926 resultados para pediatric anesthesia


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Worldwide, 700,000 infants are infected annually by HIV-1, most of them in resource-limited settings. Care for these children requires simple, inexpensive tests. We have evaluated HIV-1 p24 antigen for antiretroviral treatment (ART) monitoring in children. p24 by boosted enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of heated plasma and HIV-1 RNA were measured prospectively in 24 HIV-1-infected children receiving ART. p24 and HIV-1 RNA concentrations and their changes between consecutive visits were related to the respective CD4+ changes. Age at study entry was 7.6 years; follow-up was 47.2 months, yielding 18 visits at an interval of 2.8 months (medians). There were 399 complete visit data sets and 375 interval data sets. Controlling for variation between individuals, there was a positive relationship between concentrations of HIV-1 RNA and p24 (P < 0.0001). While controlling for initial CD4+ count, age, sex, days since start of ART, and days between visits, the relative change in CD4+ count between 2 successive visits was negatively related to the corresponding relative change in HIV-1 RNA (P = 0.009), but not to the initial HIV-1 RNA concentration (P = 0.94). Similarly, we found a negative relationship with the relative change in p24 over the interval (P < 0.0001), whereas the initial p24 concentration showed a trend (P = 0.08). Statistical support for the p24 model and the HIV-1 RNA model was similar. p24 may be an accurate low-cost alternative to monitor ART in pediatric HIV-1 infection.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate pulmonary and cardiovascular effects of a recruitment maneuver (RM) combined with positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) during total intravenous anesthesia in ponies. ANIMALS: 6 healthy adult Shetland ponies. PROCEDURE: After premedication with detomidine (10 microg/kg, IV), anesthesia was induced with climazolam (0.06 mg/kg, IV) and ketamine (2.2 mg/kg, IV) and maintained with a constant rate infusion of detomidine (0.024 mg/kg/h), climazolam (0.036 mg/kg/h), and ketamine (2.4 mg/kg/h). The RM was preceded by an incremental PEEP titration and followed by a decremental PEEP titration, both at a constant airway pressure difference (deltaP) of 20 cm H2O. The RM consisted of a stepwise increase in deltaP by 25, 30, and 35 cm H2O obtained by increasing peak inspiratory pressure (PIP) to 45, 50, and 55 cm H2O, while maintaining PEEP at 20 cm H2O. Hemodynamic and pulmonary variables were analyzed at every step of the PEEP titration-RM. RESULTS: During the PEEP titration-RM, there was a significant increase in PaO 2 (+12%), dynamic compliance (+ 62%), and heart rate (+17%) and a decrease in shunt (-19%) and mean arterial blood pressure (-21%) was recorded. Cardiac output remained stable. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Although baseline oxygenation was high, Pa(O2) and dynamic compliance further increased during the RM. Despite the use of high PIP and PEEP and a high tidal volume, limited cardiovascular compromise was detected. A PEEP titration-RM may be used to improve oxygenation in anesthetized ponies. During stable hemodynamic conditions, PEEP titration-RM can be performed with acceptable adverse cardiovascular effects.


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OBJECTIVE: To compare analgesic efficacy of preoperative versus postoperative administration of carprofen and to determine, if preincisional mepivacaine epidural anesthesia improves postoperative analgesia in dogs treated with carprofen. STUDY DESIGN: Blind, randomized clinical study. ANIMALS: Dogs with femoral (n=18) or pelvic (27) fractures. METHODS: Dogs were grouped by restricted randomization into 4 groups: group 1 = carprofen (4 mg/kg subcutaneously) immediately before induction of anesthesia, no epidural anesthesia; group 2 = carprofen immediately after extubation, no epidural anesthesia; group 3 = carprofen immediately before induction, mepivacaine epidural block 15 minutes before surgical incision; and group 4 = mepivacaine epidural block 15 minutes before surgical incision, carprofen after extubation. All dogs were administered carprofen (4 mg/kg, subcutaneously, once daily) for 4 days after surgery. Physiologic variables, nociceptive threshold, lameness score, pain, and sedation (numerical rating scale [NRS], visual analog scale [VAS]), plasma glucose and cortisol concentration, renal function, and hemostatic variables were measured preoperatively and at various times after surgery. Dogs with VAS pain scores >30 were administered rescue analgesia. RESULTS: Group 3 and 4 dogs had significantly lower pain scores and amount of rescue analgesia compared with groups 1 and 2. VAS and NRS pain scores were not significantly different among groups 1 and 2 or among groups 3 and 4. There was no treatment effect on renal function and hemostatic variables. CONCLUSIONS: Preoperative carprofen combined with mepivacaine epidural anesthesia had superior postoperative analgesia compared with preoperative carprofen alone. When preoperative epidural anesthesia was performed, preoperative administration of carprofen did not improve postoperative analgesia compared with postoperative administration of carprofen. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Preoperative administration of systemic opioid agonists in combination with regional anesthesia and postoperative administration of carprofen provides safe and effective pain relieve in canine fracture repair.


