396 resultados para rust


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Dans la région de Trois-Rivières (Québec, Canada), plus de 1 000 bâtiments résidentiels et commerciaux montrent de graves problèmes de détérioration du béton. Les problèmes de détérioration sont liés à l’oxydation des sulfures de fer incorporés dans le granulat utilisé pour la confection du béton. Ce projet de doctorat vise à mieux comprendre les mécanismes responsables de la détérioration de béton incorporant des granulats contenant des sulfures de fer, et ce afin de développer une méthodologie pour évaluer efficacement la réactivité potentielle de ce type de granulats. Un examen pétrographique détaillé de carottes de béton extraites de fondations résidentielles montrant différents degré d’endommagement a été réalisé. Le granulat problématique contenant des sulfures de fer a été identifié comme un gabbro à hypersthène incorporant différentes proportions (selon les différentes localisations dans les deux carrières d’origine) de pyrrhotite, pyrite, chalcopyrite et pentlandite. Les produits de réaction secondaires observés dans les échantillons dégradés comprennent des formes minérales de "rouille", gypse, ettringite et thaumasite. Ces observations ont permis de déterminer qu’en présence d’eau et d’oxygène, la pyrrhotite s’oxyde pour former des oxyhydroxides de fer et de l’acide sulfurique qui provoquent une attaque aux sulfates dans le béton. Tout d’abord, la fiabilité de l’approche chimique proposée dans la norme européenne NF EN 12 620, qui consiste à mesurer la teneur en soufre total (ST,% en masse) dans le granulat pour détecter la présence (ou non) de sulfures de fer, a été évaluée de façon critique. Environ 50% (21/43) des granulats testés, représentant une variété de types de roches/lithologies, a montré une ST > 0,10%, montrant qu’une proportion importante de types de roches ne contient pas une quantité notable de sulfure, qui, pour la plupart d’entre eux, sont susceptibles d’être inoffensifs dans le béton. Ces types de roches/granulats nécessiteraient toutefois d’autres tests pour identifier la présence potentielle de pyrrhotite compte tenu de la limite de ST de 0,10 % proposée dans les normes européennes. Basé sur une revue exhaustive de la littérature et de nombreuses analyses de laboratoire, un test accéléré d’expansion sur barres de mortier divisé en deux phases a ensuite été développé pour reproduire, en laboratoire, les mécanismes de détérioration observés à Trois-Rivières. Le test consiste en un conditionnement de 90 jours à 80°C/80% RH, avec 2 cycles de mouillage de trois heures chacun, par semaine, dans une solution d’hypochlorite de sodium (eau de javel) à 6% (Phase I), suivi d’une période pouvant atteindre 90 jours de conditionnement à 4°C/100 % HR (Phase II). Les granulats ayant un potentiel d’oxydation ont présenté une expansion de 0,10 % au cours de la Phase I, tandis que la formation potentielle de thaumasite est détectée par le regain rapide de l’expansion suivi par la destruction des échantillons durant la Phase II. Un test de consommation d’oxygène a également été modifié à partir d’un test de Drainage Minier Acide, afin d’évaluer quantitativement le potentiel d’oxydation des sulfures de fer incorporés dans les granulats à béton. Cette technique mesure le taux de consommation d’oxygène dans la partie supérieure d’un cylindre fermé contenant une couche de matériau compacté afin de déterminer son potentiel d’oxydation. Des paramètres optimisés pour évaluer le potentiel d’oxydation des granulats comprennent une taille de particule inférieure à 150 μm, saturation à 40 %, un rapport de 10 cm d’épaisseur de granulat par 10 cm de dégagement et trois heures d’essai à 22ᵒC. Les résultats obtenus montrent que le test est capable de discriminer les granulats contenant des sulfures de fer des granulats de contrôle (sans sulfures de fer) avec un seuil limite fixé à 5% d’oxygène consommé. Finalement, un protocole d’évaluation capable d’estimer les effets néfastes potentiels des granulats à béton incorporant des sulfures de fer a été proposé. Le protocole est divisé en 3 grandes phases: (1) mesure de la teneur en soufre total, (2) évaluation de la consommation d’oxygène, et (3) un test accéléré d’expansion sur barres de mortier. Des limites provisoires sont proposées pour chaque phase du protocole, qui doivent être encore validées par la mise à l’essai d’un plus large éventail de granulats.


