754 resultados para omvårdnad (nursing)
RESUME: Contexte : l'objectif de cette étude de cohorte prospective était de déterminer la relation entre la survenue d'infections et la dépendance fonctionnelle chez des résidents d'établissements de long séjour durant une période de 6 mois. Population et méthode : les patients inclus (1324 résidents) étaient âgés de 65 ans et plus (âge moyen 85.7 ans, 76.6% de femmes), étaient des résidents de 39 EMS du canton de Vaud. Au baseline, des données démographiques, médicales, concernant les facteurs de risque et protecteurs des infections ont été récoltées. Au cours du suivi de 6 mois, les infirmières des EMS ont documenté la survenue de symptômes et signes d'infection en utilisant les critères développés spécifiquement par l'APIC pour les établissements de long séjour. Les mesures du status fonctionnel ont été évaluées au baseline, à 3 mois et à 6 mois. Deux outcomes différents ont été utilisés : a) le déclin fonctionnel défini comme le décès ou une diminution des capacités fonctionnelles au suivi, b) le status fonctionnel mesuré par une échelle standardisée. Résultats : à la fin du suivi, la mortalité était de 14.6%, similaire pour les résidents avec et sans infection (16.2% versus 13.1%, P .11). Durant les 2 périodes de suivi de 3 mois, les sujets ayant présenté une ou plusieurs infections avaient des odds de déclin fonctionnel plus élevés, y compris après ajustement pour les caractéristiques démographiques, médicales et fonctionnelles du baseline, ainsi que la survenue de nouvelles maladies (odds ratio ajustés (OR) = 1.6, intervalle de confiance à 95% (IC) = 1.2-2.2, P = .002 et OR = 1.5, 95% IC= 1.1-2.0, P= .008, respectivement). Comparés aux résidents non infectés, les odds de déclin fonctionnel augmentaient significativement et graduellement chez ceux ayant eu une, respectivement 2 infections ou plus. L'analyse prédisant le score fonctionnel (restreinte aux sujets ayant survécu) a donné des résultats similaires. Finalement, une analyse de survie prédisant le temps jusqu'à la première infection a confirmé une augmentation progressive de la probabilité d'infection chez les sujets avec dépendance fonctionnelle modérée, respectivement sévère, comparés aux sujets indépendants à la ligne de base. Conclusion : chez les résidents de long séjour, les infections sont à la fois cause et conséquence de la dépendance fonctionnelle. Des études futures devraient être entreprises pour investiguer si des programmes de prévention des infections peuvent également contribuer à prévenir le déclin fonctionnel, un facteur important pour la qualité de vie de ces résidents. ABSTRACT: Objectives: To determine the relationship between infections and functional impairment in nursing home residents. Design: Prospective cohort study (follow-up period, 6 months). Setting: Thirty-nine nursing homes in western Switzerland. Participants: A total of 1,324 residents aged 65 and older (mean age 85.7; 76.6% female) who agreed to participate, or their proxies, by oral informed consent. Measurements: Functional status measured every 3 months. Two different outcomes were used: (a) functional decline defined as death or decreased function at follow-up and (b) functional status score using a standardized measure. Results: At the end of follow-up, mortality was 14.6%, not different for those with and without infection (16.2% vs 13.1%, P= .11) During both 3-month periods, subjects with infection had higher odds of functional decline, even after adjustment for baseline characteristics and occurrence of a new illness (adjusted odds ratio (AOR) = 1.6, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.2-2.2, P = .002, and AOR 1.5, 95% CI 1.1-2.0, P .008, respectively). The odds of decline increased in a stepwise fashion in patients with zero, one, and two or more infections. The analyses predicting functional status score (restricted to subjects who survived) gave similar results. A survival analysis predicting time to first infection confirmed a stepwise greater likelihood of infection in subjects -with moderate and severe impairment at baseline than in subjects with no or mild functional impairment at baseline. Conclusion: Infections appear to be both a cause and a consequence of functional impairment in nursing home residents. Further studies should be undertaken to investigate whether effective infection control programs can also contribute to preventing functional decline, an important component of these residents' quality of life.
Newsletter produced by the Iowa Board of Nursing for nurses to keep them informed to CE classes, renewals, board meetings, etc. Produced 4 times a year. Also known as Nursing Newsletter.
Report on a review of certain expenditures made by the Iowa Department of Public Health, including the Iowa Board of Pharmacy, the Iowa Dental Board, the Iowa Board of Medicine, and the Iowa Board of Nursing, from July 1, 2011 through August 31, 2014
Newsletter produced by the Iowa Board of Nursing for nurses to keep them informed to CE classes, renewals, board meetings, etc. Produced 4 times a year. Also known as Nursing Newsletter.
