929 resultados para multi-objective genetic algorithms


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A multi-objective design optimization study has been conducted for upstream fuel injection through porous media applied to the first ramp of a two-dimensional scramjet intake. The optimization has been performed by coupling evolutionary algorithms assisted by surrogate modeling and computational fluid dynamics with respect to three design criteria, that is, the maximization of the absolute mixing quantity, total pressure saving, and fuel penetration. A distinct Pareto optimal front has been obtained, highlighting the counteracting behavior of the total pressure against the mixing efficiency and fuel penetration. The injector location and size have been identified as the key design parameters as a result of a sensitivity analysis, with negligible influence of the porous properties in the configurations and conditions considered in the present study. Flowfield visualization has revealed the underlying physics associated with the effects of these dominant parameters on the shock structure and intensity.


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Many complex aeronautical design problems can be formulated with efficient multi-objective evolutionary optimization methods and game strategies. This book describes the role of advanced innovative evolution tools in the solution, or the set of solutions of single or multi disciplinary optimization. These tools use the concept of multi-population, asynchronous parallelization and hierarchical topology which allows different models including precise, intermediate and approximate models with each node belonging to the different hierarchical layer handled by a different Evolutionary Algorithm. The efficiency of evolutionary algorithms for both single and multi-objective optimization problems are significantly improved by the coupling of EAs with games and in particular by a new dynamic methodology named “Hybridized Nash-Pareto games”. Multi objective Optimization techniques and robust design problems taking into account uncertainties are introduced and explained in detail. Several applications dealing with civil aircraft and UAV, UCAV systems are implemented numerically and discussed. Applications of increasing optimization complexity are presented as well as two hands-on test cases problems. These examples focus on aeronautical applications and will be useful to the practitioner in the laboratory or in industrial design environments. The evolutionary methods coupled with games presented in this volume can be applied to other areas including surface and marine transport, structures, biomedical engineering, renewable energy and environmental problems.


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Multi-objective optimization is an active field of research with broad applicability in aeronautics. This report details a variant of the original NSGA-II software aimed to improve the performances of such a widely used Genetic Algorithm in finding the optimal Pareto-front of a Multi-Objective optimization problem for the use of UAV and aircraft design and optimsaiton. Original NSGA-II works on a population of predetermined constant size and its computational cost to evaluate one generation is O(mn^2 ), being m the number of objective functions and n the population size. The basic idea encouraging this work is that of reduce the computational cost of the NSGA-II algorithm by making it work on a population of variable size, in order to obtain better convergence towards the Pareto-front in less time. In this work some test functions will be tested with both original NSGA-II and VPNSGA-II algorithms; each test will be timed in order to get a measure of the computational cost of each trial and the results will be compared.


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Hospitals are critical elements of health care systems and analysing their capacity to do work is a very important topic. To perform a system wide analysis of public hospital resources and capacity, a multi-objective optimization (MOO) approach has been proposed. This approach identifies the theoretical capacity of the entire hospital and facilitates a sensitivity analysis, for example of the patient case mix. It is necessary because the competition for hospital resources, for example between different entities, is highly influential on what work can be done. The MOO approach has been extensively tested on a real life case study and significant worth is shown. In this MOO approach, the epsilon constraint method has been utilized. However, for solving real life applications, with a large number of competing objectives, it was necessary to devise new and improved algorithms. In addition, to identify the best solution, a separable programming approach was developed. Multiple optimal solutions are also obtained via the iterative refinement and re-solution of the model.


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The problem of scheduling divisible loads in distributed computing systems, in presence of processor release time is considered. The objective is to find the optimal sequence of load distribution and the optimal load fractions assigned to each processor in the system such that the processing time of the entire processing load is a minimum. This is a difficult combinatorial optimization problem and hence genetic algorithms approach is presented for its solution.


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This paper describes Mateda-2.0, a MATLAB package for estimation of distribution algorithms (EDAs). This package can be used to solve single and multi-objective discrete and continuous optimization problems using EDAs based on undirected and directed probabilistic graphical models. The implementation contains several methods commonly employed by EDAs. It is also conceived as an open package to allow users to incorporate different combinations of selection, learning, sampling, and local search procedures. Additionally, it includes methods to extract, process and visualize the structures learned by the probabilistic models. This way, it can unveil previously unknown information about the optimization problem domain. Mateda-2.0 also incorporates a module for creating and validating function models based on the probabilistic models learned by EDAs.


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Quantum Computing is a relatively modern field which simulates quantum computation conditions. Moreover, it can be used to estimate which quasiparticles would endure better in a quantum environment. Topological Quantum Computing (TQC) is an approximation for reducing the quantum decoherence problem1, which is responsible for error appearance in the representation of information. This project tackles specific instances of TQC problems using MOEAs (Multi-objective Optimization Evolutionary Algorithms). A MOEA is a type of algorithm which will optimize two or more objectives of a problem simultaneously, using a population based approach. We have implemented MOEAs that use probabilistic procedures found in EDAs (Estimation of Distribution Algorithms), since in general, EDAs have found better solutions than ordinary EAs (Evolutionary Algorithms), even though they are more costly. Both, EDAs and MOEAs are population-based algorithms. The objective of this project was to use a multi-objective approach in order to find good solutions for several instances of a TQC problem. In particular, the objectives considered in the project were the error approximation and the length of a solution. The tool we used to solve the instances of the problem was the multi-objective framework PISA. Because PISA has not too much documentation available, we had to go through a process of reverse-engineering of the framework to understand its modules and the way they communicate with each other. Once its functioning was understood, we began working on a module dedicated to the braid problem. Finally, we submitted this module to an exhaustive experimentation phase and collected results.


