622 resultados para pleasure


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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It’s a pleasure to welcome you to the University of Nebraska here in Lincoln. I’m delighted to be asked to join you for this dinner prelude to your Nebraska Great Gardens Symposium tomorrow. I’m also pleased to be able to welcome you to East Campus tonight, and to the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and I understand you’ll be meeting at the City Campus Union tomorrow. I am glad you have the opportunity to visit both campuses, and I hope you will come back when they are in bloom. As a newcomer to Nebraska myself – my wife Virginia and I arrived on a cold, snowy day last December, and I began my position here January 2 – I’m certainly looking forward to the arrival of spring. I have been told what a joy it is to be on this campus when plants and trees are in bloom, and when that special sense of spring renewal surrounds us.


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What a pleasure it is to be here today as we recognize outstanding scholarship. Like everyone here, I want to congratulate each of your students being recognized today for your scholastic accomplishments. I want you to know we are happy you’ve chosen to study with us in the College of Human Resources and Family Sciences, the Department of Biological Systems Engineering, and the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources.


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Thank you for inviting me to speak with you today. It is a pleasure to be here. I look forward to working with you in the days ahead; in fact, I look forward “to attending” this conference in the future and knowing many of you by name.


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It is a real pleasure to have this opportunity to visit Bluebird Nurseries and talk with everyone gathered here, and I join John Trumbull in welcoming you this morning. I am looking forward to learning more about the Nebraska nursery industry today, and I look forward to visiting and working with you now, and in the days ahead. Getting to know Nebraska and its residents is one of the real pleasures of my new job, and has been since I started in January. My wife Virginia and I literally slid into the state one snowy day last December - almost hard to remember that icy, snowy winter, given the past few months - and ever since our arrival we have been impressed and delighted by the friendliness and warmth of Nebraska's residents. This is a great state, and we are very happy to be here. As I welcome you I also want to offer Chancellor Harvey Perlman's regrets that he could not accept the invitation to be here, too; he is unable to join us because of conflicts in schedule.


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Board of Regents and President Smith: It's a real pleasure to be able to discuss the University's role in engagement with you today on behalf of the four campuses that comprise the University of Nebraska. In preparing this presentation I've drawn heavily upon the Kellogg Commission's report, entitled: "Returning to our Roots - The Engaged Institution," and the Michigan State University guidebook for planning-and-evaluating quality outreach, which is entitled: "Points of Distinction." I think both publications offer valuable insights as we explore the University's role as an engaged-partner with Nebraska.


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It’s a pleasure to be able to speak with you today. I want you to know that Virginia and I are delighted to be in Nebraska. And I’m especially happy to have arrived in the state at a time where I can, on my 7th day on the job, learn so much about UNL just by reading the state’s largest newspaper.


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Good afternoon. It is a real pleasure for me to be here with you today, and I thank you for inviting me. I also, as I begin my remarks today, want to thank each of you for the work you do, everyday, to help make this a better university. Please know that work is both valued and appreciated. I'd like to talk with you about a couple of topics today, and after that I'm going to open the floor for questions and comments. I look forward to hearing what you have to say, too. The first topic I'm going to talk about in the next few minutes is our land grant mission. People who know me at all can tell you I am passionate about land grants because I believe being part of a land grant university and helping to advance the land grant mission is one of the great privileges and responsibilities of our times.


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Good afternoon. It's a pleasure to be with you here in Plattsmouth today, and I am particularly pleased to be part of your Farmer's Day program. Because I am so new to Nebraska and the University of Nebraska Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, I am trying to learn as much as I can about how the Institute connects with the state, annd how you feel we can be an even better partner with Nebraska. I'm curious about our work in each Nebraska county, and because I was coming to Cass County today, I asked those I work with for some figures on how the Institute is part of the lives of Cass Countians.


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What a pleasure it is to be with you all tonight as we celebrate achievement! It is always a joy to me to see good work, hard work, work that matters, recognized. We certainly had the opportunity to see work that matters on today's tour, and I thank our Northeast Research and Extension Center faculty for all their research and extension efforts that further our land-grant mission. I also thank the staff of the Center for their good work in support of this mission.


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What a pleasure it is to be with you this morning - thank you for inviting me. I am looking forward to visiting with as many of you as possible while I am here today, and hope to have the opportunity to visit with you more as we meet again at other times and other places. One of the things I am always interested in knowing is what you perceive as Nebraska's greatest needs, now and in the future, and which of those Needs you think the University of Nebraska Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources can most efficiently and effectively address for our state. In the Institute we see ourselves as partners with Nebraska, and we seek ways we can work with Nebraska's residents to find the best solutions for our state's concerns.


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Thank you for inviting me to be with you today. It is a real pleasure, and I look forward to visiting with you both individually and collectively, now and in the future. I'd looked forward to meeting with you all earlier in the year, but a death in our family took my wife Virginia and me to Texas at the time of your April meeting, so I am very glad to have this opportunity to be with you now.


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What a pleasure it is to be here with you tonight for this year’s closing ceremony for the Japanese Ag Training Program. We have been so delighted to have those of you enrolled in the program studying with us for the past three months. You join the nearly 1,400 Japanese Ag Training Program trainees who have received animal science production, management, and agribusiness training from our faculty since the program began here in 1966, and we are so pleased to have had this opportunity to know and to work with you.


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It is my very real pleasure to welcome you here tonight. We are so pleased to have this opportunity to talk with you about Nebraska agriculture and natural resources, and the work we in the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources do as partners with Nebraska. We welcome your insights and your help in doing all we can to strengthen our efforts on behalf of Nebraska, where one in four people depends on agriculture for employment. That number underscores the importance of Nebraska's agricultural farm gate to consumer plate industry, as well as the importance of the work we conduct in IANR.


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It is a distinct pleasure to be with you this evening to present the Master Conservationist awards. I appreciate the opportunity to recognize those who have gone the extra mile to enhance Nebraska's natural resources and our way of life. Their efforts take on even more importance in a year like this when drought conditions have threatened field crops, pastures, and rangeland, as well as water for livestock and the citizens of our state. Times like this underscore how important it is for us to recognize the delicate balance of nature. The Master Conservationists we honor tonight have long-recognized the need for windbreaks to protect both crops and soils. They understand the benefits of controlled-grazing to maintain grass and protect the soil, as well as to provide forage in the future. Others have installed terraces and grassed waterways on fragile land, as well as reuse pits for irrigation water. Riverbanks have been restored and wildlife habitats have been developed. These practices and many others always are important, they take on new meaning in stressful periods like the one of 2002.