999 resultados para provisioning strategy


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This introduction to "Building Healthier Hearts" will give readers an overview of the report of the Cardiovascular Health Strategy Group. Firstly, it sets out the background to the strategy and its policy context. A brief description of mortality and morbidity trends from cardiovascular disease in Ireland follows. Next an overview is given of current health service provision and of the changes considered necessary by the Group Download the Report here


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The Strategy sets out an ambitious series of objectives to guide childrenâ?Ts policy over the next ten years. It sets out a common vision to work towards. It identifies six principles to guide all actions to be taken and it proposes a more holistic way of thinking about children which reflects contemporary understanding of childhood. To realise the vision the Strategy then sets three National Goals: to listen, think and act more effectively for children. New structures are proposed to deliver better co-ordination between government departments and the agencies providing services to children so that the Goals can be achieved. Rooted in the positive vision of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, it represents a different way of doing business, which will, if we all work together, help us become a society which fully values and respects its children. Download the Report here


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This strategy will cover the years 2000 to 2005 and is intended as a resource and guide for all relevant stakeholders and interested parties concerned with promoting health in the new millennium. It also fulfils the important commitment to health promotion development set out in the Programme for Prosperity and Fairness, and addresses Irelandâ?Ts obligations set out in the Mexico Ministerial Statement for the Promotion of Health endorsed by Ministers for Health at the 5th Global conference on Health Promotion held in Mexico in June 2000 Download the Report here


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This Report is the second report of the National AIDS Strategy Committee (NASC). It comprises the reports of the four Sub-Committees of NASC – Surveillance, Education and Prevention, Care and Management and Discrimination Download the Report here


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The purpose of this report is to set out the main developments from May, 1998 when Working for health and wellbeing was published up to the present time Download the Report here


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In April 2000, the Cabinet Committee on Social Inclusion requested that a review of the current national drugs strategy be undertaken. The overall objective of the review was to identify any gaps or deficiencies in the existing strategy and to develop revised strategies and, if necessary, new arrangements through which to deliver them. A sub-group of the Inter-Departmental Group on Drugs and the National Drugs Strategy Team â?" known as the Review Group â?" managed and oversaw the process. As part of the review, a study of the latest available data on the extent andnature of drug misuse in Ireland was undertaken. This revealed that the most commonly used drug in Ireland is cannabis, followed by ecstasy. However, in terms of harm to the individual and the community, heroin has the greatest impact. Download the Report here


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2004 marked the half-way point of the National Drugs Strategy and a mid-term review was initiated in June last year. The review was overseen by a Steering Group chaired by the Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs.The overall aim of the review was to examine the progress being made in achieving the key strategic goals set out in the Strategy and to enable priorities for future action to be identified â?" and a re-focussing of the Strategy if necessary â?" for the remaining period up to 2008. The Steering Group was also asked to examine the relevance of the Strategy in tackling the current nature and extent of drug misuse in Ireland, including emerging trends, and to identify any gaps presenting and how they might be addressed Download the Report here


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Making Knowledge Work for Health: A Strategy for Health Research, provides a framework for the development of health research to enhance health and quality of life and help ensure that our research compares favourably with the rest of the world. I believe that an active research community working close to the delivery of health care in clinical settings, laboratories, the community, third-level institutions and the healthcare industry is critical to the improvement of the quality of health services generally. It is vital for professional development and career satisfaction of health service staff. It is also important for the translation of ideas into medical and IT products that can add value to our economy Download the Report here


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The vision of this strategy is of a society where life is valued across all age groups, where the young learn from and are strengthened by the experiences of others and where the needs of those who are going through a hard time are met in a caring way so that: Download the report (PDF 1mb)    


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The National Health Strategy Consultative Forum took place on 2nd December 2005 in Dublin Castle. This was the fourth National Forum and it was chaired by Dr. John Bowman. This Report gives a general account of the proceedings on the day and contains extracts from the various presentations made to the Forum. Read the Report (PDF, 270kb)


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A Strategy for Cancer Control in Ireland June 2006 The Strategy was prepared by the National Cancer Forum and makes recommendations in relation to the organisation, governance, quality assurance and accreditation of all aspects of cancer care. View the report as a PDF Published: June 2006  


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The National Childcare Strategy aims to improve the availability and quality of chidcare, to meet the needs of children and their parents. Click here to download the document (PDF, 700kb)