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Este documento tiene dos propósitos. Por un lado, se trata de revisar los diferentes enfoques hacia el problema del adelgazamiento de la estructura organizacional y sus efectos enel desempeño de una empresa. Es necesario prestar especial atención a la perspectiva socio-cognoscitiva propuesta por McKinley, Zhao y Rust (2000) y el enfoque de red seleccionadopor Shah (2000) para comprender las perturbaciones que puede ocasionar el adelgazamiento de la estructura organizacional. Por otro lado, mi intención es contribuir a expandir lacomprensión acerca del efecto de las intervenciones de los sistemas tanto en el desempeño de la empresa como en la conducta de cada persona. El cuerpo de esta revisión es el siguiente: Primero, comienzo por definir adelgazamiento de la estructura organizacional y hablar sobre las perspectivas que se usan para explicar los efectos del adelgazamiento (por ejemplo perspectivas económicas, institucionales y socio-cognoscitivas).Luego me desplazo hacia la literatura que trata sobre las consecuencias más comunes del adelgazamiento de la estructura organizacional, al igual que otros puntos de vista referentes a la relación entre a) adelgazamiento y capacidad de aprendizaje organizacional, b) adelgazamiento y entorno laboral para lacreatividad, y c) adelgazamiento y motivación laboral. Enseguida, considero las reacciones de los sobrevivientes a los procesos de adelgazamiento bajo una perspectiva de red.


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Puccinia psidii (Myrtle rust) is an emerging pathogen that has a wide host range in the Myrtaceae family; it continues to show an increase in geographic range and is considered to be a significant threat to Myrtaceae plants worldwide. In this study, we describe the development and validation of three novel real-time polymerase reaction (qPCR) assays using ribosomal DNA and β-tubulin gene sequences to detect P. psidii. All qPCR assays were able to detect P. psidii DNA extracted from urediniospores and from infected plants, including asymptomatic leaf tissues. Depending on the gene target, qPCR was able to detect down to 0.011 pg of P. psidii DNA. The most optimum qPCR assay was shown to be highly specific, repeatable, and reproducible following testing using different qPCR reagents and real-time PCR platforms in different laboratories. In addition, a duplex qPCR assay was developed to allow coamplification of the cytochrome oxidase gene from host plants for use as an internal PCR control. The most optimum qPCR assay proved to be faster and more sensitive than the previously published nested PCR assay and will be particularly useful for high-throughput testing and to detect P. psidii at the early stages of infection, before the development of sporulating rust pustules.


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Biological control of weeds in Vanuatu began in 1935, with the introduction of the tingid Teleonemia scrupulosa to control Lantana camara. To date, nine biological control agents have been intentionally introduced to control eight weed species. Seven of these agents have established on their respective hosts while an eighth, Zygogramma bicolorata, an agent for Parthenium hysterophorus has only recently been released and establishment is unlikely. The fate of a ninth agent, Heteropsylla spinulosa, released for the control of Mimosa diplotricha is unclear. Six other biological control agents, including Epiblema strenuana which was first detected in 2014 on P. hysterophorus on Efate have spread into the country unintentionally. Control of the target weeds range from inadequate to very good. By far the most successful agent has been Calligrapha pantherina which was introduced to control Sida acuta and Sida rhombifolia. The beetle was released on 14 islands and managed to spread to at least another 10 islands where it has effectively controlled both Sida spp. Control of the two water weeds, Eichhornia crassipes by Neochetina bruchi and N. eichhorniae and Pistia stratiotes by Neohydronomus affinis, has also been fairly good in most areas. Two agents, T. scrupulosa and Uroplata girardi, were released on L. camara, and four other agents have been found on the weed, but L. camara is still not under adequate control. The rust Puccinia spegazzinii was first released on Mikania micrantha in 2012 and successfully established. Anecdotal evidence suggests that it is having an impact on M. micrantha, but detailed monitoring is required to determine its overall impact. Future prospects for weed biological control in Vanuatu are positive, with the expected greater spread of recently released agents and the introduction of new agents for P. hysterophorus, L. camara, Dolichandra unguis-cati and Spathodea campanulata.


