931 resultados para paint manufacturing process


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As time passed, humanity needed the development of new materials used in various activities. High strength materials such as titanium and Inconel for example, had been studied because they are widely used for implants in biomedicine, as well as their use in aerospace and automotive industries. Because of its thermal and mechanical properties, these materials are considered difficult to machine, promoting a rapid wear of cutting tools, primarily caused by the high temperatures in machining. With the development of new materials has emerged the need of developing new manufacturing processes. One of today’s innovative processes is the micro-manufacturing. Being a process with a defined cutting tool geometry, burr formation is a constant and undesirable phenomenon formed during the machininig process. Being detrimental to the manufacturing process, overspending deburring operations are constantly employed leading to increase the aggregate cost to the manufactured material. Assembly components are also impaired if there is no control of the burr, with consequences including the disposal of components due to the occurence of this phenomenon. This paper presents the study of micro-milling Inconel 718, investigating influential parameters in the formation of burrs in order to minimize the occurrence of this phenome non. Different feed rates per tooth and cutting speed are evaluated, and different cutting fluids with different methods of applying the fluid. Adding graphene to cutting fluids was considered as a variable to be investigated, which is considered an excellent solid lubricant, in addition to increasing the thermal conductivity of the cooling solution (AZIMI; MOZAF FARI, 2015). The micro-milling temperature was evaluated in the present work. It was observed a new phenomenon that causes the machined surface temperature decreases below room temperature when using the solution water + oil. This phenomenon is explained in further chapters. In order to unravel this phenomenon, a new test was proposed and, from this test, it can be concluded, comparatively, which cutting fluid has a better cooling property.Using cutting fluid with different thermal properties has shown influence when analy zing burr formation and reducing machining temperature.


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Laser beam machining is a non-traditional subtractive manufacturing process, a form of machining, in which a laser is directed towards the work piece for machining. This process uses thermal energy to remove material from metallic or non-metallic surfaces. The laser is focused onto the surface to be worked and the thermal energy of the laser is transferred to the surface, heating and melting or vaporizing the material. Laser beam machining is best suited for brittle materials with low conductivity, but can be used on most materials. The role of the technical equipment in laser milling is to perform a controllable action of the laser radiation on the material to be treated. The laser is the main unit of the equipment and it is characteristics determine to great extent the qualitative and quantitative parameters of the technological treatments. In this work, I had to study the laser milling process parameter selection for process planning operations from start to finish. It was important to have an understanding about laser milling and laser processing parameters for different materials. As a result from the laser milling, the surface finish will have different surface properties such as, surface hardness, surface roughness, friction and tribology etc.. During the process, I gained knowledge about the historical and conceptual framework of laser milling, the different parameters of a laser milling and how the laser milling parameters influence the surface properties of the machined parts.


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Metrology processes used in the manufacture of large products include tool setting, product verification and flexible metrology enabled automation. The range of applications and instruments available makes the selection of the appropriate instrument for a given task highly complex. Since metrology is a key manufacturing process it should be considered in the early stages of design. This paper provides an overview of the important selection criteria for typical measurement processes and presents some novel selection strategies. Metrics which can be used to assess measurability are also discussed. A prototype instrument selection and measurability analysis application is presented with discussion of how this can be used as the basis for development of a more sophisticated measurement planning tool. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010.


