963 resultados para partition in micellar phase


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Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena oli tehdä selvitys EDI:in liittyvistä vaikutuksista, tarpeista ja eduista sekä valmistella Oracle Applications- toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän EDI Gateway- modulin ottamista tuotantokäyttöön. Tietoa tarvekartoitukseen saatiin keskustelujen avulla. Uusia kaupallisista lähtökohdista johdettuja, yritysten väliseen kaupankäyntiin ja internet-teknologian hyödyntämiseen kehitettyjä aloitteita käsiteltiin EDI-näkökulmasta tulevaisuutta varten. Ajankohtaisinta tietoa tätä diplomityötä varten löydettiin myös internetistä. Tämän jälkeen oli mahdollista toteuttaa sopivan laaja mutta rajattu EDI pilottiprojekti EDI-konseptin luomista varten. EDI:n vaikutuksiin ostossa keskityttiin tässä diplomityössä enemmän ja EDI:ä päätettiin soveltaa aluksi ostotilauksissa. EDI:n hyötyjä on vaikea mitata numeerisesti. Suurta määrää rahaa tai tuoteyksiköitä on käsiteltävä EDI-partnerin kanssa riittävän usein. EDI:n käyttöönottovaiheessa pääongelmat ovat sovelluksiin liittyviä tietotekniikkaongelmia. Selvityksistä ja EDI-projektista saatu tieto on mahdollista hyödyntää jatkokehityksessä. Lisätoimenpiteitä tarvitaan kokonaan toimivan järjestelmän luomiseksi.


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Contralesional brain connectivity plasticity was previously reported after stroke. This study aims at disentangling the biological mechanisms underlying connectivity plasticity in the uninjured motor network after an ischemic lesion. In particular, we measured generalized fractional anisotropy (GFA) and magnetization transfer ratio (MTR) to assess whether poststroke connectivity remodeling depends on axonal and/or myelin changes. Diffusion-spectrum imaging and magnetization transfer MRI at 3T were performed in 10 patients in acute phase, at 1 and 6 months after stroke, which was affecting motor cortical and/or subcortical areas. Ten age- and gender-matched healthy volunteers were scanned 1 month apart for longitudinal comparison. Clinical assessment was also performed in patients prior to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In the contralesional hemisphere, average measures and tract-based quantitative analysis of GFA and MTR were performed to assess axonal integrity and myelination along motor connections as well as their variations in time. Mean and tract-based measures of MTR and GFA showed significant changes in a number of contralesional motor connections, confirming both axonal and myelin plasticity in our cohort of patients. Moreover, density-derived features (peak height, standard deviation, and skewness) of GFA and MTR along the tracts showed additional correlation with clinical scores than mean values. These findings reveal the interplay between contralateral myelin and axonal remodeling after stroke.


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It is axiomatic that our planet is extensively inhabited by diverse micro-organisms such as bacteria, yet the absolute diversity of different bacterial species is widely held to be unknown. Different bacteria can be found from the depths of the oceans to the top of the mountains; even the air is more or less colonized by bacteria. Most bacteria are either harmless or even advantageous to human beings but there are also bacteria, which can cause severe infectious diseases or spoil the supplies intended for human consumption. Therefore, it is vitally important not only to be able to detect and enumerate bacteria but also to assess their viability and possible harmfulness. Whilst the growth of bacteria is remarkably fast under optimum conditions and easy to detect by cultural methods, most bacteria are believed to lie in stationary phase of growth in which the actual growth is ceased and thus bacteria may simply be undetectable by cultural techniques. Additionally, several injurious factors such as low and high temperature or deficiency of nutrients can turn bacteria into a viable but non-culturable state (VBNC) that cannot be detected by cultural methods. Thereby, various noncultural techniques developed for the assessment of bacterial viability and killing have widely been exploited in modern microbiology. However, only a few methods are suitable for kinetic measurements, which enable the real-time detection of bacterial growth and viability. The present study describes alternative methods for measuring bacterial viability and killing as well as detecting the effects of various antimicrobial agents on bacteria on a real-time basis. The suitability of bacterial (lux) and beetle (luc) luciferases as well as green fluorescent protein (GFP) to act as a marker of bacterial viability and cell growth was tested. In particular, a multiparameter microplate assay based on GFP-luciferase combination as well as a flow cytometric measurement based on GFP-PI combination were developed to perform divergent viability analyses. The results obtained suggest that the antimicrobial activities of various drugs against bacteria could be successfully measured using both of these methods. Specifically, the data reliability of flow cytometric viability analysis was notably improved as GFP was utilized in the assay. A fluoro-luminometric microplate assay enabled kinetic measurements, which significantly improved and accelerated the assessment of bacterial viability compared to more conventional viability assays such as plate counting. Moreover, the multiparameter assay made simultaneous detection of GFP fluorescence and luciferase bioluminescence possible and provided extensive information about multiple cellular parameters in single assay, thereby increasing the accuracy of the assessment of the kinetics of antimicrobial activities on target bacteria.


