914 resultados para object-oriented languages


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To assist rational compound design of organic semiconductors, two problems need to be addressed. First, the material morphology has to be known at an atomistic level. Second, with the morphology at hand, an appropriate charge transport model needs to be developed in order to link charge carrier mobility to structure.rnrnThe former can be addressed by generating atomistic morphologies using molecular dynamics simulations. However, the accessible range of time- and length-scales is limited. To overcome these limitations, systematic coarse-graining methods can be used. In the first part of the thesis, the Versatile Object-oriented Toolkit for Coarse-graining Applications is introduced, which provides a platform for the implementation of coarse-graining methods. Tools to perform Boltzmann inversion, iterative Boltzmann inversion, inverse Monte Carlo, and force-matching are available and have been tested on a set of model systems (water, methanol, propane and a single hexane chain). Advantages and problems of each specific method are discussed.rnrnIn partially disordered systems, the second issue is closely connected to constructing appropriate diabatic states between which charge transfer occurs. In the second part of the thesis, the description initially used for small conjugated molecules is extended to conjugated polymers. Here, charge transport is modeled by introducing conjugated segments on which charge carriers are localized. Inter-chain transport is then treated within a high temperature non-adiabatic Marcus theory while an adiabatic rate expression is used for intra-chain transport. The charge dynamics is simulated using the kinetic Monte Carlo method.rnrnThe entire framework is finally employed to establish a relation between the morphology and the charge mobility of the neutral and doped states of polypyrrole, a conjugated polymer. It is shown that for short oligomers, charge carrier mobility is insensitive to the orientational molecular ordering and is determined by the threshold transfer integral which connects percolating clusters of molecules that form interconnected networks. The value of this transfer integral can be related to the radial distribution function. Hence, charge mobility is mainly determined by the local molecular packing and is independent of the global morphology, at least in such a non-crystalline state of a polymer.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden verschiedene Wassermodelle in sogenannten Multiskalen-Computersimulationen mit zwei Auflösungen untersucht, in atomistischer Auflösung und in einer vergröberten Auflösung, die als "coarse-grained" bezeichnet wird. In der atomistischen Auflösung wird ein Wassermolekül, entsprechend seiner chemischen Struktur, durch drei Atome beschrieben, im Gegensatz dazu wird ein Molekül in der coarse-grained Auflösung durch eine Kugel dargestellt.rnrnDie coarse-grained Modelle, die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellt werden, werden mit verschiedenen coarse-graining Methoden entwickelt. Hierbei kommen hauptsächlich die "iterative Boltzmann Inversion" und die "iterative Monte Carlo Inversion" zum Einsatz. Beides sind struktur-basierte Ansätze, die darauf abzielen bestimmte strukturelle Eigenschaften, wie etwa die Paarverteilungsfunktionen, des zugrundeliegenden atomistischen Systems zu reproduzieren. Zur automatisierten Anwendung dieser Methoden wurde das Softwarepaket "Versatile Object-oriented Toolkit for Coarse-Graining Applications" (VOTCA) entwickelt.rnrnEs wird untersucht, in welchem Maße coarse-grained Modelle mehrere Eigenschaftenrndes zugrundeliegenden atomistischen Modells gleichzeitig reproduzieren können, z.B. thermodynamische Eigenschaften wie Druck und Kompressibilität oder strukturelle Eigenschaften, die nicht zur Modellbildung verwendet wurden, z.B. das tetraedrische Packungsverhalten, welches für viele spezielle Eigenschaft von Wasser verantwortlich ist.rnrnMit Hilfe des "Adaptive Resolution Schemes" werden beide Auflösungen in einer Simulation kombiniert. Dabei profitiert man von den Vorteilen beider Modelle:rnVon der detaillierten Darstellung eines räumlich kleinen Bereichs in atomistischer Auflösung und von der rechnerischen Effizienz des coarse-grained Modells, die den Bereich simulierbarer Zeit- und Längenskalen vergrössert.rnrnIn diesen Simulationen kann der Einfluss des Wasserstoffbrückenbindungsnetzwerks auf die Hydration von Fullerenen untersucht werden. Es zeigt sich, dass die Struktur der Wassermoleküle an der Oberfläche hauptsächlich von der Art der Wechselwirkung zwischen dem Fulleren und Wasser und weniger von dem Wasserstoffbrückenbindungsnetzwerk dominiert wird.rn