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Idag är det vanligt att företagen konkurrerar med produkter som innefattar en fysisk vara som har utvidgats med olika tjänster för att kunna tillfredsställa kundens behov. I takt med detta ökar produkternas komplexitet och högre krav ställs på leverantörerna. Denna utveckling har lett till att många företag som tillverkar produkter med hög variation måste arbeta helt kundorderstyrt för att kunna tillgodose kundernas ökande krav. Företagen som tillverkar dessa komplexa produkter har en tillverkning som karaktäriseras av hög variation och låg volym vilket benämns med förkortningen HVLV. Utmaningen för dessa HVLV-företag ligger i att ha en hög produktmixflexibilitet med så låg resursanvändning som möjligt. För att effektivisera verksamheten har många företag därför intresserat sig för Lean production som har visat sig vara ett framgångsrikt koncept för tillverkande företag runt om i världen som effektiviserat sin produktion. Ett flertal artiklar har uppmärksammat begränsningar vid implementeringen av Lean production i HVLV-miljöer. Artiklar pekar vidare på behovet av ytterligare forskning kring Lean productions applicerbarhet i HVLV-miljöer och detta var uppkomsten till examensarbetets bakgrund och syfte. En fallstudie har genomförts på Tibrokök som är ett företag med en helt kundorderstyrd produktion som kännetecknas av HVLV. Med hjälp av fallstudien syftar examensarbetet till att undersöka om verktygen processkartläggning inkl. tidsstudier och layoutflödesdiagram kan bidra till att skapa förutsättningar för implementering av Lean production i en enskild tillverkningsprocess i en HVLV-miljö. Trots att verktygen har behövt anpassas något så anses de ha varit användbara och bidragande till skapandet av förutsättningar för implementering av Lean production i denna HVLV-miljö. Detta eftersom vi kunde identifiera många orsaker till slöseri samt ta fram ett förslag som skapar effektiviseringar av Tibroköks ytbehandlingsprocess i det framtida läget.


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The goal of this master thesis is to explain in detail the application of Non-Destructive-Inspection on the Automotive and the Marine sectors. Nowadays, these two particular industries faces many challenges, including increased global competition, the need for higher performance, a reduction in costs and tighter environmental and safety requirements. The materials used for these applications play key roles in overcoming these challenges. So, also an NDI procedure need to be planned in order to avoid problems during the manufacturing process and the after sale life of the structures. The entire thesis work has been done in collaboration with Vetorix Engineering.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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La stratégie actuelle de contrôle de la qualité de l’anode est inadéquate pour détecter les anodes défectueuses avant qu’elles ne soient installées dans les cuves d’électrolyse. Des travaux antérieurs ont porté sur la modélisation du procédé de fabrication des anodes afin de prédire leurs propriétés directement après la cuisson en utilisant des méthodes statistiques multivariées. La stratégie de carottage des anodes utilisée à l’usine partenaire fait en sorte que ce modèle ne peut être utilisé que pour prédire les propriétés des anodes cuites aux positions les plus chaudes et les plus froides du four à cuire. Le travail actuel propose une stratégie pour considérer l’histoire thermique des anodes cuites à n’importe quelle position et permettre de prédire leurs propriétés. Il est montré qu’en combinant des variables binaires pour définir l’alvéole et la position de cuisson avec les données routinières mesurées sur le four à cuire, les profils de température des anodes cuites à différentes positions peuvent être prédits. Également, ces données ont été incluses dans le modèle pour la prédiction des propriétés des anodes. Les résultats de prédiction ont été validés en effectuant du carottage supplémentaire et les performances du modèle sont concluantes pour la densité apparente et réelle, la force de compression, la réactivité à l’air et le Lc et ce peu importe la position de cuisson.