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Boiling two-phase flow and the equations governing the motion of fluid in two-phase flows are discussed in this thesis. Disposition of the governing equations in three-dimensional complex geometries is considered from the perspective of the porous medium concept. The equations governing motion in two-phase flows were formulated, discretized and implemented in a subroutine for pressure-velocity solution utilizing the SIMPLE algorithm modified for two-phase flow. The subroutine was included in PORFLO, which is a three-dimensional 5-equation porous media model developed at VTT by Jaakko Miettinen. The development of two-phase flow and the resulting void fraction distribution was predicted in a geometry resembling a section of BWR fuel bundle in a couple of test cases using PORFLO.


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p-Nitrobenzyloxycarbonyl was used as temporary protecting group for the -amino function in solid-phase peptide synthesis. The corresponding derivatives are solids, easy to be synthesized, and perform well in the solid-phase mode. pNZ is removed in practical neutral conditions in the presence of catalytic amounts of acid. They are orthogonal with the most common protecting groups used in peptide chemistry. They are specially useful in combination with Fmoc chemistry to overcome those side reactions associated with the used of the piperidine such DKP and aspartiimide formation. The flexibility of pNZ can be very useful for the preparation of libraries of small organic molecules.


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A simple and effective route has been developed for the synthesis of bimodal (3.6 and 9.4 nm) mesoporous silica materials that have two ordered interconnected pore networks. Mesostructures have been prepared through the self assembly mechanism by using a mixture of polyoxyethylene fluoroalkyl ether and triblock copolymer as building block. The investigation of the RF8(EO)9/P123/water phase diagram evidences that in the considered surfactant range of concentrations, the system is micellar (L1). DLS measurements indicate that this micellar phase is composed of two types of micelles, the size of the first one at around 7.6 nm corresponds unambiguously to the pure fluorinated micelles. The second type of micelles at higher diameter consists of fluorinated micelles which have accommodated a weak fraction of P123 molecules. Thus, in this study the bimodal mesoporous silica are really templated by two kinds of micelles.


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Herein, we report the formation of organized mesoporous silica materials prepared from a novel nonionic gemini surfactant, myristoyl-end capped Jeffamine, synthesized from a polyoxyalkyleneamine (ED900). The behavior of the modified Jeffamine in water was first investigated. A direct micellar phase (L1) and a hexagonal (H1) liquid crystal were found. The structure of the micelles was investigated from the SAXS and the analysis by Generalized Indirect Fourier Transformation (GIFT), which show that the particles are globular of coreshell type. The myristoyl chains, located at the ends of the amphiphile molecule are assembled to form the core of the micelles and, as a consequence, the molecules are folded over on themselves. Mesoporous materials were then synthesized from the self-assembly mechanism. The recovered materials were characterized by SAXS measurements, nitrogen adsorptiondesorption analysis, transmission and scanning electron microscopy. The results clearly evidence that by modifying the synthesis parameters, such as the surfactant/silica precursor molar ratio and the hydrothermal conditions, one can control the size and the nanostructuring of the resulting material. It was observed that, the lower the temperature of the hydrothermal treatment, the better the mesopore ordering.


