993 resultados para nitrogen isotope


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The Rhodococcus genus exhibits diverse enzymatic activity that can be exploited in the conversion of natural and anthropogenic nitrogenous compounds. This catalytic response provides a selective advantage in terms of available nutrients while also serving to remove otherwise harmful xenobiotics. This review provides a critical assessment of the literature on bioconversion of organo-nitrogen compounds with a consideration of applications in bioremediation and commercial biotechnology. By examining the major nitro-organic compounds (amino acids, amines, nitriles, amides and nitroaromatics) in turn, the considerable repertoire of Rhodococcus spp. is established. The available published enzyme reaction data is coupled with genomic characterisation to provide a molecular basis for Rhodococcus enzyme activity with an assessment of the cellular properties that aid substrate accessibility and ensure stability. The metabolic gene clusters associated with the observed reaction pathways are identified and future directions in enzyme optimisation and metabolic engineering are assessed. © 2014 Society of Chemical Industry.


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A modified inorganic bentonite (Na/Al) based on purified Ca-bentonite was prepared through exchanging Al and Na ions in the interlayer space of Ca-bentonite. The structural properties of purified and modified bentonites were characterized by XRD and SEM analysis. Batch experiments were performed for the adsorption of ammonium nitrogen and different experimental conditions were studied in order to investigate the optimum adsorption conditions. Comparative experiments were also carried out for natural Ca-bentonite (RB), unmodified purified bentonite (PB) and modified purified bentonite (MB). Through the thermodynamic analysis, the ammonium nitrogen adsorption process can be spontaneous, the standard heat was −41.46kJmol −1 , and the adsorption process based on ion exchange adsorption. The ammonium nitrogen adsorption capacity of MB (46.904mg/g) was improved compared to raw bentonite (RB) (26.631mg/g), which was among the highest values of ammonium nitrogen adsorption compared with other adsorbents according to the literatures. The described process provides a potential pathway for the removal of ammonium nitrogen at low concentrations encountered in most natural waters.


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The microbial mediated production of nitrous oxide (N2O) and its reduction to dinitrogen (N2) via denitrification represents a loss of nitrogen (N) from fertilised agro-ecosystems to the atmosphere. Although denitrification has received great interest by biogeochemists in the last decades, the magnitude of N2lossesand related N2:N2O ratios from soils still are largely unknown due to methodical constraints. We present a novel 15N tracer approach, based on a previous developed tracer method to study denitrification in pure bacterial cultures which was modified for the use on soil incubations in a completely automated laboratory set up. The method uses a background air in the incubation vessels that is replaced with a helium-oxygen gas mixture with a 50-fold reduced N2 background (2 % v/v). This method allows for a direct and sensitive quantification of the N2 and N2O emissions from the soil with isotope-ratio mass spectrometry after 15N labelling of denitrification N substrates and minimises the sensitivity to the intrusion of atmospheric N2 at the same time. The incubation set up was used to determine the influence of different soil moisture levels on N2 and N2O emissions from a sub-tropical pasture soil in Queensland/Australia. The soil was labelled with an equivalent of 50 μg-N per gram dry soil by broadcast application of KNO3solution (4 at.% 15N) and incubated for 3 days at 80% and 100% water filled pore space (WFPS), respectively. The headspace of the incubation vessel was sampled automatically over 12hrs each day and 3 samples (0, 6, and 12 hrs after incubation start) of headspace gas analysed for N2 and N2O with an isotope-ratio mass spectrometer (DELTA V Plus, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Bremen, Germany(. In addition, the soil was analysed for 15N NO3- and NH4+ using the 15N diffusion method, which enabled us to obtain a complete N balance. The method proved to be highly sensitive for N2 and N2O emissions detecting N2O emissions ranging from 20 to 627 μN kg-1soil-1hr-1and N2 emissions ranging from 4.2 to 43 μN kg-1soil-1hr-1for the different treatments. The main end-product of denitrification was N2O for both water contents with N2 accounting for 9% and 13% of the total denitrification losses at 80% and 100%WFPS, respectively. Between 95-100% of the added 15N fertiliser could be recovered. Gross nitrification over the 3 days amounted to 8.6 μN g-1 soil-1 and 4.7 μN g-1 soil-1, denitrification to 4.1 μN g-1 soil-1 and 11.8 μN g-1 soil-1at 80% and 100%WFPS, respectively. The results confirm that the tested method allows for a direct and highly sensitive detection of N2 and N2O fluxes from soils and hence offers a sensitive tool to study denitrification and N turnover in terrestrial agro-ecosystems.