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The discussions about social justice date from ancient times, but despite the enduring interest in the topic and the progress made, we are still witnessing injustices throughout the world. Thus, the search for social justice, under some form, is an inseparable part of our lives. In general, social justice may be considered as a critical idea that challenges us to reform our institutions and practices in the name of greater fairness (Miller 1999, p. x). In political and policy debates, social justice is often related to fair access (Brown, 2013) but at the same time its meanings seem to vary when we consider different definitions, perspectives and social theories (Zajda, Majhanovich, & Rust, 2006). When seen in the context of higher education, social justice appears in relevant literature as a buzzword (Patton, Shahjahan, Riyad, & Osei-Kofi, 2010). Within the recent studies of higher education and public debates related to the development of higher education, more emphasis is placed on the link between higher education and the economic growth and how higher education could be more responsive to the labour market demands, and little emphasis has been put on social justice. Given this, the present study attempts to at least partially fill the gap with regard to this apparently very topical issue, especially in the context of the unprecedented worldwide expansion of higher education in the last century (Schofer & Meyer, 2005), an expansion that is expected to continue in the next decades. More specifically, the expansion of higher education intensified in the second part of the 20th century, especially after World War II. It was seen as a result of the intertwined dynamics related to demographic, economic and political pressures (Goastellec, 2008a). This trend undoubtedly contributed to the increase of the size of the student body. To illustrate this trend, we may point out that in the period between 2000 and 2007, the number of tertiary students in the world increased from 98,303,539 to 150,656,459 (UNESCO, 2009, p. 205). This growth occurred in all regions of the world, including Central and Eastern Europe, North America and Western Europe, and contributed to raising the number of tertiary graduates. Thus, in the period between 2000 and 2008, the total number of tertiary graduates in the European Union (EU) 27 increased by a total of 35 percent (or 4.5 percent per year). However, this growth was very uneven, ranging from 21.1 percent in Romania to 0.7 percent in Hungary (European Commission working staff document, 2011). The increase of the number of students and graduates was seen as enhancing the social justice in higher education, since it is assumed that expansion “extends a valued good to a broader spectrum of the population” (Arum, Gamoran, & Shavit, 2007, p. 29). However, concerns for a deep contradiction for 21st-century higher education also emerged with regard to its expansion.


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This study presents an application of the geographical information system technology on plant disease involving a multidisciplinary teamwork of geoprocessing and physiopathology specialists. The spatial analysis tools in a GIS were used to evaluate the spatial distribution of two diseases of maize in Brazil: polysora rusl caused by Puccinia polysora and tropical rust caused by Physopella zeae. A database of cIimate variables (mean temperature. relative humidity. and leaf wetness duration) of cIimatological normal from 1961-1990 was obtained and then related it to a mathematical model of disease development (polysora rust) and to the cIimate intervals (tropical rust) in order to obtain the maps. The choice of the model or the favorable climate interval is the important chalIenge of the method because the difficulty of adequacy to the spatial and temporal scales for the specific application. The major incidence of both disease occurred in almost alI the North region from January to June. although this region has traditionalIy a low production of maize. Considering the biggest producers regions. for both the diseases, favorable areas are located in part of Mato Grosso, Tocanlins. Minas Gerais; Mato Grosso do Sul. and coastal areas of São Paulo, Paraná, and Santa Catarina. varying among the dilferent months from January to June. The method allowed making an adequate distinction of the states and the months considered.