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This article reports the phase behavior determi- nation of a system forming reverse liquid crystals and the formation of novel disperse systems in the two-phase region. The studied system is formed by water, cyclohexane, and Pluronic L-121, an amphiphilic block copolymer considered of special interest due to its aggregation and structural proper- ties. This system forms reverse cubic (I2) and reverse hexagonal (H2) phases at high polymer concentrations. These reverse phases are of particular interest since in the two-phase region, stable high internal phase reverse emulsions can be formed. The characterization of the I2 and H2 phases and of the derived gel emulsions was performed with small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and rheometry, and the influence of temperature and water content was studied. TheH2 phase experimented a thermal transition to an I2 phase when temperature was increased, which presented an Fd3m structure. All samples showed a strong shear thinning behavior from low shear rates. The elasticmodulus (G0) in the I2 phase was around 1 order of magnitude higher than in theH2 phase. G0 was predominantly higher than the viscousmodulus (G00). In the gel emulsions,G0 was nearly frequency-independent, indicating their gel type nature. Contrarily to water-in-oil (W/O) normal emulsions, in W/I2 and W/H2 gel emulsions, G0, the complex viscosity (|η*|), and the yield stress (τ0) decreased with increasing water content, since the highly viscous microstructure of the con- tinuous phase was responsible for the high viscosity and elastic behavior of the emulsions, instead of the volumefraction of dispersed phase and droplet size. A rheological analysis, in which the cooperative flow theory, the soft glass rheology model, and the slip plane model were analyzed and compared, was performed to obtain one single model that could describe the non-Maxwellian behavior of both reverse phases and highly concentrated emulsions and to characterize their microstructure with the rheological properties.


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Scientific studies regarding specifically references do not seem to exist. However, the utilization of references is an important practice for many companies involved in industrial marketing. The purpose of the study is to increase the understanding about the utilization of references in international industrial marketing in order to contribute to the development of a theory of reference behavior. Specifically, the modes of reference usage in industry, the factors affecting a supplier's reference behavior, and the question how references are actually utilized, are explored in the study. Due to the explorative nature of the study, a research design was followed where theory and empirical studies alternated. An Exploratory Framework was developed to guide a pilot case study that resulted in Framework 1. Results of the pilot study guided an expanded literature review that was used to develop first a Structural Framework and a Process Framework which were combined in Framework 2. Then, the second empirical phase of the case study was conducted in the same (pilot) case company. In this phase, Decision Systems Analysis (DSA) was used as the analysis method. The DSA procedure consists of three interviewing waves: initial interviews, reinterviews, and validating interviews. Four reference decision processes were identified, described and analyzed in the form of flowchart descriptions. The flowchart descriptions were used to explore new constructs and to develop new propositions to develop Framework 2 further. The quality of the study was ascertained by many actions in both empirical parts of the study. The construct validity of the study was ascertained by using multiple sources of evidence and by asking the key informant to review the pilot case report. The DSA method itself includes procedures assuring validity. Because of the choice to conduct a single case study, external validity was not even pursued. High reliability was pursued through detailed documentation and thorough reporting of evidence. It was concluded that the core of the concept of reference is a customer relationship regardless of the concrete forms a reference might take in its utilization. Depending on various contingencies, references might have various tasks inside the four roles of increasing 1) efficiency of sales and sales management, 2) efficiency of the business, 3) effectiveness of marketing activities, and 4) effectiveness in establishing, maintaining and enhancing customer relationships. Thus, references have not only external but internal tasks as well. A supplier's reference behavior might be affected by many hierarchical conditions. Additionally, the empirical study showed that the supplier can utilize its references as a continuous, all pervasive decision making process through various practices. The process includes both individual and unstructured decision making subprocesses. The proposed concept of reference can be used to guide a reference policy recommendable for companies for which the utilization of references is important. The significance of the study is threefold: proposing the concept of reference, developing a framework of a supplier's reference behavior and its short term process of utilizing references, and conceptual structuring of an unstructured and in industrial marketing important phenomenon to four roles.