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We report sensitive high mass resolution ion microprobe, stable isotopes (SHRIMP SI) multiple sulfur isotope analyses (32S, 33S, 34S) to constrain the sources of sulfur in three Archean VMS deposits—Teutonic Bore, Bentley, and Jaguar—from the Teutonic Bore volcanic complex of the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia, together with sedimentary pyrites from associated black shales and interpillow pyrites. The pyrites from VMS mineralization are dominated by mantle sulfur but include a small amount of slightly negative mass-independent fractionation (MIF) anomalies, whereas sulfur from the pyrites in the sedimentary rocks has pronounced positive MIF, with ∆33S values that lie between 0.19 and 6.20‰ (with one outlier at −1.62‰). The wall rocks to the mineralization include sedimentary rocks that have contributed no detectable positive MIF sulfur to the VMS deposits, which is difficult to reconcile with the leaching model for the formation of these deposits. The sulfur isotope data are best explained by mixing between sulfur derived from a magmatic-hydrothermal fluid and seawater sulfur as represented by the interpillow pyrites. The massive sulfide lens pyrites have a weighted mean ∆33S value of −0.27 ± 0.05‰ (MSWD = 1.6) nearly identical with −0.31 ± 0.08‰ (MSWD = 2.4) for pyrites from the stringer zone, which requires mixing to have occurred below the sea floor. We employed a two-component mixing model to estimate the contribution of seawater sulfur to the total sulfur budget of the two Teutonic Bore volcanic complex VMS deposits. The results are 15 to 18% for both Teutonic Bore and Bentley, much higher than the 3% obtained by Jamieson et al. (2013) for the giant Kidd Creek deposit. Similar calculations, carried out for other Neoarchean VMS deposits give value between 2% and 30%, which are similar to modern hydrothermal VMS deposits. We suggest that multiple sulfur isotope analyses may be used to predict the size of Archean VMS deposits and to provide a vector to ore deposit but further studies are needed to test these suggestions.


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Humans dominate many important Earth system processes including the nitrogen (N) cycle. Atmospheric N deposition affects fundamental processes such as carbon cycling, climate regulation, and biodiversity, and could result in changes to fundamental Earth system processes such as primary production. Both modelling and experimentation have suggested a role for anthropogenically altered N deposition in increasing productivity, nevertheless, current understanding of the relative strength of N deposition with respect to other controls on production such as edaphic conditions and climate is limited. Here we use an international multiscale data set to show that atmospheric N deposition is positively correlated to aboveground net primary production (ANPP) observed at the 1-m2 level across a wide range of herbaceous ecosystems. N deposition was a better predictor than climatic drivers and local soil conditions, explaining 16% of observed variation in ANPP globally with an increase of 1 kg N·ha-1·yr-1 increasing ANPP by 3%. Soil pH explained 8% of observed variation in ANPP while climatic drivers showed no significant relationship. Our results illustrate that the incorporation of global N deposition patterns in Earth system models are likely to substantially improve estimates of primary production in herbaceous systems. In herbaceous systems across the world, humans appear to be partially driving local ANPP through impacts on the N cycle.


