960 resultados para sediment erosion
An ordered gray-scale erosion is suggested according to the definition of hit-miss transform. Instead of using three operations, two images, and two structuring elements, the developed operation requires only one operation and one structuring element, but with three gray-scale levels. Therefore, a union of the ordered gray-scale erosions with different structuring elements can constitute a simple image algebra to program any combined image processing function. An optical parallel ordered gray-scale erosion processor is developed based on the incoherent correlation in a single channel. Experimental results are also given for an edge detection and a pattern recognition. (C) 1998 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. [S0091-3286(98)00306-7].
To be able to carry out physical, chemical and biological investigations on a lake, one needs a thorough knowledge of the volume of water and the shape of the lake basin. Little is known about the about the morphology of the lakes in Schleswig-Holstein and its ecological consequences. For this research a 30 KHz echo sounder with sediment transceiver was used to carry out profile determinations (echo soundings). This apparatus continuously records on paper the different reflexions and absorptions of the sediment and water body in the corresponding depth. By this, acoustically noticeable layers and different densities in the sediment and 'scattering layers' in the water body due to physical, chemical and biological reasons (e.g. plans and single fish) are made visible. Result are summarised here regarding the echo soundings in Blunker See.
The physical effects of river regulation in the U.K. by impoundments have attracted most attention from hydrologists and engineers concerned with predicting and maintaining discharge regimes for water supply. Grimshaw & Lewin (1980) suggested two basic methods to investigate the effects of regulation on suspended sediment discharge: (i) Compare the river load before and after reservoir construction, and (ii) adopt a paired catchment approach. The former method assumes stationarity of process in the natural system. The latter method, involving selecting two adjacent catchments of similar physical attributes, one regulated and one unregulated, assumes constancy of process spatially. In this report both approaches are adopted to examine the turbidity and suspended sediment concentration regime of the regulated River Tees. Neither approach was entirely satisfactory in the present case. This report examines the discharge and turbidity record consisting of approximately 4000 paired data points, representative of an 11-year post-impoundment period, that has been examined for the River Tees at Broken Scar, Darlington. A small amount of suspended sediment concentration data was also processed: these data are representative of both the pre-impoundment and post-impoundment sediment regime.
Sedimentos em suspensão representam um dos principais fatores que afetam a qualidade dos sistemas aquáticos no mundo; influenciam os processos geomórficos de construção da paisagem e podem indicar problemas de erosão e perda de solo na bacia hidrográfica contribuinte. O seu monitoramento espacial e temporal é fundamental nas atividades de gestão ambiental de áreas costeiras. Nesse sentido, a hipótese básica desta pesquisa é que o padrão espacial e temporal de plumas de sedimentos costeiras associado ao regime hidrológico do rio pode ser caracterizado a partir de imagens orbitais de média resolução espacial. Para comprová-la, elegeu-se a foz do rio Paraíba do Sul como área de estudo para definição e teste metodológico, e formulou-se como principal objetivo mapear qualitativamente a pluma costeira deste rio a partir de imagens Landsat 5 e CBERS-2, ao longo do período compreendido entre 1985 e 2007. As datas avaliadas foram criteriosamente definidas através de três estratégias de análise, totalizando cinqüenta imagens. Pesquisa bibliográfica e avaliação da resposta espectral da feição de interesse nas imagens selecionadas consistiram nas etapas principais da definição da metodologia. As plumas foram então identificadas, mapeadas e extraídas; posteriormente, suas características espaciais e temporais foram analisadas por intermédio de sistemas de informação geográfica e avaliadas em conjunto com dados históricos de vazão. Os resultados indicam que a banda do vermelho forneceu uma melhor discriminação interna da pluma, sendo, portanto, utilizada como base para as análises realizadas neste trabalho. Com exceção do procedimento de correção atmosférica, a metodologia proposta consiste na utilização de técnicas simples de processamento digital de imagens, baseadas na integração de técnicas semi-automáticas e de análise visual. A avaliação do padrão dos sedimentos e dos mapas temáticos qualitativos de concentração de sedimentos em suspensão indica a forte diferenciação existente entre cenários representativos de épocas de cheia e seca do rio. Análises espaciais do comportamento da pluma contribuem ainda para um maior conhecimento do espaço geográfico, fornecendo subsídios aos mais variados setores do planejamento e gestão ambiental.
Phosalone is a non systematic, wide spectrum organophosphate pesticide which was discovered in 1961 in the laboratories of the Societe des Usines Chimique Rhone-Poulenc in France. It has been approved for commercial use since 1964 in France, in Australia since 1966, in the United Kingdom in 1967 and in many other countries including Japan, Egypt, USSR and the USA. This study provides a full literature review on all aspects of phosalone including its physical, biological and chemical characteristics, and analytical methods of analysis with particular reference to soils/sediments. Furthermore, it aims to develop a method for the determintion of phosalone in aquatic sediments and to determine the adsorption of phosalone onto kaolinite.
This annotated bibliography is intended to give as reasonably complete a review of the existing literature as possible, and to offer some practical guidance in the selection and operation of sediment traps in future monitoring programmes.
Natural calcite precipitation in lakes is a well-known control mechanism of eutrophication. In hard-water lakes, calcite deposits on the flat bottoms of shallow lakes and near the shores of deeper lakes resulted from biogenic decalcification during the millenia after the last glacial period. The objective of a new restoration technology is to intensify the natural process of precipitation by utilizing the different qualities of calcareous mud layers. In a pilot experiment in Lake Rudower See, East Germany, phosphorus-poor deeper layers of the sediments were flushed out and spread over the phosphorus-rich uppermost sediments, to promote the co- precipitation of calcite with phosphorus from the water-column.
Esthwaite Water is the most productive or eutrophic lake in the English Lake District. Since 1945 its water quality has been determined from weekly or biweekly measurements of temperature, oxygen, plant nutrients and phytoplankton abundance. The lake receives phosphorus from its largely lowland-pasture catchment, sewage effluent from the villages of Hawkshead and Near Sawrey, and from a cage-culture fish farm. From 1986 phosphorus has been removed from the sewage effluent of Hawkshead which was considered to contribute between 47% and 67% of the total phosphorus loading to the lake. At the commencement of phosphorus removal regular measurements of phosphorus in the superficial 0-4 cm layer of lake sediment were made from cores collected at random sites. Since 1986 the mean annual concentration of alkali-extractable sediment phosphorus has decreased by 23%. This change is not significant at the 5% level but nearly so. There has been no marked change in water quality over this period. Summer dominance of blue-green algae which arose in the early 1980s after decline of the previous summer forms, Ceratium spp., has been maintained. Improvement in water quality is unlikely to be achieved at the present phosphorus loading.