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Since it is virtually impossible to balance loads in three-phase system, unbalance in a varying degree exists almost in all distribution networks. The aim of the thesis is to analyze the impact of this unbalance subject to different configurations of distribution system and winding connection of the supplying transformer. Also impact of the voltage unbalance on the equipment is investigated. In order to make the investigation more visual, the following calculations have been conducted: - Unsymmetrical load in four-wire star connected network - Unsymmetrical load in four-wire star connected network with broken zero conductor (or three-wire network). - Unsymmetrical load when the supplying transformer is so-called zigzag transformer. PDF created


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Molecular characterization of radical prostatectomy specimens after systemic therapy may identify a gene expression profile for resistance to therapy. This study assessed tumor cells from patients with prostate cancer participating in a phase II neoadjuvant docetaxel and androgen deprivation trial to identify mediators of resistance. Transcriptional level of 93 genes from a docetaxel-resistant prostate cancer cell lines microarray study was analyzed by TaqMan low-density arrays in tumors from patients with high-risk localized prostate cancer (36 surgically treated, 28 with neoadjuvant docetaxel þ androgen deprivation). Gene expression was compared between groups and correlated with clinical outcome. VIM, AR and RELA were validated by immunohistochemistry. CD44 and ZEB1 expression was tested by immunofluorescence in cells and tumor samples. Parental and docetaxel-resistant castration-resistant prostate cancer cell lines were tested for epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) markers before and after docetaxel exposure. Reversion of EMT phenotype was investigated as a docetaxel resistance reversion strategy. Expression of 63 (67.7%) genes differed between groups (P < 0.05), including genes related to androgen receptor, NF-k B transcription factor, and EMT. Increased expression of EMT markers correlated with radiologic relapse. Docetaxel-resistant cells had increased EMT and stem-like cell markers expression. ZEB1 siRNA transfection reverted docetaxel resistance and reduced CD44 expression in DU-145R and PC-3R. Before docetaxel exposure, a selected CD44 þ subpopulation of PC-3 cells exhibited EMT phenotype and intrinsic docetaxel resistance; ZEB1/CD44 þ subpopulations were found in tumor cell lines and primary tumors; this correlated with aggressive clinical behavior. This study identifies genes potentially related to chemotherapy resistance and supports evi-dence of the EMT role in docetaxel resistance and adverse clinical behavior in early prostate cancer.


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In this study, different solutions to extract vitamin C were tested. High-performance liquid chromatography was chosen and the conditions were based on isocratic elution in reverse phase column. Dehydroascorbic acid was determined indirectly after its reduction using dithiothreitol. The use of metaphosphoric acid to stabilize the vitamin C was shown to be required and it was necessary to neutralize the pH of the extract to apply dithiothreitol. The average recovery was 90% in collard and tomato samples. The presence of oil did not interfere in extraction and the methodology can be used to analyze stir fried vegetables.


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A new method is described for the determination of the herbicide bispyribac-sodium in surface water, especially from river and irrigated rice water samples. The method involves extraction in solid phase and quantification by high performance liquid chromatography with diode array detection (HPLC-DAD). After optimization of the extraction and separation parameters, the method was validated. The method presented average recoveries of 101.3 and 97.7%, under repeatability and intermediate precision conditions, respectively, with adequate precision (RSD from 0.9 to 7.5%). The method was applied for the determination of bispyribac-sodium in surface water samples with a limit of detection of 0.1 μg L-1.


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This paper reports an analytical method for the determination of ambroxol in micellar medium by spot test-diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. The reflectance measurements were performed analyzing the colored compound (λ= 520 nm) produced from the reaction between ambroxol and p-dimethylaminocinnamaldehyde on the surface filter paper. The linear range was from 1.21 × 10"3 to 9.65 × 10"3 mol L-1 (500 - 4000 μg mL-1). The limit of detection and quantification were 3.50 x 10-4 mol L-1 (145 μg mL-1) and 1.16 x 10-3 mol L-1 (481 μg mL-1), respectively. Five commercial samples were analysed and the results obtained by the proposed method were in good agreement with those obtained by the literature method at 95% confidence level.


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This work proposes a sequential injection analysis (SIA) system for the spectrophotometric determination of norfloxacin (NOR) and ciprofloxacin (CIP) in pharmaceutical formulations. The methodology was based on the reaction of these drugs with p-(dimethylamino)cinnamaldehyde in micellar medium, producing orange colored products (λmax = 495 nm). Beer´s law was obeyed in the concentration range from 2.75x10-5 to 3.44x10-4 mol L-1 and 3.26x10-5 to 3.54x10-4 mol L-1 for NOR and CIP, respectively and sampling rate was 25 h-1. Commercial samples were analyzed and results obtained through the proposed method were in good agreement with those obtained using the reference procedure for a 95% confidence level.