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Modern software systems, in particular distributed ones, are everywhere around us and are at the basis of our everyday activities. Hence, guaranteeing their cor- rectness, consistency and safety is of paramount importance. Their complexity makes the verification of such properties a very challenging task. It is natural to expect that these systems are reliable and above all usable. i) In order to be reliable, compositional models of software systems need to account for consistent dynamic reconfiguration, i.e., changing at runtime the communication patterns of a program. ii) In order to be useful, compositional models of software systems need to account for interaction, which can be seen as communication patterns among components which collaborate together to achieve a common task. The aim of the Ph.D. was to develop powerful techniques based on formal methods for the verification of correctness, consistency and safety properties related to dynamic reconfiguration and communication in complex distributed systems. In particular, static analysis techniques based on types and type systems appeared to be an adequate methodology, considering their success in guaranteeing not only basic safety properties, but also more sophisticated ones like, deadlock or livelock freedom in a concurrent setting. The main contributions of this dissertation are twofold. i) On the components side: we design types and a type system for a concurrent object-oriented calculus to statically ensure consistency of dynamic reconfigurations related to modifications of communication patterns in a program during execution time. ii) On the communication side: we study advanced safety properties related to communication in complex distributed systems like deadlock-freedom, livelock- freedom and progress. Most importantly, we exploit an encoding of types and terms of a typical distributed language, session π-calculus, into the standard typed π- calculus, in order to understand their expressive power.


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In this thesis we present ad study an object-oriented language, characterized by two different types of objects, passive and active objects, of which we define the operational syntax and semantics. For this language we also define the type system, that will be used for the type checking and for the extraction of behavioral types, which are an abstract description of the behavior of the methods, used in deadlock analysis. Programs can manifest deadlock due to the errors of the programmer. To statically identify possible unintended behaviors we studied and implemented a technique for the analysis of deadlock based on behavioral types.


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Questa tesi si prepone di indagare quali ricadute positive potrebbe avere, nei confronti della pianificazione urbanistica e il monitoraggio a scala territoriale, l’applicazione delle tecnologie di analisi spaziale assistita dal computer, con particolare riferimento all’analisi tipomorfologica delle forme insediative, sia a scala di quartiere (distinguendo tessuto compatto, a grana fine, grossa, ecc.), che a scala urbana (analisi della densità e delle aggregazioni extraurbane). A tal fine sono state elaborate due ipotesi applicative delle recenti tecnologie di elaborazione object-oriented, sperimentandole sulle principali città romagnole che si collocano sull’asse della via Emilia.


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Content-centric networking is a novel paradigm for the Future Internet that treats content as a first class citizen. This paper argues that content-centric networking should be generalized towards a service-centric networking scheme. We propose a service-centric networking design based on an object-oriented approach, in which content and services are considered objects. We show implementation architectures for example services and how these can benefit from service-oriented networking.


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The research focused on children's behaviour in playing with objects both independently and in interaction with adults. It was based on studies of 40 Slovene children in 4 age groups (6,12,18 and 24 months) and of 23 Croatian children in 2 age groups (18 and 24 months). All the children were sampled proportionally by their gender and the educational level of their parents (middle and higher). Several coding check lists with satisfactory internal consistency were constructed during the study and used to analyse the video-recorded playing sessions with each child. The basic conclusion reached was that even in early childhood playing behaviour differs significantly between the infants from the two Central European countries. The difference lies not so much in the structure or the content of the playing actions, but in the way in which the infants deal playfully with the objects. This difference appears regardless of the type of object the infants are playing with and even regardless of the playing condition. It can best be described as the difference between the first significant discriminant function activity versus passivity. The Slovene infants were found to be on the active pole and the Croatians on the passive one. Social and gender differences were much less significant than cultural ones in determining the structure, the content and the way of playing. Significant age differences appeared in all three aspects, which was consistent with general trends in infants' psychological development. The group define the Slovene interactive playing style as object oriented, while the Croatian one was largely communicated oriented. Within the experimenter-infant dyads, children of both cultures played at a developmentally more advanced level than they did with their mothers, showing that the mothers were not as successful at reaching the ZPD as were the trained experimenters. In addition, the children of mothers who attributed more cognitive benefit to play played on a more advanced level than those whose mothers attributed more emotional benefit to play. The quality of the object the children were playing with was also significantly related to the structure, content and partly the way of dealing with the objects. Highly-structured objects stimulated complex play and low-structured ones stimulated simple play, regardless of playing conditions. The group concluded that both culture and the quality of the available object have an important impact on young children's play. Through the playing interaction, the infants internalise culturally specific patterns of behaviour and culturally specific meanings. These internalisations become apparent very early in their lives, even in non-social situations. On the other hand, the objects themselves have an impact on the level of infants' play. When they do not provide sufficient perceptive and functional support for a representational action, the infants' play will lag behind their actual developmental capacities.


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Most of today's dynamic analysis approaches are based on method traces. However, in the case of object-orientation understanding program execution by analyzing method traces is complicated because the behavior of a program depends on the sharing and the transfer of object references (aliasing). We argue that trace-based dynamic analysis is at a too low level of abstraction for object-oriented systems. We propose a new approach that captures the life cycle of objects by explicitly taking into account object aliasing and how aliases propagate during the execution of the program. In this paper, we present in detail our new meta-model and discuss future tracks opened by it.