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Sensors to detect toxic and harmful gases are usually based on metal oxides that are operated at elevated temperature. However, enabling gas detection at room temperature (RT) is a significant ongoing challenge. Here, we address this issue by demonstrating that microrods of semiconducting CuTCNQ (TCNQ=7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane) with nanostructured features can be employed as conductometric gas sensors operating at 50°C for detection of oxidizing and reducing gases such as NO2 and NH3. The sensor is evaluated at RT and up to 200°C. It was found that CuTCNQ is transformed into a N-doped CuO material with p-type conductivity when annealed at the maximum temperature. This is the first time that such a transformation, from a semiconducting charge transfer material into a N-doped metal oxide is detected. It is shown here that both the surface chemistry and the type of majority charge carrier within the sensing layer is critically important for the type of response towards oxidizing and reducing gases. A detailed physical description of NO2 and NH3 sensing mechanism at CuTCNQ and N-doped CuO is provided to explain the difference in the response. For the N-doped CuO sensor, a detection limit of 1 ppm for NO2 and 10 ppm for NH3 are achieved.


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Natural gas (the main component is methane) has been widely used as a fuel and raw material in industry. Removal of nitrogen (N2) from methane (CH4) can reduce the cost of natural gas transport and improve its efficiency. However, their extremely similar size increases the difficulty of separating N2 from CH4. In this study, we have performed a comprehensive investigation of N2 and CH4 adsorption on different charge states of boron nitride (BN) nanocage fullerene, B36N36, by using a density functional theory approach. The calculational results indicate that B36N36 in the negatively charged state has high selectivity in separating N2 from CH4. Moreover, once the extra electron is removed from the BN nanocage, the N2 will be released from the material. This study demonstrates that the B36N36 fullerene can be used as a highly selective and reusable material for the separation of N2 from CH4. The study also provides a clue to experimental design and application of BN nanomaterials for natural gas purification.


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Graphene films were produced by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) of pyridine on copper substrates. Pyridine-CVD is expected to lead to doped graphene by the insertion of nitrogen atoms in the growing sp2 carbon lattice, possibly improving the properties of graphene as a transparent conductive film. We here report on the influence that the CVD parameters (i.e., temperature and gas flow) have on the morphology, transmittance, and electrical conductivity of the graphene films grown with pyridine. A temperature range between 930 and 1070 °C was explored and the results were compared to those of pristine graphene grown by ethanol-CVD under the same process conditions. The films were characterized by atomic force microscopy, Raman and X-ray photoemission spectroscopy. The optical transmittance and electrical conductivity of the films were measured to evaluate their performance as transparent conductive electrodes. Graphene films grown by pyridine reached an electrical conductivity of 14.3 × 105 S/m. Such a high conductivity seems to be associated with the electronic doping induced by substitutional nitrogen atoms. In particular, at 930 °C the nitrogen/carbon ratio of pyridine-grown graphene reaches 3%, and its electrical conductivity is 40% higher than that of pristine graphene grown from ethanol-CVD.


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Aims: To establish a model to measure bidirectional flow of water from a glucose oral rehydration solution (G-ORS) and a newly developed rice-based oral rehydration solution (R-ORS) using a dual isotope tracer technique in a rat perfusion model. To measure net water, sodium and potassium absorption from the ORS. Methods: In viva steady-state perfusion studies were carried out in normal and secreting (induced by cholera toxin) rat small intestine (n = 11 in each group). To determine bidirectional flow of water from the ORS the animals were initially labelled with tritium, and deuterium was added to the perfusion solution. Sequential perfusate and blood samples were collected after attainment of steady-state conditions and analysed for water and electrolyte content. Results: There was a significant increase in net water absorption from the R-ORS compared to the G-ORS in both the normal (P < 0.02) and secreting intestine (P < 0.05). Water efflux was significantly reduced in the R-ORS group compared to the G-ORS group in both the normal (P < 0.01) and the secreting intestine (P < 0.01). There was an increase in sodium absorption in the R-ORS group compared to the G-ORS. The G-ORS produced a significantly greater blood glucose level at 75 min compared to the R-ORS (P < 0.03) in the secreting intestine. Conclusions: This study demonstrates the improved water absorption from a rice-based ORS in both the normal and secreting intestine. Evidence that the absorption of water may be influenced by the osmolality of the ORS was also demonstrated.


