989 resultados para nitrogen biological fixation


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We describe interactive effects of total phosphorus (total P = 0.1-4.0 µmol/L; added as H2NaPO4), irradiance (40 and 150 µmol quanta/m**2/s), and the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (P-CO2; 19 and 81 Pa, i.e., 190 and 800 ppm) on growth and CO2- and dinitrogen (N-2)-fixation rates of the unicellular N-2-fixing cyanobacterium Crocosphaera watsonii (WH0003) isolated from the Pacific Ocean near Hawaii. In semicontinuous cultures of C. watsonii, elevated P-CO2 positively affected growth and CO2- and N-2-fixation rates under high light. Under low light, elevated P-CO2 positively affected growth rates at all concentrations of P, but CO2- and N-2-fixation rates were affected by elevated P-CO2 only when P was low. In both high-light and low-light cultures, the total P requirements for growth and CO2- and N-2-fixation declined as P-CO2 increased. The minimum concentration (C-min) of total P and half-saturation constant (K-1/2) for growth and CO2- and N-2-fixation rates with respect to total P were reduced by 0.05 µmol/L as a function of elevated P-CO2. We speculate that low P requirements under high P-CO2 resulted from a lower energy demand associated with carbon-concentrating mechanisms in comparison with low-P-CO2 cultures. There was also a 0.10 µmol/L increase in C-min and K-1/2 for growth and N-2 fixation with respect to total P as a function of increasing light regardless of P-CO2 concentration. We speculate that cellular P concentrations are responsible for this shift through biodilution of cellular P and possibly cellular P uptake systems as a function of increasing light. Changing concentrations of P, CO2, and light have both positive and negative interactive effects on growth and CO2-, and N-2-fixation rates of unicellular oxygenic diazotrophs like C. watsonii.


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We estimated the relative contribution of atmospheric Nitrogen (N) input (wet and dry deposition and N fixation) to the epipelagic food web by measuring N isotopes of different functional groups of epipelagic zooplankton along 23°W (17°N-4°S) and 18°N (20-24°W) in the Eastern Tropical Atlantic. Results were related to water column observations of nutrient distribution and vertical diffusive flux as well as colony abundance of Trichodesmium obtained with an Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP5). The thickness and depth of the nitracline and phosphocline proved to be significant predictors of zooplankton stable N isotope values. Atmospheric N input was highest (61% of total N) in the strongly stratified and oligotrophic region between 3 and 7°N, which featured very high depth-integrated Trichodesmium abundance (up to 9.4×104 colonies m-2), strong thermohaline stratification and low zooplankton delta15N (~2 per mil). Relative atmospheric N input was lowest south of the equatorial upwelling between 3 and 5°S (27%). Values in the Guinea Dome region and north of Cape Verde ranged between 45 and 50%, respectively. The microstructure-derived estimate of the vertical diffusive N flux in the equatorial region was about one order of magnitude higher than in any other area (approximately 8 mmol m-2 d 1). At the same time, this region received considerable atmospheric N input (35% of total). In general, zooplankton delta15N and Trichodesmium abundance were closely correlated, indicating that N fixation is the major source of atmospheric N input. Although Trichodesmium is not the only N fixing organism, its abundance can be used with high confidence to estimate the relative atmospheric N input in the tropical Atlantic (r2 = 0.95). Estimates of absolute N fixation rates are two- to tenfold higher than incubation-derived rates reported for the same regions. Our approach integrates over large spatial and temporal scales and also quantifies fixed N released as dissolved inorganic and organic N. In a global analysis, it may thus help to close the gap in oceanic N budgets.


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Phytoplankton growth can be limited by numerous inorganic nutrients and organic growth factors. Using the subarctic diatom Attheya sp. in culture studies, we examined how the availability of vitamin B(12) and carbon dioxide partial pressure (pCO(2)) influences growth rate, primary productivity, cellular iron (Fe), cobalt (Co), zinc (Zn) and cadmium (Cd) quotas, and the net use efficiencies (NUEs) of these bioactive trace metals (mol C fixed per mol cellular trace metal per day). Under B(12)-replete conditions, cells grown at high pCO(2) had lower Fe, Zn and Cd quotas, and used those trace metals more efficiently in comparison with cells grown at low pCO(2). At high pCO(2), B(12)-limited cells had ~50% lower specific growth and carbon fixation rates, and used Fe ~15-fold less efficiently, and Zn and Cd ~3-fold less efficiently, in comparison with B(12)-replete cells. The observed higher Fe, Zn and Cd NUE under high pCO(2)/B(12)-replete conditions are consistent with predicted downregulation of carbon-concentrating mechanisms. Co quotas of B(12)-replete cells were 5- to 14-fold higher in comparison with B(12)-limited cells, suggesting that >80% of cellular Co of B(12)-limited cells was likely from B(12). Our results demonstrate that CO(2) and vitamin B(12) interactively influence growth, carbon fixation, trace metal requirements and trace metal NUE of this diatom. This suggests the need to consider complex feedback interactions between multiple environmental factors for this biogeochemically critical group of phytoplankton in the last glacial maximum as well as the current and future changing ocean.


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