BACKGROUND AND METHODS:: The objectives of this article were to systematically describe and examine the novel roles and responsibilities assumed by nurses in a forensic consultation for victims of violence at a University Hospital in French-speaking Switzerland. Utilizing a case study methodology, information was collected from two main sources: (a) discussion groups with nurses and forensic pathologists and (b) a review of procedures and protocols. Following a critical content analysis, the roles and responsibilities of the forensic nurses were described and compared with the seven core competencies of advanced nursing practice as outlined by Hamric, Spross, and Hanson (2009). RESULTS:: Advanced nursing practice competencies noted in the analysis included "direct clinical practice," "coaching and guidance," and "collaboration." The role of the nurse in terms of "consultation," "leadership," "ethics," and "research" was less evident in the analysis. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION:: New forms of nursing are indeed practiced in the forensic clinical setting, and our findings suggest that nursing practice in this domain is following the footprints of an advanced nursing practice model. Further reflections are required to determine whether the role of the forensic nurse in Switzerland should be developed as a clinical nurse specialist or that of a nurse practitioner.
Background: Nursing home short stays (NHSS) in the canton of Vaud have been introduced for respite care purpose. However, a growing number of older patients are urgently admitted from home (within 24h) or directly after hospital discharge (58% of all admissions in 2010). NHSS appears therefore as an increasingly important component of the health care system, but the characteristics of admitted patients have not been previously described. A better knowledge would contribute to identify specific care needs and enhance their care. Objectives: 1) To describe the characteristics of patients admitted in unplanned NHSS ( after hospital stay or urgently from home); 2) To determine living disposition 3-month after NHSS discharge. Method: Over a 18-month period, elderly patients with unplanned NHSS admission to 2 facilities in Lausanne were identified. Demographic, social, health, and functional data, as well as main reason for admission were collected. Death and place of living at 3-months were collected using the administrative database. Results: Overall, 114 patients (mean age 83.1 ± 6.2 years, 77% women, 84% living alone) were assessed, 80% being admitted from hospital. Mean score in Lawton's instrumental ADL before NHSS admission was 4.6 ± 2.5 and 69% of the patients were home care recipients (median number of weekly visits: 5 ± 3). Patients reported going out 4.2 ± 1.3 times/week and 56% reported at least one fall over the past year. Among the 91 patients coming from the hospital, main reason for admission was injury/limb immobilization (58%), recuperation (13%) and functional impairment in basic ADL (10%). Mean score at Katz's Basic ADL at admission was 3.7 ± 1.9. Overall, 90% of patients were identified with gait and balance impairment, 78% with cognitive impairment and 70% with polypharmacy (>6 different drugs). At 3-month after NHSS discharge (N = 92), 72% patients were living at home, 16% had been admitted to long term care, and 6% died. Among patients living at home at follow-up, 11% had been readmitted to hospital during the follow-up period. Conclusion: Older patients with unplanned NHSS admission show a high prevalence of functional, mobility, and cognitive impairments, as well as other geriatric syndromes. Specific measures should be considered during these stays to prevent further functional decline and, possibly, hospital readmission. Patients admitted with basic ADLs impairment might be candidate for higher levels of care (rehabilitation).
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to assess the implementation process and economic impact of a new pharmaceutical care service provided since 2002 by pharmacists in Swiss nursing homes. SETTING: The setting was 42 nursing homes located in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland under the responsibility of 22 pharmacists. METHOD: We developed different facilitators, such as a monitoring system, a coaching program, and a research project, to help pharmacists change their practice and to improve implementation of this new service. We evaluated the implementation rate of the service delivered in nursing homes. We assessed the economic impact of the service since its start in 2002 using statistical evaluation (Chow test) with retrospective analysis of the annual drug costs per resident over an 8-year period (1998-2005). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The description of the facilitators and their implications in implementation of the service; the economic impact of the service since its start in 2002. RESULTS: In 2005, after a 4-year implementation period supported by the introduction of facilitators of practice change, all 42 nursing homes (2,214 residents) had implemented the pharmaceutical care service. The annual drug costs per resident decreased by about 16.4% between 2002 and 2005; this change proved to be highly significant. The performance of the pharmacists continuously improved using a specific coaching program including an annual expert comparative report, working groups, interdisciplinary continuing education symposia, and individual feedback. This research project also determined priorities to develop practice guidelines to prevent drug-related problems in nursing homes, especially in relation to the use of psychotropic drugs. CONCLUSION: The pharmaceutical care service was fully and successfully implemented in Fribourg's nursing homes within a period of 4 years. These findings highlight the importance of facilitators designed to assist pharmacists in the implementation of practice changes. The economic impact was confirmed on a large scale, and priorities for clinical and pharmacoeconomic research were identified in order to continue to improve the quality of integrated care for the elderly.