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Deep litter has been shown to decrease stereotypic wire-gnawing in male golden hamsters, suggesting that increased litter depth may be associated with decreased chronic stress levels. To determine the relationship between litter depth and stress levels in hamsters, the authors measured serum levels of corticosterone, cortisol, and ACTH in male golden hamsters kept in cages with three different depths of litter. The duration of handling the hamsters significantly increased the concentrations of corticosterone, cortisol, and the ratio of cortisol/corticosterone. It took longer to catch hamsters housed in cages with deep litter and the ACTH levels were higher in these hamsters. The positive effect of the enrichment (deep litter) was diminished by methodological problems during handling/anesthesia.


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Central venous catheters are established as vascular access in hemodialysis therapy. Vascular catheter misdirection may occur and is a well known problem. We present a rare catheter malposition in a young dialysis patient with consequent dilatation of the azygos vein system, simulating the appearance of an azygos continuation syndrome.


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OBJECTIVE: Increased levels of 8-isoprostane were found in various human lung diseases suggesting 8-isoprostane as a marker of pulmonary oxidative stress in vivo. The exact role in pediatric lung diseases has not been defined yet. The goal of this study was to clarify the role of 8-isoprostane in nasally exhaled breath condensate as possible marker of oxidative stress in children with different lung diseases. METHODS: Levels of 8-isoprostane were measured in nasally exhaled breath condensate of 29 cystic fibrosis patients, 19 children with a history of wheezing episodes, 8 infants with acute respiratory tract infection and 53 healthy subjects using a specific enzyme immunoassay. RESULTS: Levels of 8-isoprostane did neither discriminate between different disease groups nor correlate with lung function in cystic fibrosis patients. CONCLUSIONS: Levels of 8-isoprostane in nasally exhaled breath condensate do not reflect oxidative stress in children with different lung diseases.


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BACKGROUND: Mannose-binding lectin-associated serine protease-2 (MASP-2) is an essential component of the lectin pathway of complement activation. MASP-2 deficiency is common because of genetic polymorphisms, but its impact on susceptibility to infection is largely unknown. The aim of the present study was to determine whether children with cancer and MASP-2 deficiency develop more frequent or more severe episodes of fever and severe chemotherapy-induced neutropenia (FN). METHODS: Serum MASP-2 was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay at the time of diagnosis in children treated with chemotherapy for cancer. Association of FN episodes with MASP-2 concentration was analyzed using Poisson regression accounting for chemotherapy intensity and duration. RESULTS: Median MASP-2 in 94 children was 527 ng/mL (interquartile range, 367-686). Nine (10%) children had MASP-2 deficiency (<200 ng/mL). During a cumulative chemotherapy exposure time of 82 years, 177 FN episodes were recorded. MASP-2 deficient children had a significantly increased risk of developing FN (multivariate risk ratio, 2.08; 95% confidence interval, 1.31-3.21; P = 0.002), translating into significantly prolonged cumulative duration of hospitalization and of intravenous antimicrobial therapy. They experienced significantly more episodes of FN without a microbiologically defined etiology, and there was a trend toward more frequent episodes of FN with bacteremia. CONCLUSION: In this study, MASP-2 deficiency was associated with an increased risk of FN in children treated with chemotherapy for cancer. MASP-2 deficiency represents a novel risk factor for chemotherapy-related infections.


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MATERIALS AND METHODS: In a pilot study, results of real-time broad-range (16S rRNA) polymerase chain reaction (PCR) performed on 45 blood samples of pediatric cancer patients with fever and neutropenia were compared with blood culture results. RESULTS: The PCR assay used, having proven a high sensitivity in artificially spiked blood samples, was positive in only three of ten blood culture-positive samples, and it was positive in 10 of 35 (29%) culture-negative samples. CONCLUSION: This broad-range PCR assay, which may identify not-grown bacteria potentially contributing to fever, needs improvement in sensitivity, and different reasons for positive PCR in negative blood culture samples need to be assessed before clinical application.


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BACKGROUND: Studies on airway remodeling in children with cystic fibrosis (CF) may be hampered by difficulty in obtaining evaluable endobronchial biopsy specimens because of large amounts of mucus and inflammation in the CF airway. We prospectively assessed how the quality of biopsy specimens obtained from children with CF compare with those from children with other airway diseases. METHODS: Fiberoptic bronchoscopy with endobronchial biopsy was performed in 67 CF children (age range, 0.2 to 16.8 years), 34 children with wheeze/asthma (W/A), and 64 control children with chronic respiratory symptoms. Up to three biopsy specimens were taken and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Biopsy specimen size and structural composition were quantified using stereology. RESULTS: At least one evaluable biopsy specimen was obtained in 72% of CF children, in 79% of children with W/A, and in 72% of control subjects (difference was not significant). The use of large biopsy forceps (2.0 mm) rather than small biopsy forceps (1.0 mm) [odds ratio (OR), 5.8; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.1 to 29.8; p = 0.037] and the number of biopsy specimens taken (odds ratio, 2.6; 95% confidence interval, 1.3 to 5.2; p = 0.006) significantly contributed to the success rate. Biopsy size and composition were similar between groups, except that CF children and those patients with W/A had a higher percentage of the biopsy specimen composed of muscle than did control subjects (median 6.2% and 9.7% vs 0.9%, respectively; p = 0.002). CONCLUSIONS: Biopsy size and quality are adequate for the study of airway remodeling in CF children as young as 2 months of age. Researchers should use large forceps when possible and take at least two biopsy specimens per patient. An increased airway smooth muscle content of the airway mucosa may contribute to the pathophysiology of CF lung disease.