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We used Plane Wave Expansion Method and a Rapid Genetic Algorithm to design two-dimensional photonic crystals with a large absolute band gap. A filling fraction controlling operator and Fourier transform data storage mechanism had been integrated into the genetic operators to get desired photonic crystals effectively and efficiently. Starting from randomly generated photonic crystals, the proposed RGA evolved toward the best objectives and yielded a square lattice photonic crystal with the band gap (defined as the gap to mid-gap ratio) as large as 13.25%. Furthermore, the evolutionary objective was modified and resulted in a satisfactory PC for better application to slab system.


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A new search-space-updating technique for genetic algorithms is proposed for continuous optimisation problems. Other than gradually reducing the search space during the evolution process with a fixed reduction rate set ‘a priori’, the upper and the lower boundaries for each variable in the objective function are dynamically adjusted based on its distribution statistics. To test the effectiveness, the technique is applied to a number of benchmark optimisation problems in comparison with three other techniques, namely the genetic algorithms with parameter space size adjustment (GAPSSA) technique [A.B. Djurišic, Elite genetic algorithms with adaptive mutations for solving continuous optimization problems – application to modeling of the optical constants of solids, Optics Communications 151 (1998) 147–159], successive zooming genetic algorithm (SZGA) [Y. Kwon, S. Kwon, S. Jin, J. Kim, Convergence enhanced genetic algorithm with successive zooming method for solving continuous optimization problems, Computers and Structures 81 (2003) 1715–1725] and a simple GA. The tests show that for well-posed problems, existing search space updating techniques perform well in terms of convergence speed and solution precision however, for some ill-posed problems these techniques are statistically inferior to a simple GA. All the tests show that the proposed new search space update technique is statistically superior to its counterparts.


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A methodology is presented that combines a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm and artificial neural networks to optimise single-storey steel commercial buildings for net-zero carbon impact. Both symmetric and asymmetric geometries are considered in conjunction with regulated, unregulated and embodied carbon. Offsetting is achieved through photovoltaic (PV) panels integrated into the roof. Asymmetric geometries can increase the south facing surface area and consequently allow for improved PV energy production. An exemplar carbon and energy breakdown of a retail unit located in Belfast UK with a south facing PV roof is considered. It was found in most cases that regulated energy offsetting can be achieved with symmetric geometries. However, asymmetric geometries were necessary to account for the unregulated and embodied carbon. For buildings where the volume is large due to high eaves, carbon offsetting became increasingly more difficult, and not possible in certain cases. The use of asymmetric geometries was found to allow for lower embodied energy structures with similar carbon performance to symmetrical structures.


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The design of neuro-fuzzy models is still a complex problem, as it involves not only the determination of the model parameters, but also its structure. Of special importance is the incorporation of a priori information in the design process. In this paper two known design algorithms for B-spline models will be updated to account for function and derivatives equality restrictions, which are important when the neural model is used for performing single or multi-objective optimization on-line.


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Neural networks and genetic algorithms have been in the past successfully applied, separately, to controller turning problems. In this paper we propose to combine its joint use, by exploiting the nonlinear mapping capabilites of neural networks to model objective functions, and to use them to supply their values to a genetic algorithm which performs on-line minimization.


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In this paper a recent approach for PID autotuning, involving neural networks, is ferther developed. To make this approach adaptive, optimal PID values must be known on-line. In this paper neural network models of tuning criteria, together with the use of genetic algorithms, are proposed to solve this problem.


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Three dimensional model design is a well-known and studied field, with numerous real-world applications. However, the manual construction of these models can often be time-consuming to the average user, despite the advantages o ffered through computational advances. This thesis presents an approach to the design of 3D structures using evolutionary computation and L-systems, which involves the automated production of such designs using a strict set of fitness functions. These functions focus on the geometric properties of the models produced, as well as their quantifiable aesthetic value - a topic which has not been widely investigated with respect to 3D models. New extensions to existing aesthetic measures are discussed and implemented in the presented system in order to produce designs which are visually pleasing. The system itself facilitates the construction of models requiring minimal user initialization and no user-based feedback throughout the evolutionary cycle. The genetic programming evolved models are shown to satisfy multiple criteria, conveying a relationship between their assigned aesthetic value and their perceived aesthetic value. Exploration into the applicability and e ffectiveness of a multi-objective approach to the problem is also presented, with a focus on both performance and visual results. Although subjective, these results o er insight into future applications and study in the fi eld of computational aesthetics and automated structure design.


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As the complexity of evolutionary design problems grow, so too must the quality of solutions scale to that complexity. In this research, we develop a genetic programming system with individuals encoded as tree-based generative representations to address scalability. This system is capable of multi-objective evaluation using a ranked sum scoring strategy. We examine Hornby's features and measures of modularity, reuse and hierarchy in evolutionary design problems. Experiments are carried out, using the system to generate three-dimensional forms, and analyses of feature characteristics such as modularity, reuse and hierarchy were performed. This work expands on that of Hornby's, by examining a new and more difficult problem domain. The results from these experiments show that individuals encoded with those three features performed best overall. It is also seen, that the measures of complexity conform to the results of Hornby. Moving forward with only this best performing encoding, the system was applied to the generation of three-dimensional external building architecture. One objective considered was passive solar performance, in which the system was challenged with generating forms that optimize exposure to the Sun. The results from these and other experiments satisfied the requirements. The system was shown to scale well to the architectural problems studied.