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The Bioconductor project is an initiative for the collaborative creation of extensible software for computational biology and bioinformatics. We detail some of the design decisions, software paradigms and operational strategies that have allowed a small number of researchers to provide a wide variety of innovative, extensible, software solutions in a relatively short time. The use of an object oriented programming paradigm, the adoption and development of a software package system, designing by contract, distributed development and collaboration with other projects are elements of this project's success. Individually, each of these concepts are useful and important but when combined they have provided a strong basis for rapid development and deployment of innovative and flexible research software for scientific computation. A primary objective of this initiative is achievement of total remote reproducibility of novel algorithmic research results.


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Light-frame wood buildings are widely built in the United States (U.S.). Natural hazards cause huge losses to light-frame wood construction. This study proposes methodologies and a framework to evaluate the performance and risk of light-frame wood construction. Performance-based engineering (PBE) aims to ensure that a building achieves the desired performance objectives when subjected to hazard loads. In this study, the collapse risk of a typical one-story light-frame wood building is determined using the Incremental Dynamic Analysis method. The collapse risks of buildings at four sites in the Eastern, Western, and Central regions of U.S. are evaluated. Various sources of uncertainties are considered in the collapse risk assessment so that the influence of uncertainties on the collapse risk of lightframe wood construction is evaluated. The collapse risks of the same building subjected to maximum considered earthquakes at different seismic zones are found to be non-uniform. In certain areas in the U.S., the snow accumulation is significant and causes huge economic losses and threatens life safety. Limited study has been performed to investigate the snow hazard when combined with a seismic hazard. A Filtered Poisson Process (FPP) model is developed in this study, overcoming the shortcomings of the typically used Bernoulli model. The FPP model is validated by comparing the simulation results to weather records obtained from the National Climatic Data Center. The FPP model is applied in the proposed framework to assess the risk of a light-frame wood building subjected to combined snow and earthquake loads. The snow accumulation has a significant influence on the seismic losses of the building. The Bernoulli snow model underestimates the seismic loss of buildings in areas with snow accumulation. An object-oriented framework is proposed in this study to performrisk assessment for lightframe wood construction. For home owners and stake holders, risks in terms of economic losses is much easier to understand than engineering parameters (e.g., inter story drift). The proposed framework is used in two applications. One is to assess the loss of the building subjected to mainshock-aftershock sequences. Aftershock and downtime costs are found to be important factors in the assessment of seismic losses. The framework is also applied to a wood building in the state of Washington to assess the loss of the building subjected to combined earthquake and snow loads. The proposed framework is proven to be an appropriate tool for risk assessment of buildings subjected to multiple hazards. Limitations and future works are also identified.


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Writing unit tests for legacy systems is a key maintenance task. When writing tests for object-oriented programs, objects need to be set up and the expected effects of executing the unit under test need to be verified. If developers lack internal knowledge of a system, the task of writing tests is non-trivial. To address this problem, we propose an approach that exposes side effects detected in example runs of the system and uses these side effects to guide the developer when writing tests. We introduce a visualization called Test Blueprint, through which we identify what the required fixture is and what assertions are needed to verify the correct behavior of a unit under test. The dynamic analysis technique that underlies our approach is based on both tracing method executions and on tracking the flow of objects at runtime. To demonstrate the usefulness of our approach we present results from two case studies.


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Developers rely on the mechanisms provided by their IDE to browse and navigate a large software system. These mechanisms are usually based purely on a system's static source code. The static perspective, however, is not enough to understand an object-oriented program's behavior, in particular if implemented in a dynamic language. We propose to enhance IDEs with a program's runtime information (eg. message sends and type information) to support program comprehension through precise navigation and informative browsing. To precisely specify the type and amount of runtime data to gather about a system under development, dynamically and on demand, we adopt a technique known as partial behavioral reflection. We implemented navigation and browsing enhancements to an IDE that exploit this runtime information in a prototype called Hermion. We present preliminary validation of our experimental enhanced IDE by asking developers to assess its usefulness to understand an unfamiliar software system.


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Mainstream IDEs such as Eclipse support developers in managing software projects mainly by offering static views of the source code. Such a static perspective neglects any information about runtime behavior. However, object-oriented programs heavily rely on polymorphism and late-binding, which makes them difficult to understand just based on their static structure. Developers thus resort to debuggers or profilers to study the system's dynamics. However, the information provided by these tools is volatile and hence cannot be exploited to ease the navigation of the source space. In this paper we present an approach to augment the static source perspective with dynamic metrics such as precise runtime type information, or memory and object allocation statistics. Dynamic metrics can leverage the understanding for the behavior and structure of a system. We rely on dynamic data gathering based on aspects to analyze running Java systems. By solving concrete use cases we illustrate how dynamic metrics directly available in the IDE are useful. We also comprehensively report on the efficiency of our approach to gather dynamic metrics.


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Maintaining object-oriented systems that use inheritance and polymorphism is difficult, since runtime information, such as which methods are actually invoked at a call site, is not visible in the static source code. We have implemented Senseo, an Eclipse plugin enhancing Eclipse's static source views with various dynamic metrics, such as runtime types, the number of objects created, or the amount of memory allocated in particular methods.