471 resultados para neutrino opacities


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Uno dei più importanti campi di ricerca che coinvolge gli astrofisici è la comprensione della Struttura a Grande Scala dell'universo. I principi della Formazione delle Strutture sono ormai ben saldi, e costituiscono la base del cosiddetto "Modello Cosmologico Standard". Fino agli inizi degli anni 2000, la teoria che spiegava con successo le proprietà statistiche dell'universo era la cosiddetta "Teoria Perturbativa Standard". Attraverso simulazioni numeriche e osservazioni di qualità migliore, si è evidenziato il limite di quest'ultima teoria nel descrivere il comportamento dello spettro di potenza su scale oltre il regime lineare. Ciò spinse i teorici a trovare un nuovo approccio perturbativo, in grado di estendere la validità dei risultati analitici. In questa Tesi si discutono le teorie "Renormalized Perturbation Theory"e"Multipoint Propagator". Queste nuove teorie perturbative sono la base teorica del codice BisTeCca, un codice numerico originale che permette il calcolo dello spettro di potenza a 2 loop e del bispettro a 1 loop in ordine perturbativo. Come esempio applicativo, abbiamo utilizzato BisTeCca per l'analisi dei bispettri in modelli di universo oltre la cosmologia standard LambdaCDM, introducendo una componente di neutrini massicci. Si mostrano infine gli effetti su spettro di potenza e bispettro, ottenuti col nostro codice BisTeCca, e si confrontano modelli di universo con diverse masse di neutrini.


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Trotz zahlreicher Hinweise auf die Existenz von Dunkler Materie, konnten entsprechende Teilchen bisher nicht nachgewiesen werden. Eine große Anzahl an Experimenten wird durchgeführt, um die Eigenschaften möglicher Kandidatenteilchen zu untersuchen. Eine Strategie ist die Suche nach einem Neutrinosignal aus den Annihilationen von schwach wechselwirkenden massiven Teilchen (WIMPs) in Regionen mit hoher Dichte von Dunkler Materie. Mögliche Zielobjekte dieser Suchen sind die Erde, die Sonne, das Zentrum und der Halo der Milchstraße sowie entfernte Objekte, die einen hohen Anteil Dunkler Materie aufweisen.In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die erste Suche nach einem Neutrinosignal von Zwerggalaxien, größeren Galaxien und Galaxienhaufen beschrieben. Da kein Signal nachgewiesen wurde, konnten obere Grenzen auf den Annihilationsquerschnitt von WIMPs gesetzt werden. Die stärksten Grenzen wurden aus der Beobachtung des Virgo-Haufens unter der Annahme einer großen Signalverstärkung durch Unterstrukturen in der Dichteverteilung abgeleitet. Für WIMP-Massen oberhalb von einigen TeV ist das Ergebnis vergleichbar mit Grenzen, die aus der Suche mit Gammateleskopen abgeleitet wurden. Für den direkten Annihilationskanal in zwei Neutrinos konnte der Wirkungsquerschnitt stärker eingeschränkt werden, als in bisherigen Analysen.


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[Abstract]. Questo lavoro è finalizzato al confronto delle rivelazioni di canditati eventi di neutrino cosmico da parte di due esperimenti ANTARES ed ICECUBE. I due apparati, entrambi basati sulla rivelazione di radiazione Cherenkov generata da prodotti di interazione CC dei neutrini, si differenziano per la geometria del detector e per il mezzo in cui viene prodotta la radiazione, e hanno quindi sensibilità e risoluzione diverse. L'analisi dei dati è basata sulla rappresentazione delle direzioni di arrivo degli eventi su mappa celeste nei due sistemi di coordinate galattico ed equatoriale. La sovrapposizione della distribuzioni degli eventi ha permesso di evidenziare le zone di visibilità sulla mappa celeste caratteristiche di ciascun esperimento. Una successiva analisi statistica ha analizzato la frequenza delle occorenze di eventi del dataset di ANTARES in intorni di raggio crescente di eventi di ICECUBE, per valutare eventuali eventi identificabili nei due dataset. Questa analisi ha evidenziato la necessità di una selezione preventiva degli eventi del dataset di ANTARES, in base a criteri non solo topologici, in modo da permettere una eventuale identificazione di eventi coincidenti.