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Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le contexte d’une optimisation industrielle et économique des éléments de structure en BFUP permettant d’en garantir la ductilité au niveau structural, tout en ajustant la quantité de fibres et en optimisant le mode de fabrication. Le modèle développé décrit explicitement la participation du renfort fibré en traction au niveau local, en enchaînant une phase de comportement écrouissante suivie d’une phase adoucissante. La loi de comportement est fonction de la densité, de l’orientation des fibres vis-à-vis des directions principales de traction, de leur élancement et d’autres paramètres matériaux usuels liés aux fibres, à la matrice cimentaire et à leur interaction. L’orientation des fibres est prise en compte à partir d’une loi de probabilité normale à une ou deux variables permettant de reproduire n’importe quelle orientation obtenue à partir d’un calcul représentatif de la mise en oeuvre du BFUP frais ou renseignée par analyse expérimentale sur prototype. Enfin, le modèle reproduit la fissuration des BFUP sur le principe des modèles de fissures diffuses et tournantes. La loi de comportement est intégrée au sein d’un logiciel de calcul de structure par éléments finis, permettant de l’utiliser comme un outil prédictif de la fiabilité et de la ductilité globale d’éléments en BFUP. Deux campagnes expérimentales ont été effectuées, une à l’Université Laval de Québec et l’autre à l’Ifsttar, Marne-la-Vallée. La première permet de valider la capacité du modèle reproduire le comportement global sous des sollicitations typiques de traction et de flexion dans des éléments structurels simples pour lesquels l’orientation préférentielle des fibres a été renseignée par tomographie. La seconde campagne expérimentale démontre les capacités du modèle dans une démarche d’optimisation, pour la fabrication de plaques nervurées relativement complexes et présentant un intérêt industriel potentiel pour lesquels différentes modalités de fabrication et des BFUP plus ou moins fibrés ont été envisagés. Le contrôle de la répartition et de l’orientation des fibres a été réalisé à partir d’essais mécaniques sur prélèvements. Les prévisions du modèle ont été confrontées au comportement structurel global et à la ductilité mis en évidence expérimentalement. Le modèle a ainsi pu être qualifié vis-à-vis des méthodes analytiques usuelles de l’ingénierie, en prenant en compte la variabilité statistique. Des pistes d’amélioration et de complément de développement ont été identifiées.


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A consciencialização ambiental vem assumindo um papel preponderante na construção civil. Nesse sentido, o desenvolvimento de materiais sustentáveis e ecológicos é essencial para a satisfação de fabricantes e consumidores, respeitando diversos requisitos: níveis reduzidos de poluição e toxicidade, durabilidade dos materiais, possibilidade de reutilização e/ou reciclagem, a proveniência das matérias-primas e a possibilidade de contaminação do ar no interior dos edifícios. As declarações ambientais de produto (DAP) permitem informar o consumidor do desempenho ambiental dos materiais dos produtos. Assim, ao longo de todo o processo de fabrico são registados os consumos de recursos e emissões ambientais e, através da metodologia de avaliação de ciclo de vida, é quantificada a contribuição resultante para impactes ambientais. Esta dissertação visa analisar os possíveis impactes ambientais no decurso do processo de produção de um pavimento flutuante de cortiça, constituído por cortiça, High Density Fibreboard (HDF) e acabamento de superfície, denominado Artcomfort Floating NPC e elaborar de um relatório de suporte, que servirá de base para a DAP do pavimento Artcomfort Floating NPC do sistema do Institut Bauen und Umwelt (IBU). Esta dissertação inclui um relatório de fundo, para a avaliação do ciclo de vida do pavimento flutuante Artcomfort Floating NPC da empresa Amorim Revestimentos, que servirá de base para a elaboração da declaração ambiental de produto (DAP) do mesmo. Para tal, recorreu-se ao software SimaPro para análise dos impactes ambientais das várias fases do processo de fabrico do pavimento em estudo, sendo as fases consideradas, a produção da camada base de cortiça aglomerada, camada backing de cortiça aglomerada, montagem da sanduiche, placa pintada, placa acabada e corte e embalagem. A fase que tem maior contribuição para os impactes ambientais do processo de fabrico do produto, em todas as categorias de impacte analisadas, com exceção da depleção dos recursos abióticos sem combustíveis fósseis, foi a fase de montagem da sanduiche.