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Genomic selection (GS) has been used to compute genomic estimated breeding values (GEBV) of individuals; however, it has only been applied to animal and major plant crops due to high costs. Besides, breeding and selection is performed at the family level in some crops. We aimed to study the implementation of genome-wide family selection (GWFS) in two loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) populations: i) the breeding population CCLONES composed of 63 families (5-20 individuals per family), phenotyped for four traits (stem diameter, stem rust susceptibility, tree stiffness and lignin content) and genotyped using an Illumina Infinium assay with 4740 polymorphic SNPs, and ii) a simulated population that reproduced the same pedigree as CCLONES, 5000 polymorphic loci and two traits (oligogenic and polygenic). In both populations, phenotypic and genotypic data was pooled at the family level in silico. Phenotypes were averaged across replicates for all the individuals and allele frequency was computed for each SNP. Marker effects were estimated at the individual (GEBV) and family (GEFV) levels with Bayes-B using the package BGLR in R and models were validated using 10-fold cross validations. Predicted ability, computed by correlating phenotypes with GEBV and GEFV, was always higher for GEFV in both populations, even after standardizing GEFV predictions to be comparable to GEBV. Results revealed great potential for using GWFS in breeding programs that select families, such as most outbreeding forage species. A significant drop in genotyping costs as one sample per family is needed would allow the application of GWFS in minor crops.


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This study investigated the physical characteristics of lightweight concrete produced using waste materials as coarse aggregate. The study was inspired by the author’s Peace Corps service in Kilwa, Tanzania. Coconut shell, sisal fiber, and PET plastic were chosen as the test waste products due to their abundance in the area. Two mixes were produced for each waste product and the mix proportions designed for resulting compressive strengths of 3000 and 5000 psi. The proportions were selected based on guidelines for lightweight concrete from the American Concrete Institute. In preparation for mixing, coconut shells were crushed into aggregate no larger than 3/4 inch, sisal fiber was cut into pieces no longer than 3/8 inch, and PET plastic was shredded into 1/4 inch-wide strips no longer than 6 inches. Replicate samples were mixed and then cured for 28 days before they were tested for compressive strength, unit weight, and absorption. The resulting data were compared to ASTM Standards for lightweight concrete masonry units to determine their adequacy. Based on these results, there is potential for coconut shell to be used as coarse aggregate in lightweight concrete. Sisal fiber was unsuccessful in producing the appropriate compressive strength. However, the reduction in spalling of the hardened concrete and the induction of air in the mixes incorporating sisal fiber suggests that it has the potential to improve other characteristics of lightweight concrete. Concrete mixes using PET plastic as aggregate resulted in adequate compressive strengths, but were too dense to be considered ‘lightweight’ concrete. With some adjustments to slightly decrease absorption and unit weight, the PET plastic concrete mixes could be classified as medium weight concrete and, therefore, achieve many of the same benefits as would be seen with lightweight concrete.


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Ribosome profiling (Ribo-seq), a promising technology for exploring ribosome decoding rates, is characterized by the presence of infrequent high peaks in ribosome footprint density and by long alignment gaps. Here, to reduce the impact of data heterogeneity we introduce a simple normalization method, Ribo-seq Unit Step Transformation (RUST). RUST is robust and outperforms other normalization techniques in the presence of heterogeneous noise. We illustrate how RUST can be used for identifying mRNA sequence features that affect ribosome footprint densities globally. We show that a few parameters extracted with RUST are sufficient for predicting experimental densities with high accuracy. Importantly the application of RUST to 30 publicly available Ribo-seq data sets revealed a substantial variation in sequence determinants of ribosome footprint frequencies, questioning the reliability of Ribo-seq as an accurate representation of local ribosome densities without prior quality control. This emphasizes our incomplete understanding of how protocol parameters affect ribosome footprint densities.