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In the year 2013, the detection of a diffuse astrophysical neutrino flux with the IceCube neutrino telescope – constructed at the geographic South Pole – was announced by the IceCube collaboration. However, the origin of these neutrinos is still unknown as no sources have been identified to this day. Promising neutrino source candidates are blazars, which are a subclass of active galactic nuclei with radio jets pointing towards the Earth. In this thesis, the neutrino flux from blazars is tested with a maximum likelihood stacking approach, analyzing the combined emission from uniform groups of objects. The stacking enhances the sensitivity w.r.t. the still unsuccessful single source searches. The analysis utilizes four years of IceCube data including one year from the completed detector. As all results presented in this work are compatible with background, upper limits on the neutrino flux are given. It is shown that, under certain conditions, some hadronic blazar models can be challenged or even rejected. Moreover, the sensitivity of this analysis – and any other future IceCube point source search – was enhanced by the development of a new angular reconstruction method. It is based on a detailed simulation of the photon propagation in the Antarctic ice. The median resolution for muon tracks, induced by high-energy neutrinos, is improved for all neutrino energies above IceCube’s lower threshold at 0.1TeV. By reprocessing the detector data and simulation from the year 2010, it is shown that the new method improves IceCube’s discovery potential by 20% to 30% depending on the declination.


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The Standard Model of particle physics is a very successful theory which describes nearly all known processes of particle physics very precisely. Nevertheless, there are several observations which cannot be explained within the existing theory. In this thesis, two analyses with high energy electrons and positrons using data of the ATLAS detector are presented. One, probing the Standard Model of particle physics and another searching for phenomena beyond the Standard Model.rnThe production of an electron-positron pair via the Drell-Yan process leads to a very clean signature in the detector with low background contributions. This allows for a very precise measurement of the cross-section and can be used as a precision test of perturbative quantum chromodynamics (pQCD) where this process has been calculated at next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO). The invariant mass spectrum mee is sensitive to parton distribution functions (PFDs), in particular to the poorly known distribution of antiquarks at large momentum fraction (Bjoerken x). The measurementrnof the high-mass Drell-Yan cross-section in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of sqrt(s) = 7 TeV is performed on a dataset collected with the ATLAS detector, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4.7 fb-1. The differential cross-section of pp -> Z/gamma + X -> e+e- + X is measured as a function of the invariant mass in the range 116 GeV < mee < 1500 GeV. The background is estimated using a data driven method and Monte Carlo simulations. The final cross-section is corrected for detector effects and different levels of final state radiation corrections. A comparison isrnmade to various event generators and to predictions of pQCD calculations at NNLO. A good agreement within the uncertainties between measured cross-sections and Standard Model predictions is observed.rnExamples of observed phenomena which can not be explained by the Standard Model are the amount of dark matter in the universe and neutrino oscillations. To explain these phenomena several extensions of the Standard Model are proposed, some of them leading to new processes with a high multiplicity of electrons and/or positrons in the final state. A model independent search in multi-object final states, with objects defined as electrons and positrons, is performed to search for these phenomenas. Therndataset collected at a center-of-mass energy of sqrt(s) = 8 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20.3 fb-1 is used. The events are separated in different categories using the object multiplicity. The data-driven background method, already used for the cross-section measurement was developed further for up to five objects to get an estimation of the number of events including fake contributions. Within the uncertainties the comparison between data and Standard Model predictions shows no significant deviations.


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La tesi tratta lo studio del sistema QNX e dello sviluppo di un simulatore di task hard/soft real-time, tramite uso di un meta-scheduler. Al termine dello sviluppo vengono valutate le prestazioni del sistema operativo QNX Neutrino.


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Questo lavoro ha lo scopo di individuare una strada nella ricerca di un confronto tra canditati eventi di neutrino cosmico da parte dell'esperimento ANTARES ,nel Mar Mediterraneo a sud est della costa di Tolone, in Francia e gli Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays dell'osservatorio Pierre Auger in Argentina. Si utilizzano dati raccolti dal telescopio di neutrini ANTARES tra il 2007 e il 2013, con energie dell'ordine del TeV, e quelli di Auger ottenuti tra il 2004 e il 2014, con energie dei raggi cosmici dell'ordine dell'EeV. Entrambi gli apparati sono basati sulla rivelazione di radiazione Cherenkov, ma l'osservatorio di Auger è dotato di un secondo rivelatore di luminescenza che lavora in sincrono per ridurre gli errori sistematici associati ai singoli rivelatori. Le distribuzioni degli eventi in base alle direzioni di arrivo e dell' energia osservata, sono i parametri necessari per la ricerca di una correlazione. Dalla sovrapposizione delle distribuzioni possiamo evidenziare le zone di visibilità caratteristiche di ciascun esperimento, e condurre un eventuale successiva analisi finalizzata ad una identificazione univoca di eventi coincidenti.