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With the continued miniaturization and increasing performance of electronic devices, new technical challenges have arisen. One such issue is delamination occurring at critical interfaces inside the device. This major reliability issue can occur during the manufacturing process or during normal use of the device. Proper evaluation of the adhesion strength of critical interfaces early in the product development cycle can help reduce reliability issues and time-to-market of the product. However, conventional adhesion strength testing is inherently limited in the face of package miniaturization, which brings about further technical challenges to quantify design integrity and reliability. Although there are many different interfaces in today's advanced electronic packages, they can be generalized into two main categories: 1) rigid to rigid connections with a thin flexible polymeric layer in between, or 2) a thin film membrane on a rigid structure. Knowing that every technique has its own advantages and disadvantages, multiple testing methods must be enhanced and developed to be able to accommodate all the interfaces encountered for emerging electronic packaging technologies. For evaluating the adhesion strength of high adhesion strength interfaces in thin multilayer structures a novel adhesion test configuration called “single cantilever adhesion test (SCAT)” is proposed and implemented for an epoxy molding compound (EMC) and photo solder resist (PSR) interface. The test method is then shown to be capable of comparing and selecting the stronger of two potential EMC/PSR material sets. Additionally, a theoretical approach for establishing the applicable testing domain for a four-point bending test method was presented. For evaluating polymeric films on rigid substrates, major testing challenges are encountered for reducing testing scatter and for factoring in the potentially degrading effect of environmental conditioning on the material properties of the film. An advanced blister test with predefined area test method was developed that considers an elasto-plastic analytical solution and implemented for a conformal coating used to prevent tin whisker growth. The advanced blister testing with predefined area test method was then extended by employing a numerical method for evaluating the adhesion strength when the polymer’s film properties are unknown.


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Este relatório descreve o trabalho realizado durante um estágio na empresa Vista Alegre Atlantis. Neste estágio, propunha-se diminuir ou eliminar um problema, um defeito observado como a asa descolada numa chávena de porcelana. Através do estudo das fases do processo de fabrico das chávenas, que se focou na conformação das asas e na secagem, concluiu-se que se tratava de um problema na conformação, relacionado com as propriedades da pasta utilizada para a conformação, recorrendo-se a uma pasta de porcelana com propriedades diferentes. Neste trabalho é apresentado o problema em estudo, o material (a porcelana), incluindo as suas propriedades, as matérias-primas e os processos utilizados para produzir as peças estudadas. Apresentam-se os procedimentos usados para estudar o material e o problema, os resultados obtidos e as conclusões tiradas da discussão dos dados e observações. Adicionalmente, é apresentado trabalho relevante efetuado durante o estágio, em especial aquele relacionado com as chávenas de porcelana.


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In order to power our planet for the next century, clean energy technologies need to be developed and deployed. Photovoltaic solar cells, which convert sunlight into electricity, are a clear option; however, they currently supply 0.1% of the US electricity due to the relatively high cost per Watt of generation. Thus, our goal is to create more power from a photovoltaic device, while simultaneously reducing its price. To accomplish this goal, we are creating new high efficiency anti-reflection coatings that allow more of the incident sunlight to be converted to electricity, using simple and inexpensive coating techniques that enable reduced manufacturing costs. Traditional anti-reflection coatings (consisting of thin layers of non-absorbing materials) rely on the destructive interference of the reflected light, causing more light to enter the device and subsequently get absorbed. While these coatings are used on nearly all commercial cells, they are wavelength dependent and are deposited using expensive processes that require elevated temperatures, which increase production cost and can be detrimental to some temperature sensitive solar cell materials. We are developing two new classes of anti-reflection coatings (ARCs) based on textured dielectric materials: (i) a transparent, flexible paper technology that relies on optical scattering and reduced refractive index contrast between the air and semiconductor and (ii) silicon dioxide (SiO2) nanosphere arrays that rely on collective optical resonances. Both techniques improve solar cell absorption and ultimately yield high efficiency, low cost devices. For the transparent paper-based ARCs, we have recently shown that they improve solar cell efficiencies for all angles of incident illumination reducing the need for costly tracking of the sun’s position. For a GaAs solar cell, we achieved a 24% improvement in the power conversion efficiency using this simple coating. Because the transparent paper is made from an earth abundant material (wood pulp) using an easy, inexpensive and scalable process, this type of ARC is an excellent candidate for future solar technologies. The coatings based on arrays of dielectric nanospheres also show excellent potential for inexpensive, high efficiency solar cells. The fabrication process is based on a Meyer rod rolling technique, which can be performed at room-temperature and applied to mass production, yielding a scalable and inexpensive manufacturing process. The deposited monolayer of SiO2 nanospheres, having a diameter of 500 nm on a bare Si wafer, leads to a significant increase in light absorption and a higher expected current density based on initial simulations, on the order of 15-20%. With application on a Si solar cell containing a traditional anti-reflection coating (Si3N4 thin-film), an additional increase in the spectral current density is observed, 5% beyond what a typical commercial device would achieve. Due to the coupling between the spheres originated from Whispering Gallery Modes (WGMs) inside each nanosphere, the incident light is strongly coupled into the high-index absorbing material, leading to increased light absorption. Furthermore, the SiO2 nanospheres scatter and diffract light in such a way that both the optical and electrical properties of the device have little dependence on incident angle, eliminating the need for solar tracking. Because the layer can be made with an easy, inexpensive, and scalable process, this anti-reflection coating is also an excellent candidate for replacing conventional technologies relying on complicated and expensive processes.