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Nitrogen plasma exposure (NPE) effects on indium doped bulk n-CdTe are reported here. Excellent rectifying characteristics of Au/n-CdTe Schottky diodes, with an increase in the barrier height, and large reverse breakdown voltages are observed after the plasma exposure. Surface damage is found to be absent in the plasma exposed samples. The breakdown mechanism of the heavily doped Schottky diodes is found to shift from the Zener to avalanche after the nitrogen plasma exposure, pointing to a change in the doping close to the surface which was also verified by C-V measurements. The thermal stability of the plasma exposure process is seen up to a temperature of 350 degrees C, thereby enabling the high temperature processing of the samples for device fabrication. The characteristics of the NPE diodes are stable over a year implying excellent diode quality. A plausible model based on Fermi level pinning by acceptor-like states created by plasma exposure is proposed to explain the observations.


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Formative time lags in nitrogen, oxygen, and dry air are measured with and without a magnetic field over a range of gas pressures (0.05 ' p ' 20.2 torr 5 kPa to 2 MPa, electric field strengths (1.8xO14 EEs 60xlO V m l) and magnetic field strengths (85xl0-4 < B ' 16x10-2 Tesla). For experiments below the Paschen minimum, the electrodes are designed to ensure that breakdown occurs over longer gaps and for experiments above the Paschen minimum, a coaxial cylindrical system is employed. The experimental technique consists of applying pulse voltages to the gap at various constant values of E/p and B/p and measuring the time lags from which the formative time lags are separated. In the gases studed, formative time lags decrease on application of a magnetic field at a given pressure for conditions below the Paschen minimum. The voltages at which the formative time lags remain the same without and with magnetic fields are determined, and electron molecule collision frequencies (v/p) are determined using the Effective Reduced Electric Field [EREF] concept. With increasing ratio of E/p in crossed fields, v/p decreases in all the three gases. Measurements above the Paschen minimum yield formative time lags which increase on application of a magnetic field. Formative time lags in nitrogen in ExB fields are calculated assuming an average collision frequency of 8.5x109 sec-1 torr 1. It is concluded that the EREF concept can be applied to explain formative time lags in ExB fields.


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Binuclear complexes of rhodium(I) of the type [(dien)(X)Rh(μ-N-N)Rh(X)(dien)] (dien = 1,5-cyclooctadiene or norbornadiene; N-N = pyrazine, 4,4′-bipyridine or Phenazine and X = Cl or Br) with bridging heterocycles have been isolated and their reactions with carbon monoxide, 2,2′-bipyridine and 1,10-phenanthroline investigated. The crystal structure of [(COD)(Cl)Rh(μ-pyrazine)Rh(Cl)(COD)] has been determined.


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Near-ripe ‘Kensington Pride’ mango (Mangifera indica L.) fruit with green skin colour generally return lower wholesale and retail prices. Pre-harvest management, especially nitrogen (N) nutrition, appears to be a major causal factor. To obtain an understanding of the extent of the problem in the Burdekin district (dry tropics; the major production area in Australia), green mature ‘Kensington Pride’ mango fruit were harvested from ten orchards and ripened at 20 ± 0.5 O C. Of these orchards, 70% produced fruit with more than 25% of the skin surface area green when ripe. The following year, the effect of N application on skin colour and other quality attributes was investigated on three orchards, one with a high green (HG) skin problem and two with a low green (LG) skin problem. N was applied at pre-flowering and at panicle emergence at the rate of 0,75,150,300 g per tree (soil applied) or 50 g per tree as foliar N for the HG orchard, and 0,150,300,450 g per tree (soil applied) or 50 g per tree (foliar) for the LG orchards. In all orchards the proportion of green colour on the ripe fruit was significantly (P<0.05) higher with soil applications of 150 g N or more per tree. Foliar sprays resulted in a higher proportion of green colour than the highest soil treatment in the HG orchard, but not in the LG orchards. Anthracnose disease severity was significantly (P<0.05) higher with 300 g of N per tree or foliar treatment in the HG orchard, compared with no additional N. Thus, N can reduce mango fruit quality by increasing green colour and anthracnose disease in ripe fruit.