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In questo lavoro di tesi ci proponiamo di determinare lo spessore degli isotopi ^157Gd e ^155Gd in vista della misura della sezione d’urto di cattura neutronica presso la facility n_TOF del CERN. La principale motivazione dell’esperimento è legata alla necessità di ottenere misure più accurate per le applicazioni ai reattori nucleari. Inoltre, i nuovi risultati, potranno essere sfruttati anche per applicazioni ai recenti sviluppi nella Terapia di Cattura Neutronica e per costruire nuovi rivelatori nell’ambito della ricerca del neutrino. La misura sarà effettuata nella prima area sperimentale EAR-1 di n_TOF, equipaggiata con rivelatori, come per esempio gli scintillatori liquidi al benzene deuterato (C6 D6) particolarmente adatti per questi tipi di misura. La sezione d’urto di questi due isotopi cambia di molti ordini di grandezza al variare dell’energia dei neutroni incidenti. Per questo motivo, lo studio effettuato in questa tesi ha mostrato che sono necessari due campioni altamente arricchiti per ogni isotopo da misurare: un campione estremamente sottile per energie del neutrone fino a 100 meV, e uno più spesso per energie maggiori. Inoltre per questi campioni sono stati determinati le densità areali necessarie per lo svolgimento dell’esperimento affinchè avvenga il fenomeno di trasmissione dei neutroni.


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Water vapour, despite being a minor constituent in the Martian atmosphere with its precipitable amount of less than 70 pr. μm, attracts considerable attention in the scientific community because of its potential importance for past life on Mars. The partial pressure of water vapour is highly variable because of its seasonal condensation onto the polar caps and exchange with a subsurface reservoir. It is also known to drive photochemical processes: photolysis of water produces H, OH, HO2 and some other odd hydrogen compounds, which in turn destroy ozone. Consequently, the abundance of water vapour is anti-correlated with ozone abundance. The Herschel Space Observatory provides for the first time the possibility to retrieve vertical water profiles in the Martian atmosphere. Herschel will contribute to this topic with its guaranteed-time key project called "Water and related chemistry in the solar system". Observations of Mars by Heterodyne Instrument for the Far Infrared (HIFI) and Photodetector Array Camera and Spectrometer (PACS) onboard Herschel are planned in the frame of the programme. HIFI with its high spectral resolution enables accurate observations of vertically resolved H2O and temperature profiles in the Martian atmosphere. Unlike HIFI, PACS is not capable of resolving the line-shape of molecular lines. However, our present study of PACS observations for the Martian atmosphere shows that the vertical sensitivity of the PACS observations can be improved by using multiple-line observations with different line opacities. We have investigated the possibility of retrieving vertical profiles of temperature and molecular abundances of minor species including H2O in the Martian atmosphere using PACS. In this paper, we report that PACS is able to provide water vapour vertical profiles for the Martian atmosphere and we present the expected spectra for future PACS observations. We also show that the spectral resolution does not allow the retrieval of several studied minor species, such as H2O2, HCl, NO, SO2, etc.


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The ArgoNeuT liquid argon time projection chamber has collected thousands of neutrino and anti-neutrino events during an extended run period in the NuMI beam-line at Fermilab. This paper focuses on the main aspects of the detector layout and related technical features, including the cryogenic equipment, time projection chamber, read-out electronics, and off-line data treatment. The detector commissioning phase, physics run, and first neutrino event displays are also reported. The characterization of the main working parameters of the detector during data-taking, the ionization electron drift velocity and lifetime in liquid argon, as obtained from through-going muon data complete the present report.