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Este artículo presenta el reporte de caso sobre fallas presentadas en el núcleo de transformadores de potencia y algunas experiencias técnicas y metodológicas en la reparación parcial y total de los mismos a varias unidades, hechas en Industrias Explorer Ingeniería S. A. S., empresa dedicada al mantenimiento y reparación de transformadores. También es presentada la metodología para la selección del tipo de lámina, sistema de corte, ensamble, ajuste y prensado del núcleo, ya que estas actividades son decisivas para conseguir un equipo con menores pérdidas y corrientes de vacío, así como menores niveles de ruido. Se describen las etapas para cálculo del flujo de operación del núcleo, circuito de prueba para la saturación del mismo, consideraciones para realizar la inspección termográfica y medición de las pérdidas de vacío, selección del tipo de lámina y técnicas de ensamble empleadas. Se presentan algunas experiencias como: cambio de medio núcleo, reaislamiento de zonas afectadas empleando fibras Nómex entre láminas, cambio total del núcleo por corte mal realizado desde fábrica, cambio total del núcleo por doble aterrizamiento que ocasionó calentamiento del mismo y afectó el aislamiento de sus láminas dejándolas en corto. En todos los casos se evidencia una disminución de las pérdidas de vacío. Finalmente se presentan el comportamiento de los transformadores después de ser puestos nuevamente en servicio.


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Este artículo presenta la aplicación de la metodología Kanban y el análisis del efecto que puede generar en una empresa de fabricación de transformadores de distribución. Mediante la aplicación de la metodología propuesta es posible mejorar la programación de la producción, con el objetivo de reducir la cantidad de producto en proceso que no es utilizado, de forma que se reduzca el inventario. Para analizar el efecto de aplicar la metodología Kanban en la empresa, se utilizo la técnica de simulación, para lo cual se modelizan el proceso actual y el propuesto con las reglas de dicha metodología. A partir de los resultados que arrojan dichas modelizaciones, se observa que existe un mejoramiento en las líneas de producción cuando se utiliza la metodología Kanban.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the chemical, color, textural, and sensorial characteristics of Serra da Estrela cheese and also to identity the factors affecting these properties, namely thistle ecotype, place of production, dairy and maturation. The results demon- strated that the cheeses lost weight mostly during the first stage of maturation, which was negatively correlated with moisture content, being this also observed for fat and protein contents. During maturation the cheeses became darker and with a yellowish coloration. A strong corre- lation was found between ash and chlorides contents, being the last directly related to the added salt in the manufacturing process. The flesh firmness showed a strong positive correlation with the rind harness and the firmness of inner paste. Stickiness was strongly related with all the other textural properties being indicative of the creamy nature of the paste. Adhesiveness was posi- tively correlated with moisture content and negatively correlated with maturation time. The trained panelists liked the cheeses, giving high overall assessment scores, but these were not significantly correlated with the physicochemical properties. The salt differences between cheeses were not evident for the panelists, which was corroborated by the absence of correlation between the perception of saltiness and the analyzed chlorides con- tents. The Factorial Analysis of the chemical and physical properties evidenced that they could be explained by two factors, one associated to the texture and the color and the other associated with the chemical properties. Finally, there was a clear influence of the thistle ecotype, place of production and dairy factors in the analyzed properties.