Baependi, in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Results: The analyses performed showed that the polygenic effect plays a greater role than the shared family environmental effect in explaining the variability of the age-at-onset of hypertension, diabetes and high cholesterol. The model which simultaneously evaluated both effects indicated that there are individuals which may have risk of hypertension due to polygenic effects 130% higher than the overall average risk for the entire sample. For diabetes and high cholesterol the risks of some individuals were 115 and 45%, respectively, higher than the overall average risk for the entire population. Conclusions: Results showed evidence of significant polygenic effects indicating that age-at-onset is a useful trait for gene mapping of the common complex diseases analyzed. In addition, we found that the polygenic random component might absorb the effects of some covariates usually considered in the risk evaluation, such as gender, age and BMI. Copyright (C) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel
Introduction The perimedullary arteriovenous fistulas are located on the pial surface and are usually supplied by spinal medullary arteries, that is, either by the anterior or posterior spinal arteries, with no intervening nidus between the feeder arteries and the venous drainage. The clinical findings are, more commonly, caused by progressive radiculomedullary ischemic processes secondary to steal vascular mechanism. As the vascular supply to the spinal cord and to the arteriovenous fistulas (AVF) is not shared with one another, the vascular steal phenomenon cannot be implicated in this case`s physiopathology. Most probably, the mass effect caused by the giant venous dilatation was the pathophysiological mechanism involved in this lesion Case report The authors describe the case of a 6-year-old girl with an intradural ventral arteriovenous fistula, with a giant venous dilatation, fed directly by L2 and L3 radiculomedullary arteries at the conus medullaris. There was no arterial supply to the fistula from the anterior or posterior spinal arteries. Selective spinal angiography showed an arteriovenous fistula supplied directly by two radiculomedullary arteries, with a large draining vein caudally. Interposing the arterial and venous vessels was a giant venous aneurysmal dilatation located ventral to the conus medullaris and extending from L3 to T6. The patient was successfully treated by a surgical approach through a laminotomy from L3 to T11. Conclusion The type IV-C spinal arteriovenous malformations or perimedullary AVFs are rare lesions predominately described at the conus medullaris with various types of angio-architecture and controversial treatment.
Presenilins (PS) are integral membrane proteins involved, among other functions, in regulated intramembrane proteolysis. In this study, we report the identification and characterization of a complementary DNA from Schistosoma mansoni exhibiting a significant homology to human and nonvertebrate presinilins. S. mansoni contained a 1,485 bp open reading frame encoding a predicted protein of 494 amino acids. Alignment of predicted amino acid sequence of S. mansoni with PS (SmPS) from other species revealed up to 40% similarity shared among the investigated organisms. In addition, phylogenetic analyses demonstrated SmPS being closely related to its orthologues found in Schistosoma japonicum and Caenorhabditis elegans. Expression analysis of SmPS using quantitative real-time PCR revealed that the transcript is up-regulated in the egg stage. We hypothesize that the high level of SmPS in the S. mansoni embryo correlates to an important role during cellular signaling associated to larval development. To our knowledge, this study represents the first attempt to investigate the existence and abundance of PS from a helminth parasite.
This study aimed to evaluate the association between the differential gene expression profiling of peripheral blood mononuclear cells of rheumatoid arthritis patients with their immunogenetic (human leucocyte antigen shared-epitope, HLA-SE), autoimmune response [anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (CCP) antibodies], disease activity score (DAS-28) and treatment (disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs and tumour necrosis factor blocker) features. Total RNA samples were copied into Cy3-labelled complementary DNA probes, hybridized onto a glass slide microarray containing 4500 human IMAGE complementary DNA target sequences. The Cy3-monocolour microarray images from patients were quantified and normalized. Analysis of the data using the significance analysis of microarrays algorithm together with a Venn diagram allowed the identification of shared and of exclusively modulated genes, according to patient features. Thirteen genes were exclusively associated with the presence of HLA-SE alleles, whose major biological function was related to signal transduction, phosphorylation and apoptosis. Ninety-one genes were associated with disease activity, being involved in signal transduction, apoptosis, response to stress and DNA damage. One hundred and one genes were associated with the presence of anti-CCP antibodies, being involved in signal transduction, cell proliferation and apoptosis. Twenty-eight genes were associated with tumour necrosis factor blocker treatment, being involved in intracellular signalling cascade, phosphorylation and protein transport. Some of these genes had been previously associated with rheumatoid arthritis pathogenesis, whereas others were unveiled for future research.