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PURPOSE: To report a case of bilateral central crystalline keratopathy in the anterior stroma occurring 4 years after Intacs implantation. METHODS: A 45-year-old woman underwent bilateral uncomplicated Intacs implantation for myopia. The postoperative course was uneventful. However, between 3 and 4 years after surgery, the patient developed central opacifications of the anterior stroma in both eyes, reducing best spectacle-corrected visual acuity. RESULTS: Intacs were explanted. Confocal microscopy, electron microscopy of the explanted ring segments, and microbiology studies were performed. Opacities were still detectable at the slit-lamp microscope up to 8 months after explantation. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first report on central corneal opacifications after Intacs implantation for myopia. The opacities could be the result of chronic metabolic stress or the beginning of lipid-like changes in another more central corneal localization.


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PURPOSE: This study evaluated the long-term effect of pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) in children and adolescents with chronic uveitis on visual function, anatomical outcome, and the requirement of systemic treatment. Further, predictive preoperative factors associated with a beneficial visual outcome were assessed. METHODS: Retrospective review of 29 eyes of 23 consecutive paediatric and juvenile patients below 20 years of age with chronic uveitis who underwent a PPV for visually significant opacities in 25 eyes, vitreous haemorrhage in three eyes, and retinal detachment in one eye. The clinical diagnosis was chronic intermediate uveitis in 22 eyes and retinal vasculitis of different origin in seven eyes. RESULTS: LogMAR visual acuity improved from an average of 0.91 to 0.33 (P<0.001). Cystoid macular oedema (CME) was significantly reduced in eight of 10 eyes postoperatively (P=0.021). In the multiple regression analysis, a low preoperative logMAR visual acuity and the presence of a CME had a negative influence on the final logMAR visual acuity. Furthermore, the appearance of chronic uveitis relapses was significantly reduced from 15 eyes before to seven eyes after surgery (P=0.042). CONCLUSIONS: PPV has a beneficial effect on the course and the complications of chronic uveitis in paediatric and juvenile patients with respect to the anatomical and visual outcome. Preoperative logMAR visual acuity and clinically significant CME were the most accurate predictors for the functional outcome.


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An 80-year-old nonsmoking man was referred to our hospital with bilateral perihilar pulmonary opacities. He had a history of epilepsy, sclerosing cholangitis, cutaneous lesions previously diagnosed as localised Langerhans cell histiocytosis. Symptoms included dry cough and dyspnea. Chest CT showed bilateral perihilar alveolar consolidation with bronchiectasis. Histological examination of a lung biopsy showed typical features of Langerhans cell granulomatosis. Investigations revealed anterior and posterior hypopituitarism. An important improvement occurred with corticosteroid and vinblastine treatment.


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he physics program of the NA61/SHINE (SHINE = SPS Heavy Ion and Neutrino Experiment) experiment at the CERN SPS consists of three subjects. In the first stage of data taking (2007-2009) measurements of hadron production in hadron-nucleus interactions needed for neutrino (T2K) and cosmic-ray (Pierre Auger and KASCADE) experiments will be performed. In the second stage (2009-2010) hadron production in proton-proton and proton-nucleus interactions needed as reference data for a better understanding of nucleus-nucleus reactions will be studied. In the third stage (2009-2013) energy dependence of hadron production properties will be measured in p+p, p+Pb interactions and nucleus-nucleus collisions, with the aim to identify the properties of the onset of deconfinement and find evidence for the critical point of strongly interacting matter. The NA61 experiment was approved at CERN in June 2007. The first pilot run was performed during October 2007. Calibrations of all detector components have been performed successfully and preliminary uncorrected spectra have been obtained. High quality of track reconstruction and particle identification similar to NA49 has been achieved. The data and new detailed simulations confirm that the NA61 detector acceptance and particle identification capabilities cover the phase space required by the T2K experiment. This document reports on the progress made in the calibration and analysis of the 2007 data.


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When considering NLO corrections to thermal particle production in the “relativistic” regime, in which the invariant mass squared of the produced particle is K2 ~ (πT)2, then the production rate can be expressed as a sum of a few universal “master” spectral functions. Taking the most complicated 2-loop master as an example, a general strategy for obtaining a convergent 2-dimensional integral representation is suggested. The analysis applies both to bosonic and fermionic statistics, and shows that for this master the non-relativistic approximation is only accurate for K2 ~(8πT)2, whereas the zero-momentum approximation works surprisingly well. Once the simpler masters have been similarly resolved, NLO results for quantities such as the right-handed neutrino production rate from a Standard Model plasma or the dilepton production rate from a QCD plasma can be assembled for K2 ~ (πT)2.