Background: Ethical conflicts are arising as a result of the growing complexity of clinical care, coupled with technological advances. Most studies that have developed instruments for measuring ethical conflict base their measures on the variables"frequency" and"degree of conflict". In our view, however, these variables are insufficient for explaining the root of ethical conflicts. Consequently, the present study formulates a conceptual model that also includes the variable"exposure to conflict", as well as considering six"types of ethical conflict". An instrument was then designed to measure the ethical conflicts experienced by nurses who work with critical care patients. The paper describes the development process and validation of this instrument, the Ethical Conflict in Nursing Questionnaire Critical Care Version (ECNQ-CCV). Methods: The sample comprised 205 nursing professionals from the critical care units of two hospitals in Barcelona (Spain). The ECNQ-CCV presents 19 nursing scenarios with the potential to produce ethical conflict in the critical care setting. Exposure to ethical conflict was assessed by means of the Index of Exposure to Ethical Conflict (IEEC), a specific index developed to provide a reference value for each respondent by combining the intensity and frequency of occurrence of each scenario featured in the ECNQ-CCV. Following content validity, construct validity was assessed by means of Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), while Cronbach"s alpha was used to evaluate the instrument"s reliability. All analyses were performed using the statistical software PASW v19. Results: Cronbach"s alpha for the ECNQ-CCV as a whole was 0.882, which is higher than the values reported for certain other related instruments. The EFA suggested a unidimensional structure, with one component accounting for 33.41% of the explained variance. Conclusions: The ECNQ-CCV is shown to a valid and reliable instrument for use in critical care units. Its structure is such that the four variables on which our model of ethical conflict is based may be studied separately or in combination. The critical care nurses in this sample present moderate levels of exposure to ethical conflict. This study represents the first evaluation of the ECNQ-CCV.
Background: Ethical conflicts are arising as a result of the growing complexity of clinical care, coupled with technological advances. Most studies that have developed instruments for measuring ethical conflict base their measures on the variables"frequency" and"degree of conflict". In our view, however, these variables are insufficient for explaining the root of ethical conflicts. Consequently, the present study formulates a conceptual model that also includes the variable"exposure to conflict", as well as considering six"types of ethical conflict". An instrument was then designed to measure the ethical conflicts experienced by nurses who work with critical care patients. The paper describes the development process and validation of this instrument, the Ethical Conflict in Nursing Questionnaire Critical Care Version (ECNQ-CCV). Methods: The sample comprised 205 nursing professionals from the critical care units of two hospitals in Barcelona (Spain). The ECNQ-CCV presents 19 nursing scenarios with the potential to produce ethical conflict in the critical care setting. Exposure to ethical conflict was assessed by means of the Index of Exposure to Ethical Conflict (IEEC), a specific index developed to provide a reference value for each respondent by combining the intensity and frequency of occurrence of each scenario featured in the ECNQ-CCV. Following content validity, construct validity was assessed by means of Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), while Cronbach"s alpha was used to evaluate the instrument"s reliability. All analyses were performed using the statistical software PASW v19. Results: Cronbach"s alpha for the ECNQ-CCV as a whole was 0.882, which is higher than the values reported for certain other related instruments. The EFA suggested a unidimensional structure, with one component accounting for 33.41% of the explained variance. Conclusions: The ECNQ-CCV is shown to a valid and reliable instrument for use in critical care units. Its structure is such that the four variables on which our model of ethical conflict is based may be studied separately or in combination. The critical care nurses in this sample present moderate levels of exposure to ethical conflict. This study represents the first evaluation of the ECNQ-CCV.
The 2008 general assembly acknowledged in House File (HF) 2539, Section 71 that employee turnover rates in nursing facilities should be documented but also recognized that this information was not currently being collected. The department was directed to modify the nursing facility cost report to capture information on the turnover rates of direct care and other employees of nursing facilities. The department was also required to submit a report on an annual basis to the governor and general assembly which provides an analysis of direct care worker and other nursing facility employee turnover by individual nursing facility, a comparison of the turnover rate in each individual nursing facility with the state wide average, and an analysis of any improvement or decline in meeting any accountability goals or other measures related to turnover rates. The annual report was to include any data available regarding turnover rate trends, and other information the department deemed appropriate.
Resident and family councils are vital to the operation of a nursing home, providing a voice for residents and their families. Resident and family councils provide an organized method of creating change, providing support and improving the quality of life for nursing home residents. A resident council is an independent, organized group of residents who live in a nursing home and meet on a regular basis to promote and enhance the quality of life for all residents. A family council is a group of family members and friends of nursing home residents who work to maintain or improve the quality of life for nursing home residents.
This report is a high level analysis of trends in workforce and available nursing education programs in Iowa. Unless otherwise noted, data is reported for the last 11 years (2004-2014).